
Chapter 288: Interlude 17

Chapter 288: Interlude 17

"It\'s fine, Kuisha!" I slapped her shoulder. "What\'s the worse that could happen?"

"Many things could go wrong." She sighed, but I didn\'t dwell on it.

After meeting Wilhelm, well, I felt like I should visit Rias. It\'d been too long since I\'d seen my other cousin.

"You worry too much."

"Shouldn\'t you atleast give Rias a heads up that you\'re coming over?"

"Nah, it\'s fine." I continued walking towards this human school that Rias was going to. I couldn\'t say I understood why she was doing this, seemed pretty pointless to me, but I guess it made her happy.

"What about the others that you left in Kyoto?" She asked.

"They can take care of themselves for a few hours." There weren\'t many people around. Did the humans already go home for the day? "And we won\'t be here long, a couple hours at most."

"Why are you so intent on seeing Rias? It\'s not like you can\'t get a hold of her whenever you want." Kuisha increased her pace to keep up.

I stopped, letting out a sigh. "I still feel kinda bad, Y\'know?" I scratched my head. "I felt like I should have been able to do something about Wilhelm. How alone must he have been? And I heard Rias is having a tough time because of her marriage, and I want to do my best to help the family that has stood by my side. I just....wanna be helpful somewhere."

Maybe I could give her some tips on training or something? I didn\'t really understand the political stuff, that\'s what I had my peerage for. Kuisha would take care of that when I become a Satan.

"It\'s hard to deny you when you say something like that." She groaned. "I guess this isn\'t really as bad as what we did with Wilhelm. At least Rias is friendly and it\'s not like we can\'t just pop up if we want too. Not like she hates you."

"Yeah..." I let out an awkward laugh. "That was my bad, I just got so excited. Did you see that fight he had with Susanoo!? And when I finally met him, my blood was boiling, ready for a fight!" I pumped my fist in the air. ".....maybe he\'ll wanna fight me later?"

And Regulus said that he had the Boosted Gear!? How strong was he really? I was excited to find out.

He was definitely stronger than me.

My instinct told me that much.

But that just meant I had someone to measure myself against!

And I had ways to get stronger. Old Man Nurarihyon said that my Touki was still rampaging too much. Something about needing to force it down more. I didn\'t really understand, I did most everything with my gut feeling, but I\'d check with him later too see if he could help me.

I usually liked to figure everything out myself, but I really wanted to match up with Wilhelm if he ever accepted my request to fight so not to fall behind him. I heard he\'d only been training for a few months and he\'s already this strong, I wouldn\'t let myself fall behind!

"This is nicer than I thought." Kuisha said we approached the gates. "Then again, I\'m not really familiar with Japanese schools."

"Do we just go in?" I asked.

"You\'re asking me that now?" She huffed. "Might as well, it looks like everyone\'s gone for the day. If I remember right.....they\'re in the side building over there?" She pointed off towards the side.

"Lets go!" I marched on, my Queen following behind.

Humans schools were a little interesting I guess. So many classrooms stuffed into the buildings. Must have been a good way to make friends. I think Rias mentioned that they have \'clubs\' or something like that. I wondered if they had clubs focused on some kind of fighting or martial arts?

"I sense stronger Wards here, I think this is the place." Kuisha stated, pointing to a set of double doors.


Both Kuisha and I heard a shout. It sounded like the tone of someone in trouble. I didn\'t even think before bursting through the doors.

There were many people in the room, but my eyes immediately fell on the ones who were not part of Rias\'s Peerage.

I recognized the man standing off to the side, his hand engulfed in flames. Under his heel was a young man, struggling under the pressure. Looking at everyone\'s faces for a second, I could tell what happened and I moved.

I already held the Phenex by his throat. His flames burst off, but my Touki wrapped around me, stopping his flames from reaching me.

"Master!" A woman standing behind him screamed as she began to cast some magic, but I trusted Kuisha to handle her.

Her signature Black Spheres ate the Magic Circles the unknown woman had created and my Queen slammed her to the ground, sealing the woman with Kuisha\'s own Magics.

"Y-you bastard!" The Phenex brat choked out.

"How dare you attack my cousin." I squeezed a little harder.

"Sai!?" Rias finally realized it was me.

"Rias, want me to take out the trash for you?" I offered, glaring at him again.

"That will be unnecessary." A sudden burst of magical power filled the room, the strongest Queen – Grayfia Lucifuge - teleported in. "Sairaorg Bael, please release Riser Phenex."

I glanced at her and back to the squirming Phenex in my hand still trying to escape. With a grunt, I tossed him to the side.

"Y-you bastard, how dare you, do you know who I am!?"

"Of course I do." I crossed my arms. "You\'re the weakest little bird of the Phenex family."

He snarled; his hands enveloped in fire again.

"Alright, lets fight!" I grinned. "I\'ve always wanted to see how many punches it took to get through a Phenex\'s regeneration!"

"There will be no fighting!" Grayfia Lucifuge\'s aura spread out, covering everyone.

I shivered slightly, dropping my fighting stance.

"Maid, he attacked me!" the Phenex boy shouted, pointing at me.

"And you were standing atop one of Rias\'s peerage members." I snorted. "But if we\'re having a disagreement, lets settle it with a rating game."

"Enough." Grayfia scowled. "And release his queen."

"Tell her to stop trying to cast spells." Kuisha replied.

"She will stop." The Maid glared at the other woman on the ground.

Kuisha got up and moved back to my side.

"I was supposed to come mediate this discussion." She swept her gaze across the room. "And I would like to point out that I am not late. So, Riser Phenex, why are you here before me?" Her eyes landed on the bird boy.

"I was just coming to see my fiancé, what\'s the big deal!?

"You ignored my orders." Grayfia\'s lips thinned, she didn\'t look happy.

"And who\'s your fiancé!? Like hell I\'m marrying you, Riser!" Rias shouted back.

"Why argue over something that\'s already decided." He waived at her haughtily, ignoring her shouts. "It\'s not like you\'re actually able to beat me in a rating game anyways."

Rias\'s peerage did an admirable job of not lashing out. Good, I know I\'m a hot head, but it\'s better for her to surround herself with people that can keep their cool. That\'s what I do, fill in my gaps with my peerage.

"It appears this will not be a productive meeting. And I doubt it will be remedied today, we will attempt discourse another time. Riser, return to the Underworld."

Riser scowled. "Yeah, whatever. Too many losers here anyways." He snapped his fingers, bringing up a Teleportation circle that enveloped himself and his queen.

They disappeared after a second or two of it activating.

"What a punk." I grunted, letting my Touki disperse.

"Sai, what are you doing here?" Rias suddenly asked.

"I\'m curious as to your presence here as well, Sairaorg Bael, you were not supposed to be present for this meeting." The Queen narrowed her eyes.

"Hahaha, well....about that..."

"We didn\'t know there was a meeting." Kuisha answered. "Lady Lucifuge. We merely were visiting my King\'s cousin to catch up."

"An unfortunate coincidence then." She let out a sigh.

"I wouldn\'t call Riser attacking Rias\'s peerage and us walking in on it as \'unfortunate\', Lady Grafya." Kusiha stated.

The Maid pursed her lips. "I will make a note of it and see what I can do."

"Sai." Rias tugged at my sleeve. "Not that I\'m unhappy to see you, but why\'d you suddenly come visit?"

"Well, I just came from seeing Wilhelm, and thought it\'d be nice to see you too." Rias always was so adorable.

"Wait, you saw Wilhelm!?" She exclaimed in shock.

"Haha, yeah. I talked with him for a little while. I didn\'t realize how strong he was until I saw him in person." I looked around at everyone. Lucifer\'s Queen seemed interested as well. "Well, I can say that for you too. You seem a lot stronger since the last time we met."

"You make it sound like it\'s been years, Sai. It\'s only been like a month." Rias chuckled. "And good to see you too Kuisha." She waived towards my queen.

"You as well, Rias." Kuisha replied with a smile.

"Let me introduce everyone." Rias clapped her hands. "Everyone, this is Sai, my cousin from my Mom\'s side. He\'s the rising start of Rating games and considered the strongest young devil."

"Haha, Rias, you\'re gonna make me blush." I couldn\'t help but rub my neck in embarrassment.

"Sai, you know Akeno my queen, and Koneko, and Kiba." He gestured to each of them. "And this is my newest member, my Pawn, Issei Hyoudou."

It was the boy on the floor under Riser\'s heel. I looked him over, he didn\'t seem too strong yet, but there was potential there. He had a good spirit though, and he hadn\'t stopped struggling.

"Nice to meet you." I held out my hand in greeting towards him.

"y-yeah, thanks." He took it with an awkward smile.

"Thanks, by the way, Sai." Rias said. "Things were already difficult with Riser around and everyone talking about the marriage. If I was more forceful, he could have said some things and maybe moved up the marriage date."

Ah, no wonder she didn\'t make a move.

Devil Politics, I never enjoyed them.

"No problem at all, Rias." I assured her. "I\'d be happy if he came looking for trouble. I\'ve never fought a Phenex before, it\'s a pretty exciting idea."

"Only you, Sai." Rias giggled shaking her head. "But what\'s this about Wilhelm?"

"Oh, yeah." I almost forgot. "I went to Kyoto and thought I\'d check up on him since we\'d never met before."

".....Just like that? I thought you would be kicked out."

"Well, I did have a letter with me that let me come around."

"I see...."

Hmm, was there something going on that I didn\'t know about?

"So that was your fiancé?" I asked her.

Rias scoffed, crossing her arms. "So I\'m told. I keep denying it, but yeah, if I don\'t win my Rating Game, I\'ll be forced to marry him."

"I\'ve only heard a thing or two about Riser Phenex, I don\'t really like him that much." I think she had much better options available to her.

"I\'ve been training and stuff, but there\'s only so much I can do."

"Don\'t sell yourself short, Rias." Sometimes people needed a pep talk. I remembered my mom used to give me them all the time. "You\'re much stronger than before. Keep going like this and you\'ll get there. How long until the wedding?"

"Ugh, like...7 or 8 months. They pushed it back, but it isn\'t set in stone, so I\'m a little worried they\'re going to pull it forward again."

"Alright, that should be plenty of time." I nodded to myself.

Rias blinked. "Plenty of time for what?"

"I\'m going to help you." I smiled, giving her a thumbs up. "I\'ll get my peerage, and we\'ll help you all train for your rating game!"

"Y-you\'re going to help me!?" Rias said in confusion. "But why?"

"You\'re my cousin, why wouldn\'t I help you?" I guess if I hadn\'t seen Wilhelm the other day, I might not have come here to see Rias. Maybe I would have kept my distance...let her handle everything.

No, I didn\'t want to see Rias suffer having to marry Riser. She\'s always been so kind to me, I wanted to repay that.

"Don\'t get me wrong Rias. After you make your debut, you\'re on your own and we\'ll be competitors. But right now, you\'re fighting to prevent your marriage, so I\'ll do what I can to help you." I put a hand on her shoulder.

After all the help she and her family gave me, how could I not?

"Sai!" She exclaimed with a big smile, wrapping me up in a hug.

I chuckled, rubbing her head like I used to do when we were kids. "We\'re gonna be busy for the next couple days, but afterwards, I\'ll come over with everyone and we\'ll start some good training together!"

And it meant that her peerage and she will be stronger once they start truly competing! She had some strong members with her, I\'d love to face off with them once they reach their full potential.

But for now, I just wanted to help my cousin.


Non-canon Omake -- Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg, Attorney at Law, -- The Other side of the table.

"Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg." A voice boomed. It wasn\'t simply loud, no. The voice echoed through reality, every plane of existence heard it, felt it as it reverberated through the minds of every sentient being in this universe.

The entity looked like it was made from the stars itself. It stood massive, yet its size was immaterial. If so it desired, it would hold the entire universe in the palm of its hand.

It was golden with three faces, one covered, one partially covered, and one fully revealed, each representing an aspect.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, oh great Living Tribunal." I said with no small amount of sarcasm.

It shrunk down, still massive ins cope, but I didn\'t need to tilt my head 90 degrees to look at it.

"You stand accused of many crimes." It no longer boomed, yet its voice was still so loud and authoritative.

"I plead innocence." I said immediately. "And I can prove it, if you remove these handcuffs that are stopping me from using my magic to run away." I smiled innocently, shaking my cuffed arms.

Don\'t know what they\'re made of or what effects were forced into their creation, but they were somehow stopping everything I had from being brought to the surface. I was effectively neutered.

"You have yet to hear the list of crimes."

"Fake news."


"Insolence!" Another voice boomed, appearing next to this universal entity. This new one looked different, yet its power was enough to make me almost turn to dust from its mere presence. It seemed to be intertwined with the universe as a whole.

"Eternity!" It smiled brightly. "So good to see you again!"

The personification of the Universe.

"Outsider! Your chaos ends now!" It raised its hand up, probably to smite me, but nothing happened.

"He will be judged accordingly." The Living Tribunal spoke, indicating that I was currently protected.


"Nice Cock." I smirked.

Eternity scowled.

Eternity was the literal make up of the universe, its body was made of the very galaxies and stars that existed within the expanding infinite. A reflection of everything that is. If you looked around him, you could even find your own solar system with some effort.

He pissed me off once, so I got my revenge.

It was a harmless prank.

Some people just can\'t take a joke.

I may or may not have used some very.....volatile cosmic powers – if only temporary – to move around a thing or two. When you give bad people phenomenal cosmic power, they tend to just keep being bad. Good people, much the same, except they usually turn bad in the end. Me? Well, I drew dicks on people way before I got my hands at universe altering power.

No life was harmed in my efforts.

On the bright side, we can say for sure he\'s a man!

Yes, the shining galaxies that made up his new cock.

Honestly, he should be thanking me.

Over the course of the next few moments, many more cosmic entities emerged from the void of creation. Every single one represented something crucial to the continued existence of the universe.

The Living Tribunal waived its hand and reality shifted. I stuttered in place as I realized I was now standing in a literal courtroom, the Living Tribunal in the judges chair, and all the cosmic entities minus Eternity in the jury booth.

Said representation of the known universe was serving as the prosecution.

"We will proceed with a trial in accordance with the defendants understanding and experience." The Living Tribunal stated.

"Hoho." I eyed Eternity from the side. "And here I was worried."

Eternity didn\'t design to give me a response.

"Very well, I assume if we\'re playing ball the way I\'m familiar with, then I get representation?" I asked.


"Good, good." I stood straight. "Then I choose to represent myself—"

"Denied." He interjected. "The Defendant will not be allowed to represent themselves in this matter."

Crap, well.....contingency time.

"I nominate Sir Wiggles as my –"

"Denied." He said said. "Creature named Sir Wigglesbottom Fluffytail Octavius Benedict III, Crown Prince of Emerald Kingdom. Duke of Carrot Island, General of the Northern Armies, The Lightning Born. The Devil Slayer. – Is recognized as an extension of the defendant. A phenomenon more widely known as a – Familiar. Such being the case, is denied right of representation. As as foreign entity to the Universe, you shall be judged by these inhabitants of the Universe. Thus, a resident of the Universe shall also defend you of the accusations. The Scales remain balanced."


"Then who the hell am I supposed to get to defend me!?"

"Searching for suitable representative." The Judge\'s eyes glowed bright for the briefest of moments. "17,495 Plausible beings selected. 17,494 denied request. Final Representative questioned and accepted offer."

With another burst of light someone appeared in the courtroom I had to shield my eyes for a moment as the light died down.

I finally saw who stepped out, and my eyes widened in horror.

"Oh no...."

"Oh yes." He smiled wide back towards me. "I am so very pleased I have this chance to pay back all that you\'ve done for me." The Sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Loki." I whispered the name that filled me with utter horror.

I would call Karma a bitch, but I\'m fairly sure she\'s judging me from the jury bench right now.


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