
Chapter 19 - Congratulations Miss!

She couldn\'t believe what she heard just now. The woman took a deep breath as she shifted her gaze toward the ceiling of the VIP room then closed her eyes occasionally.

"I\'m not lying, Miss." The doctor held Lisa\'s hand with a happy smile and continued, "When Ms. was brought to the ER, at first we thought you lacked electrolytes due to lack of rest. But when we checked again, it turned out that you were two weeks pregnant!"

"Congratulations, Miss, we are also happy!" Said one of the nurses who came with the doctor.

Happy news for doctors and nurses, she thought. Lisa was increasingly worried about the fate of her job when the whole office found out that she was pregnant. Not to mention her financial condition was not very good. What would happen to the baby after it was born later? Who wanted to support the child that Lisa was currently carrying?

The doctor said that Lisa could go home from the hospital after her blood pressure returned to normal. The nurse then injected sedatives and sleeping pills into Lisa\'s IV bottle.

Lisa was still lying limp on the bed with the oxygen tube stuck to her nose.

"Dani, what about Oscar? Is he coming here?" Lisa asked Dani hoarsely.

The man with dark glasses just shook his head slowly. His expressionless face made Lisa even more anxious. What should Lisa do after this?

"Mr. Dani, please don\'t tell Oscar yet if I\'m pregnant." She pleaded not to be excited, "I don\'t want to burden Oscar\'s office because of me. Just tell me I just don\'t get enough rest." The burly man nodded in understanding.

"If you need anything, just say it." Dani touched Lisa\'s palm that was so cold and pale.

Not long after Lisa chatted with Dani, she immediately fell asleep because of the medicine the nurse had injected. The doctor then gave permission to leave Lisa\'s room with her nurse.

It had been six hours since Lisa woke up and fell asleep due to the sedative given by the doctor. Dani was still sitting beside Lisa\'s bed, guarding her until Lisa was allowed to return to her house.

Lisa woke up again when her hand started to feel sore because the IV needle that was put in her palm had shifted slightly from its original place. She pressed the bell button with her slightly trembling right hand to call the nurse to help her fix the shifted IV tube.

"Ah, you are awake. How are you, Miss? Are you feeling good, Miss Lisa?" Asked Dani from his seat.

"It\'s okay, my line seems to have shifted." Lisa replied

"Earlier, the doctor told me that you can come back home if you feel well. Oh and, if your blood pressure is normal."

"Thank God, I ran out of money to pay for my mother\'s care a month ago."

"Miss, don\'t need to worry, all of your hospital expenses have been taken care of by Mr. Oscar."

"Okay, you can rest Dani. Thank you for taking care of me while I was asleep."

The burly and tall man then left the VIP room. Lisa was still lying in bed even though she was not as tired as this afternoon. It took her a moment to gather her consciousness.

An hour later, the doctor who handled Lisa this afternoon came to check her blood pressure again.

"Everything is stable, blood pressure is normal, Miss Lisa can go home if you wish to go home tonight." The doctor kindly said.

The most awaited moment that Lisa had been waiting for arrived! Finally, she did not need to spend a long time in the hospital room. She wanted to immediately return to continue her work at the office even though she was pregnant. There were still her family matters that she had to pay and support, especially related to house tax which was getting more and more expensive by the day.

After a few minutes with the doctor\'s arrival, Dani returned to the VIP room. He walked over to Lisa\'s bed, bowed his body and asked, "Do you want me to take you home?"

"Thank you Mr. Dani, but I want to go home with my best friend."

Eight o\'clock in the evening, all Petersson Communication employees, one by one, began to leave their desks. Some of them were still sticking to their desks staring at the computer screen. In the finance department, it appeared that Andien had just finished her job. She was getting ready to go home looking for car keys in her tote bag. Suddenly, her cell phone rang loudly on her desk.

"Hello Andien? Can you pick me up at the hospital after work?" The woman\'s voice sounded a little sluggish.

"What\'s wrong with you, Lisa? This afternoon I accidentally saw you being carried by a big and scary man?"

"Hey calm down! I\'m fine, it was Mr. Dani who carried me this afternoon. He\'s Oscar\'s personal assistant. Yes, it\'s a kind of bodyguard. The point is I\'m okay, I passed out in the office after vomiting violently. So how about it? Can you pick me up?"

"Of course I\'ll pick you up! You\'re still in the hospital right?"

"Yes, I\'ll just wait for you in the hospital lobby. The doctor said I was okay so he let me go home tonight. And Andien, I want to confide in you. Can I just stay overnight in your apartment?"

"Yes, you can! Besides, you are my best friend, you don\'t need to hesitate to stop by, let alone stay!"

"Fine, I\'ll be waiting for you then. Bye… "Lisa hung up the phone and took a deep breath.


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