
Chapter 106 - Sweet Blood On Hands- Part 1

Chapter 106 - Sweet Blood On Hands- Part 1

Henry Robbinson was a vampire who enjoyed luxury. His parents were decently rich but after a few years of Mr. and Mrs. Robinson passed away, Henry used the money in gambling. Gambling enough to have him placed in a corner. There was the mansion, clothes, furniture but inside the house, it was empty where there were barely a few maids as most of them had been sent away.

By appearance, he was a fairly decent looking man. He had tried to court many women who were of young age with enough money and he was still trying to weigh the options around him but there was one girl who had caught his attention.

It was a brownish-red haired girl, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adams. She stood out because there weren\'t many who had that color of hair around him. She had a body he would definitely take to bed.

When his brows went to frown, he groaned in pain because of the deep cut. His wounds healed sooner than this and as it was taking the time he placed the cold surface of the glass on his forehead.

The man continued to spend his time in the room and had sent away his maids not wanting to be bothered. The clock struck eight and he finally got up from his seat to pour himself another drink. The man picked up the bottle and started to pour the alcohol when he heard a soft humming that came from behind him.

Snapping his head around, he caught sight of the butler who sat on the couch with his legs crossed in a comfortable position as if he was the master of the house.

"What are you doing here?!"

Lucas, who sat there humming a song that he often sang, picked up the glass that had one more sip of alcohol in it. He brought it to his lips to only place it back on the stand.

"Cheap liquor," Lucas murmured to himself.

"Who let you in?! How dare you sit in front of me!" Mr. Robinson could still feel the embarrassment that was caused by this lowly butler who had no status or money. The man placed his drink back at the table and stomped forward to pull Lucas by his collar and have him stand, "Good that you are here, I am going to show where exactly you belong."

Lucas didn\'t appear to be affected by this and his composure stayed where he stopped humming the song. There was a subtle smile on his lips and he brought his hand up to place it on the man\'s hand to push it away from him.

"Sshh," Lucas silenced the man and stepped away from him, "Such childish words. Did you think you would be able to court a lady with such a disgusting and uncouth attitude?"

"You must have the nerve to come to my own house and trying to disgrace me," Mr. Robinson glared at Lucas who had stepped away from him and walked around the couch by keeping distance between them.

"A man who is already a disgrace, I don\'t think there\'s anything more that I need to do here. Isn\'t it?" Lucas gave that polite smile that had the man rile again but he kept his composure. He only wondered how this murky looking low life had entered the mansion and his room.

Was it one of his maids? If it was so, whoever let him in was going to be very sorry about it when he was done dealing with this one.

"If you have come here to apologize it is not too late but once I have you dead and buried, you will be begging on your knees so that I spare your life," Mr. Robinson threatened him, a smile of his own coming on his lips.

Lucas who stood there watching the man tilted his head with a questionable look on his face, "Apologize about what?"

The vampire\'s eyes blazed in fury. He walked around the couch and tried to catch his collar again, ready to slam him against the ground, "Do you see this wound?" he shook Lucas, "It is going to leave a scar on my face forever!"

"Undoubtedly," Lucas agreed to it.

Mr. Robinson got mad over this who swung his fist across Lucas\' face. The man beat Lucas on his face before he felt the butler\'s strength weaken and he threw him on the ground. He enjoyed beating him, taking out the frustration he felt earlier. He would not kill this one, he would torture him for the embarrassment that had been caused in front of many people today!

The owner of the house pulled up a chair around and sat in front of Lucas where he was on the ground.

Hearing the little commotion, a maid who was passing by in a stutter asked from the other side of the door, "S-sir Henry, is everything alright?"

The man looked down at the butler who was on the ground, "Everything is alright. Don\'t disturb me," he said and laughed, "It\'s been a while since I last had fun beating up someone. You are supposed to be the almighty handsome butler, what happened? Not cocky anymore?"

Lucas sat up, wiping his mouth the back of his hand that picked up the spots of blood. He looked at Mr. Robinson who leaned back against the chair.

Mr. Robinson said, "You are just a pretty face. Men are like me, look at you. Pathetic!" he looked at Lucas with his red eyes, gauging the man up and down, "Did you feel so bad that I would be bringing her here?" he gave out a chuckle, "You must be gathering affections for your mistress. Rumors are already out and the more she delays, the worse it will get."

"Why?" asked Lucas, his eyes constant on the person who was seated in front of him. Robinson narrowed his eyes at the butler when he continued, "Would it be a problem if I said I was?"

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