
Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

[The deepening tension between the Central Institute in Seoul and its regional subbranches. Potential of a war breaking out between the miscellaneous types?]

“The damage will be catastrophic.”

“I hope the situation resolves peacefully. I mean, these are some of the most powerful individuals in the world, and the government can do practically nothing to intervene.”

“I’m just surprised that we know about this. Am I right?”

“I’m sure it was a political move by the Central Institute to prevent a civil war. In my opinion, I think it was a smart move.”

“That seems likely. If I may add to that, it seems to me that the regional branches are trying to climb the ladder and take over the capital headquarters.”

While the hosts were discussing the inner conflicts within the Central Institute, the middle-aged woman returned with a bowl of rice and the steaming soybean paste stew on a round aluminum tray.

‘Huh! I don’t see those around much these days,’ Min Sung thought. There was something nostalgic and familiar about the aluminum tray, and Min Sung was quite fond of the comfortable, traditional feel, and much like the restaurant, its atmosphere and home-cooked meals.

“Enjoy,” the woman said, and Min Sung returned her wish with a brief nod. Picking up a spoon, he scanned the side dishes on the table, among which were kimchi, spicy seasoned cucumber, season lettuce, pan-fried ham, egg-coated sausage slices, pickled garlic, steamed eggs, and leek pancakes. For a modest price of five thousand won, the variety of side dishes that came with the meal was impressive. At that moment, Min Sung’s stomach roared loudly.

‘I better eat.’

After opening the lid on the bowl of rice, Min Sung scooped up a heaping spoonful of it and brought it up to his mouth. Not only had the rice been perfectly steamed, but it was soft and subtly sweet.

‘I wouldn’t mind eating just rice,’ Min Sung thought. Then, as the champion was savoring the rice, the bell attached to the door rang, and a handful of people came into the restaurant. At that point, Min Sung’s expectation toward the soybean paste stew heightened even further. Sure enough, the stew exceeded his expectations by a mile.

The combination of minced pepper, small cubes of tofu, green onions and Enoki mushrooms filled Min Sung’s mouth with savory umami. Although the soybean paste used on the stew was on the sweeter side, it was just the way Min Sung preferred to its thicker, richer-tasting counterpart, and the restaurant seemed to offer just what the champion was looking for. After putting another spoonful of rice in his mouth, Min Sung moved on to the side dishes.

Picking up a piece of the seasoned cucumber, he brought it up to his mouth. With that refreshing crunch, came a rush of flavors that were just as refreshing as the cucumber’s texture. The firm and crunchy texture of the cucumber was proof that it had been freshly seasoned and that the restaurant made it a priority to keep their ingredients fresh.

Going back to the stew, Min Sung took some of the Enoki mushrooms and placed them on top of the rice. After that, he scooped up some of the broth, cubes of tofu, pepper and green onions and mixed them into the rice. Taking a spoonful of the steamy, mouthwatering concoction, Min Sung brought it up to his mouth. The spice and the sweetness of the soybean paste stew created a perfect harmony. Closing his eyes tightly, Min Sung became completely paralyzed, as if he had taken a powerful blow. The only thing he could do was to keep chewing, letting the flavors in his mouth overwhelm him.

‘I didn’t know soybean paste stew could be this good.’

Opening his eyes, Min Sung picked up a slice of egg-coated sausage and bit into it. It tasted just like he remembered from his childhood. Soft. Savory. Sweet. Satisfying. Although the world had gone through a sudden change with the appearance of hunters and monsters, the food seemed to be completely unaffected by it. In other words, the tradition of the Korean cuisine remained intact.

‘I can’t take this anymore.’

Then, mixing the stew and the contents within it with the rice, Min Sung practically inhaled what was left of the rice in the blink of an eye. It was just the meal he had had in mind: perfect.

Bedridden in the hospital, Ho Sung couldn’t move a muscle. Looking down at the patient who had returned yet again, the doctor shook his head and said, “First, you wreck your body after putting yourself through hell. And now, food poisoning? What did you eat anyway?”

At the doctor’s accusatory remark, a bitter smile appeared on Ho Sung’s deathly pale face.

“Broccoli soup,” Ho Sung replied.

“Broccoli soup?” the doctor asked, flabbergasted. At which point, Ho Sung reminisced about when he had first tasted the champion’s ghastly concoction, nodded weakly and said, “That’s right.”

“I thought it was some sort of poison. You’re lucky we were able to treat you fast enough. Otherwise, your stomach would’ve been ruined.”

Hearing that, Ho Sung gritted his teeth, thinking, ‘Min Sung Kang, you shitbag. You were supposed to make broccoli soup, not some deadly poison. Was he trying to kill me or something? Nah... I can’t jump to conclusions like that.’

“Anyway, don’t forget your medications, and you’ll be outta here by evening. Oh, make sure to stay away from food that is too spicy and/or salty.”

“By evening? I can barely walk!”

“We had someone heal you. You’ll be fine,” the doctor replied, chuckling. After he left, Ho Sung looked out the window at the sunset with an empty look on his face. When it occurred to him that he would have to return to being the champion’s slave once he got discharged from the hospital, he chuckled and said, “Ain’t life just peachy?”

At that moment, his phone started to go off. Startled, Ho Sung breathed short breaths, swallowed nervously, and checked the name of the caller on the phone’s screen. To his dismay, it was Min Sung.

“Sigh...” he let out inadvertently, thinking, ‘I did puke my guts out after tasting his food. I’m sure he’s butthurt.’

Then, taking a deep breath, he cleared his throat and answered the phone in a bright voice, “Yes, sir! Ho Sung Lee here!”

“Are you all right?” Min Sung asked.


“I said, are you all right?”

“Oh, right. I’m fine, sir. Seems like I’ll be out of the hospital in no time.”

“Well, let me know if you need a boost after you get out of the hospital.”

“... Sir?” Ho Sung asked, springing up from his bed. “Do you mean that!?”


“Thank you! Thank you so...”

‘Beep. Beep Beep.’

Despite how the call ended on an unpleasant note, Ho Sung smiled with joy. Although it was humiliating to get a boost from Bowl, the fact that he was even getting a boost was something to celebrate. At that moment, Ho Sung tilted his head in confusion.


All of a sudden, his body felt noticeably lighter, and his stomach more at ease. Then, sticking a cigarette in his mouth, he shook his head and said, “Stress kills.”

Having been trying to come up with an excuse to follow the champion into a dungeon, Ho Sung was delighted that things were practically working themselves out.

‘Maybe he felt bad for feeding me that crap? Thought he was some heartless asshole, but I guess he’s not actually that bad of a person after all! Hehe. Maybe I should taste his cooking more often!’ he thought. Then, the smile faded from his face as he remembered the consequence of having tried the champion’s cooking. Shuddering, he took his lighter out. At that moment...

“Sir! You can’t smoke in here!” the nurse shouted. Looking at the cigarette in his hand with lingering attachment, he shrugged and put it back in his pocket. Then, he fell on his bed and crossed his legs. Staring up at the ceiling, he chuckled while shaking his foot.

‘I’m gonna get stronger. No matter what.’

Looking at him with disdain, the nurse checked on Ho Sung briefly and slammed the door shut behind her on her way out.

“... Stronger.”

Swimming in his imagination, Ho Sung couldn’t help but smile. Then, feeling a sharp pain in his lower belly, he grasped for it and curled up like a shrimp, trembling.

Next morning, Min Sung opened his eyes with the sound of the doorbell. Getting out of bed, he made his way to the front door, stretching on the way. When he opened it, there was Ho Sung with an uncomfortable smile on his face.

“Good morning!” Ho Sung said.

“What time is it?”

“Six o’clock.”

“What are you doing here at 6 a.m?” Min Sung asked, furrowing his brow.

“It’s just that you promised to give me a boost, so I thought I should get here first thing in the morning. Am I here too early?”

Seeing Ho Sung’s eagerness, the champion let out a small sigh and scratched his neck.

“How’s your stomach?” Min Sung asked.

“All better now!”

“Good. Wait here,” Ming Sung said after nodding.

“Yes, sir!”

Then, Min Sung got in the shower and prepared to leave the house.

“Master? Are we going to a dungeon?” Bowl asked, looking up at him.

“That’s right.”

Hearing that, the doll danced for joy, cackling. Picking it up, Min Sung shoved it into his pocket and headed out. Ho Sung had already started the ignition, ready to leave at any moment. As soon as the champion got in the car, Ho Sung drove off at an impressive speed for the size of the car.

Soon, a levitating dungeon gate appeared in the distance.

“Ho Sung Lee.”

“Yes, sir!”

“You mind bringing your voice down?”

“Haha! Sorry about that, sir.”


“Of course! You’re giving me another boost! I was so touched when you offered.”

“Tell me, what’s your maximum speed?” Min Sung asked.

“... Sir? Uh... How do I answer this? Would it help if I told you how long it takes for me to travel one-hundred meters?”


“About six seconds, using a skill.”

“Does your skill come with a condition?”

“It goes on cooldown once I use it, but the time is not very long at all.”

Looking out the window, Min Sung nodded and said, “I’m gonna make this fast. You fall behind, and that’s it. So, you better keep up if you wanna make this count,” Min Sung said. Hearing that, Ho Sung looked at Min Sung through the rearview mirror with widened eyes.

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