
Chapter 64 Hello Enemy That I Love 23.2

I look out the window driving down the main business street I use to walk every day. The car is silent but I still feel his presence so close. A sharp turn and the engine stops I look at Ren confused. We aren\'t at the manor, he gets out without a word stretches, and looks back at me with a goofy look and begins to walk. Quickly I scramble opening the car door and chase after him into the park. Keeping my eyes up watching around us.

"Anna," The soft call of my name off his lips carries on the wind and I catch his golden eyes the sun barley being seen on the horizon now. The sound of the river flowing under the bridge we stand on. "You don\'t need to be so on guard as long as I\'m here." My breath catches and I can\'t speak. He moves closer the smell of his vanilla and forest scent with hint of old cigarette smoke caressing me senses. Its not fair I want to cry, His hand reaches up pulling out my ponytail letting the wind take and carry my hair behind me. "It\'s gotten longer Angel face." His other hand comes up caressing my face gently.

"Stop! " I shout suddenly pushing him back. My arms clinging around myself. "It\'s not fair how can you just act like nothing happened." I Shout. I look at Ren it\'s not anger in his eyes from the fact that I push him away, It\'s amusement.

He grabs my hand pulling my body against him, a painful, yet sweet warm sensation cover across my lips. His hand release my wrist as it begin to explore down my arm and ribs. The other tightening behind my back making it hard to breath. I gasp for air his tongue slips inside more desperately tasting me, I should push away my head says, I know I should because I know I could just get hurt again but my body won\'t listen, my hands reach up and wrap around the back of his neck. I entangle my fingers into his gorgeous auburn mane. Pulling myself closer to return the kiss. Seconds later I can feel his body shaking in the dark as he releases me and steps back. A smirk barley visible in the dim lights illuminating the bridge.

"I half expected you to smack me like you did the first time we met angel face." He says chuckling. Was he teasing me? Was he fucking kidding me, was this all a joke to see what I\'d do? I could feel anger boiling up. I didn\'t want to hit him, no hitting wouldn\'t be enough I was ready to beat the shit out of him. How the hell do I love a man like this, I pivot on my heel and head back to the car leaving him chuckling, though I can tell he is following because the stifled laugh stays close and the sound of his feet on the sidewalk echos with mine.


I hadn\'t planned to show up at the plane hanger to meet her. I haven\'t even planned to go out of my way once she was in the manor. I was suppose to wait for her to come to me. Damn it to hell. This woman throws me off. When Malaki had sent me a text of attacks happening close to the airport shortly before her arrival time I should have known something was up. I couldn\'t fucking sit still though without knowing a hundred percent that it was fake to get me there to pick her up, and so I went to meet them to make sure she was safe. To make sure she was still the woman I loved. What I saw was a woman standing on her own two feet surrounded by people who would kill for her, calm, cool, collected, elegant and deadly and looked me in the eye as if she had no reason to fear me at all. I had to know if she really had changed.

Coming out to the park we could be alone just use. I couldn\'t help laughing recalling the past and remember how before she had been so afraid yet so strong, and those Emerald doe eyes as they looked at me. I felt my Anna, she was still the same seeing only me. I wanted to relive that moment but then she didn\'t get afraid of me like she did that moment, she embraced me, full trust in me, yet how I could still break this woman\'s neck so easily. I couldn\'t help laughing at how stupid I was. No matter; even if shes changes. She will belong to me I know it and while shes going to be here I\'m going to make sure she belongs to me now and forever mind, body and soul even if it means making her hate me. If she thinks I\'m letting her marry Berston\'s son shes got another thing coming.


I knew it was wrong that night to tell Ren that Anna was going to marry into the Black Panther Clan. It was obviously a lie as I talk to her regularly. I also know Ren he was already mulling over Anna and what was going on as Maliki and I have kept him in the dark. I figured maybe this would put his ass into gear and Do something. The problem is big brother is unpredictable and this could either make a turn for the good or this plan could go very very wrong. However I feared for little sis as she dives deeper into the rabbit whole if I could bring her home to Ren maybe we can just forget it and move forward. I never expected what happened next.

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