
Chapter 71: < Protect – Episode 70 – Show Me the Money [3] >

Chapter 71: &lt; Protect – Episode 70 – Show Me the Money [3] &gt;

Jang Seol Hyun was the queen grandmother’s descendant.

When Ahn Soo Ho found her for the first time, she was raising the stock prices of the entertainment world as just Seol Hyun without a surname. People enjoyed making children into geniuses, and Jang Seol Hyun got the reputation of a genius child actress, which allowed her to go from an aspiring actress to a successful one in a short period of time.

Since she was acknowledged in all of Asia, her body was worth quite a bit of money. Since she was a top star who couldn’t be compared to other celebrities, the agency was very excited.

Actors who had always had a luxurious reputation were rare.

Once she became the top actress in Asia, Hollywood became her next goal. People thought that the States was more progressive and rational, but they were actually the most conservative. The Oscars were made by the whites for the whites, and as one climbed higher exceptions were more and more unwanted.

Jang Seol Hyun was fairly marketable.

If she was from an American background, she would have been treated differently. If she was at least Japanese, she would have been given one more chance. Jang Seol Hyun’s failure was simply because she was Korean. Without some kind of push from a big Korean company, it was difficult to even pass the first round.

The Americans perceived Koreans as hardworking fools who manage Laundromats. The way they judged Jang Seol Hyun was no different from how they looked at country girls from Montana.

There were way too many girls like that.

“I felt stuck. I didn’t know where to start.”

The agency that Jang Seol Hyun’s agency hired to help her activities in the States were half scammers. Jang Seol Hyun was also partly responsible for signing without reading properly, but the agency was in the wrong, too.

“Just when I was about to give up and go home, I met Soo Ho.”

It was a dramatic first meeting.

She signed a contract after failing dozens of auditions and being told to give up by the agency. When she found out that it was half a scam, she tried to terminate the contract, but that came with a penalty fee. So she endured it with tears, but they all of a sudden said they didn’t need it and disappeared.

That was the beginning.

Things started working out and she finally passed an audition. The Korean media trash talked her for only having a minor role, but it was impressive to pass an audition with her skills alone. Even the top Hollywood stars went to hundreds of auditions when they first started.

It was uncommon to get not just a minor role but a major role after only a few months. As a result, agencies started paying attention to her. She was just an aspiring actress from Asia until yesterday, but she was now someone who had a chance in the States. The movie wasn’t the most successful, but it did decently, but the Korean media still talked about it as if it was a failure.

Koreans think a movie was a failure if it didn’t become a blockbuster. However, blockbusters were only a small part of the movie world in the States. It was actually all sorts of B-list actors who were keeping Hollywood alive. In particular, with porn and adult movies excluded, the market wasn’t very big at all.

“If you didn’t fail, why did you come back to Korea?”

In response to Lee Jung Hoon’s keen question, Jang Seol Hyun looked at Ahn Soo Ho and then whispered.

“Don’t go around spreading rumors, everyone. There are many crazy people among the rich in the States.”

Despite the Korean media who wanted her to fail, she was determined to make it. In the middle of preparing for a second project, she got a good opportunity of a meeting with a private investor. They could be misunderstood as bad sponsors, but in the American movie world, it was common for actors to get investments on their own.

The fancy life was normal in the entertainment world.

When it came to fancy things, the States was on top. The standards for the rich were at a whole new level as well. They went on extravagant shopping trips and partied all the time. It was completely different from Korea where celebrities were expected to be modest. As long as it wasn’t criminal, Americans could do whatever they wanted with their money.

“I’ll take it from here.”

Ahn Soo Ho, who was knitting his brows, stepped up in Jang Seol Hyun’s stead.

“There was this rich guy and his hobby...was to sleep with actresses of his taste. It didn’t matter how much it cost.”

Those who understood it as a one-night stand were astonished and those who understood it a little later exclaimed.

“Most newcomers can’t resist that temptation. Most Americans have their first during their teens anyway. They don’t feel like sex is that big of a deal. However...once you get a taste of the money, you end up forgetting about your dreams to chase rich people.”

There were many agencies who only targeted party girls. They called them models and celebrities, but they were no different from high-class prostitutes. Those who went there with aspirations ended up going down a bad path. Jang Seol Hyun was a star in Asia, but in the States, she was just a newcomer. The problem was that the white men saw her as a cheap Asian girl who was easier than others.

“So what happened next?”

They were very interested in the story and urged Ahn Soo Ho to continue.

“I received a similar proposal. And I refused. But after that, weird things started happening.”

“Weird things?”

“Hm. For example, my manager got robbed, we got into small accidents, and people started changing or cancelling our meetings and schedules.”

She could say it with a smile now, but back then everyone was scared out of their minds. Kim Woo Jung did what he had to do as her manager, but the embassy refused to help. That was because it was difficult to accuse rich people of a crime without any evidence. The States always took their own citizens’ side, not that of foreigners.

If Ahn Soo Ho hadn’t gotten involved, Jang Seol Hyun’s activities in the States would have ended there. She was excited to tell more. She made up an exaggerated story about how Ahn Soo Ho took those rich punks down one by one. It sounded like some kind of an outlaw series. It was absurd, but they were still focused on the story.

‘That could have been possible if it was Soo Ho.’

They would have believed anything Ahn Soo Ho did.

“If it was resolved, why did you come back?”

In contrast to everyone else who I owe, Lee Jung Hoon threw him another sharp question. Jang Seol Hyun was either laughing or crying.

“Because I got tired.”


Ahn Soo Ho wanted to scold them for exclaiming as if they knew anything about the entertainment world, but he kept it in. When the mood settled down, Do Kyung Ho clapped.

“Okay! Let’s end it here and enjoy the rest of our time!”

Their house party began. Ahn Soo Ho escaped to the 2nd floor to get changed. There were already more than 10 people who knew about his relationship with Jang Seol Hyun. He had a bad feeling about a possible revenge article against him.

“Soo Ho, are you there?”


Jang Seol Hyun spoke through the door.

“Did I make things difficult for you?”

“It doesn’t matter. They would have found out eventually.”

Since Kim Woo Jung was getting ready to put her back in Hollywood, it was bound to get out.

“Thank you.”

Jang Seol Hyun reminisced and spoke in an emotional voice.

“For what?”


She only said that and ran back downstairs in embarrassment. He was worried she would trip and fall. After getting changed, Ahn Soo Ho went back down to the noisy living room. Jang Seol Hyun’s memories were a little exaggerated, but they weren’t wrong. However, there was one thing she didn’t know.

‘I wasn’t going to get any more involved than that.’

He was just going to end it with bringing the scam agency down and helping her establish a foundation. If she wasn’t the queen grandmother’s descendant, he wouldn’t have meddled so much. That was as much as he was going to help. He didn’t plan on helping her with the auditions and casting.

‘If her life wasn’t in danger...’

The rich white man she turned down wouldn’t give up and a gang tried to kidnap her. If he didn’t keep an eye on her, she would have gotten into trouble. Ahn Soo Ho got revenge. He gave him a chance to back off, but it was the white man who turned that opportunity down.

His revenge was quick and cold-blooded.

Not even the president of the United States could go against the rules he decided. The reason why that punishment was possible wasn’t just the strong military force. He understood the complicated politics of the States well, and the persuasion process was key. A company who had the same goals had the same rights and interests.

Ahn Soo Ho stopped in the middle of going down the stairs. He took out his phone, checked the caller, and then answered it.


“I looked through all the accounting firms in Korea. After looking through all of the documents of Lee Bum Hak and Jeon Min Kyu from over the last decade...”


“It was accounting fraud.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Sir.”

That was an unexpected result. Accounting fraud wasn’t something that could be easily looked over. It was a serious problem that could be fatal politically. How could such crafty politicians not know that? It was something that any accountant could find out easily.

Kosino didn’t find the documents by using a normal process. But financial statements had to be revealed right after the audit. Unless the countless analysts in the country closed their eyes to it on purpose, there was no way they wouldn’t have known.


“Sales figures can always be manipulated in Korea.”

“That’s not the problem, Kosino.”

Ahn Soo Ho shook his head.

“How much was omitted?”

“113 billion won.”

“Did it go into the political funds?”

“I’m not sure yet.”

113 billion won was a lot of money in Korea.

“What about the other one?”

“The congressman omitted twelve trillion won.”


Ahn Soo Ho couldn’t believe it. He wasn’t one to talk after throwing away 60 billion US dollars, but it was serious to move around trillions without anyone noticing.

‘This is serious.’

Before Hong Kong and Macau were returned to China, the two cities were a currency exchange, but now it was in Singapore. But the problem was that they were uncooperative about the upper class’ slush funds and tax evasion. Same went for Japan.

Honesty was the best policy, but there was no one in power who didn’t use tricks. Those with power were always trying to make it big. And the ones who suffered were countless commoners.

The Korean economy had grown consistently.

Many were surprised by the Miracle on the Han River, but they weren’t sure if that miracle would continue into the 21st century. They did everything to make up for their lack of resources, but there were limits. Despite all of that, Korea still developed. What could the reason be? Those not in finances wouldn’t understand, but since over ten years ago, the States, China, and Japan made big investments.

Most of the nonmonetary institutions went over to Japan, and even the monetary ones had capital inflow from the States, Japan, and China. That was why not even the heirs in their 30s could be at ease. There were no banks that were free of major shareholders who were foreign.

‘Are they trying to use Korea as a money laundering hub?’

China and Japan’s tricks were like a broken record.

“Soo Ho?”

Kosino woke Ahn Soo Ho up from his thoughts.

“Make me a list.”

“What’s the standard?”

“China and Japan’s fund concealment. If possible, only the accounts that have existed for more than ten years.”

“Are you going to empty them?”

“No, I’ll talk to them first.”

He smiled in an evil way.

‘Show me the money.’

He was ready to use some kind of a cheat again.

< Protect – Episode 70 – Show Me the Money [3] > The end.

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