
Chapter 206 - 203 | There Are Some Things That You Get Used To When You Do Them.

Chapter 206 - 203 There Are Some Things That You Get Used To When You Do Them.

\'There was a traitor in S.P.E.A.R?\'

Luke\'s first reaction when he heard the news was that it felt unreal. ??

As many people know, S.H.I.E.L.D. was jokingly called the \'Snake Shield Bureau\' because of the large number of newcomers.

In addition to the Director and a few reliable confidantes, the staff were basically all Hydra.

When Nick Fury learned the truth, bitter wine went into his throat, he dissolved S.H.I.E.L.D and went underground.

Therefore, in terms of hating traitors, he must have a common topic with Gin, the big brother of a famous distillery.

The other was lurking undercover, for over 3 years, and was almost becoming the boss of the trade.

And the both of them believe that they were obviously doing serious work to develop the organization.

Only to find that there were a group of traitors around, and the base had been infiltrated from top to bottom.

"Traitors? So, the main purpose of Director Zheng Xian\'s visit to Paris this time is to search for those five people?"

Luke\'s face remained unchanged. He took a sip of champagne to calm his inner surprise.

\'S.P.E.A.R could have traitors?\'

\'This doesn\'t make sense.\'

As far as he knew, the members there were all firm in their beliefs, as if they had been sealed with a steel bond.

Not to mention a traitor of the organization, they had never even revealed a seam.

Compared with superheroes who were active in the decadent capitalist society, their ideological outlook wasn\'t as high as that.

Everyone knew that the superhero circle in the \'Land of the Free\' had always been a mess.

Those domestic violence, disorderly private life, even the Dark Prince from the studio next door cuckolded people … all kinds of problems, one after another.

If this was in S.P.E.A.R, it would be a serious problem to be dealt with by examination, confinement and even suspension.

As a matter of fact, no matter which parallel universe it was, when it came to discipline and organization, no one was better than China.

(Translator: Pssh… *eye roll* I can name a few.)

This was why Luke reacted with surprise.

\'S.P.E.A.R could have traitors?\'

\'And five at once?\'

\'This doesn\'t sound credible at all.\'

"General Cavill, you seem surprised?"

Zheng Xian gave Luke a strange look as he pulled at the lobster meat.

He always felt that this Lieutenant General Superman seemed to know a lot about S.P.E.A.R.

From the moment they met, the other party displayed a type of \'I expected it all\' and an \'I already figured out what you were going to say next,\' sort of aura.

He seemed to be in control of the whole situation, knew everything, and had confidence with every move he made.

Zheng Xian has met so many great people, he had even dealt with the K\'un-Lun monks for some time, even if they were hidden from the world.

But it was the first time he had ever met someone like Luke.

"Indeed. Regardless of the Shield or Spear, we\'re an intelligence agency. The emergence of traitors isn\'t a trivial matter."

Luke said lightly, "But looking at Director Zheng Xian, you don\'t seem to be in a hurry."

"In all seriousness, they aren\'t really members of S.P.E.A.R."

Zheng Xian smiled, wiped his mouth, and spoke with a smile, "It was actually quite a long time ago that the five traitors stole an important treasure and then escaped from S.P.E.A.R.\'s jurisdiction."

"There is an old saying in China; Family shame must not be revealed. So, at that time, S.P.E.A.R. didn\'t want to make a big deal out of it, just a large-scale search and arrest for a while, no one was found, and that was it. Who knew, not long ago, we received news that the five traitors secretly sacrificed to the evil gods and caused a lot of trouble in Southeast Asia."

Luke\'s eyes flashed. Although Zheng Xian was vague, but he still saw through the content, and filled in the whole event.

The five traitors, probably were the founders of the Hand Clan.

They were originally bitter monks in K\'un-Lun, but secretly stole the dragon bones and came to this world.

The Five escaped the pursuit of S.P.E.A.R, traveled all over the world, and finally took root in Japan after World War II.

The \'the evil gods\' that Zheng Xian mentioned was in fact the dimensional Beast outside the main universe.

The Hand didn\'t know where it exists and still worships it as a god.

From time to time, they would look for a suitable container for the other to descend into.

The host of the parasite was named \'Black Sky\'.

The body\'s potential would be developed, and all aspects of power would be greatly enhanced.

Daredevil was once transformed into a Black Sky, opened Shadowland, and grinded the street heroes of Hell\'s Kitchen to the ground.

"I see. So, what can S.H.I.E.L.D. do to help?"

Luke asked politely.

Although S.P.E.A.R was powerful and profound.

However, because there was no contact with the outside world, their intelligence network was still a bit lacking.

Perhaps, Zheng Xian never expected it either.

The five traitors he was looking for were actually hiding in Japan.

This may be shadow under the lamp.

"If S.H.I.E.L.D. could help, that would be great. Agent Yan is an excellent marksman with excellent business skills. But in the end, he is unfamiliar with the area, and trying to find the five traitors would be akin to looking for a needle in a haystack."

Zheng Xian didn\'t seem to notice that Luke was just being polite, he took the gesture literally, and eagerly said, "On behalf of S.P.E.A.R., I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Lt. General Cavill for this matter."

Luke paused and looked at Zheng Xian\'s serious face and enthusiastic attitude.

\'Did I just trip into the hole I dug?\'

He couldn\'t help but think of this.

\'Walking at the beach, inevitably your feet would get wet.\'

He was the one to ever pull the wool over people\'s eyes, to trap those wicked capitalists.

\'Who would have thought that tonight, I would have met my opponent and unknowingly fallen for Director Zheng\'s tactics.

"Director Zheng Xian, after saying so much, it turns out you were waiting for me here."

Luke shook his head, but there was no sense of being annoyed.

This guy was a sociable person, talking openly and generously, seemingly having nothing to hide, making people feel good. But in fact, important information was hidden even deeper.

Sure enough, these days, those who could mingle with the Director weren\'t ordinary people.

"Hahaha, I am thin-skinned and afraid of being rejected. Don\'t take it to heart, Lieutenant General. If there\'s an opportunity, I\'ll invite you to try the eight famous cuisines in China, and guarantee that you would never taste the same dishes each day. Take it as a compensation for the offence."

Zheng Xian\'s laughter was bright and clear, still with the same warm look.

"Please don\'t take that little request to heart."

Luke pondered for a moment and shook his head, "No way! When you ask for help, you have to be sincere."

"In accordance with the norms of China, we must at least drink a few rounds before we get down to business."

Without waiting for Zheng Xian\'s answer, Luke beckoned to the waiter with the tray.

It\'s okay to promise help, consider it doing a good deed.

But for his small lost to the other party, he had to get it back.

"Vodka. Keep it coming!"

Luke waved his hand with great pride.

The waiter quickly brought over several cases of vodka supplied by the Soviet delegation.

"Director Zheng Xian, a toast."

Luke didn\'t waste any time, he just poured himself a glass.

Anyway, no matter how strong the liquor was, it was no different than soda for him.

"Um… Then … a toast."

Zheng Xian finally showed a bitter smile. He didn\'t expect that the tradition of drinking in China had been imported to foreign countries.

"As the old saying goes, give your life to accompany a gentleman, like loyal brothers in arms. Lieutenant General, I\'m throwing caution to the wind today."

Zheng Xian thought that he was a veteran drinker, and he was undefeated when drinking, so he tilted his head and downed three shots at once.

Whether he could out drink him or not, he couldn\'t lose the momentum!

As a result, a good welcome banquet turned into an alcohol tasting party.

The Soviet Union\'s delegate, who was sitting on the other side, also joined in.

After all, where there was vodka, they would be there.

When they saw that the boxes of vodka quickly bottomed out, the waiters were busy replenishing the drinks.

Before long, the whole venue was filled with Luke\'s request for more rounds, and people slamming their glasses on the table with thuds.

"I\'m … not drunk! I can keep drinking! Come on! Cavill … a toast!"

2 hours later, Zheng Xian, who had always been steady, opened his mouth and spoke with a slur.

Except for Luke, who was still awake and sitting upright, even the Soviet Union\'s delegate was lying under the table.

The whole venue was filled with the strong smell of alcohol.

As for the French and the English; they were already snarling \'rude barbarians!\' while escorting the dancers back to their rooms.

"Send Director Zheng Xian back to his room."

Luke nodded with satisfaction as he watched Zheng Xian slide half way down his chair.

Later, he looked for a hot Parisian girl, to truly let Director Zheng know what the word \'exotic\' meant.

Of course, whether the other party would write a self-reflection and apology letter to the organization afterwards, wasn\'t Luke\'s concern.

\'I hope Director Zheng won\'t take this little prank to heart. \'

Looking at Zheng Xian, who was supported out, Luke shrugged his shoulders. He came to Paris, the "city of love". How could he not have an \'encounter\'?

Early in the morning, the next day.

"As I thought, you might not have the energy to attend the meeting after a night of tossing and turning."

Luke, who was sitting in the restaurant enjoying breakfast, glanced at Howard, who looked weak in the legs and had thick dark circles under his eyes. He couldn\'t help mocking: "Your health is really dying, so you can buy some mummy powder."

In Europe from 17th to 19th century, many doctors thought mūmiyā pigment could cure all diseases.

Arthritis, stroke, tuberculosis … everything could be cured.

Among them, decomposition.

The most famous claim was that it was an aphrodisiac.

Which was used when sildenafil -- a drug commonly known as Viagra -- wasn\'t developed yet.

If one wanted to solve male problems, one could only turn to prescriptions.

"It was all an accident. Last night while you were drinking with the Soviets, I saw my target and launched an attack on a beautiful dancer, suggesting that the party be over and inviting her to my room to talk about the mysteries of biological reproduction."

Howard rubbed his waist and sat down, but his face was flushed with excitement.

"As a result, who would have thought that she had an equally beautiful sister. I couldn\'t hold back for a second - it would have been impossible for anyone to turn down the two warm and generous twin sisters standing in front of them!"

Luke smeared the croissant with a layer of jam and snickered, "It\'s best to live within your means. You aren\'t young, Howard. One against two is a challenging mission, even for you."

Howard, who was pulling at the bacon slices, grunted and puffed up his chest, "Sometimes skills are more important than physical strength. I\'ve been in and out of love for so many years. I\'ve already summed up a set of secret techniques."

"I can teach it to you next time, Luke."

"Stay away from me, I\'m not interested in talking about sex with a man."

Luke showed a disdainful expression and solemnly said, "I am still young, physical strength and durability is the biggest capital. I don\'t have to use those childish things."

Howard, who suffered tons of crit damage, sourly said, "That\'s what I envy most about Superman."

After a few words, Luke, wiping his mouth, saw a wobbly Zheng Xian entering the restaurant.

He quickly greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Director Zheng, how was your night? I believe you have fully felt the enthusiasm of the people of Paris."

Zheng Xian, who was still hung over, saw Luke walking over, and wanted to spit on his face.

This morning, he woke up to find a foreign girl in his arms.

Scattered clothes were on the carpet, and the sheets on the bed were a mess.

His foggy head was instantly awake.

This was a blunder, he would be reprimanded when he got back!

When he walked out of the room, Zheng Xian was already thinking about how to tell the organization and write a heartfelt letter of self-reflection.

"General Cavill, you\'ve caused problems for me."

Zheng Xian was very regretful now.

\'Drinking causes problems, the elders weren\'t lying.\'

"Director Zheng, you\'re still single, and not even engaged. Having a foreign love affair. The spring of youth. It\'s a good story to have."

Luke said while smiling, then patted the other on the shoulder, "See you at Versailles later."

Looking at the young General, Zheng Xian silently went to the table, holding a cup of hot milk in both hands, sipping it while paying tribute to his lost chastity.

"Um… this kind of thing. You get use to it eventually."

Howard, who still felt his legs were weak, stood up and comforted him.

When he was 16 years old, after a passionate encounter with a female teacher, he felt the same way as Zheng Xian.

"By the way, do you want to go to the Moulin Rouge tonight? I can show you the sights and sounds of Paris."

Hearing Howard\'s friendly question, Zheng Xian trembled all over.

Thinking of the mountain of self-reflection letters and the organization\'s reprimand, he quickly shook his head.

It was no wonder that before going abroad, the leaders lectured him with great enthusiasm, that there were too many temptations in the outside world, and the sugar-coated bullets of capitalism can corrupt people\'s hearts.

At that time, Zheng Xian didn\'t take it to heart and thought he was strong-minded and fearless.

He never expected to be cautious, but step by step, still fell into Luke\'s hands.

\'I\'m sorry Leader. \'

The S.P.E.A.R. Director, with tears in his eyes, thought silently.

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