
Chapter 79: The Moon Swallowed by the Sun (1)

Chapter 79: The Moon Swallowed by the Sun (1)


It is the divine blessing that every hero possesses, a power that allows mere mortals to wield magic and reach the domain of the gods.

These Stigma are divided into seven types, each depending on the god who bestowed the blessing:

The Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Sky, the Earth, the Sea, and the Forest.

Of course, there is also the "Stigma of the Demon God," created from the Demon God\'s blessing, but when people generally speak of Stigma among heroes, they refer to the ones granted by these seven gods.

So, what differences exist between these Stigma?

The conclusion is that "there\'s not much of a difference."

While there are subtle distinctions in the nature of the magic—some might be more destructive, others more delicate or flexible—in essence, they are all just Stigma, without any decisive differences.

The continent\'s greatest researcher of Stigma, Jade Bastian, once gave an analogy about this.

He said Stigma are akin to "skin color."

Just as people from the southern regions of the Empire have dark skin, the people of the Holy Kingdom have notably pale skin, and those from the Republic have yellow skin.

Though the skin color differs by race, there\'s no difference in them all being "human." Likewise, while the types of Stigma may differ, they are all essentially the same "Stigma."

However, because of this, and therefore, the history of discrimination against certain Stigma has never ceased since the appearance of heroes in the world.

Among them, two types of Stigma have been the most despised by heroes:

The Stigma of the Moon God and the Stigma of the Forest God.

The reason these two Stigma were treated with such disdain among heroes was simple.

Among the "Five Great Heroes" who sealed the Demon God and saved humanity 500 years ago, none bore the Moon God\'s stigma or the Forest God\'s stigma.

Reynald the Sun Knight had the stigma of the Sun God.

Julius the Great Sage had the stigma of the Sea God.

Ryujin Seong the Iron Fist had the stigma of the Earth God.

Baek Seunghyuk, the Divine Spear, had the stigma of the Star God.

Grace, the Light of Life, had the stigma of the Sky God.

Of course, there were heroes bearing the Moon God\'s and Forest God\'s Stigma who fought and died in the Demon War, but what later generations remembered were only the achievements of the "Five Great Heroes."

Thus, "stigma hatred," which began for such a trivial reason, became rampant, particularly among noble families and powerful figures.

Out of this long-standing hatred arose a technique called "stigma replacement."

This technique involved overlaying one\'s original stigma with someone else\'s.

However, as soon as it was created, it was hardly ever used before being banned.

The Holy Kingdom fiercely opposed the idea of altering a stigma granted by a god, deeming it blasphemous.

But an even bigger reason was the critical flaw in the stigma replacement technique.

A stigma is not just a vessel for magic.

A person\'s soul resides in their stigma.

What do you think would happen if one were to forcibly replace their stigma with someone else\'s?

Memory distortion, physical changes, and, in extreme cases, violent seizures leading to death before the procedure could even be completed.

As such, "stigma replacement" was forbidden and became a forgotten, taboo technique, known only to a handful of scholars who specialized in stigma research.

And yet, why—

"You\'re saying you want to… overlay my brother\'s stigma?"

I looked at my mother with trembling eyes.

My mother nodded excitedly.

"Yes. Fortunately, Yuren\'s stigma has been preserved by the family. There will be no issues with the procedure."

"No, that\'s not…."

"Yurina, you\'ve worked so hard all this time trying to imitate Yuren, haven’t you? Training in swordsmanship every day without rest, constantly pressured to be the best."

Mother caressed my cheek as if she felt sorry for me.

"But once you receive Yuren\'s stigma, you won\'t have to try so hard anymore."

No more.

"You won\'t have to imitate the Sun anymore."


A piercing ringing filled my ears.

My vision blurred.

My throat tightened, and I couldn\'t breathe.

I knew.

I knew that what Mother wanted wasn\'t me.

I knew that, bearing the Moon God\'s stigma, I could never become the "Sun."

I ignored it, clinging desperately to the decaying thread of hope, denying what I knew was inevitable.

But this day had finally come.




"What\'s wrong? You\'re not going to say you won\'t undergo the procedure now, are you?"

The once-gentle look in my mother\'s eyes turned cold.

"Have you forgotten why your brother died?"


"If you hadn\'t asked Yuren for that ridiculous flower blooming on the cliff that day, none of this would have happened."

Her sharp words pierced my heart.

The memory of that day resurfaced, tearing open an old wound.

—Brother! Can’t you get me that flower?

It was when I followed my brother to the sacred mountain where the past heads of the Helios family were buried.

I pointed to a flower precariously growing on the cliff and tugged at my brother\'s sleeve, unaware of what might happen.

The little girl knew nothing, shedding tears and pleading with her brother.

And then.

—If only you hadn’t been there! If only you weren’t…!!!

My brother died.

The hope of the Helios family vanished, so absurdly and tragically.



This is punishment.

A punishment for the irredeemable ignorance of a 10-year-old girl.

"I\'ll do it."

I nodded weakly.

My mother smiled brightly, seemingly satisfied with my response.

"I have someone to introduce you to."


I looked at her, puzzled.

She pulled a communication device from her robe.

She infused the palm-sized orb with magic, and a clear light appeared, revealing an image.

[Hello? It\'s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Faust.]

A man with snow-white hair and a golden monocle.

"Mr. Faust is an expert in stigma research, even more skilled than \'Jade Bastian.\'"


So, he\'s the one who will transplant my brother\'s stigma into me.

I stared at the white-haired young man on the screen, my lips tightly sealed.

The young man, who had introduced himself as Faust, smiled warmly and spoke in a gentle voice.

[Haha, there\'s no need to worry. None of the people who have undergone \'Stigma replacement surgery\' with me have ever experienced any side effects like seizures.]


[Of course, since it’s a risky procedure, there are some minor side effects.]

"...What are the side effects?"

At my question, Faust shrugged.

[First, when the Stigma changes, some memories may disappear. Oh, but don’t worry too much. Only a very small portion of your memories will be affected.]

Faust continued speaking with a sly smile.

[People forget things like what they had for lunch a week ago all the time, don\'t they? Even if some memories disappear, you won’t feel much discomfort.]

Watching Faust casually dismiss something so outrageous, I clenched my fist tightly.

Even if it’s just a part of my memories, having pieces of my life erased couldn’t possibly be a ‘minor side effect.’

I wanted to punch that smug face of his, but there was no way to hit someone who was on the other side of a screen.

"Is that the only side effect?"

[There\'s one more.]

"...What is it?"

[You\'re using a magical device to disguise yourself as a man right now, aren’t you?]

I grasped the pendant hanging from my neck tightly and nodded.

[Although it can adjust your chest size and basic frame to appear male, you’ve probably had some trouble since it can’t change your reproductive organs, right?]

"What’s your point?"

[When you receive Yuren’s Stigma, your body will undergo changes, and your \'gender\' itself will change.]


I widened my eyes in shock at Faust’s next words.

My gender would change?

Does that mean I would never again...

[You won’t have to bother pretending to be a man anymore. In fact, isn’t that a good thing for you, Yurina?]


Suddenly, a mannequin I had seen earlier at a clothing store with Dale flashed in my mind.

The mannequin had been wearing a light, pretty outfit.

\'I\'ll never wear something like that again.\'

Why, I wonder.

I thought I had long since given up on living as ‘Yurina.’

I thought I had crumpled up all those childish daydreams and tucked them away in a corner of my heart.

"Ah, ugh."

Why does my heart ache so deeply?


My mother hugged me as she spoke.

"For me, for the Helios family... and for your brother."

My body felt hot.

The heat spread from my heart, engulfing my entire body.

"Be the sun."


As if I were being swallowed by the sun.

* * *

"Ugh. I never expected Professor Lucas to be waiting at the dorm entrance."

Rubbing the spot where Professor Lucas had hit me on the head, I entered my dorm room.

I had already braced myself to be dragged out and scolded tomorrow for skipping class, but I never expected to be scolded right away today.

"I wonder if Yuren will be okay..."

I had warned Yuren not to return to the dorm today and to hide in the private training hall, fearing what Rosanna might do to him, but he just waved off my concern and headed straight to his dorm.

‘Maybe I should send him a message.’

I sent Yuren a message through my Hero Watch, asking if he made it back safely.

"Is he asleep?"

Well, time had flown by while I was stuck with Professor Lucas.

"I’ll ask him in person tomorrow."

I took off my Hero Watch and lay down on my bed when suddenly—


The Hero Watch chimed softly.


I got up and checked the Hero Watch.

It was a message from Yuren.

The message that popped up on the hologram screen read:

[Dale, can we meet for a moment?]


Meet up?

At this hour?

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