
Chapter 195: Narrow Encounters

Lin Xian walked back to the shared dorm room he had lived in before joining the task force. With the team disbanded, he also had to move out. The room had been silent for days. Ji Lin’s belongings were gone; he had taken everything when he moved to Japan. Lin Xian’s toiletries were still there, but he hadn’t stayed in the room for some time.

He flipped on the light switch. The empty room stirred a sense of nostalgia within him. Everyone thought the horrific events were completely behind them. Lin Xian knew better—it wasn’t over yet. There was still one final act before the curtain would fall. Who would take the final bow? That remained to be seen in the last showdown.

Lin Xian packed his belongings, turned off the light, and took one last glance at the room he had shared with Ji Lin for over two weeks.


The door shut behind him.

MX Company, 22nd Floor, Zhao Ying Jun’s office, Lin Xian placed the Ferrari key on Zhao Ying Jun’s desk.

“All finished with it?” Zhao Ying Jun looked up with a smile. “You really pulled off something big.”

“You’ve heard then?”

“Of course, such good news travels fast. Even though the police haven’t announced it officially, I bet the whole city knows by now.”

Zhao Ying Jun rested her chin on her hand, observing Lin Xian. “The Donghai City Police must be treating you like a hero. You’ve really helped them solve a massive problem.”

“Thanks to your car,” Lin Xian pointed at the key. “Without it, I might have been outrun by the criminal, and none of this would’ve been possible.”

“You seem to really enjoy driving.”

“I do,” Lin Xian admitted with a smile. “It’s probably the only thing I excel at.”

“You’re too modest,” Zhao Ying Jun countered, leaning back in her chair. “You have many talents, and it’s obvious to everyone. A good horse deserves a good saddle. If you like the car, keep it. I don’t use it much; I have a chauffeur.”

“No, no, I always end up returning it in a mess. I’d feel bad keeping it,” Lin Xian chuckled, then quickly changed the subject. “But I really appreciate the loan and your trust. I can’t offer much in return, but a friend recommended a great restaurant. How about I treat you to dinner?”

Zhao Ying Jun pondered briefly, then smiled. “Dinner isn’t necessary. If you really want to thank me, how about a different favor?”

“What do you need?” Lin Xian asked, intrigued.

Zhao Ying Jun toyed with the Ferrari key on her desk. “After joining you in those high-speed chases, I’ve grown to like the thrill. How about you teach me how to drive like that? Drifting and high-speed maneuvers seem really cool.”

Lin Xian blinked, surprised by her request.

“Are you sure? Street racing can be quite dangerous.”

“We’ll practice on a racetrack,” Zhao Ying Jun assured him. “It’s much safer. I got curious after our last adventure and did some research. I’d like to try it out for myself.”

Lin Xian nodded, agreeing to her request. “Okay. Tomorrow’s Saturday. How about we head to the Tianma Racing Track? They’re open for practice most days, and it’s easy to book a spot.”

“That sounds great,” Zhao Ying Jun beamed. “See you then.”

The Ferrari roared to life, belching black smoke as it sped down the Tianma Racing Track’s second course in Donghai City. Zhao Ying Jun had rented the entire track for the day.

It was the off-season for major racing events, so the tracks were mostly available and attracted many car enthusiasts. However, renting an entire track for a single car was unusual—clear proof of Zhao Ying Jun’s wealth.

“Keep the RPM steady and watch the tachometer,” Lin Xian instructed from the passenger seat, watching Zhao Ying Jun grip the steering wheel. “In racing, feeling the speed with your eyes and body isn’t enough; you need to pay attention to the engine RPM. For beginners, it’s not intuitive, so keep an eye on the tachometer.”

Zhao Ying Jun nodded, absorbing his advice. She had never driven this fast and was visibly nervous. She focused on the road, occasionally glancing at the tachometer as Lin Xian had suggested.

Racing was a new realm for her. Despite years of driving, she had never considered the importance of the tachometer. Now, she was learning that high-difficulty driving required maintaining high RPMs in low gears for better control and flexibility.

Today, Zhao Ying Jun was dressed strikingly different from her usual style. For safety, she swapped her high heels for racing shoes and changed into a tight-fitting racing suit. All her jewelry, including her signature earrings, had been removed since they could be hazardous while racing. Ideally, she would have worn a helmet, but since this was just practice and helmets could obstruct a novice’s view and strain the neck, she went without one. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, making her look ready for action.

“Driving fast on straightaways is simple, but never shift to a high gear,” Lin Xian continued. “Low gears with high RPM are essential for quick responses to unexpected road conditions. The real trick in driving well is knowing when to shift gears and raise the RPM.”

“Next, we’ll experience the centrifugal force of a turn, then try a drift.”

Zhao Ying Jun tensed up, but Lin Xian remained calm, smiling as he explained. “Ferraris don’t use mechanical handbrakes, but drifting isn’t just about handbrakes. It’s about making the rear wheels skid. Without a handbrake, you can downshift at high speed and floor the gas pedal to boost the rear wheel RPM, reducing traction and initiating a skid, which completes the drift.”

“It sounds easy when you say it,” Zhao Ying Jun chuckled nervously. “So, what do I do?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll handle the steering. Just follow my lead. Now—downshift to second gear and floor it!”

Zhao Ying Jun did as instructed. The RPM soared, and the rear wheels began spinning wildly, emitting white smoke as they lost traction. The Ferrari’s rear swung out, entering the turn at a 45-degree angle. Lin Xian’s left hand was firmly on the steering wheel, making fine adjustments to ensure the maneuver was smooth. This first drift was to give Zhao Ying Jun a feel for the forces at play. She would need more practice to take control herself; letting her steer on her first attempt could have led to a crash.

“Wow,” Zhao Ying Jun exhaled deeply after the turn, shaking her head with a smile. “I didn’t have time to think, but reflecting on it now, the principle of higher RPM reducing friction feels like something from a high school physics class. It’s incredible how such knowledge applies to real-life situations.”

“Absolutely,” Lin Xian agreed. “Physics is a fascinating subject. Many scientists are captivated by the laws and equations of mechanics. And some even argue that mathematics is the most beautiful discipline.”

He thought of Liu Feng and Li Qi Qi. Despite their different levels of understanding of math, both appreciated its elegance and the beauty of its formulas. Sometimes, Lin Xian marveled at the perfection and complexity of the universe’s physical and mathematical laws. It seemed almost too coincidental to have formed naturally.

“Physics and mathematics are deeply interconnected,” Zhao Ying Jun said, now more relaxed and able to chat while speeding down the straightaway. “The famous mathematician Isaac Newton once wrote ‘The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.\'”

“That’s right,” Lin Xian nodded. “That book was Newton’s masterpiece. His three laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation revolutionized modern science and opened the door for humanity to explore the mysteries of the universe.”

“Newton was a true genius,” Lin Xian mused. “What kind of self-proclaimed geniuses could gather together and call themselves the Genius Club? Without the likes of Newton, Einstein, or Gauss, I wouldn’t even recognize them. These extraordinary talents set the bar for genius so high… it’s hard to imagine how anyone could surpass them.”

Meanwhile, on the first track of Tianma Racing Track, a fiery red McLaren Senna skidded through the final turn with an exaggerated drift, its low-profile tires scraping the ground before stopping sideways on the track. The scissor door opened.

Su Su removed her helmet, shaking her bright yellow hair back into place, and looked at her instructor.

“So, how was it?”

Her instructor, beside her, gave a double thumbs-up. “Fantastic! Absolutely fantastic, Su Su! You’re the most talented female racer I’ve ever trained!”

“But I feel like I’m still not hugging the inside of the turn enough.”

“How could that be?” the instructor exclaimed. “This is already top-notch! Even professional racers can’t get their cars’ front to scrape the inner turn. This isn’t ‘Initial D’ or ‘Crazy Kart.’ Nobody can drive that perfectly. You’re already doing amazing!”

“Hmm…” Su Su smacked her lips. “But I saw two people recently who were even better. They were driving on a busy highway, handling their cars better than on a racetrack. Their turn skills were so precise, their headlights almost kissed the curb.”

“Hahaha… You must be mistaken,” the instructor laughed awkwardly. “That’s impossible… purely an urban legend.”

“Well, I’m off. See you next week.” After the instructor got out, Su Su called her waiting friend into the car, and they waved goodbye as they drove off the first track.

“Alright, Miss Su Su, see you next week!” The instructor waved enthusiastically, knowing she was a valuable client who tipped generously.

Su Su’s friend grabbed a box of bubble gum from the McLaren’s glove compartment, popping one into her mouth. “Su Su, you’ve been coming here every week to practice since that Ferrari incident. It must have really fired you up.”

Su Su snorted. “The Ferrari was fine… I’m just pissed at that date. He acted all cool and then left. It was disgusting! For the first time, I asked someone to scan my WeChat QR code, and he dared to refuse me?! Such nerve! If I see him again, he won’t get off easy!”

“Come on, don’t be mad,” her friend chuckled, offering her a bubble gum. “Donghai City is huge. How likely is it you’ll run into him again? Whether it’s that Ferrari or that date… I bet you’ll never see them again!”


As they passed the outer edge of the second track, a red blur, trailing black smoke from its tires and roaring with high RPMs, zoomed by, leaving them wide-eyed and gaping.

Both women craned their necks to look at the disappearing car on the second track…

That familiar red color,

That familiar model,

That familiar taillight!

“Damn!” Su Su gritted her teeth. “What a narrow encounter with an old enemy!”

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