
Chapter 43: Sasha-sensei´s unexpected acting skill and Lime´s turn

Chapter 43: Sasha-sensei′s unexpected acting skill and Lime′s turn

Because the heroes were ready to participate in the subjugation of the thieves, we made up a strategy. Well, with the state that the thieves are inside the cave it is necessary to confirm their numbers. If the thieves go out somewhere, then the possibility that they will do a surprise attack on us after we entered the cave is high.

"Even if we ask those fellows over there, how do we confirm the number of people inside?"

"It can be utilized by my familiar. Because she is a slime, she is hard to find when she is in her liquid form. Her skin is silver, so it doesn\'t reflect light and she can spy and find their numbers" Tsuchio

The external color of Lime changed to a dull silver. Uh, she will take care of this.

"While sharing magic with me, she can move separately and just inform me about the state inside that this fellow sees, therefore she fits the scouting role" Tsuchio

"Then, let\'s entrust it to your familiar. As soon as she is ready to invade, let us disempower the lookout"

"Understood. Sensei, can you listen to something" Tsuchio

"What is it?" Sasha

"In the shadow of Lime, can you let Garm lie hidden? When she is found, it is likely to easier fight if there is one more" Tsuchio

"Okay, let\'s try it" Sasha

Garm comes out from teacher\'s shadow and looks into the shadow of Lime. Seeing a huge wolf coming out of the shadow of Sasha-sensei suddenly, the heroes are surprised.

Garm who looked at the shadow of Lime for a while, crawled into her shadow smoothly. Only the head looked out and some words were barked towards Sensei.

"Somehow there is only place for one. Just like this Garm lies hidden and seems to support Lime if she is found by the robbers" Sasha

"Thank you very much. Lime you only need to confirm the structure of this cave. If you\'re in trouble about something, which would be a problem in your judgement, inform me immediately. Okay?" Tsuchio

“Koku” Lime

“Good. Preparations are finished, so what do we do about them?" Tsuchio

The neighborhood of the cave entrance opens up without trees growing. If we go from the front, we are to be seen immediately.... Whether we shot with magic from a far place or approach quietly and hold them down isn\'t good either. Because we want to know the structure and the number of people, I\'d like to hold these two thieves down in this place.

"I will do it. Everybody, please watch from a place which isn\'t seen from them" Sasha

Two Garms jumps out of Sensei\'s shadow and jumps into the shadow of some trees. And they just jumped from shadow to shadow until they had moved just beside the robbers at the entrance by making a wide turn. Their traces were not felt at all...However, how will they suppress the robbers? They are holding their breath at the shade of the trees which is several meters away from the entrance now.... Do they jump on the robbers from there? No matter how I look at it, an alarm would be put out.

Sensei who confirmed that the Garms finished moving, left her weapon and protective gear by me and walked from the front to the entrance. The robbers who saw Sensei approaching stood up while seeing her unarmed body and had a vulgar smile on their faces.

"Hey hey Nee-chan. What\'s the matter, in the depth of such a forest" Robber 1

“E, a..." Sasha

"Are you lost? Then we can guide you. Well, you naturally have to compensate us” Robber 1

“So it is, it seems you don\'t have money, so you have no choice but to pay us with your body!" Robber 2

“N!” Sasha

The robbers were approaching sensei who showed a frightened state. On the way of that, when they passed the shadows of the trees where the two Garms hid themselves, they crept into the shadow of the two robbers without a sound. After that\'s seen, Sensei ran away back in a hurry.

"Haa, do you think that you can escape?" Robber 1

"Wait a moment!" Robber 2

Robbers who were tempted, started running. After leaving the cave to some extent, Sensei stopped on the spot. When the robbers who ran after her were going to catch up, Garm jumped out of the shadows and overwhelmed the robbers by hanging over them.

"Wh, what is that!? From where did it sprang out and appeared!" Robber 1

"Shit, get away!" Robber 2

The struggling robbers acted violently, but naturally, Garm didn’t retreat by that level. Because Sensei was beckoning, I took her armor and ran towards her.

"Excellent, it was quite good good acting” Tsuchio

“That was nothing, and with that, only the interrogation is left” Sasha

"Shouldn\'t Sensei do it?" Tsuchio

"You\'ll be more suited" Sasha

“Haa, I didn\'t do it because I like it...” Tsuchio

Well, let\'s handle it properly since we did it. I can\'t take too much time, therefore I must let them spill it out quickly.

“Ahem...I want to ask you something. You, are you a companion of the thieves who made that cave their hideout?" Tsuchio

“It, its different..." Robber

The face of the man who started to say that it is different is kicked,

"If you tell a lie, it will only be painful! I will hear it once again, are you a companion of the thieves who made this their hideout?" Tsuchio

"Thats right!" Robber

"Good. Answer my question now and don\'t lie. If you tell a lie, I\'ll let you taste pain which is as if you\'re dying, so answer me honestly, okay?" Tsuchio

The two robbers nods. I will finish it quickly.

"Then the first question. How many humans are now in that hideout? Other than among those, are there any companions?" Tsuchio

"N, Now there are 13 people inside! We don\'t have any other companions! Just yesterday, the baggage we took away has been converted into money by the chief and everyone should have a spree at this time!" Robber

"Is it so! So it is no mistake!" Tsuchio

I catch the face of the robber who yells in various ways and magic is raked up to his face at a dash. Blood gathers and his face is being dyed deep red.



"When telling a lie, do you want to feel pain as if you\'re dying? Say the truth properly"

“38 people. We’re 38”

"It is the truth! Because it is true, stooop iiit aaaaaalreeady!!!"

Indeed under such a condition, they may not be able to afford to tell a lie. The robber lost all his strength and looked down on the ground when I released my hold. Ue, my hand is dirty with tears and saliva.... From now on, let\'s grip the head.

"Then, the next question. That cave, how wide is it?Are there any rooms, where you have your spree?"

"Th, the spree is surely in the back square. Other than us, all members should be drinking alcohol there!"

"It\'s in front of the biggest way! I don\'t know how many roads it branchs from there, but for now it\'s none! It’s enough with this right, release us!!”

"You aren’t lying right?"

"Ah, I’m honest! Please let us go!”

"If there are no more questions, free us quickly!"

"Okay, I\'m tired. Lime"

Lime put her fingers which transformed into a needle in the mouth of the thieves and pour a very small amount of relaxation in. The poison takes effect inside the body after several minutes, so they will lose all of their strength.

"With this, they aren\'t able to move surely for 1 day. Though relaxation is bad, the heart doesn\'t stop. They only lose all their strength"

"For now, let\'s leave them around there. If they are beside your dragon, no monster will appear"

"So it is. Well then, Lime go scouting"

"We will leave it to you. Meanwhile, we will hide them somewhere"

"Lime don\'t overdo it. Come back as soon as you are exposed and don\'t interfere as much as possible"


After nodding, Lime changed into liquid and went into the cave. Lime, please come back safely.... The worst would be that there may not be information from you!

<Lime′s side>

Seen off by my father, I entered the cave. It is a moderate area, but my elder sister wouldn\'t fit in as expected. If it is Rin, she seems able to go inside somehow.

After I stick onto the ceiling, I advance to the depths smoothly. Though there are torches put on the passage in some places, there are also many places where light doesn\'t arrive.

First of all, I aim for the place called square. There I confirm whether it is the exact number of people and I shall check whether there is no other companions elsewhere. Possibly, father will give some words of praise to me..."Well done, Lime!" when he will say it, he will pat my head...uhuhuhuhu. Surely Rin will be jealous. She tries to conceal it, but when it can\'t be hidden at all it is very lovely. Truly, Rin is like a lovely younger sister. She offers everything from her heart to her body for father, because it is her supreme joy. She is jealous like everyone else, uhuhuhuhuhu.

As I advance to the depths, of a place where many human traces are, is sensed. Perhaps that place will be the square, which that thief talked about. There were some crossroads on the way, but I didn\'t find any signs of life from there, so there is no lie.

I stop just before the square and quietly listen the inside. Many men are drunk and were eating while making an unpleasant uproar. By an upset beer barrel, there was even a fellow who was drinking as if he is bathing in it. Because all targets are drunk, the subjugation won\'t be a problem. The number of people...is just 23 people. Let\'s listen attentively for a moment.

“Chief, let us attack a village next time instead of a merchant group! As expected, adventurer parties are too strong-minded often!"

"If it is a small village, it is easy to kidnap women! Recently, it is getting lonely! Hahahaha!”

"Hmm, motivation!?"

"Everyone, after it\'s regretted, it is too late!"

"The number of people also increased"

"Aren\'t we 40 people yet? At first we were only around 15 and it is more than twice now. If we increase steadily from now on, it isn\'t impossible to make more money!?"

"We\'ll work again tomorrow. For today, drink as much as you can!"

The number of people seemed to match somehow, so I transmitted it to father and was about to return. Before that thief comes, I have to return to the outside....

"Hey, you. For the guys who have watch, bring them some alcohol. It should be running out soon"


When I just turn around, a robber comes out of the square with alcohol in his hand and looked up to the ceiling where he discovered me who was on the ceiling.

“Na!? ch, chief, a strange thing...!”

I stretch out my arm immediately and it went through the thief\'s head, but I fall to the inside of the square and I am seen with the corpse by the guys who drank alcohol inside.

“Nna!?You, an enemy came! Kill the intruder!"

Because several knives flew at me I leave the place while avoiding them. I return to the exit hastily. Garm comes out of my shadow and allowed me to get on its back to run faster to father\'s location. In spite of the strict order to not be found out, our surprise attack has been exposed to the thieves through my failure.... I can\'t show my face to father, this time I will receive his fraudulent punishment....

<Tsuchio′s side>

Lime who reported about the thieves in the square and that she has been found out by them apologized for it in various ways, but now isn\'t the time for that. Just like that more than 20 thieves rush here now suddenly!

"Lime was discovered and the thieves are chasing her right now. She is escaping on Garm, so all thieves are coming at once now!" Tsuchio

"Everyone, please make yourself ready for it. We will ambush them in a place slightly away from the entrance. Kurumi-san, when Garm comes out from the entrance and you see the thieves, please fire magic to the cave. As much as possible, it should be magic with a wide attack range" Sasha-sensei

"I understand!" Kurumi

"You won\'t be able to beat all of them with that, but as soon as they come out of the cave, please set it. It\'s expected that it\'ll be a confused fight, so each two people should fight together. Guarding Kurumi and Saiko will be entrusted to the knights"


Lime, return early.... For the moment, there is no injury and Garm wouldn\'t be tired from running.... Because she doesn\'t have to apologize, she shall concentrate now on returning.

Within one minute, Garm and Lime jumped out of the cave. Immediately in front of me, Lime begins to kneel on the ground. Kurumi turns her cane to the cave and the tip shakes subtly. From the fact that she has the will to kill a human now, the sin and feeling of fear that faded would well up again. Saiko put her hand around Kurumi’s hand to suppress the shiver. Lime, don’t mind kneeling down and please concentrate on the thieves now. When I tell her so, Lime tries to retrieve her current failure by making her blood thirst overflow and keeping her claws. As for Ruu and Rin, there is no fighting spirit and they don\'t prepare for the thieves.

And at the same time as the light of the torches flickers in the cave, Kurumi throws a fireball into the inside. A big roaring and explosive flame arises, which became the gong of the start of the battle. Well, what kind of reaction will they show if the heroes who came from modern Japan fights against the thieves. Let\'s see if they allow me to do so.

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