
Chapter 408

Chapter 408

I carefully studied the palm print, noting that the fingerprints were blurred. There were two possibilities–the first was to cover the fingerprint with 502 glue and the other was to corrode it with chemical agents. I required a sebum test to determine which it was.

The rest were handed over to the technical team. Xiaotao passed me a tablet with photos of several sets of footprints the officers had just snapped. "The shoe size and print match those left by the four young masters."

"Yes, it’s almost impossible to tell their height and weight...” I said, “But there are still some differences. After all, someone else’s shoes don’t fit as well.”

I pointed to a set of footprints, "Look at this. The person wearing the shoes obviously has bigger feet, flattening the edges of the shoes... And here’s another example. Whoever wore this pair of shoes has smaller feet so the shoes aren’t lifted as much. The front of the footprint is heavy while the back is much lighter."

“However, these don’t count as decisive evidence!" I sighed.

To prove that this wasn’t a copycat crime, we had to at least present DNA and fingerprints, but the murderers were very cautious, leaving neither behind.

Xiaotao smiled bitterly, "Sometimes I think the law is too rigid. It’s obvious we know who the murderers are. But there’s nothing much we can do if we can’t prove their guilt. I really wish I could go back to the station and just shoot them all."

Right then, Xiaotao’s phone rang. After a brief conversation with the caller, she turned to me and said, "Their lawyers are here and they’re causing trouble in the station, insisting on taking the four young masters away!"

"Assholes!” I cursed. “What perfect timing!"

The crime scene was left to the technical team to deal with while Xiaotao and I rushed back to the station. Four men in suit and tie were waiting in the corridor when we arrived. One of them stood up and arrogantly introduced himself, "We are now acting on the client’s behalf. According to China’s criminal law, you unlawfully detained our clients without notifying their families, which constitutes as a serious violation of the law. We reserve the right to file a lawsuit. Now we’re here to take our clients away!"

"I see, so you take their money and help them eliminate all disasters, eh?” Xiaotao mocked through gritted teeth. “And no matter what kind of scum they are, as long as they can afford you, you’ll stand up for them, am I right?"

"Officer, may I remind you that your words are slander!" said one of the lawyers, pointing at Xiaotao.

I patted Xiaotao on the shoulder, motioning for not to be impulsive. In a fit of pique, she waved her hand, "Take your masters away and get the hell out of here!"

The lawyer coldly glared at Xiaotao and proceeded with the formalities. The current situation sat heavily on the heart. Compared to the criminals I had previously faced, the Dog Trainer was terribly meticulous. I endeavored to find any flaws I might have missed. As long as one committed a crime, it was impossible not to leave any evidence behind.

A while later, the four young villains were escorted by their lawyers. Qin Aonan walked up to me, his head cocked up and lips curled in a triumphant smile. "Officer, I’ll be on my way. Let’s have tea next time."

Zhao Dapeng wolf-whistled at Xiaotao, "Hey beautiful, with your looks, why be a policeman? Come with us. I promise you’ll earn more in one night than an entire year’s worth of salary."

Xiaotao’s clenched fists were an indication of an oncoming venomous outburst. I quickly stopped her and stared straight into Qin Aonan’s eyes. "Do you think the Dog Trainer can protect you for a lifetime?"

Having experienced the lethality of my eyes, Qin Aonan took a step back in fear. "Hmph, that’s none of your business!"

My lips curled into a grim smile, "Have you ever seen a dam stop the flood?"

"I don’t understand what the hell you’re talking about," he smiled calmly at his companions. "This guy’s gone cuckoo."

Ignoring his attempts at mockery, I continued, "To stop the monstrous flood with a fragile dam... You stand here thinking your actions are foolproof. But let me tell you, as long as there’s even a tiny crack in the dam of lies, that’s it for all of you!"

"You’re so poor you can’t even imagine the world of the rich,” sneered Qin Aonan. “I have plenty of money. And with that, I can do whatever the hell I want!"

The lawyer standing next to Qin Aonan coughed to remind him not to shoot his mouth off.

Qin Aonan slammed into my shoulder and the four young masters walked away, laughing with their heads held high. Fuming with anger, Xiaotao pulled out her gun and shouted, "As an officer, I’m supposed to watch the murderers get away with their crime? What’s the point of my job then?"

I held her hand and shook my head, gesturing for her not to be impulsive. "Song Yang, I can’t just let it go!" she yelled, sounding as if she was on the verge of sobbing.

"We haven’t lost yet,” I comforted. “He’s just given us an important clue!"

"What do you mean..." Xiaotao looked up in astonishment.

"Hiring the Dog Trainer to help them will definitely cost a lot of money. We can check their recent expenses," I explained.

Xiaotao’s eyes brightened as if she had seen the light at the end of the dark tunnel.

A sudden commotion sounded from outside. Qin Aonan yelled, "How dare you hit me! Where’s the damn police?"

When we arrived outside, the old soldier Wang Xuebing came out of nowhere, clutching Qin Aonan’s collar with both hands. "Did you kill my daughter?” demanded Wang Xuebing. “Was it you?!"

The old man’s hands were like pliers so even the other second-generation rich kids next to him couldn’t pry his fingers open.

Xiaotao walked up to them and urged, "Old man, calm down!"

"How can you tell me to calm down?” retorted Wang Xuebing. “You clearly said that the culprits have been arrested. Why were they let go? Did you take his money? I worked hard for this country at the frontlines of Laoshan, yet this is what I get in return."

Qin Aonan’s lawyer coldly interrupted, "This old fart is threatening my client’s safety. Aren’t you going to do anything?"

"Please show some respect. He’s a former soldier. Do you know why he’s so angry?” quipped Xiaotao. “That’s because his daughter was brutally killed by these four animals!"

Then, Xiaotao slowly read out the names of the four victims, "Please remember these four names. Their souls won’t rest in peace until they get even with you!"

With their guilty conscience, the four young masters looked rather flustered upon hearing the victims’ names. Qin Aonan grinned widely, "I’ve never heard of these four people at all."


A loud slap landed across Qin Aonan’s face, his cheeks swelling like a balloon. Wang Xuebing’s eyes seemed to breathe fire as he roared, "You killed my Lulu. I’ll make you pay for it. Pay for it with your lives!"

The lawyer snapped, "Officers, please arrest this man at once!"

Xiaotao took out her handcuffs but I reached for them. "Let me be the villain!"

As I handcuffed Wang Xuebing, I whispered, "I’m sorry, old man."

After receiving a slap on the face, Qin Aonan wanted to retaliate with a kick but was stopped by his lawyer while I pulled Wang Xuebing away. The lawyer shook his head at him and turned to us, "This happened at the entrance of the Public Security Bureau. The responsibility falls on the police entirely. I will take legal measures so wait for the court summons!"

With that, they strode off.

Wang Xuebing squatted on the ground, burying his face in his hands as tears rolled down his cheeks. "Did my Lulu die for nothing? Is there no justice in this world?"

In the face of such circumstances, Xiaotao and I felt our hearts sink with sadness.

"Old man, I swear that we’ve never received any bribes from the suspects,” assured Xiaotao. “We only suffered a temporary defeat. But we will bring them to justice. Justice may be late but never be absent!"

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