
Chapter 136

Chapter 136

Min Sung wasn’t pleased.

“The higher the level, the easier it cracks. But the best item, Durandal succeeded.”

Min Sung accepted it half-heartedly and proceeded with the enchant spells.

As Ho Sung Lee watched this sight, dark circles formed around his eyes.

‘How much money is going out the window right now?’

The amount was too much to calculate.

Once Min Sung finished his item enchant rush, all that was left in his item window...

[Devil’s Durandal +7]

Was one item.

“Not bad. Durandal is at +7 already...”

“Any more magic order forms left?”

Ho Sung Lee’s face felt like it was about to melt and turn into slime.

“No, Sir. It’s a miracle that the Durandal reached +7. Please stop,” Ho Sung Lee pleaded.

Min Sung threw the ‘Devil’s Durandal +7’ into his item window.

The only items left in Min Sung’s item window was his Orichalcum Sword and the Devil’s Durandal.

Ho Sung Lee clicked his tongue and shook his head.

“Sir, don’t sell the Devil’s Durandal. It’s too strong to sell for any kind of price. It’s probably the most powerful weapon amongst the hunters in this world.

Min Sung went deep into thought.

And then...

“If we do this while going up the tower, we can probably empty the item window quite quickly. Ho Sung, your item window will be used as a fridge.”

Min Sung nodded and continued,

“Fill your item window with food materials, weapon magic order forms, and armor magic order forms.”

Ho Sung Lee dripped in cold sweat.

“Sir... Like I said, please don’t sell the Durandal.”

“That’s up to me,” Min Sung said while staring at Ho Sung Lee.

In response, Ho Sung Lee gulped and nodded.

“I apologize, Sir. I’m just trying to protect the weapons that will be beneficial to you...”

“Don’t worry about that. We won’t have enough room for minor items. Do you have any kind of magic pouch to put items into?”

“I do. But there are a lot of problems with that. There are times when items disappear or break.”

“Then we’ll just have to use a person.”

“Since it’s the Black Tower, that person will have to be quite strong. I feel like Ji Yoo Kim of the Central Institute is the best...”

“No, that’s too dangerous. She can’t die in the tower.”

Min Sung drew a line.

And Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung weirdly.

“Why? Huh!? Sir, are you interested in women now?”

Ho Sung Lee showed a mischievous look on his face.

“Ji Yoo Kim is the general of the Central Institute. That comes with a certain role. If she dies, no one else can take her place. If there was someone...”

Min Sung’s eyes grew cold.

“I would have killed her when she first bothered me.”

After hearing that Min Sung let her live out of necessity, Ho Sung Lee was astonished.

Ho Sung Lee’s face grew pale as he dripped in cold sweat.

When he realized Min Sung could have really killed Ji Yoo Kim if she wasn’t valuable as a general, Min Sung suddenly looked like a devil in his eyes.

“B-but recently, she’s been trying to get on your good side, and she seems to worry about you a lot. Same goes for the helicopter, hahaha.”

Ho Sung Lee smiled awkwardly and Min Sung got up from the sofa.

“I’m going to rest in my room, so find someone we can use.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Min Sung immediately got into the elevator.

Ho Sung Lee sighed and shook his head.

“That man has no soul. If I stab him, he probably won’t bleed. Seriously.”

He trembled all over as he left the hotel.

“Anyway, where do I find someone?”

Ho Sung Lee sighed out of hopelessness.


The Samchunkyo hunters showed stiff looks on their faces as they met in the meeting room at the assembly.

They didn’t say a word to each other, but all of their heads were filled with the thought of ‘Min Sung Kang’.

The Korean hunter, Min Sung Kang.

They had already known that he was strong, but they didn’t know he’d be this strong.

They thought that they were fully capable of controlling the world hunters and clearing the tower, but that was their mistake.

Min Sung Kang was completely unexpected.

What if they happened to collide with Min Sung Kang during their fulfillment of duties?

All of the Samchunkyo hunters were worried about this.

And they were skeptical.

‘Where did such a monster come from!?’

That was the one question in all of the Samchunkyo hunters’ heads.


The robed man arrived at the front gate of a royal palace.

At the entrance read the words, ‘Samchunkyo’.

The robed man looked up at the sign before quickly going inside.

He then kneeled in the yard with a three-way path in the center.

Since it was around dinner time, the sky was dark and filled with clouds.

Meanwhile, the robed man took off his hood.

His one injured eye revealed itself.

“Jae Hyuk Han is here to greet you.”

The robed man slowly bowed his head and paid his respects.

The robed man, who revealed his name to be Jae Hyuk Han, crouched over on the ground and didn’t show any movements.

A moment later.

The door opened and a shadow appeared.

In response, Jae Hyuk Han bowed lower and put his forehead to the cold concrete.

The shadow moved.

The sound of his footsteps rung through the garden.

The owner of the shadow stood in front of Han Chae Hyuk, who was bowing on the ground.

As soon as he stood close, Jae Hyuk Han sensed a cold air around him.

That cold air came from the leader of Samchunkyo.

“You’ve done a good job so far.”

His husky yet clear voice rung loudly.

As a result of the demonic energy, his voice spread out further in all directions.

Jae Hyuk Han was unable to lift his head.

“I’m going to give you your last duty.”

Jae Hyuk Han’s one pupil dilated in response.

His eyes were filled with excitement.

“... Yes, Sir. At your command.”

Cold air broke through the silence.

And at that moment, the leader of Samchunkyo gave Jae Hyuk Han his order.

“The 7 men I sent to the assembly are still there, right?”

“... I did as you commanded.”

“They’re probably itching to death right now.”


The sound of laughter spread above his head.

Jae Hyuk Han’s pupils shook uncontrollably.

“Please go ahead, Sir,” Jae Hyuk Han quickly urged.

“You’ll understand once you return to your dwelling. That letter will be your final duty.”

Jae Hyuk Han spoke while trembling.

“Please let me see Min Ho. I’m begging you.”

He spoke with his one eye looking down on the ground with desperation.

In response, the leader of Samchunkyo clicked his tongue out of frustration.

“You’re brothers with no blood relation. Why are you so attached to each other?”

His laughter grew louder.

“If it wasn’t for him, you...”

The leader of Samchunkyo trailed off.

He then turned around.

“Once you complete your duty, you’ll be free. Both you and your brother. And I’ll even give you what you wanted.”

As soon as the shadow disappeared from above Jae Hyuk Han’s head, Jae Hyuk Han raised his head.

He was in the middle of darkness, and a sense of emptiness swallowed him up.


No one was qualified enough.

No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn’t think of a hunter that could carry their items.

Ji Yoo Kim was disqualified for being the general of the Central Insitute.

‘Then who am I supposed to hire?’

The world hunters were all in the palm of Samchunkyo’s hands now.

There was no way they would be willing to help.

It was only the Korean Central Insitute that didn’t eat the item.

But even if one of them could come, it was just a matter of time before they became dead weight within the Black Tower.

And if they started becoming bothersome, Min Sung Kang would surely get rid of him...

‘Damn it, there’s no one qualified for the job.’

Min Sung pulled his hair.

No excuses worked with Min Sung Kang.

There was something he wanted, and once he made a command, he had to follow through.

That was the rule until now.

‘Fuck, if I get beat up, I level up. Should I just give up and take his beating?’

‘It’s just a matter of time before I get beat anyway.’

‘I’ll level up, so it’s a win-win, right?’

‘Oh yeah, I forgot.’

‘He’s a cold man with no blood or tears.’

‘Once I become useless to him, he’ll slice my neck off.’


‘Shit, what do I do?’

‘Do I have to pull out one of the guys from the Korean Central Institute?’

‘But the monsters will appear even on the floors that were cleared.’

‘The Central Institute soldiers can’t even handle the normal monsters.’

‘Maybe I should just accept that I failed this mission.’

After thinking about this and that, he reached the assembly.

He saw the world hunters gathered around not far from him.

“Why are they staying at the assembly when they’re not even going to go into the tower?”

Ho Sung Lee shook his head and sat down on a bench nearby.

“Anyway, what do I do?”

He sighed as he went on his phone to look at an item site that hunters used to exchange items.

No matter how hard he searched, there were no decent subspace items to be found.

There were many low-quality subspace items, so it was common for items to be destroyed when inserted into one.

On top of that, the space for items was limited.

“I should just give up.”

He took out a cigarette and lit it when his phone began to ring.

Ho Sung Lee didn’t even check the caller before answering with a frown.

“Who is it?”

He spoke in a stressed-out tone.

This is Woong Jang.

It was Min Sung Kang’s personal chef, Woong Jang.

“Oh, Sir!”

Ho Sung Lee jolted his eyes open and sat up straight.

“I made a good Kimchi stew with the recipe you gave me. Haha! Min Sung liked it. I forgot to call you. I’m sorry.”

That’s all right. You’re probably busy. I’m glad he liked it.

“Haha, right? I was really nervous, but Bowl controlled the heat well, and everything turned out decently. I’m just worried about the next dish.”

I’m sure you’ll do well. But why do you sound so out of it?

Ho Sung Lee looked into the distance and sighed.

“I know, right...?”

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