
Chapter 100 - 99 Brother Fei to the Rescue (Part 2)

The experience listed on Truman Dale’s resume clearly indicates that he is a top-notch professional who is well-versed in law. He is an extremely suitable candidate for Finn Lewis, if he chooses to buy a handcrafted car manufacturing shop in Achievement Country. Undoubtedly, he would need someone to testify to this purchase on his behalf. Considering how, from the first time Finn met him. Truman disDlaved a clear understanding of tact. bv skilfullv grabbing the attention of his potential employer, Finn had no doubt that Truman was the right man to handle this task.

This was just the kind of person Finn needed! After discussing things with Fishy Wells inside the room, Finn instructed Fishy Wells to call Truman Dale back. There was no hint of disappointment on Truman’s face when he was called up again a few minutes after returning to the room. Once he entered the room, he respectfully greeted Mr. Lewis.

It must be said, that the federal people, in this respect, were utterly professional and respectful to their employers, as was evident from former cases like Luca Hall’s. They were shrewd and incredibly smart, knowing exactly what kind of person they needed, and precisely when and what actions needed to be taken.

“Mr. Truman, you mentioned during our ride that Volkswagen is not a great choice. I understand that you have a better recommendation in mind. Could you share it with me?” Lewis went straight to the point.

Taken aback, Truman hadn’t expected Finn to ask such a question. Despite having better options in his mind, he didn’t anticipate that Finn, perceived as a prodigal, was capable of showing such insight or reaction. From Truman’s experiences with many like him, and from the journey from the road to the hotel, he had branded Finn a spendthrift and a prodigal son. He had absolutely not anticipated Finn’s response or level of insight.

In the car on the way to their destination, Truman had meant to share his thoughts, but Finn had simply brushed them off. This had led Truman to believe that this employer of his just didn’t get what he was trying to convey. But now, when Finn had asked him so directly, Truman immediately realized that his employer was not a simple man!

“Of course, but may I first ask, Mr. Lewis, why do you want to buy a car manufacturing plant?” Before sharing his own opinions, Truman decided to first understand Finn’s goals. Knowing the employer’s objectives would allow him to serve his employer better. This was his standard work principle and one of the reasons for his stellar reputation and success as a lawyer in Achievement Country.

“Mr. Truman, you’re mistaken. I’m not looking to buy a car manufacturing plant but a private car production workshop that handcrafts cars,” Finn clarified with a smile.

“Ah? Do you mean to say that you want to enter the industry of luxury car manufacturing?” Truman immediately understood the difference. He had initially thought of assembly line production, where cars are produced in bulk for market sale. But now, what Finn had in mind was a car manufacturing workshop that specialized in handcrafted cars. This was entirely different! Such workshops produced only luxury cars and sports cars, most of which were in the million-dollar range.

Cars like Ferrari, Bugatti, and Siamese Phantom, which had limited global sales, fell into this category.

Unfortunately, as confident as Truman was that he had guessed correctly this time, he was bound to face disappointment. The man sitting across from him was anything but predictable.

Finn chuckled lightly, “Mr. Truman, your guess is very close but still somewhat off. I agree with manufacturing luxury cars, but I disagree with the commercial aspect of it. I’m not purchasing this handcrafted car manufacturing workshop for sales. The cars produced by this workshop will be exclusively proposed for my family and me. The brand of cars produced will not be for sale; they’ll be for my personal use.” Finn’s voice was steady and calm as he spoke.

Upon hearing this, Truman could feel an energetic jolt rush from his tailbone to his head, tingling his scalp. Was this what it meant to be aristocratic?! Until now, Truman might have met many nobles, but today, he had truly grasped what it meant to be a noble. His face turned bright red with excitement. Who in the world would buy a luxury car handcrafting workshop solely for personal use and not for sales?! Truman wasn’t sure if other wealthy people did this, but as far as he knew, in the entire world, only one person did.

“Now, Mr. Truman, do you understand what I am trying to say?” Finn asked again with a smile.

“Yes… Yes, I understand.” Even though Truman had been respectful to Finn earlier, he hadn’t been nervous. But now, after hearing Finn’s words, he felt an unusual surge of nerves. He, who had met countless leaders and wealthy people, was stuttering — an unusual occurrence!

“Well then, Mr. Truman, have you come up with any good recommendations?” Finn chuckled as he posed the question.

Good recommendations? The ones Truman had in mind before were irrelevant now. He had been off base right from the start! He had initially considered the cost-effectiveness for Finn but now, he realised how foolish that was. Someone who could casually buy a car manufacturing company purely for personal vehicle production didn’t need to worry about cost-effectiveness! How could he think that owners of such bespoke vehicle production workshops that seemed relatively cheap would lack funds?! Their annual expenses could add up to rather large amounts! On the surface, it might seem like handcrafted production, but the machinery inside was far more advanced than that of an assembly line production factory, with higher precision. The “handcrafted” aspect referred to every component of the car being crafted by professional engineers personally operating those machines. Any component that failed to meet the standards was immediately discarded and remade..

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