
Chapter 83 Cave Raiders

Chapter 83 Cave Raiders

If it were any other ordinary dungeon, the first monsters to appear in front of unsuspecting adventurers might be slimes or goblins. Unfortunately, not for Sleepy Cave. This cave was way too lazy to test the intruders. It wanted food and it wanted them fast.

"Did you hear that?" Zero asked Merlin who choked on his spit. Of course, he’d heard that terrifying roar.

"Yes Zero, I suggest you stand back. It doesn’t sound too happy."

The creature in question with the terrifying roar was none other than a Messopotamus. The Messopotamus was a huge creature spanning over twenty feet with five huge hippopotamus heads but with the long necks of giraffes. Although clumsy, they were very powerful and often kill adventurers by sitting on them. If they weren’t fast enough to crush their enemies to death, they had an awful secret attack - poisonous farts. One whiff of that and it’s a one-way trip to the afterlife.

Of course, there were many ways to deal with the Messopotamus. While they were huge and powerful, their long necks were prone to tangling with each head trying to secure the first chomp. However, as a wizard, Merlin had the advantage. Messopotamuses are weak to the cold and what better way to serve the first dish than with ice?

"Have you ever eaten sashimi?"

Zero shook his head. "Is it delicious?"

Merlin shrugged. "You should ask En. But we’re going to find out if Messopotamus make good sashimi. Do you still remember the plan?"

Zero grinned. He readied the scalpel that Hua Tuo included in his first aid bag. Why the doctor thought he’d needed a surgery knife was anyone’s guess. However, Zero decided to dine fresh.

On the count of three, Merlin cast a huge field of ice and Zero put a slipping curse on the Messopotamus for five minutes. Unable to get up, the creatures yowled and paled as Zero approached with the tiny scalpel. Hua Tuo’s knife cut through hide easily and with the medicine god’s tutorial about dissecting, Zero had his very first hands-on experience without the physician by his side. He must say, he was doing a fine job dissecting the Messopotamus who was slowly losing its vigour.

Merlin’s ice field made the creature enter forced hibernation and once Zero had skillfully dissected all the poisonous parts, it was time to dig in.

"Are you sure you don’t want to try some?"

Merlin shook his head. He wasn’t a fan of raw food.

Zero shrug and dug in quickly. He was starving and the creature just happened to be a convenient lunch. His previous stock of energy from Mega Gourmet was running low and Zero wondered if he should conserve magic because it wasn’t easy to find food on Endow Hill.

Merlin looked a little green as Zero devoured the Messopotamus. The cycle of life was a cruel one and even though Merlin knew in his head how it was the right of the strong to live and the weak to become sustenance, he couldn’t help but mumble a short prayer for the monster. Many might have fallen prey to the Messopotamus but today, it met a hungry young boy. It couldn’t only blame the chefs of La Boutique for running out of supplies too quickly for its death.

In ten minutes, the twenty feet huge monster was reduced to a pile of bones. Zero smacked his lips in satisfaction. It tasted a little rubbery but it was still better than the yucky berries he’d eaten previously.

"I’m ready! What’s next?"

Merlin grinned. Of course. He should have known better than to expect Zero to be sated with only one monster.

As the duo explored the cave in search of newer prey, Sleep Cave shuddered. All it wanted to do was finish chasing away the adventurers for its afternoon nap, not encourage two frightening cave raiders to plunder its monsters!

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