
Chapter 76: The first night after returning home

Chapter 76: The first night after returning home

The ruin investigation training will be finished in one month and we return to the academy then. It was already pitch dark when we return to the surface and there was no commotion when we returned to the research team. It\'s said that a search party was planning to be taken out tomorrow morning according to what I heard. It seems we\'re in time by a hairs breath.

After we returned to the research team, it was serious because I was asked where I have gone up to now and why Lime and Nichrome changed to a human, so I deceived them variously and evaded the questions.... It was really serious...they got angry. For now I said that I fell into a trap in the ruins and escape somehow. They searched for the trap but couldn\'t found it before returning, so it seems to be a one time trap. This can\'t be checked and whatever there is because it\'s a trap of ancient civilization, it isn\'t strange. The researchers were a bit doubtful but it might be safe probably.

I have lumped and have explained about Nichrome and Lime. After I fell into the trap Nichrome appeared and I defeated her before taming. And in that case Lime evolved into a human type. I also said that there were more like Nichrome and were also knocked down. There were no strange places in particular and I think it\'s all right with this. The ancient civilization is convenient as an excuse.

We returned without an injury, and it wasn\'t investigated very after whether the schedule wasn\'t too enough and the investigation was resumed on the next day. We together with the researchers investigated the ruins on the surface.

“Master, these facilities exist only to conceal the laboratory in the underground, there is nothing great. I think there is no meaning to investigate" Nichrome

“Don\'t say that to another person besides me. Because the underground is a secret” Tsuchio

“Understood, I preserve it as most important secret matter” Nichrome

“No, it\'s fine if you don\'t say it to anyone” Tsuchio

Most important it isn\'t the limit...we do not remain together and separately collected things that seemed important. The things remaining here, are machines who don\'t function and they don\'t know how to use them.

“Which reminds me, what was researched in the underground laboratory? There is nothing common between Nichrome and number 2107..." Tsuchio

“In the laboratory, there were many researches at the same time. Research on the demon\'s evolution, Research that combines demon and demon and invents new demons, Research that invents new demon by machine and the research that makes a reinforced soldier by replacing the majority of a human\'s body with the machine. I was produced by the compilation of combining all researches. Metal bones and demon flesh, a mechanical weapon. Number 2107 was made by combining demon with another demon” Nichrome

“Hee...then Nichrome are you the last experiment body?” Tsuchio

“Yes, I′m the last number. Normally number 3000 was scheduled to be mass produced, but another country invaded and the laboratory was abandoned once. The researchers ran away with the elevators and a specific amount of mechanical insects were made to repulse the enemies. It was expected that someone comes to collect me later, but there was some inconvenience and no one came. Thus, you arrive” Tsuchio

Someone like Nichrome should have been mass produced...which reminds me, she was a test type. Is there any difference?

“To study how much battle ability a mechanical human can have, the test type is put together by special parts. The mechanical human they could make at that time has pride as a individual of the highest peak" Nichrome

“...Can you phrase it in one sentence?” Tsuchio

“It\'s the strongest mechanical human” Nichrome

It became easy to understand quickly.... She isn\'t a mechanical human now, but an mechanical lamia.

“The strongest...to begin with are there any mechanical humans remaining?” Tsuchio

“That can\'t be understood. There are many laboratories, so there may be some left behind. Although the possibility isn\'t very high” Nichrome

Well, because it\'s an ancient heritage...it\'s broken, and even if it\'s collected by someone, not strange.

“Can the bullets of the machine gun and the missiles be replenished? Or is it necessary to collect them in the other ruins..." Tsuchio

“There is no need for that. The bullets and missiles are produced inside my body by using magic. And this snake foot can same a great amount” Nichrome

“Ah, it\'s so. Then, there is no magazine or a belt. Can that large missile also be made?" Tsuchio

“Yes. However, because the capacity is limited and I need to use a lot of my magic power, I can\'t make a large amount" Nichrome

Well, even if it\'s made in quantities, that would be a problem. Even only the micro missile is considerably strong. I didn\'t think a gun and a missile could be made in this world.

“...Master, you aren\'t surprised seeing a magic gun or a missile. And because they are ancient weapons aren\'t they rare to see?” Nichrome

“Eh, ah, umm...Well, there is a special connection, because I read various strange books. I studied fairly about the ancient civilization. Reading is my hobby” Tsuchio

“Really.... Even if the civilization has declined, it cannot be made light of easily" Nichrome

Whether it was despised so far...well it declined considerably. Maybe it developed more than Japan. Science fiction is really reality. Science fantasy!

“There may also be a place which looks like an underground laboratory at the ruins where the investigation has already ended. During summer vacations, shall we go to such ruins?” Tsuchio

“Then, I will look for locations with such ruins” Nichrome

Ah but I may go to the Zakurion empire. No contact at all. Even if I want to communicate, it is dead as expected.... Is she serious injured that she can\'t make a contact? The rebellion must have succeeded, because peace was made. Didnt she say she contact at spring?...No, let\'s wait until spring. She surely is busy with the confusion after the rebellion. And if she doesn\'t contact me until then, then it\'s hopeless.

“The ruin investigation training has ended. There was a situation where one student became missing at one o\'clock, but it was good that everyone came back safely. Because the day after tomorrow and tomorrow is a holiday, please rest your body slowly"

We arrive at the academy and the teacher speaks about the summary of this training at the gate. “Missing” let me feel bad...I\'m sorry for causing trouble!

“Now, father! Let\'s go to the private dormitory! And make a child..." Lime

“Ruu, make Lime silent. It\'s okay around us, but it\'s bad in public” Tsuchio

Ruu′s throat is strangled and she is dragged this way. Ah, is she alright...it is seriously tighten up.

“Muu...if it was screwed up at all, father was good. My body sticks..." Lime

“What is said!” Tsuchio

A give a chop to Lime\'s head. Good grief, this girl! What does she try to say at public!

“Ah! When I thought I can finally make a child with father I got excited, so I′m sorry” Lime

“It\'s good if you understand it..." Tsuchio

"Are you thinking about listen to other people and cover the outer moat?"

“Was such a thing considered!?" Tsuchio

Lime is a fearful child! In the matter of intelligence, she is the opposite type of Ruu. Ruu is only pushing down, while Lime is playing petty tricks...but there is no different that both pursue sex aggressively.

“Although we returned, I′m tired of waiting so lets have sex tonight” Ruu

“Eh...no father. Perhaps, he like such one..." Lime

“By all means stop combing my preference!” Tsuchio

“Then, which is it father? Do you want to attack or being attacked?” Lime

Well, everything is already a land mine for me about this topic! I should quickly run to Lucas′s place!

“Now that you\'re saying...at first he one-sidedly hold back, but when his reserve disappeared, he attacked wonderfully” Ruu

“Ruu, what are you saying!?” Tsuchio

“I have to share Tsuchio′s preference with everyone!” Ruu

“Onee-chan has completely right! In regard to father, it is annoying to rival Onee-san!” Lime


Ruu and the others who has started the topic of my preference are left behind and I face Nichrome and Shadow-san.

“Then let\'s guide through the academy. There are various places you aren\'t supposed to enter"

“Thank you very much. I\'d like to collect information about this continent right now”

“Umm, there are books in the library, which Nichrome didn\'t read yet.... Tentatively, it\'s recorded in the history textbook, which I have borrowed. For the time being, we can do nothing but to endure”

“I don\'t mind. However it would be better if I have human legs or I will stand out like this”

“That\'s so...could there be some from the mechanical insects we got? Can\'t it be made by you"

Even if there is the material, without blueprint...ah, there might be information in the documents we stole from the laboratory. However, Nichrome would be the only one who can read them...and it will take a long time alone with that enormous number....

“That\'s right, even if it isn\'t made, it may be designed. Let\'s look for it"

“That\'s right. Shadow-san is able to sort this amount of documents. If you wrote the same thing, it might be the same size. So, a easy classification is fine”

Shadow-san has begun to arrange the documents she had already. Although the amount is large, please work hard.

“After you finished sorting the documents, we will look for the blueprint. The others won\'t understand it at all” Tsuchio

“Does master understand?” Nichrome

“I won\'t find out if I don\'t see it...well, I think it can be used more than Ruu surely"

In short should I look for a strange figure or something drawn? I can\'t judge only sentences, but when even having a figure, you should be able to judge somehow!

“Then let\'s go. Ruu, Lime, Rin! It\'s bad to talk in a place where flower blooms, so when you want to speak go to the monster stable! You will be a hindrance if you continue staying at the gate!” Tsuchio

There is only us at the gate, because everyone else left already after the meeting ended. We will also return quickly.

“Ah understood! Lets go directly to the monster stable!” Ruu

“Onee-san, let\'s continue the story quickly! The following is essential! Tell me the circumstances of father who finally appears in an offensive posture, in detail!” Lime


They are still talking about my preference and the attacks I received. When I have gone out to offensive...ah, its that. The time when I thought it was pitiable and exerted myself a little. Because I had begun to attack suddenly, as expected Ruu also keep going around to attack all the while. Which reminds me, since then she came sometimes to attack me....

“Although you can do by the pace that you like to attack, it\'s also pleasant being attacked. Because I don\'t know at all what is being done and when, it is wonderful throbbingly, so let\'s continue from the talk a while ago" Ruu

“Already, dont irritate, Onee-chan! Let\'s continue the talk quickly!” Lime

“Buru, Burururuu!”

I\'m irritated about the sudden situation. Is a girl who urged the continuation with a deep red face very intolerable?

“Speaking excessive here, Tsuchio will be angry again. First of all, let\'s go to the monster stable!” Ruu

“That\'s right, let\'s have a talk in the monster stable!” Lime


What do they speak about at all.... In case of Ruu and the others they go to the monster stable selfishly, while I guide Nichrome around the academy quickly.

I guided Nichrome around the academy and when we met Lucas on the way I told him the story about the ruins and night has come with surprising swiftness. For now, I tried to bring Nichrome to the personal dormitory, but Shadow-san took her to the monster stable....Ah, Lime was there. Now, how do I do...no, I don\'t need to worry particularly. Let\'s obediently face the private dormitory.

When I entered the private dormitory, Lime was already awaiting me on the bed. When she saw me coming in from the front door, she started to make a bow.

“I was waiting father. Thank you very much for coming today. I′m very happy” Lime

“...What you do?” Tsuchio

“It was written that in such a case the other party should be met like this.... Is there anything strange?" Lime

“No, it isn\'t strange..." Tsuchio

I thought about the wedding night...Priscillas sex techniques are modest and old fashioned.

“How many minutes was your first time...although I think father wasn\'t satisfied” Lime

“That\'s not the case. But confirming this...Lime do you do this, because you\'re my familiar?” Tsuchio

“...Father. When this feeling is denied, do you get angry with me of a lot of father life?” Lime

“Bad...because you yearn, I have felt uneasy a little" Tsuchio

When she is loved around here, it\'s doubted if whether she has an ulterior motive by all means.... I′m a man.

“Did you ask Onee-san such a thing, too?" Lime

“...No, it isn\'t heard. Well, Ruu is slightly special” Tsuchio

Ruu was my first familiar and we have a relationship of husband and wife...which reminds me, I only declared Ruu to my wife.

“Elder sister is special...I′m jealous” Lime

“Ah I′m sorry, I will only look at Lime now” Tsuchio

“Okay...only I′m seen now, so indulge in me” Lime

Lime′s body is covered by a dress that is dissolved into her body. Lime falls down on the bed and extends her arms to invite me.

“Father...please come. Please taste everything from me and pollute my pure body..." Lime

“...Yes” Tsuchio

It\'s a man\'s shame not to accept a woman\'s seduction. Then without reservation lets receive her.

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