
Chapter 575 - King Sharo’s Advice

Chapter 575 - King Sharo’s Advice

The farming experiment went smoothly. Zero wasn’t sure if those without magic experiences like the cow and goat clans could cope with their intensive training program. Some expert magic users volunteered to teach those with potential without magic experiences. Zero made sure to test these people for the attitude to be a teacher. After all, there was a considerable difference between a good magician and a good magic teacher. Merlin, for instance, was a great magician but not the best teacher.

Food was now settled for the herbivores and omnivores but not the carnivores. Their diet consisted of high meat and protein sources. While they could eat plants, overeating would make them sick. Not to mention, while the fire magic users were helping to speed up the wall repairs by baking mud bricks with their flames, the problem of weapon and armour shortage wasn’t resolved.

King Sharo was silent for days now, and Zero didn’t know what the elven king was thinking. He didn’t cut their telepathy connection, and if King Sharo wanted, he could talk to Zero anytime. The silence was scary, and Zero wondered if he spoke a little too harshly the other day. Alex wanted Zero to help crush that superiority complex and fix King Sharo’s inferiority complex. King Charo’s poison ran too deeply in King Sharo. Zero didn’t know if he would succeed in breaking King Sharo during this trip before he could build him back up. Yet, it was terrifying to think that King Sharo would be so easily broken. The differences between Altear and Lycantopia must be really shocking.

Truen was currently still escorting Jermine’s family back to New Moon Village with Monoman. He would stop at Smargdas to investigate Indra Seagloo a little more and wouldn’t be back anytime soon. Zero didn’t know if his best friend could help when it came to strategic matters. Zero didn’t have many reliable people to ask about this sort of issue. He felt that it would be inappropriate to ask advice from other royal families like the giants even if they might be of assistance.

With a heavy sigh, Zero stared blankly at the map. "They have food but not the right kind, walls but not weapons or armours. Nobody has any shelter. I also can’t continue attending to those who are hurt or sick like this. Surely, there is a better way to repair a broken country... Bob, do you think the chancellor of Rocket Mountain will get angry if I asked for advice?"

The Eternal Dragon yawned and snuggled into the front of Zero’s shirt. "Do you have any other choices? Master, I’m a dragon. I don’t know human affairs well."

Zero grumbled a little. "They’re not human, they are werebeasts."

This time, the staff by the table rattled, and King Sharo spoke up.

"If I help, will you really let me speak with Arvin?"

Zero was startled when the voice echoed in his head, but soon, a huge smile appeared on his face.

"Yes! I’d also do anything within my abilities as the leader of Half Moon Village to assist. If you help Lycantopia, I can let King Gaon know to add a few terms to your advantage. The elves seldom enjoy seafood and salt, right?"

King Sharo didn’t need to think too hard. Salt was a big deal in Altear. Everything was very bland tasting because they were far from the sea and on bad terms with the dwarves. If they could build a friendly relationship with Lycantopia near the sea, it would be mutually beneficial.

"Only if we have a good price for salt. Altear doesn’t have a lot to offer that these werebeasts would want."

Zero thought about it and shook his head. "Not true. They have poor quality weapons and armour, something the elves are better at. Also, the elves have better knowledge about using magic compared to the werebeasts. Besides, most of the werebeasts are illiterate. The literacy rate of elves in Altear is a lot higher. There are many things your country and Lycantopia can exchange in the future."

Although King Sharo didn’t doubt Zero’s words, he still made the doctor draft a contract for evidence. Zero spent a good hour drafting the terms of the contract on behalf of King Sharo with the terms the elf wanted. Then, the elf made Zero promise him to gain King Gaon’s approval to the agreement if he wanted his advice.

Zero couldn’t promise King Sharo that. They eventually compromised on talking to the lion werebeast and his ministers first. King Sharo was patient. He waited and listened to Zero negotiate for a chance successfully. The agreement wasn’t signed yet, but King Sharo had King Gaon’s word. Lycantopia will send the first shipment of salt to Altear after they successfully thwarted the dragon’s return and rebuild their salt factory.

King Sharo was satisfied and didn’t doubt King Gaon’s word. The werebeast king might be slightly dumb, but he was an honest man with good intentions. After observing Lycantopia and its people for so long, King Sharo realised that there were many kinds of people in this world. Not everyone was out there to harm him or wait for his fall from grace. The future mattered less and less now that he was away from home. King Sharo started learning how to enjoy the present mundane things that happened around Zero.

"So? What’s the plan?" King Gaon asked nervously. It was almost two weeks since he had a proper meal. He was glad that some of his people were no longer starving, but the carnivores like him are feeling ill from consuming too much plant-based food. They needed something different. Many have started leaving the area to hunt in the wilderness or probe at the dangerous forests a few days away on foot.

Zero smiled. "King Sharo will be sending assistance soon. All we have to do now is wait. In the meantime, please start picking out the able-bodied warriors for training. We will begin the second stage of the plan to prepare for the sea thieves and the dragon. Your best battalion should consist of those good at healing magic, flight, water magic, fire magic, defence and ranged attacks."

Zero listed the criteria of those he was looking for, and Rachel took notes. The military advisers were also given tasks to form groups of militia from the untrained civilians to walk around the camps and help with supply distribution.

King Sharo spoke quickly, and Zero relayed the elven king’s plan word for word to the werebeasts who looked at Zero with awe. The plan was very well thought out. If King Sharo provided assistance for tools, weapons, armour and food on time, Lycantopia could quickly recover.

"Also, tell them that they should reconsider changing the entire layout of their city now that there was a new system in place. Herbivores, omnivores, carnivores should live in the same area and learn to co-exist with a fixed ratio similar to the teams we have for various sectors such as agriculture, security, craftsmanship and research."

Zero listened to King Sharo’s wisdom and was impressed by how far-sighted he was. Even without the ability to read into the future, he had a feeling King Sharo would do just fine.

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