
Chapter 437: Wake Up

Chapter 437: Wake Up

READER SHOUT OUT: There\'s another greeting in the next chapter, but here I want to shout out EVERY reader who has given Golden Tickets and helped Reth climb to the top 5-7 of the new Golden Rankings. I am so completely grateful, you seriously have no idea! I have personally asked WebNovel to adjust the reader listings so we can see every reader who gives GT, not just the top. But for now, I\'d like to thank PbMamaRae and Purelb73 for your incredible contributions. You\'ve made me feel very loved!



Elia woke in the earliest dawn light. The cavernous room was dark, and to her human eyes it would have seemed the deepest night. But her new senses could pick out the rising light seeping out from behind the edges of the curtains.

She sat up for a moment, holding her breath. She could smell Reth on her skin, and for a split second, her heart leapt, believing he was there.

Then she realized where she was... where she had been... and she remembered what Reth had said.

"…I would not choose to leave you and Elreth if there was any option open to me. Know that. Be certain of that. But hear me: If I am ended tomorrow, keep watch. Because the Creator has some good to come out of it…"

It hit her like a sucker punch, stealing her breath. Her heart began to race, thrumming in her ears, and her skin throbbed with her pulse.

If I am ended tomorrow…

If I am ended… today.

Nausea surged, and she covered her mouth, breathing deeply, pleading with her body not to rebel. But all she could see was his beautiful face, the feel of his warm, steel strength under her hands.

And his utter acceptance of whatever his fate might be.

"No," she breathed. "I did as they asked. I never spoke of it. I didn\'t tell. You can\'t take him. You can\'t!"

But the terror wouldn\'t leave her, and suddenly her mind filled with images—Reth taking a spear to the heart and falling to the ground, still.

Reth\'s neck being snapped and his massive body slumping to the dirt.

Reth, snarling as Lerrin in wolf-form tore out his throat and he was born to the ground, his blood spilling—

Elia threw herself off the bed and towards the bathroom, making it only just in time as her body repelled the idea of her vital, beautiful mate reduced to ashy, cold skin and bones.

No. No, no, no, no, NO.

But the images wouldn\'t leave her, and the fear only gripped her heart like a fist, the fingers of it digging in as her heart pounded faster, harder.


She couldn\'t breathe. She was going to suffocate—she was going to die!

She couldn\'t live in a world where Reth had been taken from her, she couldn\'t!

She felt her back ripple, felt the beast roar, clawing at her insides to be released, to fight the threat. And at first she fought back, stumbling back into the bedroom, fisting the quilt of the bed in both hands and focusing on who she was, and this body, this form. Desperately trying to keep herself in this world.

Then a voice, a whispering, needling voice that rang with the familiar, nudged at her.

Why bother fighting anymore? If her mate was going to die, she couldn\'t bear that. She couldn\'t be expected to bear that! She needed relief.

And if he did come through safely, he could save her.

Why fight anymore? Why not give the beast its time?

She was just so tired…

She shuddered and felt the pulling sensation that always occurred right before she shifted. She shook her head, a feeble argument against the voice, still poking at her, showing her the relief of being separated from her emotions, of no longer needing to fight...

Then a tiny noise, only audible because of her heightened senses.

A soft sigh, two rooms away.

And a muffled groan.

Elia closed her eyes against the sob that wanted to come.

Kalle and Gahrye were awake, and… in love.

As the sounds of their lovemaking began to break through more often, slightly louder, Elia shuddered again and let go of the quilt she\'d been using to anchor herself to this place. She straightened and walked very carefully to the small table in the corner to pick up the paper and pen, with her trembling hands. As she wrote the note, her tears fell to splash on it.

"I\'m sorry, Reth," she whispered. "It\'s just too much. I can\'t do this anymore. I\'m just too tired."

She put the pen down with trembling fingers, read the note, nodded to herself… and then she gave up to the Beast.



You have to wake. It is time. Let us bless you.

Reth blinked and rolled over under the furs, his heart singing at the memories that came rushing back.

He\'d held his mate! Spoken with her! Made love and kissed her!

He could still smell her on the furs. Was she here?!

He sat bolt-upright, blinking in shock as three females jerked away from where they\'d been leaning over him. But none of them were Elia.

Reth blinked again and blew out a breath, trying to find his bearings.

Aymora. Aymora was here, staring at him with motherly concern. Behind her, Huncer and one of the females he didn\'t know as well—he thought her name was Porsha—stood, both watching him warily.


But Aymora leaned in again and sniffed delicately, then her eyes snapped to meet his. A moment of understanding passed between them before she whispered, "How is my daughter?"

Reth huffed. "She struggles. The cub grows quickly. Too quickly."

Aymora frowned.

"But… Aymora, why are you here?" he asked gently.

His dear friend\'s face softened. "The blessing, Reth. It\'s time. The day is here. You are to be challenged, and we come on behalf of the females of the pride to bless you."

Reth was humbled. The blessing was a prayer for those who walked into mortal danger on behalf of the Anima, and signified the good will of the people, asking the Creator to make the path straight, and keep the Anima strong through the person who was blessed.

It was a gift, and coming from Aymora personally, a true honor.

Reth looked at each of them and sighed. "Thank you," he said quietly.

They all nodded. Then he got out of the furs and stood beside the sleeping platform as the women began to sing, and anoint his head with oil.

Their mournful keening in the ancient tongue made his skin prickle, as did the tingling path of the oil down his scalp until it dripped to his shoulders.

But he did not move. These females bestowed on him a true blessing—a prayer of power and protection. Aymora stood there in place of his Mate who would have—should have—delivered it. And with tears in her eyes that matched Reth\'s, she called for the Creator to walk with Reth and keep him safe.

And the whole time, inside, he called for the Creator to do the same for Elia.


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