
Chapter 334

Chapter 334

Ho Sung Lee saw the head, who reminded him of a black rapper, and he couldn’t help but laugh.

In response, the hunters behind Ho Sung Lee were giving him glares, but the head of X-HIT, Leight, lifted his hand lightly.

The killer vibe disappeared, and Leight lit up a cigar while looking at Ho Sung Lee.

“Put that out, you son of a bitch,” said Ho Sung Lee with a glare.

Leight looked down at his cigar and smiled.

“Hey, are you talking to me?”

“Then who else would I be talking to?”


The hunters, who were holding weapons all pointed their weapons at Ho Sung Lee, but Ho Sung Lee’s face remained unchanged.

When Leight saw that, he smiled out of enjoyment.

“Look here. I don’t think you get it. No matter how skilled you might be, there isn’t a single hunter here who has a level.”

Leight’s eyes began to show the desire to kill.

“Why did you want to meet me, and what information did you come here with?”

A powerful aura radiated from Leight’s body. Since that force was so powerful, the subordinates who were behind Ho Sung Lee with their weapons were trembling.

But Ho Sung Lee sighed. He took out a cigarette and lit it.

Leight tilted his head and stared at Ho Sung Lee.

He looked furious.

“Hey, you’re just out of your mind, aren’t you?”

Ho Sung Lee looked at Leight with a tired face. He knitted his brows and began walking.

While everybody looked at Ho Sung Lee, Ho Sung Lee plopped down on the luxurious sofa.

“Sit,” said Ho Sung Lee while pointing with his hand.

In response, Leight smirked and his subordinates laughed out loud.

It was clearly out of ridicule, but Ho Sung Lee didn’t care and put his hands on his face.

And then...


He ripped off the mask that he was wearing.

X-HIT’s head, Leight as well as his subordinates immediately stopped laughing.

They all kept their eyes on Ho Sung Lee with shocked faces.

“Do you know who I am? Whether you know me or not, sit down.”

Ho Sung Lee ripped off the remaining pieces of the mask from his face and grimaced out of discomfort.

“Sit,” Ho Sung Lee said to Leight in a low voice.

Leight gulped with his pupils shaking.

Ho Sung Lee was so famous that pretty much every hunter in the world knew of him unless they were slow in the head.

So someone like Leight definitely knew who Ho Sung Lee was.

“How are you...?” Leight asked in a shaking voice.

“I said I have valuable information. Don’t you want to hear it?” Ho Sung Lee asked Leight.

Leight walked slowly toward Ho Sung Lee and sat down on the sofa.

“You know, right?”

Ho Sung Lee smoked his cigarette and looked over at Leight.

“You know who Min Sung Kang is.”

In response, Leight gulped.

“The hunters and governments will be controlled soon, and some forces will resist. Ones like yours,” said Ho Sung Lee while scanning Leight.

The hunters looked astonished.

“Let me make this clear. If you resist, you’ll die. You know Min Sung Kang is much more powerful than any hunter leader in the world, right?”

The head of X-HIT was dripping in sweat.

“Min Sung would like to meet you.”

Leight’s eyes widened.

“Why...?” He asked in a nervous voice.

“Because he needs information.If you give him information about this field, he’ll spare your lives.”


Leight stared at the ground with big eyes and appeared to be troubled.

Ho Sung Lee quietly smoked his cigarette and waited for an answer.

Leight then lifted his head. He looked at Ho Sung Lee and opened his mouth.

“What if I say no?”

Ho Sung Lee stared into the distance with a bitter smile.

“Then I”ll have to beat you to a pulp and drag you there, and I won’t be able to guarantee that you’ll survive.”

“All by yourself? Do you think that’s possible? Even if you work for Min Sung Kang, I’ve never heard that you’re that skilled.”

Ho Sung Lee looked at Leight and laughed.

“First, the American hunter leader tried to mess with me, and now it’s a drug addict? Do you want to die?”

Ho Sung Lee spoke to Leight in a threatening manner, but Leight didn’t back down to Ho Sung Lee’s attitude, and Ho Sung Lee stared him down.

Ho Sung lee sighed and nodded.

“Yeah... If I could get through to you with words, you wouldn’t be in this position in the first place.”

Ho Sung Lee got up while scanning the high ceilings of the luxurious house.

“Then I”ll take that as a rejection?” Ho Sung Lee asked Leight.

Leight leaned back in his chair without a response and continued to stare at Ho Sung Lee.

When he flicked a finger, the X-HIT hunters walked toward Ho Sung Lee.

Ho Sung Lee watched the hunters approach him and smiled bitterly.

At that moment, the hunters swung their weapons.

But Ho Sung Lee wasn’t taken aback.

In Ho Sung Lee’s eyes, the hunters were swinging their weapons at an incredibly slow speed.

Since he spent so much time with Min Sung Kang, Ho Sung Lee had grown significantly.

So it was no wonder why the hunters’ movements seemed too slow for Ho Sung Lee.

‘If they used a skill, maybe they would’ve skid past my body.’

Ho Sung Lee clicked his tongue and lightly dodged the attacks.

He grabbed the wrist of a hunter at his 10 o’clock, and he used his elbow to break his elbow.


The arm broke, bones popped out, and blood poured out.

One man was down, and Ho Sung Lee then twisted his waist to grab the shoulder of a hunter at his 2 o’clock.

Four knives of the other hunters stabbed into the hunter that Ho Sung Lee pulled in.

Slash, slash, slash, slash!

Blood poured onto the ground, and after throwing the hunters that he used as shields aside, he walked forward.

The hunters stepped back out of shock and then clenched their teeth and charged in again.

Were they so stupid that they didn’t know that they didn’t stand a chance? Or did they just trust their own strength? Or were they simply following orders?

Skills poured in.

And Ho Sung Lee wrapped both of his arms with Aura and blocked them out lightly.

Just by the reflected skill, some of the hunters wobbled.

Ho Sung Lee charged toward the group of hunters with an emotionless face.

His fist, which was surrounded by his Aura, went in for a hunter’s stomach.

He coughed up blood, plopped down on his knees, and by the time HO Sung Lee passed him to attack the others, the hunters stepped back with annoyed faces.

“What are you doing? Come at me.”

Ho Sung Lee flicked his finger.

At that moment, he felt a killer vibe behind him.

Ho Sung Lee immediately turned around.

X-HIT’s head, Leight, swung a sword containing a powerful Aura.

Ho Sung Lee leaped off of the ground and lifted his arms.

Leight’s sword clashed against Ho Sung Lee’s arms.

Normally, swords cut through arms, but the Aura around Ho Sung Lee’s arms were sturdy, so he wasn’t harmed in the slightest.

Ho Sung Lee’s eyes flashed with a cold light.

And when Leight saw that, his face froze up, and at the same time, Ho Sung Lee’s fist punched Leight’s chest three times in a row.

After the punch, he grabbed Leight by the throat and looked around at the other hunters who were trying to charge in.

The hunters stopped in their tracks and stiffened their faces.

Ho Sung Lee stole Leight’s sword and slashed his armpit followed by his thigh.

Along with blood spraying into the air, Leight plopped down on his knees.

Ho Sung Lee clenched onto the sword and walked toward the hunters.

The hunters were so afraid that they reflexively attacked.

Ho Sung Lee drew a star with the sword.

Before the five hunters could even swing their swords, they fell onto the ground with their mouths open.

Blood spilled all over the ground.

Ho Sung Lee looked at the hunters and the X-HIT head sprawled out on the ground.

‘Is this how it feels?’

He had never felt so powerful and superior before.

At this moment, Ho Sung Lee could feel it in his skin that he was much more powerful than before, but he knew the truth.

That he could never let himself let his own powers get the best of him.

He didn’t obtain his power through effort.

He naturally gained it while supporting Min Sung Kang. That meant that he didn’t work for it.

So he couldn’t feel a sense of accomplishment.

Feeling accomplishment was like a special right that he only deserved if he obtained it on his own without anybody’s help just like Min Sung Kang.

He didn’t have power so that he could enjoy it, but rather so that he could help Min Sung Kang.

He had it so that he could complete the missions.

Ho Sung Lee engraved that thought in his mind and looked at the hunters on the ground as he took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

Once he lit it and smoked the cigarette, he praised himself for controlling his emotions.

He didn’t kill a single person.

The hunter that he used as a shield seemed very injured, but it wasn’t so serious that he was on the verge of death.

Ho Sung Lee walked toward the X-HIT head, Leight, who was trembling on his knees, and looked down at him.

“According to the information that I’ve gained, you’ve killed countless people as well as hunters. But despite that fact, you have quite the affection for your family.”

The mention of his family turned Leight’s eyes from rage to fear.

“Don’t choose to commit suicide. You have no right or leisure to do that,” said Ho Sung Lee while looking down at Leight.

Leight grimaced and dropped his head as if he was unable to refute it.

Ho Sung Lee looked down at him for a moment before wiping the blood on his hands on his pants and then taking out his phone.

“I need a helicopter. Pardon? The address?”

Ho Sung Lee threw his phone onto Leight’s thighs.

“Tell him the address.”

In response, Leight looked down at the phone before slowly picking it up.

He then put the phone onto his face as if he had given up.

He revealed the address of his home while almost crying

Upon confirming, Ho Sung Lee nodded and put out his cigarette in a fancy ashtray.

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