
Chapter 81: The Valley of Mist and the New Awakening of Cheat Skills

Chapter 81: The Valley of Mist and the New Awakening of Cheat Skills

“Valley of Mist”

Ruins discovered a few years ago in the middle of the “Resort Town Mishlira” and the “Magic Research City”.

It is located in the mountains and is usually closed by a rock wall, but it is said that it opens on a certain cycle.

The valley is shrouded in a deep mist, so one can’t tell what kind of structure it has. However, it is said that there are a number of narrow paths branching off through the mountains.

Mist has the effect of bewildering the senses.

Dozens of adventurers have gone there to explore, but all of them have been confused by the mist and have run away after fighting with each other. Since all the adventurers have since parted ways, the valley is also known as the “Valley of the Severed” and the “Valley of the Parting”.

A newlywed couple (neighbors since birth and childhood friends, classmates at a commoner’s school and each other’s first love) wandered into the valley on a harvesting quest. They’ve kept their promise to marry each other since they were three years old, and everyone around them has been telling them to just get married) return unharmed with a single jewel.

The two are said to have gone to Royal Capital to get a new house, but their current whereabouts is unknown…


I closed the document.

We are in the Adventurer Guild of Mishlira.

Me, Aine, and Rita had asked the guild to show us materials on the Valley of Mist.

Aine’s grandfather used to keep in touch with the guild here. Because of this, adventurers registered with the commoners’ guild can receive quests as guests.

By the way, Cecile, Iris, and Rafilia have gone to a merchant who has a relationship with the Ilgafa family to report on her safety, as usual.

“Thank you very much.”

I gave the materials back to the woman from the guild.

“So, are there any current quests involving the Valley of Mist?”

“No, sir.”

The receptionist at the guild said.

“In the first place, there’s no one who wants to investigate the Valley of Mist.”


“The mist that flood the valley test our trust in one another.”

The receptionist from the guild explained to me.

“I’ve heard that when you go in there, the companions you’re with take on the appearance of a monster or appear to increase in number. Sometimes they attack you, and sometimes they shout curses at you… You don’t know until the very end whether it was the person who did it or the illusion that did it. That’s why there are conflicts in the valley, and even after you leave the valley, you will have a bad taste in your mouth.”

“So you’re saying it’s okay to go with people you’re really close with?”

“Adventurers are just people blinded by greed, you know? How can they truly believe in each other?”

“That’s not something a receptionist from the guild should say.”

“It’s what I have learned after being the receptionist for 10 years. I’ve seen people start bad-mouthing each other as soon as someone gets up from their seat, and I’ve seen people fight over quest rewards, and I’ve seen people push each other to be the leader of a party and then destroy their stomachs and their nerves by complaining to the person who finally takes over.”

Then stop working here.

“Well, I think it’s fine to go and investigate voluntarily. It’s not someone’s territory, and it’s not a place that’s off-limits. But the sooner the better, I guess.”

With that, the receptionist concluded her talk.

“I don’t mind going to investigate, Master Nagi.”

Rita said, standing next to me.

After we left the guild, we came to the market to buy some ingredients for dinner.

Just behind me, Aine, clutching her purse, is looking at the stall with a serious face.

Mishlira is warmer and less humid than Ilgafa, so it is easier to live here. There are beautiful sandy beaches to the south, mountains to the east, and cool breezes at night. There are also hot springs all over the place.

It’s a great place for a vacation… but it’s a tourist destination, so prices are high.

That seemed to bother Aine, who was in charge of the party’s purse.

“I thought you would be against the investigation.”


“Because you don’t like places where your senses don’t work.”

“What? I mean, if we trust each other, we’ll be fine, right? Can’t we go?”

Rita squeezed my hand.

“I will never attack Master Nagi. If I do, then I will get what I deserve and get cut by you. I will never regret being with you.”

“Let’s think about the state of mind of the one will do the cutting.”

“Anyway, if you go, you have to take me with you. Okay?”

Rita then turned her head to the side in embarrassment.

Rita’s opinion was, “I agree with the investigation. If you’re going, take me with you.”

On the way here, I’ve been thinking about how to deal with the mist that confuses us.

I think our skills can handle it. It’s not like I will cut Rita or anything.

“Come to think of it, Rafilia’s knowledge of the Valley of Mist is in line with the Guild’s.”

“She knew more about it than they did.”

“We’ll have a more information than other people.”

“If it will help her get her memories back, we will go.”

Rita puffed out her chest.

“It’s just like with Cecile. She was worried that she didn’t know who she was. That anxiety could make someone take a wrong step.

You’re the one who made Cecile feel less anxious, and you’re the one who made me realize what was important to me.

I’m sure you have the power to restore Rafilia’s memory.”

“You think too highly of me.”

It is different from Cecile’s time. Rafilia has no memory to begin with, so even my ‘orders’ can’t bring them out. So, we have to actually look for places that might give her hints.

“You know, Master.”

But Rita laughed and hugged my hand.

“Even if you are my Master, I won’t allow you to mock my precious Master.”

What’s that paradox…

“Anyway, I want to help Rafilia. If I don’t, it won’t be fair. If I take the lead while the other girls are hesitating, I’ll feel like I’m cheating. So …”

“Take the lead?”

“It’s nothing. It’s girls matter!”

With a twitch of her tail, Rita fell flat on her face.

The monsters in the Valley of Mist are not that powerful. We can fight them off by ourselves, except for Iris.

Our goal is to find something related to Rafilia’s memories, not to completely conquer the ruins. It would be best if we could find something that can be exchanged for money, but even that is not absolute. Anyway, we should be safe there.

“The point is that leaving it like this is not going to clear things up, is it?”

I don’t know if that “white girl” was Heavenly Dragon’s residual thoughts or something else, but she is a pain.

If it hadn’t been for her, I would have settled down and been on vacation by now.

“I think I’ll take a few days off before I go. By that time, Rafilia’s [Bad Luck Annihilation] will all be off cool down. I want to make sure everyone is at their peak condition as well.”

I also want to see everyone in their swimsuits.

I heard that the Ilgafa family’s villa is right next to the ocean.

“Speaking of which, Aine, have you finished your shopping?”

“It costs 2 Arsha for 6 fish here. It’s half an Arsha, 20% more than the market price of Ilgafa… Na-kun, your nutrition and budget, saving for a stable life… is difficult.”

It never seems to end.

“Huh? I haven’t finished shopping yet. Why are you taking down the stall?”


In front of our eyes, a cart loaded with fish was moving towards the end of the street.

When I looked closer, I saw that shoppers and passersby were doing the same. Everyone started to move as if they were avoiding something.

From the direction everyone was looking - across the street, soldiers were coming.

They’re all wearing red armor. They were the town guards.

“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. Please lower the stall.”

“We’re not doing this because we want to either.”

“You have to understand. It’s my job. Please understand.”

“Please. Please don’t be a jerk to my family. Just make sure you sell your stuff…”

With their chests outstretched and their spears held high - but whispering apologetically - the guards began to wave their spears in the air. They looked so sad.

What is this?

“Hey, there! Can’t you see I’m telling you to back off? … I’m sorry.”

“Oh, yes.”

“His Highness Kravis is coming through. It’s our job. It’s our job to clean up the streets, … or else our boss will … the Black Sage, … no, no, no.”

He looked so tired.

… I saw my face at my part-time job in my previous world in one of the guards.

“The Prince is here.”

As we walked to the end of the street, the man at the stall told us about it.

“In seven days, His Majesty the King’s eighth son Prince Kravis will go to investigate the Valley of Mist. This is a commemorative parade.”

… Do Nobles in this world have a custom of parading before an adventure? Will they die if they don’t?

“The Valley of Mist is a place that people don’t go near. If the Prince doesn’t inform everyone like this, people won’t know that he’s working hard.”

“… I see.”

“Besides, the Valley of Mist is open to the public at least. I suppose it’s meant to be a nail in the coffin for adventurers.”

“The Prince is going to investigate, so you should read the air and stay away.”

“I don’t like it, traveler. But I can’t say that even if you wanted to.”

“I know, right?”

The lady at the stall rubbed her big belly and gave me a small piece of fruit.

His Highness Kravis, the eighth son of His Majesty the King…

Probably the last person in the world I want to have anything to do with. Yeah.

Before I noticed, people are gathering on either side of the road. If I blend in with them, I won’t stand out.

Since we’re here, let’s take a look at the face of that King’s child.

I heard the sound of a whistle.

Me, Rita and Aine bowed our heads so we wouldn’t be seen from the street.

A group of guards with spears walked down the main street of the town.

They still looked apologetic and turned away from the people, but with a brave gait.

Advancing behind the soldiers was a six-horse carriage without a roof.

On top of it, there was a boy in silvery white armor.

His hair was a light purple color. His body was not large. He was rather slender. His expression is also calm as he waved at the passersby.

So that’s His Highness Kravis, the eighth Prince of this Kingdom.

“… He’s looking very nice.”

In the meantime, I tried to talk to an elderly person.

“Hmm. Even though he’s son of a concubine, he still has our King’s blood in him.”

The old man stroked his beard and told me.

“He is said to be skilled in ‘Divine Power’ and ‘swordsmanship’ and has earned the rank of Divine Warrior. Since he has a brother, he will not inherit the throne, but he will serve as a general to protect the Kingdom.”

“What about the girls around him?”

On top of the carriage is the Prince, a girl with a spear, and a girl in a robe.

One is a warrior, and one is a mage.

They’re both clinging to the left and right of the Prince. They were waving to the people around them. Then they put their hands to their ears as if to check the crowd’s reaction, and waved again. They looked like idols.

“Those are the ladies of the Nobility part of His Highness’ party.”

“A Noble’s daughter at a party?”

“They are potential fiancés of the Prince. I suppose the Prince wants to check their love for him by using the mist?”

On the other hand, I’m afraid it’s going to be a mess.

“The two of them are the daughters of the Count and Viscount families, I believe. The Countess is said to be the leader of the guild of Metekal.”

“Isn’t this Count, by any chance, currently searching for the Cursed Sword in the dungeon?”

“Oh, you know.”

A child of Count Rigilta, the Noble guild of … Metekal, or …

I’ve got twice as many reasons not to go near them now.

The Prince was still waving at us from the carriage. I’d never seen a Prince before, but he had a smile on his face that looked as if it had been put on. I wonder if that’s what Royalty ii like. It’s tough. You can’t skip out on public events, can you …?

On the carriage is the Prince, the Noble girls, and… the rest.

“… is …”

Behind the Prince, there was a boy in jet-black robe.

He’s wearing a black hat. Maybe that’s why I can’t see his face clearly.

All I could see was the black hair sticking out of his hat and his dark eyes. I don’t think we’ve ever met.

But he has a phone.

To be precise, he was fiddling with something that looked like a smartphone in his hand.

I’m not sure if it’s a real smartphone or a magic item from this world.

… “Visitor,” I guess.

It’s possible. If he is a Prince, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a cheat character escort…

The parade went slowly and passed us by.

“Oh, by the way, old man. What is that Prince’s name?”

“I am Kravis-League Nadal.”

The old man’s answer was short.

I learned the name of the King’s family for the first time.

“I’m home.”

After shopping at the market, I opened the door to the villa…

“I have a request. Master.”

At the door, Rafilia was on her knees.

“Please allow me to be free for the rest of my vacation at ────!

Yeah. I think I understand what she’s saying.

“Rafilia, you want to explore the Valley of Mist. There’s something wrong with your memory, and you wants to find out what it is. But because of your position as my slave, you can’t go off on your own without my permission. So you wants my permission.”

“In front of Master …, my thoughts are completely known.”

In a kneeling position, Rafilia only raised her head.

“But, Rafilia. Didn’t you say before that you weren’t going to search for memories because the present was too important?”

“Yes, but … there is one problem.”


“After that, I became afraid to approach Master.”

“… yes?”

Rafilia is looking at me with serious eyes.

I haven’t seen Rafilia look like this since I got rid of her bad luck.

“I’ve been thinking about what I would do if I accidentally lost control of myself.”

“I told you it was a misunderstanding, didn’t I?”

“But I am Master’s slave. I’ve decided to give my body and soul to Master. That thought and the thought of what if my past was wrong collided, and I became… afraid. In order to give everything to Master, I need to know that there are no loose ends in my past!”

Shaking her pink hair, Rafilia announced firmly.

“If I can’t find a clue to my memory in this Valley of Mist, I’ll give up. I will twist away my fear and serve Master for the rest of my life. So, please allow me to be free for now. I won’t cause you any trouble, please… Master.”

“Yeah, okay.”

I said.

“So this time, you asked me to do a quest for you.”

“… Huh!?”

We’re on vacation, so participation should be voluntary.

Rita has already announced her participation, so she’s coming. Rafilia is Iris’ teacher/mentor, so she should come.

Cecile and Aine can’t be the only… 2 people left.

I mean, I can’t think of any members of our party who might announce their non-participation.

“After listening to Rita and Aine, I’ve decided to go to the Valley of Mist to help Rafilia remember her past and collect some treasures. But since we’re on vacation, everyone is free to join. You have the right to refuse. Also, I’ve thought of a countermeasure for the mist. I don’t think it’s too dangerous. Okay, who’s in?”

“You don’t have to ask me twice.”

“I don’t like to be left behind.”

Rita and Aine raised their hands in a straight line.

Yeah. I knew they’d say that.

“I’ll discuss it with Cecile and Iris, but I think we should split the party into two groups this time. The Wings of the Heavenly Dragon have brought up Rafilia’s memories before, so there is a possibility that the Heavenly Dragon is involved in this matter. That’s why Cecile, Iris, Rafilia, and I, the group called “Ancient Blood,” will enter the Valley of Mist. Rita and Aine, please provide backup outside the valley.”

“… I’m not with Master Nagi?”

“I want Rita and the others to guard our backs. It’s an important role.”

“Yeah, … can’t help it, okay.”

Rita nodded reluctantly.

Aine looked at me worriedly, but she nodded along with Rita.

“The problem is time, if the Prince is to enter the valley in seven days, the soldiers might blockade the valley before then. So, sorry for the forced march, but we’ll leave tomorrow. We’ll have a meeting soon. Rita, go get Cecile and Iris, and Aine, I’m sorry, but I need you to prepare tea for everyone.”

“All right, Master Nagi.”

“Yes, Na-kun.”

I have considered the benefits and risks.

I’ve already taken measures against the mist of deception.

The key is that the adventurers, confused by the mist, attacked each other with their own weapons. In other words, you can’t lose your weapons in the mist. That’s where the breakthrough lies.

The problem is if there is more danger than that, and if it’s life-threatening, we will just leave.

I’m sorry Rafilia, but life comes first.

… I was going to go either way.

“Legacy of the Demons,” “Dragon’s Treasure,” “Elven Treasure” - whichever one of them is related to the valley, it doesn’t matter. I was interested.

But if it wasn’t for that Prince, I would have taken it a little slower.

Specifically, I wanted see everyone in their swimsuits and take a bath in a hot spring.

But the Prince is related to the King - so he could be bringing Visitors.

The Visitors have a rough way of doing things.

So, if we enter the valley after the Prince, there is a possibility that something important or a clue to Rafilia’s memory will be destroyed. If that happens, there would be no point in entering the valley.

I’d like to do a quick search before they tear it down.

Just to see if we can get Rafilia’s memories and rewards, that’s all.

“Rafilia, for the time being, write down what you know about the Valley of Mist.”


“Of course, I’ll pretend this is a quest request from Rafilia.

“Wow, I get it. I’ll multiply the amount of my slave contract by a thousand and give that amount to everyone!”

“You don’t have to go that far.”

Why do they immediately try to make the contract amount an astronomical figure?

“The reward will be the information we get from the valley, and if we get some gems, Rafilia won’t get a share. Okay?”

“Yes! Of course it is!”

“If Rafilia is a Hero or Heroine and regaining her memory awakens her abilities, you will have to use your power for us until I free you from slavery. That’s the reward we’ll get for this quest. Is that okay?”

“I have no words for Master’s mercy.”

You don’t have to get down on your knees.

Kneeling elves are rare, but when they do it in front of you, it makes you feel like you’re doing something wrong.

“I promise to use all of my power for you, Master, no matter who I am. Besides, I’ve already found an effective use for the [Item Deterioration] that you gave me today!”

“Have you found a way to use it effectively?”

“Well! May I help you change your clothes?”

“It’s… but…”

Rafilia’s fingers touched my back.

“Activate! [Item Deterioration LV1]!”

Suton (hanging)

The knot of the string was untied and the leather armor fell at my feet.

“Oh, it’s so easy.”

“Hmmm, yes!”

Rafilia’s large breasts heave and flutter.

I was surprised. I didn’t know it could be used like this.

Actually, armor can be hard to put on and take off if you’re not used to it. I usually ask Aine to help me.

I see. [Item Deterioration] temporarily weakens the effect of the item, so she used it to “weaken the power of the knot”.

If Rita uses this skill, she might even be able to drop the enemy’s armor in close combat.

“I hadn’t thought of that either. Nice work, Rafilia.”

“It’s so embarrassing.”

“Welcome back, Master Nagi. I have something to report.”

“Just what I needed, Cecile. May I try out my new skill?”

“Rafilia? Yes, of course.”

“There’s another way to use [Item Deterioration].”

“Wait a minute, Rafilia.”

Rafilia put her hand on the back of Cecile’s waist and said… no way!

“Activate! [Item Deterioration LV1]!”


Cecile’s ‘Apprentice Mage’s’ robe fell at her feet.

A little later, an untied obi…

Cecile’s beautiful brown skin appeared in front of my eyes.

Her smooth shoulders and breasts, her smooth stomach, her pure white underwear…

“Huh, huh, huh, huh?”

“Like this! In the blink of an eye, Master can love Cecile’s beautiful figure… Sorry, sorry, I got carried away, Master! Confiscate! Please don’t confiscate my skill! I’ll never do that again! I’m sorry.”

For now, I scolded Rafilia and … praise her a little bit in my mind, “Good job.”

After cowering in the hallway, I restrained Cecile, who for some reason was trying to stand up with a determined look on her face, and got her dressed - took a deep breath - and then…

“I’m home.”

“Oh, welcome back, Nagi. I have something to report.”

At any rate, I started over from the beginning.

Cecile held her breasts and swept the hem of her dress back on.

“My [Ancient Language Chanting] level has risen.”

She put her hands on her hips and said with a smile.

“Because you fought the Wyvern?”

“Yes! It’s probably …”

It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a “rebuilt” skill level increase.

I thought it was fixed at level 1. It’s still strong enough.

“Also, my [Fire Magic] level has increased.”

“You did your best. Cecile, good job.”


When I stroked her head, Cecile’s eyes narrowed in a ticklish way.

Cecile Pharrot has leveled up.

[Ancient Language Chanting] is now LV 2.

Spell chanting speed is doubled. (No change in chanting time).

[Fire Magic] is now LV 2.

You can now summon [Flame Elemental]!

It proved that ‘rebuilt’ skills level could be raised.

However, it seemed that the more powerful the skill, the slower it rose.

Cecile barely made it after defeating so many enemies.

“And by the way, my [Monster Cleanup] is now level 2 as well.”

When I went to the living room, Aine reported as she made a cup of tea.

Aine Kurnet has leveled up.

[Monster Cleanup] is now LV 2.

You can now sweep enemies the size of goblins!

… They are being even greater cheats.

In addition, Aine asked me to lay on her lap as reward.

There was no change in the [Unrestrained Singing] that Rita used that time and neither were there any changes in Rafilia’s [Burst Archery].

I didn’t apply my “delayed combat” to the Wyvern (I released it when no one was around), so I kept it.

But if the two of them have upgraded their cheat skills, I think we can go to the Valley of Mist. Rita and Aine can take care of our back, and even if strong enemies come to the valley, Cecile’s magic can wipe them out.

I also talked to Cecile, Iris, and Rafilia about countermeasures against the “mist of deception” at … and …

And so, the meeting to conquer the Valley of Mist for Rafilia’s memories and living expenses continued until dinner…

In the end, the sightseeing, hot springs, and everyone’s swimsuits were put on hold until the quest was over.

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