
Chapter 566. Persuading (1)

He continued, “Tell me. Out of all the poor folks in the current era, who is stuck in a worse situation than me back when I was still a youngster? Who among them is stuck in a situation similar to the whole country resembling a goddamn slum post-war? People of my generation? We gritted our teeth, clenched our fists and worked our asses off to get us to this point. We dragged the poorest nation in the world to where we are now. That\'s what we achieved.”

“So, look around you. Look at how great this environment is! As long as you have the desire and the drive, anyone can make a good living nowadays. So, why should I help some bastards who don\'t try their best and instead blame the heavens for whatever misfortune they think they are under? That is what I don\'t understand!” Hwang Jeong-Hu\'s ranting was so fierce that he even ran out of breath toward the end.

Jo Gyu-Min could only scratch his head after noticing how flushed the chairman\'s face was.

\'Well, that is a boomer mentality, alright. Still...\'

Still, Hwang Jeong-Hu wasn\'t technically wrong here. No matter the era, very few people throughout history would\'ve lived in an environment worse than Hwang Jeong-Hu\'s post-war. Hwang Jeong-Hu had to claw and fight his way from the dirt floor to reach the top of the world, so there was no way he\'d be so charitable toward those crying pathetically from the current era\'s \'unfavorable\' environment.

However, that didn\'t mean Jo Gyu-Min could say others weren\'t as capable as Hwang Jeong-Hu, so the right thing was to help them out in some way. That would be the least helpful thing to say to a self-made man like Hwang Jeong-Hu. After all, people like him tended to believe that effort was much more important than one\'s natural talents.

\'How could I say, Sir, it\'s your talents, not just your efforts alone, that ensured your success to Chairman Hwang?\'

On the surface, at least, those words might sound like praise, but Hwang Jeong-Hu wouldn\'t interpret them that way.

Hwang Jeong-Hu panted heavily like a bull. “So? Are you going to tell me I\'m wrong about this? That I\'ve gotten too old? And that\'s why I\'m ranting like this?”

Hwang Jeong-Hu\'s attitude seemed to strongly imply that he was daring his audience to correct him. Jo Gyu-Min sneaked a quick glance at Kang Jin-Ho. What a tricky question to answer this was. They could tell the naked truth to Hwang Jeong-Hu, but that could potentially mark the point of no return instead.

Kang Jin-Ho nodded slightly and broke his silence. “If that\'s what you think... Then, please do what you think is right.”



Jo Gyu-Min and Hwang Jeong-Hu stared at Kang Jin-Ho in flabbergast, their jaws falling slightly.

“Fella... You don\'t want me to do it?” Hwang Jeong-Hu blinked his eyes while asking incredulously.

“Oh. No, I’m not saying that,” Kang Jin-Ho hurriedly waved his hand after realizing he might have been misunderstood. “If you want to help only those who work hard, it\'s fine to do that. I merely said I\'d like you to be my foundation\'s chief director, which is a role that decides on the overall direction of the organization\'s future.”

“Y-yeah, that\'s right.”

“I have no plans to order someone doing such important work to keep quiet and do as I say. Hold on, let me add something else. I want you to think long and hard about this. Think about what \'charity\' means to you, Chairman Hwang. Think about what we need to do if we are to provide effective assistance to people going through tough times.”

Hwang Jeong-Hu\'s expression grew solemn. At this point in their conversation, he realized that the issue at hand was no longer \'what ifs\' and \'testing the waters\' but... It seemed there was no backing out now. Hwang Jeong-Hu muttered quietly. “What I think, huh...”

“Yes, Chairman,” Kang Jin-Ho spoke in an unwavering voice. “Humans need to know where they belong in the world. Those places where people can anchor themselves in often require their abilities the most. For us, we need your acumen in business management, Chairman Hwang. Your leadership, the know-how accumulated over the decades of running this corporation... That is what we desperately need. Most importantly, you might see things we have failed to notice and bite our heads off for it.”


“This is a new venture, Chairman Hwang. And in my view, a foundation and a corporation aren\'t all that different.”

Hwang Jeong-Hu mouthed another cigarette without saying anything.

\'Isn\'t he smoking a bit too much?\'

Jo Gyu-Min thought he should intervene, but the atmosphere was precluding him from doing so.

“...Let me ask you something, Jin-Ho.”

“Go ahead, Chairman.”

“Are you saying all this because you really need me? If your aim is to utilize my reputation to your advantage and not much else, I\'m always happy to lend you my name. So, be honest with me.”

Kang Jin-Ho shook his head. “I don\'t need any of that.”


“An organization built on the foundation of your fame will crumble to nothing when your name stops having the same impact on people, Chairman. What I want from you isn\'t creating the talk of the moment but a foundation that will continue on for decades... No, make that centuries.” Kang Jin-Ho quenched his thirst with coffee before resuming his persuasion. “This is not something I nor Chief Jo Gyu-Min can do. We are absolute amateurs in stuff like that, after all.”

Hwang Jeong-Hu looked puzzled. “Even though Gyu-Min\'s administrative abilities rival mine?”

“Being a backseat driver isn\'t hard, Chairman. Providing tips while spectating from the sidelines is quite easy, but trying to do it yourself is a whole different kettle of fish altogether. We don\'t have the experience nor the abilities.”

“Hmm…” Hwang Jeong-Hu silently puffed away at his cigarette. He seemed stuck in deep contemplation.

\'Huh. Who knew we\'d get this far?\'

Jo Gyu-Min licked his lips. He now had to view Kang Jin-Ho in a renewed light.

Kang Jin-Ho was probably the only person in the entire world who could demand something from Hwang Jeong-Hu. That didn\'t mean he could persuade the Chairman of Jaegyeong Corporation, though.

Hwang Jeong-Hu helped Kang Jin-Ho out until now as a way to repay his debt. Besides, he also liked Kang Jin-Ho on a personal level. So, supporting Kang Jin-Ho\'s work, even if it didn\'t entirely meet Hwang Jeong-Hu\'s tastes, would\'ve been easy for him.

However, this new \'demand\' was different in nature. In simpler terms, it was a clash of two sets of differing values. And in this clash of titans, Kang Jin-Ho had seized the initiative and began pulling Hwang Jeong-Hu along.

“...Look, Jin-Ho.”


“I totally get what you\'re trying to say. And it\'s not like I\'m unmoved by your persuasion, okay?” Hwang Jeong-Hu chuckled helplessly. “Especially that thing about what you\'re trying to do being not too different from my original goal. Yeah, I definitely identify with it. Huh, right... It might look like an old codger trying to beautify his past, but well, that\'s how I viewed my work all those years ago. That\'s why I understand now why you want me to join your venture.”


“But, something about this is still lacking.” Hwang Jeong-Hu grunted, then leaned against his couch. “That\'s not gonna be enough to bring this old man out and make him do your bidding. But I\'ll give you one more chance. Create a suitable reason, a pretext of some kind, that will force me to commit to this thing. Come up with something that makes me go, oh sh*t, now I have to do this no matter what. Don\'t forget that I\'m Hwang Jeong-Hu. That kind of persuasion isn\'t enough to move me.”

A confident attitude of an alpha wolf oozed from Hwang Jeong-Hu\'s every frame. So much so that even the one and only Kang Jin-Ho had to flinch ever so slightly.

“Let me ask you again,” Hwang Jeong-Hu stared straight at Kang Jin-Ho. “Is there a reason for me to work together with you? Do you have a pretext good enough for me to roll up my sleeves?”

“I do,” Kang Jin-Ho replied immediately, evidently unfazed by the earlier flinching.

Hwang Jeong-Hu waited silently, his gaze locked on Kang Jin-Ho with a mixture of anger and anticipation. Depending on what Kang Jin-Ho says next, Hwang Jeong-Hu would settle on one of the two emotions. At least, that was his plan, but then...

“Chairman... You\'re bored, aren\'t you?”

“Ehng?” Hwang Jeong-Hu\'s eyes blinked in yet another bout of flabbergast. What on Earth was Kang Jin-Ho saying here?

“A lion needs to eat meat, not grass. You used to personally go and get involved in work sites and meetings. But now? You\'re stuck in this impressive chairman\'s office all alone with no one to keep you company. And all you do these days is staring at the wall. No wonder you\'ve been rather dissatisfied with how your life has worked out lately.”

“What the... Fella, I\'m a chairman of a corporation. Obviously, I must...”

“Chairman... No, Mister Jeong-Hu. Being a chairman was never your ultimate goal, now was it?”

“...!” Hwang Jeong-Hu sucked in a deep breath after that gut punch and stared dazedly at Kang Jin-Ho.

“Let\'s work together. At the very least, you won\'t get bored,” said Kang Jin-Ho.

“...Is that your reason?”

Kang Jin-Ho shrugged his shoulders. “Rather than sit here and receive reports from people you don\'t even care about, why not work with me and Chief Jo? Since you don\'t have anything new to contribute to Jaegyeong, please stop wasting time like this and take up a new challenge. That suits you so much better, Chairman Hwang.”

“...Then, what about Jaegyeong?”

Jo Gyu-Min was ready with an answer to that question. “Sir, I\'m pretty sure that running a foundation wouldn\'t be crazy competitive. That means managing both should be possible for you. Besides, it\'s clear that we need to hire management specialists to run Jaegyeong. In that case, you should think about when would be a good time to let go, sir. Also... Our competitor is still doing just fine even after its chairman was thrown into prison recently.”

“...Well, that\'s true,” Hwang Jeong-Hu tilted his head repeatedly as if he had been blindsided by that argument. Then, a helpless chuckle gradually broke free from his lips. It was as if he wanted to maintain a solemn appearance, but his laughter had gotten the better of him in the end.

“As I built Jaegyeong to what it is now, many people... wanted to purchase my abilities.” Hwang Jeong-Hu stubbed the cigarette on the ashtray, then sipped his coffee. “However, this is my first time hearing such a ludicrous job offer. If someone else said these things, I\'d have sued them for being goddamn frauds. You understand that?”

“This is the best reason I can come up with, Chairman,” Kang Jin-Ho shrugged his shoulders.

“Tsk, tsk... What a hopeless case you are,” Hwang Jeong-Hu tutted before guffawing good-naturedly.

Yes, he was flabbergasted. This line of persuasion had been absurd, to say the least!

However, Hwang Jeong-Hu knew all too well that Kang Jin-Ho\'s words weren\'t an attempt at sweet talk. After all, Kang Jin-Ho was even busier than Hwang Jeong-Hu lately.

If Kang Jin-Ho got serious about it, he possessed enough power and influence to deal with all the problems plaguing his foundation, even without Hwang Jeong-Hu\'s help.

Even then, Kang Jin-Ho was prepared to dangle the chief director role as a bait to head-hunt Hwang Jeong-Hu. That meant he truly acknowledged Hwang Jeong-Hu\'s managerial acumen. It also meant Kang Jin-Ho... needed Hwang Jeong-Hu.

Hwang Jeong-Hu contemplatively looked away. “Have I ever told you that my wife said no three times in a row when I asked her to marry me?”

“...Huh? She rejected you?” Jo Gyu-Min dazedly stared at Hwang Jeong-Hu. How did that even happen when Hwang Jeong-Hu was good-looking enough back in his youth and made enough money by the standards of the day?

“She told me that I looked like an all-talk-no-substance guy back then. Worse still, you couldn\'t get married even if you wanted to in those days. That probably didn\'t help things.”

“Oh, uh... I see...?”

“I was an idiot back then. I should\'ve confessed like this. I now realize that I added all the unnecessary stuff. If only I knew back then that going for it blindly like a bull is sometimes a better way to convey my real feelings! She wouldn\'t have rejected me three times in a row!”

Jo Gyu-Min\'s expression brightened. “T-then...?”

“Yes. Let\'s do it. Whether we crash and burn or create something magnificent, let\'s all have a go! However! Let me make one thing absolutely clear. I will never throw money at bastards who can\'t be arsed into working hard for a better life. Do we agree on that?”

“Of course.”

Hwang Jeong-Hu got up and began fixing his attire. Kang Jin-Ho and Jo Gyu-Min followed suit and got up as well.

After tidying up his appearance, Hwang Jeong-Hu extended his right hand toward Kang Jin-Ho. “Alright. Let\'s do this thing.”

Kang Jin-Ho didn\'t hesitate and shook the offered hand. “We\'ll be in your care, Chairman.”

“Still, do remember that there\'s a limit to how much I can do. You two will have to take the reins most of the time. However, I promise you that I\'ll do my best in what I can do.”

“That is already enough. But...” Kang Jin-Ho subtly smirked. “I don\'t think that\'s how it will be, considering your personality. You\'ll most likely get involved in pretty much every facet of the operation.”

“Urgh…” Hwang Jeong-Hu groaned as if he also thought that would be the case. “Well, at least promise me that you won\'t overwork me to death, fella.”

“I can certainly promise you this one thing,” said Kang Jin-Ho in a confident-sounding voice, prompting Hwang Jeong-Hu to look at him in anticipation. “In your final moments later down the line... I\'ll make sure that you will pick this decision as one of the best you\'ve made in your life.”

Hwang Jeong-Hu\'s heart rate jumped up like an excited little kid. But he expertly hid the flushed expression while addressing Kang Jin-Ho. “I sure hope that will be the case.”

This was the moment of Hwang Jeong-Hu getting a job at Kang Jin-Ho\'s foundation.

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