
Chapter 55: The Need of a Mate - Part 2

Chapter 55:The Need of a Mate - Part 2


"Thick-headed Alpha male bullshit," Aymora growled as she unlocked the cage and hurried in. "Always so sure of yourselves until you fail, then it\'s hurry, hurry, hurry, woman and fix this for me."

Ignoring the muttering of the female that threatened his temper, Reth tipped his head and Behryn moved to block the open doorway, keeping the others back.

Aymora knelt in front of him and poured a dollop of the foul smelling syrup into a spoon, spooning it into Reth\'s mouth like she did when he was a cub. Then, with a grimace, she poured a second dose and gave him that as well.

Reth spluttered—the stuff tasted horrible—but he forced himself to swallow it down. While he was still shaking his head and making faces, Aymora moved to the wound on his side, tsking and growling when he batted her hand away when she touched a tender spot.

"I\'ll wager that rib is broken, and maybe the one above. And you\'ve got dirt in the wounds. You need to stop running around playing the hero and rest, Reth."

"I will, as soon as I can stop shifting."

"And that\'s not helping, either."

"I\'m aware," he ground out as she rubbed a salve into the wounds and began wrapping his chest. "Hence my current position on your floor."

He was still panting, but if he wasn\'t dreaming, the urge to shift was already fading just a hair. He blinked and looked at her. "I think it\'s working."

"You\'re calm. But don\'t do anything yet, Sire," she said sarcastically. "It takes a good hour to work completely. With that dose it might be faster. But probably more erratic too. So for the Creator\'s sake, sit here and stay calm."

He nodded, and looked at Behryn, who was still staring, open worry on his face.

"How is my wife?" he asked quietly.

Behryn blinked, then nodded. "She\'s fine. She\'s made a couple friends, I think. And… she learned a little while you were gone."

"Good, good." Reth winced again as Aymora tugged at the bandages around his chest. "Who\'s following her right now?"

"She\'s at the market with Gahrye. They\'re going to the Reading after the meal. I asked Bhert to take over when I came to your summons."

"You were watching her?" Reth frowned. "But Bhert was with you?"

"He was in the square. I sent him back as I passed. She wasn\'t alone, Reth. She\'s fine. It was more important for me to come—"

"What?!" Reth snarled.

Aymora froze, one hand on his shoulder. "Reth, breathe."

"You left her unattended?!"

"For moments, Reth, I knew exactly where she was and who she was with. It was more important to be here—"

Aymora had stood and was backing away from him, no fear on her face, but the wary crouch of a female who had enough experience to know when to step softly. "Reth," she said calmly. "You need to—"

"Stop telling me to calm when my wife is out there, under wolf eyes, without her GUARD!" his breath came hoarse and rough, his shoulders heaving. He could see the eyes of those watching widen.

For a moment he struggled against conflicting forces—one that urged him to shift, the other that attempted to block it.

"Nothing!" he huffed, but the huff became a roar when he thought of his wife in the forest, alone.


Why was he in this den? Why did all those eyes stare like cubs?

With a snarl, he shot for the door, bodies scrambling out of his path as he galloped out of the den and into the twilight outside, pausing only to scent the wind. His side ached, but he was King. He would heal.

His mate. She was here. Somewhere near.

And he needed her.

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