
Chapter 783: Captured (3)

In the past, the Assembly\'s system was a few strong experts leading all the weaker members. However, joining hands with the demon cult meant it now faced a tough dilemma of too few experts over a certain realm of strength compared to the number of people they needed to lead. It wasn\'t merely the numbers but quality, too.

“What’s more concerning is that…” Wiggins unhappily thumped on the whiteboard. “Compared to the Crimson King’s faction, we don’t have enough big name experts!”

Kang Jin-Ho furrowed his brow. “...Big name?”

“Yes, my lord. Big names! Celebrities! Of course, I’m not talking about someone like a famous actor but powerful experts renowned even in other factions. We simply do not have enough people like that in our ranks.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Lee Hyeon-Su raised his hand. “But, we have our Assembly Master, yes?”

“Indeed, my disciple. However, the Crimson King’s faction has who?”

Lee Hyeon-Su promptly clamped his mouth shut.

“If the strength of the opposing generals is about the same, the victory or defeat will be decided by the quality of the soldiers under them. In that sense, what we have accomplished so far is increasing the number of soldiers, but their quality remains utterly garbage!”

“That is why we…”

“No, hold on,” Wiggins abruptly cut Lee Hyeon-Su off when the latter tried to raise his objection. “You can certainly train your soldiers. However! The mid-level officers are not so easy to nurture. Simply put, we need at least ten more experts on the level of Sir Vator to rival the Crimson King’s faction.”

“...Ten?” Lee Hyeon-Su blinked his eyes in disbelief. “At least ten, you say?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Wiggins firmly put his foot down. “You are not thinking that we’re on the same level as the Crimson King’s faction just because of one lucky victory?”

“No, of course not. Even then, are you saying the difference between us is that great?”

The corners of Wiggins’ lips slowly curled up. Even if Lee Hyeon-Su possessed a shockingly-shrewd head on his shoulders, he was still a frog stuck in a small well called South Korea.

Wiggins resumed his briefing. “We don\'t even need to use the Crimson King\'s faction as a yardstick. The Round Table would suffice in that regard. If the two organizations are compared, I can tell you right now that the Round Table doesn\'t even come close to rivaling the Crimson King\'s faction. Even though the Round Table boasts ten knights and one Master, and each knight possesses strength and skills equal to mine. Or, even exceed me.”

Lee Hyeon-Su blinked his eyes in disbelief. “...Seriously?”

Wiggins tutted. “Why would I underestimate my own strength?”

Everyone thought Wiggins wouldn\'t have a reason to do that, so they didn\'t bother to respond to his rhetorical question.

“But, master. Even if they are the knights of the Round Table, for all of them to be on your level is a bit…”

Wiggins shook his head and corrected Lee Hyeon-Su’s assumption. “Not just on my level, but exceeding it.”


“Haven\'t I told you previously that I\'ve chosen the wrong tech tree? As I have not focused on either swordsmanship or magic, I can\'t rival any of the other knights.”

“But… Master, that shouldn’t matter as long as you’re good at both, right?”

“I\'m sure someone out there in this vast world is a genius excelling in both categories. Unfortunately, that isn\'t me. I\'m not a genius, so my skills are neither here nor there. Other knights are appreciably stronger than I am. I might hold some advantage through experience and sundry tricks in a duel, but the longer the fight drags on… My odds of victory will fade to zero.”

Wiggins fake-coughed to clear his throat, then glanced at Lee Hyeon-Su.

“And you’re making me say all these things with my own mouth. Thank you for that, my disciple.”

“Don’t mention it, master.” Lee Hyeon-Su awkwardly chuckled when Wiggin’s glance quickly became a sharp glare.

“In any case…!” Wiggins brought the conversation back to the situation at hand. “What the Martial Assembly needs the most… is the sturdier middle, my lord. No matter what, we need to reinforce this part.”

Kang Jin-Ho seemed not as impressed, however. “We all know that. However, knowing doesn’t solve this problem, now does it?”

“Yes, that is the problem we face.”

“And? Do we have a fix for it?”

“We can always attract outside talents to our cause, but I don\'t believe it\'s the correct way, my lord. The Assembly already has too many different ingredients mixed in. Adding more will only create a problem later on.”


“In the end… We must nurture experts on our own.”

Kang Jin-Ho nodded. “I see. Then, what should I do?”

“It’s simple,” Wiggins lightly snapped his fingers. “You need to get stronger. If you don’t, we all die.”

“How straightforward,” said Kang Jin-Ho, then got up from the couch.


Yi Myeong-Hwan wasn’t sure if calling his current emotion ‘pride’ was correct. Whatever it was, though, he certainly was feeling buoyed lately.

“Oii, Yi Myeong-Hwan! I heard about what you did, man!”

“You did good, dudes! It must’ve been hell!”

“Dammit! I should’ve gone there instead!”

The story of Yi Myeong-Hwan and his chums risking their lives to save Kang Jin-Ho had already spread to all corners of the Assembly. In a way, such a story could harm the prestige of the Assembly Master, but neither Kang Jin-Ho nor Lee Hyeon-Su was the type to restrict the flow of information, so they didn\'t even bother.

Worried about saving face? Then don\'t do anything that might potentially risk it in the first place—at least, that was the viewpoint of those two men.

Thanks to their approach, or the lack thereof, the tale of the Demon Flames\' feats in China had taken a life of its own and quickly morphed into something else, which had been heavily seasoned by fantasy and unnecessary drama.

No wonder vigorous praise and welcoming flooded Yi Myeong-Hwan\'s way!

“Welcome back, man! Good to have you back!”

“You sure suckered them good, dude! Those overbearing Crimson King’s faction bastards, they must be kicking themselves in their sleep!”

“Kuh~! I never thought I\'d be so damn happy to see your handsome mug.”

Obviously, Yi Myeong-Hwan knew he must remain calm. Keep a cool head and all that. However, humanity was never designed to be like that. How could a man stay grounded when all the people around him kissed his butt and filled his head with nothing but hot air?

Even though Yi Myeong-Hwan was pretending to be calm and collected, his head was waaay up in the clouds.

“Hey, Yi Myeong-Hwan! With this, the Assembly Master will trust you even more, wouldn\'t you say! You\'ve probably gotten yourself a cushy job already, haven\'t you?”

“Geez, I’m so jealous of you, man. Don’t forget about me when you’re at the top, okay?”

Yi Myeong-Hwan chuckled ‘magnanimously’ and dismissively shook his hand, but his mind was already looking thirty years into the future.

‘Well, why not? Nothing is stopping me.\'

Harboring such a dream would\'ve been considered outlandish not too long ago, but Lee Jung-Geol and Bang Jin-Hun stepping aside from the Assembly Master position changed the culture within the Martial Assembly. Now, only one\'s abilities mattered in this place.

In the past, the act of mastering demonic arts alone would’ve completely blocked Yi Myeong-Hwan’s career path, but now? With enough skills, he could rapidly rise through the ranks.

What if he rose to the top, though? And then, rose some more?

‘Yup, I don\'t see why I can\'t do it!\'

The Martial Assembly surely couldn\'t stay under Kang Jin-Ho\'s leadership for eternity. Of course, Kang Jin-Ho could decide to stay as the Assembly Master till his dying breath if that was what he wished for, but… From what Yi Myeong-Hwan could tell, Kang Jin-Ho was not the type to do that.

Kang Jin-Ho seemed to instinctively loathe the idea of getting tied up by something. So, when the ‘right’ time comes, Kang Jin-Ho would most likely announce his retirement and wash his hands clean of the Assembly.

When that happened… Who would be the next Assembly Master?

Of course, there were plenty of candidates. The outlook would obviously remain fluid depending on the situation at the time. Even so, what was stopping Yi Myeong-Hwan from entering the list of the likely candidates?

The corners of Yi Myeong-Hwan’s lips subtly curled up. He had never, ever entertained such a thought before, but when he thought about it some more… Wasn’t he racing on the path to success right now? Not only was he a part of the Assembly Master’s personal guards, but he was basically the captain of the guards, too!

Although his position wasn’t official or anything, shouldn’t it be considered as one if everyone acknowledged it?

‘No, no, no. Calm down first.’

All he did was take the first step, and that was about it. Kang Jin-Ho probably had no time of day for idiots who worked themselves up for no good reason. In times like this, Yi Myeong-Hwan must stay calm.

At least one thing was for certain; Yi Myeong-Hwan now had a clear goal he should work toward. And that was… the future Assembly Master!

The road to that destination must be incredibly rough and filled with hardship. However, Yi Myeong-Hwan still took heart in the fact that he was in the running to become the future Assembly Master.

‘Besides, it’s not like I don’t have anything to offer.’

Every person leading the Assembly from the front was frighteningly competent. Such was their competency that Yi Myeong-Hwan would never match up to them in this lifetime. However, they all possessed one fatal flaw. And that was…

They were all outsiders.

Whether it was Wiggins or Vator, or even Lee Hyeon-Su… All of them were brought in by Kang Jin-Ho from the outside. Yes, no one would deny how skilled and competent they were. And no one would argue how invaluable their presence was to the Assembly.

Even so, the number of people not all that happy about the Martial Assembly\'s leadership almost exclusively consisting of no pure-bred Assembly members must be quite high.

For now, these people would keep their thoughts to themselves, but when the time to select the next Assembly Master comes…! The voices clamoring for a ‘home-grown’ Assembly Master should grow louder. Especially when the sense of crisis had become heightened after the demon cult had joined the Assembly!

‘Many things can change by then.’

Yi Myeong-Hwan’s steps remained airy.

That story was still many years into the future. Besides, Yi Myeong-Hwan shouldn\'t be wishing for Kang Jin-Ho to run out of energy and resign from the Assembly Master position. No, he should wait until Kang Jin-Ho got bored of the position and willingly stepped aside.

In that case, what should Yi Myeong-Hwan do until then?

That was simple enough. He should just shut up and do as told.

Yi Myeong-Hwan shrugged his shoulders after his thoughts reached that far, then entered the training hall.

It wasn’t as if he had done something amazing. Even so, he was on a path to success. That much was certain. As long as Yi Myeong-Hwan stayed out of trouble and did his job to the best of his abilities, he’d eventually get his chance. For sure!

His steps taking him into the training hall were full of energy. After being coincidentally noticed by Kang Jin-Ho, Yi Myeong-Hwan\'s life experienced extreme changes. With a little more effort, that already-changed life would become even better!

As a confident smirk spread on his face, Yi Myeong-Hwan opened the door and stepped through it. “What a great morning this…”


Something large suddenly flew right past him and got buried deep into the wall next to him.

“...Well, not anymore,” Yi Myeong-Hwan muttered while cautiously turning his head to look. ‘Is that a person?’

Wasn’t this scene only possible in a cartoon…?

A person was ‘nailed’ to the wall next to the doorway. Yes, nailed. Yi Myeong-Hwan couldn’t think of another word that better described the state of this person.

Which was understandable, when the person in question was buried up to his waist in the wall, with only his stiff legs dangling outside in the air!

‘What the hell? Am I still asleep or something?’

Yi Myeong-Hwan’s eyes powerfully quaked. His life, which smelled full of roses until a few seconds ago, was suddenly enveloped in the powerful stench of something rotting away.

Yi Myeong-Hwan’s tilted head slowly returned to the front. Just who was responsible for this frightening scene?


That was when Yi Myeong-Hwan’s eyes opened a little wider.

‘What the hell? What is he doing here?\'

Many people could be found inside the training hall, but only one person seemed like the culprit for creating this spectacle. As a matter of fact, anyone with eyes would’ve thought the same as Yi Myeong-Hwan!

Especially when looking at his head almost touching the ceiling… Especially when looking at the uniquely imposing physique that stood out like a swan among crows…!

Absolutely everyone would’ve agreed with Yi Myeong-Hwan!

‘S-Sir Vator?’

Yi Myeong-Hwan’s head slowly creaked to the side to scan his surroundings. First of all, why was Vator here? And secondly, why was that fool nailed to the wall like…

“So, you’re having the time of your lives, is that it!” Vator’s roared loudly.

His voice echoed like a thunderclap inside the training hall. Even though he didn’t sound all that hostile, the atmosphere in the training hall rapidly changed to resemble a scene from a horror movie!

“My master… Oops. I mean the Assembly Master said he\'d come and guide you all personally, yet you\'re here, twiddling your thumbs and doing nothing!”

Veins were clearly visible on Vator\'s forehead. Only then did Yi Myeong-Hwan guess what was going on in this place. He also correctly guessed what was the fate in store for him… And for everyone else!

“Fuu-woo…!” Vator sucked in a deep breath, then glared at everyone, his eyes dangerously flickering. “Yes, our Assembly Master respects people’s autonomy. Their liberty.”

Yi Myeong-Hwan reflexively nodded in agreement.

“...However, I’m not like that,” said Vator, his torso muscles starting to writhe menacingly. Even though fabric hid those muscles… Yi Myeong-Hwan could clearly see all the movements.

“From today onward, I shall rip out and fix that rotten mindset for good! Yes, I shall re-mold you into proper martial artists worth your salt! Do you understand me, you bunch of stinking trash!”

A content smile gently spread on Yi Myeong-Hwan’s lips.

A future Assembly Master? As long as he kept his head down and worked hard?

‘Gimme a f*cking break!’

The dream was cruelly cut short as uncaring reality pounced ruthlessly at Yi Myeong-Hwan.

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