
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Editor: SimoB

Make- make a baby??

Yin Mingzheng stared at the youth on top of him that clearly preferred men. This was the first time he had ever felt so dazed.

Seeing that Shi Qing was now impatiently tearing at his clothes, he began to struggle like a fish caught in a net. “No! Wait! I’m a guy!”

“Yeah, I am too.”

Shi Qing busied himself with Yin Mingzheng’s clothes while replying quite self-righteously.

He really was quite occupied. In order to get through the clothes, he had to relax his grip on Yin Mingzheng’s hands. His tender fingers approached the shirt to try and rip it off.

But since he was no longer securing Yin Mingzheng’s hands, the man immediately struggled further. The virgin 28 year old veteran hero was completely blindsided by Shi Qing’s actions. His mind had long since thrown away thoughts like [infiltrate the enemy from within], [lead him on to gather intel] or [find out what’s going on]. There was only one pitiful wish left in his head: to keep his modesty, and his clothes, intact.

It was like the two were playing a game, with Shi Qing on the offensive and Yin Mingzheng on defense.

Shi Qing had raw strength but was inexperienced, while Yin Mingzheng had plenty of combat experience but less strength. For a while, the situation was at a stalemate.

Yin Mingzheng was hurrying to protect his outfit while observing the teen above him. He had a pair of round almond eyes, a small lifted nose, and an unconscious small smile on his ruby red lips.

He looked like a harmless and pure youth –If he didn’t keep at his unsavoury task while laughing.

It had to be said, this strange person’s appearance was just too unalarming. Even though the situation was still uncertain; he was on the spaceship and seemed to be a high-ranked alien for one. But his sweet laugh and eyes that curled into crescents made it so that Yin Mingzheng couldn’t get angry.

Of course, even though he would love to fight the teen off and run, he barely had the strength to keep his clothes on.

He was all bark and no bite in front of this person.

Yin Mingzheng continued to block Shi Qing’s hands while saying, “I think there’s been a misunderstanding! I don’t know you so there’s no way I’m your companion.”

“Why does my companion have to know me?”

The youth sitting on him finally stopped with a confused and aggrieved look in his eyes. “Why aren’t you taking off your clothes?”

“Why would I&#k2026; No. Get off first.”

Shi Qing seemed open to conversation, which let Yin Mingzheng breathe a sigh of relief. Talking is good.

But he had relaxed too soon.

The plump and white youth pressed down on him with a pressure that would make normal people vomit blood. He had no intention of getting off and was quite unhappy about it as well. “I’m not getting off. You’re my companion, so why don’t you want to make a baby with me.”

Yin Mingzheng couldn’t move under the several tonnes of pressure pressing down on him. He struggled some more before wilting under the youth’s dissatisfied gaze.

He caught his breath and adjusted his attitude, intending to have a nice conversation with the other.

“Mister, it’s like this. One, I’m not your companion. Two, you and I are both men, 100% men. Two men can’t have a child.”

“I know.”

Shi Jing smiled sweetly at him again and put his ear to Yin Mingzheng’s chest to listen to the violently thumping organ within.

“Human men can’t make a baby, but my species can.”

The already fast heartbeat sped up.

Yin Mingzheng was a straight guy who had never really looked at men even before the apocalypse. He would never have even thought about two men having a baby.

But he remembered some movies he watched before.

The monsters reproduced by laying their eggs in humans. Then, when the time was right, baby monsters would tear their way out of their host’s body, all while the human screamed in pain...

–When he thought about how that scenario might apply to him, Yin Mingzheng’s face turned green.

Shi Qing sensed his tumultuous emotions and smiled in satisfaction. A white finger circled around the zipper on Yin Mingzheng’s jacket.

“As long as we join together, I will evolve into my mature state. The Mother Tree on my planet will start to create the next generation after receiving a signal of my maturation. When I die in 200 years, a baby with our genetic information will be born.”

His words were innocent and filled with yearning: “Your genes are very strong, so our baby will be strong too.”

Yin Mingzheng: “.....”

He quickly went over what this alien with the appearance of a human teen just said.

Their planet had a tree called the Mother Tree that would start to propagate itself after receiving a maturation signal from this guy. When he died, the next generation, that had the genes of those he had intercourse with, would be born.

If this nonsense was the plot of a movie then Yin Mingzheng would think it was illogical, but it was happening to him right now.

He didn’t even consider that Shi Qing was trying to deceive him.

After all, he was like an ant in the alien’s palm right now. There was no need to lie to him.

Besides, ever since the insect-like alien invaders had arrived, the Earthlings got a first hand look at what the phrase ‘anything’s possible’ meant.

Compared to female Insects that would continue to mate after being decapitated, male Insects that would have an organ eaten after mating, and bugs that felt honoured to be eaten by their brethren, there was nothing strange about aliens that could conceive galaxies away from their bodies or had a gestation period of two hundred years.

Luckily, the one he met seems reasonable enough and open to discussion.

Just as he had that thought, the youth that was obediently sitting on his chest seemed to get bored and reached for the zipper on his clothes.

Yin Mingzheng hurried to intercept. “.....Wait a moment!”

“What now?!”

The teen was upset and pushed the hand that blocked him against the top of the bed: “If you keep acting like this I’m going to tie you up. That won’t affect us *******.”

Ying Mingzheng looked into those intent eyes and had no doubt that he would actually do it. He quickly said: “You say that you’re my companion, but we haven’t gotten to know each other. Humans don’t **** people they don’t know.”

“I know you. You’re called Yin Mingzheng.”

Maybe he thought that this reasoning was valid, but the unhappy expression faded from the youth’s face. He placed Yin Mingzheng’s hand against his cheek and rubbed against its lightly calloused surface like a small kitten. His eyes were shining brightly.

“I know that you know me. I’m saying that I don’t know you yet.” Yin Mingzheng shifted in discomfort. He was single before the apocalypse, and busy afterwards fighting against the Insect race. Even if he had admirers, he never had the time to pursue a relationship. This was the first time he was so intimate with someone, and uncontrollable emotions began welling up in his heart.

He coughed and pushed them down. He then continued to speak slowly to try and deescalate the situation: “You say that we’re companions, but I don’t even know your name, your age, which planet you’re from, how many relatives you have, or why you even chose me as your companion. On Earth both people need to know about each other.”

The teen wasn’t angry but there was an unhappy look on his face. “You Earthlings are so complicated.”

“Okay. My name is Shi Qing, I’m part of the Robot race, my planet is in Galaxy 312, and I have no relatives. The reason I chose you is because Earth was the first planet I found after I was born and you’re the strongest here. So naturally I chose you to be my companion.”

Yin Mingzheng considered his words while continuing to distract him. “You don’t have any relatives? Then who’s flying this ship? Your superior?”

The System suddenly popped out. [Host! He’s fishing for info, don’t fall for it! He wants you to spill the beans so he can plan his escape! And why say so much to him? How can you tell him about something as important as your race’s reproductive methods? His animosity towards you is 100/100!!!]

Shi Qing: [Yeah, I know. Didn’t you figure out that I was making it up?]

The System was surprised. [Making it up???]

[En. I’m the only one of this species anyway, the rest are all robots. There’s no one to contradict what I say. If I don’t do this, how will I take advantage of- no, lower his animosity value?]

The dumbfounded System: ...You humans sure like to lie a lot.

Yin Mingzheng noticed nothing about their conversation. He just saw the youth ‘s innocent almond eyes curl at the edges as he smiled. He seemed like a sheltered little prince as he rubbed against Yin Mingzheng’s hands: “This ship is mine. They all listen to me.”

[Ok, I’ve told him I’m the boss. Time to take advantage of him.]

Shi Qing gathered the other’s hands again and secured them over his head.

“Now that introductions are out of the way, let’s ****!”

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