
Chapter 87 - A Treat To A Meal

Chapter 87: A Treat To A Meal

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was enough. Chiu Wan-Ting had finally had enough! She did not know what she found attractive about that man when she met him 20 years ago. She did not have too many demands and only wanted to find an average man whom she could spend her days with. If she could have another chance, she would absolutely never choose that man again! Even if she ended up marrying a disabled person or someone who was ugly and frustrating, she would never choose that man again! Now, she only wanted to leave that stubborn, conservative man who seemed to think that he was living in an olden era, far, far away!

Divorce. She wanted to divorce that man! Now! Immediately! It would be best if she could divorce him right now. When he had strangled her throat and caused her to suffocate for those few seconds, she had truly experienced what it must be like to die. At that moment, she became determined to leave him. Although by doing so, she would let her son down, she was still determined to get a divorce. It might adversely affect his future development or even cause him to have difficulties in finding a partner. Even so, she had to be separated from that man at the very least!

Hence, she took her mobile phone and called her son to ask for his opinion. From the other side of the phone, her son Hung Siming said, “Mom, I support you! Since a very long time ago, I’ve felt that you should divorce Dad. He’s just an antique! He’s only happy when you wait on him hand and foot at home like a servant girl. He’s an elementary school language teacher and also frequently teaches others about our ancient history and culture. But, I just think that he’s a feudal dross! You said that he almost strangled you to death; you have to immediately divorce him! Mom, you don’t have to worry about me. I’ve got a girlfriend recently, if she knew about this situation, she would also support your decision to leave! If you don’t leave, she may even be worried about marrying into this kind of home. Mom, no matter what, I support you! I’ll follow you as my parent in the future!”

Chiu Wan-Ting’s tears started falling. “Ok, son, I’ll listen to you.” Her son’s support had eliminated the greatest worry in her heart. In the next few days, she temporarily set aside matters regarding the shop. She only wanted to focus on achieving one thing: getting a divorce!


Huang You De’s face was livid with rage. “Divorce? Don’t talk to me about this! It’s impossible, don’t even begin!” He was not afraid of divorce, he was afraid that he could not afford to lose that person!

“We’ll divorce even if you don’t want to. I’ll go to the court and make a complaint against you. You beat me up like this; this is evidence of domestic violence. The judge will sanction a divorce!” Chiu Wan-Ting’s attitude was strong and unyielding. She went to the court on that very same day and filed for a divorce lawsuit.

After a round of arbitration in the courthouse, these were the results. They found out that there were indeed no feelings left between the two and there were serious conflicts between their personalities. Through the psychologist’s evaluation, he judged that Huang You De’s personality was rather extreme and was heavily inclined towards violence. If they were to continue maintaining their married status after this case of domestic violence, Chiu Wan-Ting’s life would be endangered. A separation was advised and the marriage would be dissolved. Following which, the court issued the judgement of agreeing to Chiu Wan-Ting’s divorce lawsuit and sanctioning their divorce.

Huang You De’s eyes turned red, “I don’t agree, I won’t cede to this!” He tore the court’s notice letter into little pieces. Under the influence of his rage, frustration, and humiliation, he almost felt like he was going insane. Hence, he went to Forever Jewels the next day and kicked up a big fuss. He was prepared to ferret Chiu Wan-Ting out and drag her home straightaway!

“Stop him, stop him!” Guo Yan reached out her hand and clawed five bloody streaks on his face. “Sisters, this shit wants to kill our Store Manager, let’s beat him up together!” She raised her foot and kicked him fiercely.

“110; quickly call the police!”

Under the concerted efforts of everyone in the shop, they managed to suppress Huang You De. The police came to take him away and he was subsequently detained in the administrative detention center for five days. After he was released on bail, he came to the shop a few more times to create a scene. But, each time, he had left quietly in embarrassment without gaining any advantage.

Huang You De was so angry that he became capable of committing anything. One day after she had clocked out of work, he followed her all the way to a small neighborhood nearby where she had rented a place. He darted out from the side and covered her mouth. With an expression of madness, he began dragging her to some unknown area.

“Release the Store Manager!” These few days, Guo Yan had been acting as Chiu Wan-Ting’s protective detail after work. When she heard her scream, she backtracked just in time. Taking out the anti-molester spray from her bag, she sprayed it frantically at his eyes!

“Ah! Ah!” Huang You De screeched as he loosened his grip and covered his eyes.

“Die, scum!” Guo Yan executed a flying kick and knocked him down onto the ground. She rushed over and beat him with her fists and feet continuously for more than 10 minutes. Huang You De struggled with all his might but realized that his strength was no match for this woman. He was fully suppressed. His face was slapped beyond recognition and he still did not have even a smidgeon of strength to retaliate!

If Chiu Wan-Ting did not hold her back, Huang You De would have been beaten to death.


Finally, Guo Yan took out a butterfly knife from her bag and held it in front of Huang You De. With a cold voice, she said, “Listen, you scum! If you dare to harass the Store Manager again, I’ll kill you!” A chilling light glinted off the blade of the butterfly knife. It made him duck his head.

The next day, Huang You De was sent to the hospital. There, it was found that he had two broken ribs and severe contusions all over his body. He had to be hospitalized for at least a month to recover. Logically, he should have called the police so that his assaulter, Guo Yan, could be arrested. But, he wanted to protect his image. Not only did he not call the police, he even said that it was from a fall due to his own carelessness.

After the incident, Huang You De never harassed Chiu Wan-Ting again. He did not dare to do so. Every time he saw the killing intent in Guo Yan’s eyes, he felt goosebumps on his back. Many areas of his body would act up with a dull throbbing pain.

After the big battle that night, Guo Yan became the heroine of the shop. Everyone praised her for the achievement of violently beating up the scum and emerging victorious from the fight. Chiu Wan-Ting trusted her even more and promoted her to the Assistant Store Manager. The boss, Chen Jin, heard about this incident and nodded. “Good job, Guo Yan. If you had not taken action, the consequences would be unimaginable... Way to go!” He stuck up his thumb.

Guo Yan scratched her head in embarrassment. With a blush on her face, she said with a lowered head, “Thank you, Chief Chen!” Then, she quickly explained, “That... Chief Chen, don’t listen to their nonsense. Really, I’m not that violent. I don’t know taekwondo either. My strength comes from doing manual work. Usually, I don’t fight...” She did not know why she was explaining this. But, her face felt even hotter after her explanation.

“Hahahaha!” Chen Jin threw his head back in a great laugh. “I know, you have a very gentle personality and a courageous heart that would do everything to help someone in need. This is very good, but you have to pay attention to your own safety too. There are too many scum in society. You have to protect yourself!”

“Uh huh! I carry the self-protection three-piece kit for ladies in my bag every day!” Guo Yan tapped her head. The concern from the boss warmed her heart.


Chiu Wan-Ting had divorced her husband and successfully freed herself from that man. Chen Jin sighed in relief. It was not that he could not wait for them to divorce, but he felt that her family situation would always pose a potential risk. Huang You De was a ticking time bomb who could threaten the daily operations of Forever Jewels anytime.

Currently, Chiu Wan-Ting rented an apartment near Forever Jewels that was only a five-minute walk away. In the future, she could commit herself fully to her work and provide a better service for the shop. Her income would then be secured.

Hence, Chen Jin felt so sufficiently reassured after her divorce that he raised her salary to $80,000 just a few short days later. It was to celebrate her divorce too.

He also really admired Guo Yan’s brave act. He was seriously thinking about specially training her. Chiu Wan-Ting understood his intent and soon promoted her to Assistant Store Manager. She imparted all her industry knowledge and experience that she had accumulated to Guo Yan.

Thus, Chen Jin felt more reassured about the operations of the shop.


One day, Chen Jin received a call. It was Director Dong at the Industry of Business and Commerce.

“Little Chen, are you free recently? You helped my daughter get more than 20 sets of Wa-wah robots; she’s been wanting to treat you out to a meal to show her appreciation. But, you’re always busy... Little Chen, this has been going on for more than a month, are you still unable to make some time for a meal?” From the phone call, he could tell that her tone was somewhat complaining, and carried a trace of impatience.

“Erm....” Chen Jin considered it for a moment and said, “Auntie Dong, recently, I’m less busy. I’m free tomorrow.”

Director Dong said happily, “Good, show some sensitivity for her feelings and let her treat you to a meal to show her thanks!”

Chen Jin nodded. “Ok!”

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