
Chapter 538 - Final Arc Part X

Chapter 538 - Final Arc Part X

A mere thought of something happening to Davi was already driving Zaki mad. He knew full well it was Davi who saved Sei. She was his life. If something happens to her, Sei’s life would be ruined! He was certain it would end up killing Sei – be it mentally or physically.

He was not going to let this happen. No way! He had to make sure he returns Davi to Sei, all safe and sound. And in nothing less than perfect condition as she had left him and the kids. And he had to return to his Hinari.

He did not forget this beautiful wife who was also waiting anxiously for him to go home to her. They too were waiting to carry on with their lives. To start a family, have a kid... maybe kids. Their lives were also just only beginning. He cannot lose here and leave her. That woman he loved so dearly. He didn’t want to hurt her anymore.

And with that, Zaki lost all restraint and he felt like he was back in that cold and cruel lab again. When they were ordered to not think about anything else and just kill the opponents who were in front of them. Because if they do not do so, they would be the ones killed off instead. His mind was now turning hazy and nothing but the thought that were instilled in them by those scientists was the only thing echoing in his head. "Kill or be killed."

One was obviously overwhelmed. He looked as though he did not expect Zaki’s ferocity at all and most of all, he could not accept that Zaki was now pushing him in their fight, and he was losing.

One’s eyes turned dark with rage. He was the perfect product, no one was better than him in this world. He had always been number one, always been the winner. Every time there was an ȧssignment that was appointed to him, he would get it done perfectly and without a single flaw. So how could he accept this slight to his up-till-now impeccable record? How could he tolerate that this rejected product was pushing him to this extent?

Overcome and lost in his rage, One brought out his gun and with a smile he pointed it at Zaki and pulled on the trigger immediately. Zaki was shocked that One pulled that move, but managed to dodge and in the next moment, they were both on the ground. Zaki made a move to grab the gun, but he immediately jumped back as One pulled another gun out of his cloak and shot at him.


In the sanatorium, Seven and Three had captured Davi and Kyuu. Because Davi was completely off guard and obviously did not have any weapons on her, she was captured by the two young men.

The events had happened too fast and it seemed their enemy had infiltrated so flawlessly. It was shocking because Scarlet Hill was such a highly protected place. Even if most of the elite guards were not around due to Yu Chen’s absence, their security should still be top notch. But it seems their enemies weren’t normal ones. It was like there was two Zaki against them - superhumans.

Even Kyuu, who was still wrapped in so many devices, was forced to fight, but it was too late. Seven had already caught Davi and is currently holding her captive.

Davi had tried to fight back but the men were just too strong. Davi had fought before during her time in the military, but that was against normal humans. She never went against any such as these superhumans. Thus, she found that she was helplessly powerless against them.


Back in the mansion, gunshots echoed around as though it were suddenly a military war zone. Zaki had ordered all the guards who come to aid him to go to the sanatorium instead. It seemed that One had already silently killed many of their guards as he and his helpers infiltrated into Scarlet Hill. Because Yu Chen was not around, most of the elite guards they had at their disposal were not around as well – unfortunately, that included Juu too.

Zaki was determined to kill One right then and there but when he accidentally looked up and saw a smoke rising to the sky, his heart trembled. He knew that the smoke was definitely coming from the sanatorium.

"F*ck!" he cursed out aloud and he ignored One before leaping onto the window ledge and jumping off directly from the second floor.

One immediately followed, shooting at him as he chased Zaki towards the forest. But Zaki never stopped. All he could think about now was Davi. Please... be alright... he prayed as he run as fast as he could.

But the moment he arrived, Zaki’s eyes went wide and his heart stopped. The sanatorium was already on fire!

The fire was so huge now that it was now impossible to rush in to save anyone anymore. That is, if there was still anyone left alive in there.

At that moment, Zaki’s vision turned completely dark as he stood there, watching the fire swallow the everything.

He heard One laughing and clapping behind him, praising Seven and Three for doing a great work.

Zaki’s fingers moved at the sound of the madman behind him. And his anger burst out of control. Zaki was incensed that One was treating all these as a game or a show that he could just watch and enjoy.

The next second, One was smashed into the nearby tree. Zaki had officially lost his mind. The anger roused by One, the fear that Davi was already dead, and the severity of the current situation all drove him to unleash. And One, for the first time in his life, felt the real danger emanating from that man who was standing before him.. No matter how he denied it, One’s instinct told him he was going to die now.

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