
Chapter 184: Cleaning Up the Swamp

Chapter 184: Cleaning Up the Swamp

But he had a spiteful son and a vile wife. If he stayed under the same roof as them.

She couldn\'t even imagine what to happen to him. At least… At least Bai Ye Qing won\'t be out in public for too long.

"The shareholders have voted to dismiss Director Bai from his position and any chance that he will have any stake in the company in the future." The speaker\'s voice was lower than before like he was mourning along with Chairman Bai.

"So be it," the old man said.

\'So be it,\' Qian Meng repeated in her mind.

Finally, she owned what her father wanted. She should have felt victorious, but she only felt bittersweet in her heart.

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Qian Meng had been ready for the external audit the moment she decided to buy the company. She had paid extra money for the \'hatchet man\' as they called them in the industry. She was not only going to do a financial review and pinpoint irregularities but also use the hatchet man to clean the company up from inside.

This company needed a thorough cleanup and she wasn\'t sparing expenses to make it happen.

The whole process would take three months, give or take a few weeks, and Qian Meng was prepared to wait for the results to fully control her latest investment.

Right now, though, she needed to focus on thwarting Bai Ye Qing. Seeing his rage and physically aggressive behavior, she was sure that he would try to do something. If it wasn\'t attacking her, it would be Mr. Bai. She had warned him over and over again and at this point, she had no clue how to tell the man to heed her warning seriously.

She slid into the car and was stuck in traffic, so she decided to make some calls.

"Is there any update on Bai Ye Qing\'s file?" she asked. She looked at the car in front of her. It moved an inch. She heaved a sigh, wanting to bang her head. There was no point in moving forward in such a situation.

All around her the horns blared. If the traffic jam wasn\'t bad enough, she also needed to listen to the cacophony of people groaning and moaning and blaring their horns. She was on the verge of a raging headache.

"I dropped the file at the prosecutor\'s desk. I haven\'t heard anything about it yet. I have no clue why they are dragging their feet on this," he huffed. Qian Meng could hear the frustration in his voice.

"There is a lot of information on his financial crimes, but if we reveal the corporation-related crimes, the company will go into public view. I don\'t like showing my investments in such a vulnerable situation." Qian Meng had to think of a way to get the prosecution moving.

Finally, she found something in the back of her mind. "What about using the fact that he almost hit me with a glass? Can\'t we report him for homicidal tendencies or something? Threatening physical harm?" she asked.

Li Jun became eerily silent. "He threw something at you?" he asked, his voice calm.

"I did aggravate him, but all the shareholders and executive staff saw him do it. He was screaming bloody murder and cursing me out. I am not so much threatened by him than worried that he will heart Mr. Bai." Qian Meng cleared her throat.

"Do you have evidence?" he asked quickly.

"There were witnesses," Qian Meng told him.

"Anyone on your side? Someone who will not profit from him being detained or not?" he urged.

"The only person I can think of is Mr. Bai and he won\'t complain," Qian Meng admitted.

"He didn\'t hurt you in any way. Did you dodge or did he throw it beside you?"

"I think he missed on purpose."

Li Jun sighed. "It\'s a threat but the cops can\'t do anything until he physically approaches you with the intent of attacking you."

"No harm. No foul," Qian Meng sighed.

"Yes. I\'ll try to call the prosecutor to nudge them," Li Jun said finally. "Drive safely to the office and make sure the guards do not allow Bai Ye Qing or anyone suspicious into the building. Call Mo Qingchen and tell him to tighten security at the house as well."

Qian Meng was silent. She didn\'t know how to tell Mo Qingchen what had happened. She was nervous about his reaction.

"Miss Yun, you need to tell him. If Bai Ye Qing is caught anywhere near you, I will have evidence to detain him for enough time to get the prosecutor moving. Please."

Qian Meng sighed. "Okay. I will call him," she said quietly.

Traffic moved just a little bit and her car jerked forward an inch. She cut the engine and dropped her head on the steering wheel.

To call or not to call Mo Qingchen.

If she didn\'t tell him, she would lose out on catching Bai Ye Qing. She couldn\'t even imagine how furious Mo Qingchen would be if he found out later. She was threatened and she didn\'t tell him? He would probably punish her to the moon and back. She didn\'t even want to find out.

She pressed on his number and waited for him to pick the call up.

In his office building, Mo Qingchen was sitting amongst the managers and directors, getting their reports on progress on the projects and ideas for future projects when his phone buzzed on the desk.

Thankfully, his phone was on silent, but everyone felt it. They looked around helplessly, wondering who was the unlucky person who would get their ear eaten out by the Dragon, but instead, they saw Mo Qingchen quietly staring at the place beside his laptop.

Finally, he spoke up. "We\'ll take five minutes break," he said gruffly. He didn\'t bother to move from his perch and picked up the phone. He pressed it against his ear and heard the high-pitched noise on the other side.

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