
Chapter 94: Once Again, The Foreigner Can’t Explore The Dungeon I & II

Chapter 94: Once Again, The Foreigner Can’t Explore The Dungeon I & II

<Once Again, The Foreigner Can’t Explore The Dungeon I>


The following day.

At the Adventurers\' Guild.

Right when I had just finished paying the taxes, the Guild President appeared behind the reception counter and told me that.

「Guild President, can you tell me why? Are we in some sort of trouble?」

Several things come to mind.

Getting into fights, causing brawls, unleashing magic inside the city, destroying buildings, beating up a Brave, drinking her blood, and sending her to the healing temple along with her attendant.

Oh, Rana is the culprit in 90% of the incidents.

「Why, you ask? You guys are doing pretty well for yourselves, right?」

「Well, sort of」

We had made a fair bit of money from the adventure that we went on yesterday.

The total amount we got for the materials came to 88 gold coins. 10% of that had gone to the Kingdom of Lemuria\'s Adventurers\' Guild. Nevertheless, we still made quite a bit of money. Our party makes three times as much as the other adventurers in our batch.

Even if we consumed most of the honey ourselves, we would still earn a pretty penny from selling it.

「Also, you guys have been clearing the dungeon much too smoothly」

「As the Adventurers\' Guild, shouldn’t you be praising us for that? We\'re adventurers after all」

The Guild President is a fair-skinned, beautiful-looking boy with small wings.

Despite his appearance, he is much older than me. And we haven\'t gotten along from the start. This time as well, I can\'t help but wonder if he\'s trying to sabotage me for personal reasons.

「To make matters worse, the other adventurers have their eye on you because Father joined your party」

I only found out recently that Otou-san is the Guild President\'s foster father.

Also, this guy had objected to Otou-san joining our party. According to him, Otou-san had apparently been approached by other outstanding parties.

Leaving aside our reputation, we\'re also an outstanding party though.

「Furthermore, the floors you guys have cleared is significantly deeper than the other adventurers in your batch. Do I have to spell it out for you? You\'re such a pain in the neck」

「Are you saying that I should be concerned about other people\'s jealousy?」

「That\'s right. Resentment and envy come with fame, but your party has taken it too far. Part of the reason is because the leader is you, foreigner. You’re close to the king, and you have his daughter as your mistress. You have a princess of Heures Forest as your wife. The merchant companies that you have ties to become famous all of a sudden, and the ones that oppose you go out of business for mysterious reasons.

The cherry on top is that the methods you guys use to defeat your enemies are unclear. Be it the Dragon-Tortoise, the guardians of the dungeon, or the beast monster that appeared in the plain……… Well, there\'s more than enough reasons to suspect that you\'re a fraud」

「No no, but――」

No way, all this over mere suspicion.

I shouldn\'t have left any solid evidence behind. Well, people don\'t need evidence to be jealous of others, I suppose.

「But it\'s not like there’s nothing you can do. It\'s important for adventurers to build connections with their peers. Those who fail to do so don\'t live long」

「Sum it up for me, Guild President. What do I have to do in order to be allowed to explore the dungeon again?」

Somehow, I have a rough idea of what\'s coming……

「You will have to complete personal requests that have been submitted to the Guild. Requests made by your fellow adventurers. That\'s reasonable, right?」


Requests from my fellow adventurers, huh?

Rana got set up in the past by one of these. It was a request for help with an adventure, and after she accepted, she found a sexual predator lying in wait for her.

Because of that, I don\'t have a good impression of this type of request.

Every now and then, other parties would beg me to accept their requests, but I would turn them all down. My party has our hands full with our own adventures. We don\'t have the time to take care of other people.

「So, Guild President, how many requests do we have to complete?」


I suppose I can\'t ignore them this time.

「At least three. I have several requests that suit you guys, but I\'ll at least ask if you have any preferences or conditions」

「Absolutely no hiring out of my party members. The same goes for our equipment. I’ll be the only person who can be hired. That’s what I’d prefer」

「Understood. Take this opportunity to expand your social circle. No matter how strong you are, there will be times when you need the help of other parties. Also, the biggest headache we have as the Adventurers\' Guild is fights between fellow adventurers. I\'ll continue to overlook them so long as they don\'t rise above the level of fist-fights, but the next time you guys start blasting magic at one another in the middle of the city, I\'ll have you thrown out of the country」

「I very much understand」

I had figured that I would be told that sooner or later.

It seems that when Rana defeated Frey, she had completely destroyed the stable that Frey was staying in. We had somehow managed to assuage the greenhorn adventurers who had gotten mixed up in it by compensating them with new equipment as well as paying their medical bills. Along with the stable, the inn it was attached to also had to be rebuilt.

It had cost me a lot of money.

My dream of having my own home had evaporated into thin air.

「Simply put, this ban on exploring the dungeon is a penalty resulting from a cumulation of many things. You guys have been acting without giving any consideration to others for far too long. Learn how to get along with other people」

「I guess」

To the Guild President\'s perfectly reasonable words, I replied in the way a delinquent student would.

Good grief.

It isn\'t going to be that easy for me to make headway, huh?

<Once Again, The Foreigner Can’t Explore The Dungeon II>


I gave a report after returning to the camp, but the women weren\'t listening.

My wife and sister were singing and dancing, with their arms linked with those of the dark-skinned loli elf between them.

「I can understand Maria and Ea acting this way, but even Rana?」

Maria, the dark-skinned loli, is the daughter of an acquaintance that I look after from time to time.

When she first came here, she wore a baggy combat uniform, but my sister said,『It\'s not cute,』and picked out an outfit for her.

She now wears a pair of vintage shorts, a chest wrap that looks like a sports bra, and a hooded jacket over all that. It\'s as revealing as a female beastkin\'s outfit.

Maria grew up in a cold place. This is just right because the climate in Lemuria is very warm.

However, from her father……

『I demand an explanation for the way my daughter is dressed』

…….I received as many as 50 messages like that.

It\'s a pain, so I ignored them.

『Honey seems to stimulate the secretion of serotonin as well as boost the parasympathetic nervous system of elves』

「Is it like narcotics to them or something?」

An A.I. in a mini-pod disguised as a lantern came rolling up to me.

After I picked her up, Yukikaze continued.

『As for the song, it\'s written by Makina. It\'s an ode in praise to honey』

「She\'s doing weird stuff again」

In the kitchen, a human-sized pod was making pancakes "again" today.

Called the Makina-Pod, it’s an A.I. from the modern world who had come to the alternate world with me.

After we returned from our adventure yesterday, she had used baking powder that she had gotten from who knows where to make pancakes. She had drizzled a lot of honey on them, making the dish a big hit with the elves.

Thanks to that, we had pancakes for lunch, dinner, and supper yesterday. This morning\'s breakfast had been nothing but pancakes.

And, it\'s still early, but it looks like today\'s lunch is also going to be pancakes.

Consider the nutritional balance……

『Everyone~! It\'s done~!』


Makina stacked thick, hot, and extra-large pancakes onto a plate.

She put a lump of butter on top, then drizzled some honey from a jar over the pancakes.

The three elves watched hungrily as she proceeded to cut the stack of pancakes like a cake.

After it was portioned out and placed on each person\'s plate……


……the women shouted a prayer, then started wolfing them down.

They didn\'t use knives, but just used forks to stab the pancakes and gobble them up.

The way they’re eating is unseemly. Especially since all three of them are of royal descent.

It feels like their parents would get mad at me for some reason if they saw this.

「Oh, Onii-chan, welcome back~」

「Souya, welcome back~」

「Dear, welcome back」

『Souya-san, welcome back~. Do you want some pancakes?』

They\'ve finally noticed me.

「No, it\'s fine. I have work to do, so I\'m going back into the city. You guys just take it easy」


The women said, before turning their attention back to the pancakes.

I wonder why. I\'m really jealous of the pancakes right now.

………………But if it\'s still pancakes tomorrow, I’m going to do everything in my power to stop it.

『Team member Souya, Yukikaze is coming too. It may be unnecessary, but Yukikaze will help』

「I\'ll be counting on you then. By the way, how’s Agathion?」

I hung Yukikaze on my belt.

『Aga-san is currently still dormant』


『It has been immersed inside Reika water, but there is no sign of it recovering its capabilities』

「That\'s a problem.」

If the requests involve fighting, it would be worrisome.

I\'ve already told the Guild President that I would do it alone. I’d hate to go back on my word, and more than anything, I don\'t want to get the other party members involved in anything bad.

No, I don\'t want them to get involved and make matters worse.

Especially Rana, or Rana, and Rana. If the number of requests increases because of her, that would be putting the cart before the horse.

「Well, I guess I\'ll just do it alone」

It may be conceit, but I can handle a straightforward fight.

But since I\'m not going adventuring, I should be fine with just light equipment.

I had on my normal attire, which was the combat uniform and poncho.

I wasn’t wearing my armor, and my katana was at my hip. Zamonglass\' sword, which I was accustomed to using, had been left with a blacksmith so that it could be disguised as well as for maintenance.

After putting on the glasses-type device that I was used to, I checked the change in my pocket and my karambit.

I thought about whether or not there was anything else I needed, and then concluded that there wasn\'t.

It\'s a city I\'m familiar with, and I know people I can count on.

Compared to when I was sent to another continent some time ago, I feel so much more at ease.

「I\'m off then」

「Onii-chan, have a safe trip」

「Souya, don\'t forget to buy us some goodies~」

「Dear, have a safe trip」

『Souya-san, please take care』

「Got it」

I gave them a quick wave, and then turned my steps towards the city once more.

Now that I think about it, I don\'t see Lanseal or Lars. Lanseal probably has some business at the castle, but I wonder where Lars is. It isn’t in the vegetable garden either.

And then,

「Wait, I’m coming too」

An animal came out of the tent and leaped onto my poncho. It clawed its way up and sat on my shoulder.

「Misuranika-sama, how unusual of you」

「You\'re being insolent」

I got head-butted in the cheek.

She\'s a golden-eyed, gray, long-haired cat, who’s pretty fluffy.

She\'s the god I\'m contracted with, one surrounded by many mysteries.

If I went against her, she would get annoying later, so I walked on with her on my shoulder through the plain.

「Aren\'t you usually asleep at this time?」

This god hasn\'t taken the form of a cat for nothing. She sleeps sixteen hours a day.

「I can\'t sleep with them singing that weird song so loudly」

「I apologize for that」

I\'ll scold them later.

I have no choice as even god has complained about it.

「It\'s fine. It\'s beneath the dignity of a god to deprive children of their fun」


This god is strangely kind to children. The first time I met her, she gave a child spending-money.

From my purse though.

「Leaving that aside, Yukikaze」

『What is it?』

「You\'ve recorded what Lys did to Agathion, right?」

『Of course』

「Give me the results of your analysis」

『Because this is a private matter, without Lys-sama or Bel-sama\'s permission, Yukikaze can\'t disclose it』

「Huh? What do you mean?」

「Haa, you really don\'t know anything. Haven’t you been learning about women from Rauaryuna?」

「Huh? Huh?」

What the heck are they talking about?

Leaving aside my god, what on earth could it be when an A.I. knows and I don\'t? Is it an application of factorization?

『Team member Souya\'s sense of delicacy is the same as a middle school student’s. How are your nightly duties with madam going?』

「What are you, a virgin?」

「No, no, no」

I’m getting sexually harassed by a god and an A.I.

「I have no idea what the two of you have been talking about the entire time」

『It cannot be helped. Yukikaze will speak in a roundabout manner. It\'s………that time of the month for women』

「Huh………………her period?」

Which means, that blood was……

『According to madam, the menstrual blood of a virgin is a first-rate concentration of magic power. The drawbacks are that it can\'t be preserved and can\'t be taken orally due to hygiene issues』

「What a lurid topic」

「Women are lurid beings to begin with」

「Is that so?」

When a goddess says that to me, there are no words I can say.

「So, Yukikaze, that means that when she put a virgin\'s lifeblood on Agathion………why did it become like that?」

『That\'s unknown. Magic power is a phenomenon that cannot be measured by Yukikaze and Makina\'s sensors. Based on the little information we were able to observe, coupled with 80% conjecture, we believe that Aga-san\'s non-reactive propulsion mechanism is a form of gravity based propulsion. It could be that Lys-sama\'s blood overloaded that mechanism』

「It’s SF, huh?」

『It’s SF, yes』

「What’s ass-eff?」

「Umm, Misuranka-sama, it\'s a bit of an unrelated question, but do you know anything about Agathion?」


If Misuranika-sama\'s true identity is what I think it is, it won\'t be surprising for her to know about Agathion.

「Now, what do you think? It\'s a secret. But depending on the level of your devotion and what offerings you give me, I might tell you」

「Offerings, you say? Is there anything that you would like, Misuranika-sama?」

「I\'d like to eat the city\'s food for a change」

「We\'ll have lunch in the city then. Do you have any preference on what to eat?」

「Anything is fine」

Oh, this is the pattern where she\'ll object once I\'ve actually chosen a place to eat.

Leaving aside whether women are lurid or not, I have a fair amount of experience with troublesome women.

Well, it’s because my sister is the one who had the most troublesome personality.

Haha, it’s funny how as Rana and Souya become closer, the more of a problem-child she becomes. I’ll admit that even I kinda forgot that he was looking to buy a home for the winter before he got sent to the left continent. So sad that the money for it went to rebuilding the greenhorn adventurers’ stable lol.

In gaming terms, Souya has advanced the main story too fast and now needs to go do a certain number of side-quests and meet new people or the next story mission won’t unlock lol.

Yup, Souya already has an idea of who Misuranika really is. Do you? That statement about it not being weird if she knows about Aga-san is kinda a huge hint…though I should mention that at this time, while Souya’s guess cannot be said to be wrong, he isn’t exactly right either…so there’s no real point in coming up with an answer…for now.

And just in case you forgot about Souya forgetting about his real sister, author put in a reminder by having Souya mix up Yukikaze(human) and Ea’s personality again…

Anyway, what kind of side-quests will Souya be made to take? Stay tuned to find out!

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