
Chapter 74 Queens Palace

Chapter 74 Queen\'s Palace

Chapter 74: Queen’s Palace

Rihannan often gagged, even vomiting out the nasty-flavored medicine. It did not matter that her organs despised the medicine, the Maid of Honor would bring in a new set and have her down the medicine fully despite Rihannan’s distress. The Maid of Honor kept a close eye on her, making sure she finished the medicine before proceeding her reports to the Queen Mother.

Those memories, Rihannan loathed it.

“Please take good care of me.”

This time around she’ll damn well make sure no one forced her to drink or eat something she did not want.

She faced Igor thereafter and said, “I think it’s proper that I say my greetings to the Queen first. Is it alright to visit her?”

Igor’s countenance hardened. “…..You don’t have to.”

Rihannan thought it rude of her that she skips on the formalities. It seemed rightfully proper to greet the Queen Mother.

“What do you mean by that?” she said.

“I mean… you don’t need to say hello to her. You must be tired. Let’s get some rest.”

Rihannan marveled in surprise. She knew Igor and his mother had an estranged family relation, but she never expected Igor’s reaction to being on the extreme side.

“But that’s against reason,” she replied.

“Mother isn’t in the palace, to begin with. She’s residing in Burke Castle. You need not worry about her.”



Rihannan sighed and shut her mouth. If she spoke any longer, it’ll only lead to a public quarrel in front of numerous courtiers and nobles. She needed to thread the palace well and to ne’er show signs of disobedience against the king. Moreover, unlike the past, the Queen Mother who had been her great support was no longer present.


Noticing the atmosphere grow tense, Mrs. Cessley, stepped forward and said, “Please follow me, My Queen. I’ve prepared many things and I simply cannot wait to show it to you.”

Mrs. Cessley approached Rihannan and clasped her arm warmly. Rihannan gave Igor a nod and left the scene together with Mrs. Cessley.

“My Queen, you’ll stay at a separate palace for a month-long until the day of your arranged wedding ceremony. And… also… the Queen’s Palace is currently under construction.”

On her way to the palace, the Duchess gave Rihannan much information, most of which Igor commanded her to prepare.

“His Majesty’s instructed us to refurbish the Queen’s Palace months ago. I’d have hurried a little bit more had I known Her Majesty would have arrived much earlier than planned.”

“His Majesty gave you and the maidservants’ orders months ago?”

“Yes. I only realized too late that His Majesty planned to return with the woman he was to marry…”

The Duchess’ words were akin to praises for the King’s cleverness, but to Rihannan, a cold chill ran down her back. It meant that he had long planned many months ago to win the naval battle against Chrichton and demand a national marriage with the princess in return.

She was somewhat curious.


What happened to Igor’s life in this timeline that she was not aware of? How was he able to accomplish many feats that seemed impossible in their past life.

“I’ve heard that you’ve visited the palace several times as a child, my queen,” said the Duchess.

Rihannan nodded. “Yes.”

“But you’ve never visited the Queen’s Palace before, have you?”

Rihannan hesitated. “…No.”

“Then it is my crucial responsibility to make sure that your stay in the Queen’s Place is comfortable. I hope you’ll like it in the end.”

Contrary to her answer, Rihannan had lived and visited the Queen’s Palace long ago. Her early stay in the Queen’s Palace was a decision made after much consideration from the late queen so that she adapts to the palace far more quickly. Though it hardly proved any use to her.

Rather, life in the royal palace became more painful and unbearable. Had she not borne witness to the Queen Mother and Igor’s conversation, she may have lived a life of treating Igor indifferently. Her death at his hand may have remained the same, but at least she’ll not live in misery knowing her husband despised her very presence.

“At that time, I visited the Queen’s Palace with my mother. The Queen was very kind to me. And so, when I left for Chrichton, I sent her, my godmother and a friend to my a mother, a letter of farewell.”,

“Yes, I heard about that story.”

“So it does have me slightly worried. How is she now?” Rihannan asked with a smile.

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