
Chapter 189 - Ling Pingan in Li Shouyi’s Eyes Was A Tsundere

Chapter 189: Ling Pingan in Li Shouyi’s Eyes Was A Tsundere

Ling Pingan closed the door and closed it again.

Then, he raised his head and checked the time.

“It’s almost 11:30!” He said.

So, he took the teacup containing the grasshopper and went upstairs.

He turned off the light at the same time.

Creak! Creak!

The sound of the wooden stairs was still horrifying.

When the grasshopper in the cup heard the sound, it trembled and curled up into a ball.

At this moment, Duke Evie finally recovered some strength.

But this did not make his situation better. Instead, it made him fall into a deeper terror.

His compound eyes were seeing clearly.

In this terrifying bookstore, countless evil eye were staring at him.

They were whispering, and terrifying ominous sounds echoed in Duke Evie’s ears.

Listening to these noises, these terrifying taboos and ominous sounds.

And looking at the evil eyes that were filled with hunger, thirst, and evil intentions.

Duke Evie of hell was so scared that he almost lost his ability to think.

… … … ..

After changing into his slippers, Ling Pingan casually placed the water cup on the table.

Then, he looked at the little cat that had been staring at the grasshopper in the cup.

Ling Pingan stroked the little cute head. “Little darling… Big brother will go take a shower first!”

“After big brother finishes showering, I’ll roast the grasshopper for you!”


The little cat Bastet meowed, which was a form of agreement.

So, Ling Pingan put down his phone and found some clothes to change into. He walked into the bathroom and turned on the bath bar and water heater.

The sound of water splashing came from the bathroom.

… … … ..

Duke Evie felt as if he was thrown into space by some terrible strength, and then quickly fell to the ground.

His body was rolling in the small plastic cup.

At this time, the disadvantage of having too many eyes appeared.

Because, he found that no matter how he rolled around.

A pair of amber-platinum cat eyes were staring at him!

The black kitten had tears drip out of the corner of its mouth uncontrollably.


He meowed softly.

The pyramid was reflected behind him.

Countless prayers and prayers entered his ears.

At that moment, Duke Evie knew that more than half of the Cat Goddess’s strength and authority had returned.

He had successfully anchored himself in the real world.

He could now freely use his authority and strength.

The Cat Goddess’s authority was to protect!

The Guardian of the pyramid was also the guardian of the family.

As his divine power was rendered, the pyramid that was reflected became more and more solid.

The situation of countless Egyptian families and the pyramid flowed in the reflection.

The Cat Goddess stared at him.

That was the hunter staring at the prey!

It was also the diners looking at the ingredients!

He could not wait!

Duke Evie trembled. He curled his body across the seemingly thin but actually indestructible plastic cup.

“I beg you…” He begged.

“I beg you…”

“As long as you let me go… I’m willing to live forever…”

But the Cat Goddess shook his head.

Evie was about to continue begging and make a final effort to survive.

Suddenly, he felt a tremble and fear from the depths of his soul.

As if a natural enemy was staring at him, his soul was suddenly pulled up.

The compound eyes of the Duke of Devils saw a little blue flame falling onto the coffee table.

The flame swayed, emitting a terrifying aura.

This was the aura of a superior.

It was also the aura of a person who ate high-level life forms and races!

In the recipe for this little flame, God was also shockingly listed!

But this was only the beginning.

Evie curled up in the plastic cup. The inner wall of the plastic cup that had once made him terrified had now become his only safe harbor.


This fragile sense of security was quickly broken.

Because, the compound eye in his abdomen saw a little emerald-green shadow quietly appear.

The ferocious mouthparts in the shadow roared, and together they sent a message: I want to eat!

Evie clearly sensed that if he fell into his hands,.

There would be no dregs of him left!

At this moment, the demons who had once fed on the fear and despair of humans.

Finally experienced fear and despair.

And it was three times more fear and despair!

The three monsters all wanted to eat him.

And he… The once terrifying Hell Devil Duke was already a fish on the chopping block.

This fact made Duke Evie break down!


The little black cat meowed softly and stretched out its claws.

Its claws pointed at Evie.

Then it drew a picture in the air, and then pointed this part of the picture at itself.

It was about four-fifths of the picture.

The small flame flickered, and the blue light was reflected on the ground.

It was divided into three parts.

He gave the largest part to the kitten, which was about half of it.

Then, he gave the remaining two-thirds of the remaining half to himself!


The little black cat firmly opposed it!

His claws drew a circle, and then gently waved.

He wanted at least two-thirds!

Then he pushed, and the remaining part was pushed toward the little flame and the little green shadow.

The meaning was obvious. I don’t care how you divide it, but I must eat so much!

This was the most basic!

And this was the final condition!

The little flame looked at it and was slightly stunned. The flame swayed as if it agreed.

Then, his flame rose.

It took away at least 80% of the one-third of the circle of light!

He was only willing to give the green shadow some scraps!

The reason was certainly enough!

In the flickering flame, the great will was transmitting an indisputable message.

You… are… use… less… you.. should… be… glad…you…can…eat!


A clear cry broke the silence of the living room.

In the green shadow, the figure of a little girl slowly appeared.

Her tears were dripping down.

Her small face was as beautiful as a peach blossom, delicate and pitiful.

As she cried, she raised her two small arms that seemed to be made of tender leaves.

In her green arms, a faint spiritual light was flowing.

It seemed to say: I want to grow a body, I’m hungry..

Evie looked at all of this in a daze.

He looked at himself as a commodity, as a fish, and he was at the mercy of others.

This scene was so familiar.

It was so familiar that he used to do this every day.

The poor souls of humans were randomly divided and devoured by him.

Their pleas and wails were his favorite sounds.


Was it his turn to be divided and devoured?

Under Evie’s gaze, the division agreement was quickly reached.

The little girl wailed loudly and fought for more rights and benefits.

Her share increased to about 20% .

The little flame and the little black cat each gave away about 5% of their shares.

Although they were still dissatisfied, at least they could eat until they were half full.

Thus, the small living room returned to silence!

… … ..

Ling Pingan finished showering and wiped his wet hair.

Then, he walked out.

He looked at Bastet, who had been squatting in front of the table and staring at the grasshopper that was tied to the table.

“Little foodie!” Ling Pingan laughed.

He walked to the refrigerator and took out a mushroom.

Even though it had been refrigerated for two days, the mushroom was still fresh.

Moreover, perhaps because it had been refrigerated for two days, its fragrance was even stronger!

Ling Pingan picked up the mushroom, then picked up the cup, and said to Bastet, “Little darling, let’s eat supper!”


The kitten immediately cried out happily.

It immediately followed its master.

Walking up to the third floor, Ling Pingan pushed open the door, and the moonlight immediately shone in.

The Moonlight tonight was beautiful beyond comparison!

Ling Pingan casually turned on a light, and then carried out the simple oven.

Then, he took a lighter and lit the charcoal fire.

The flame slowly appeared, and then burned.

He placed the barbecue stove at the foot of the wall and walked out of the door.

“Eh!” He suddenly squatted down in surprise and looked at the small sapling in the plastic basin. “Little Boy, you’ve grown a lot taller!”

The small sapling in the plastic basin had grown from a little bud to a little sapling that was more than an inch tall.

There were a few more tender leaves. Under the moonlight, the small peach tree swayed gently.

Ling Pingan reached out and touched its soft trunk.

The green and soft sapling swayed gently under his touch.

A breeze blew, and two tender leaves gently stroked Ling Pingan’s fingers.

“It seems that we can fertilize it again another day!” Ling Pingan said.


The kitten meowed, seeming to agree.

“Good boy!” Ling Pingan turned to look at the kitten and then at the grasshopper in the plastic cup. “I’ll roast the grasshopper for you first!”

As a man, he meant what he said.

Moreover, Bastet’s performance today was worthy of encouragement!

It could even comfort others, which meant that it was a loving kitten!

It should be rewarded!


The kitten cried out excitedly and couldn’t wait to lie down beside the stove.

Ling Pingan blew on the stove to make the fire burn even brighter!

Then, he took the cup and poured out the grasshopper in the cup, pinching it with two fingers.

He put the grasshopper in front of his eyes and looked at it.

“It’s so fat!” He praised.

The grasshopper in his eyes was full of meat.

It would definitely smell delicious when roasted!

If he hadn’t promised Bastet, he would have eaten it himself!


“Commander-in-chief…” Situ He walked to Li Shouyi, who was looking at the monitor screen, and reported in a low voice, “The person has been brought back…”

“This is the confession of the receiving team…”

Li Shouyi picked it up and flipped through it.

On these documents, everyone’s statements were recorded.

In the form of words, the attitude and tone of the owner of the bookstore were described and depicted from different angles.

Li Shouyi slowly read, word by word, and compared them over and over again.

“It seems…” He suddenly said, “The situation is the same as what the think tanks are discussing…”

“The owner of the bookstore is dealing with us in an imperial way!”

He pointed to a description on the document and said to situ he, “Look, Situ, he said: they are all poor people…”

“How can he not know that these people are the leaders of evil cults?”


This was for sure!

“Situ, Look Again. He continued to say, ‘doesn’t the Federal Empire have special support policies and systems? I thought of you…\'”

“What do you mean?” Li Shouyi asked.

Situ He shook his head blankly and said, “Commander-in-chief, please advise!”

“It’s very simple!” Li Shouyi said, “The former emperors also liked to say that!”

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth as if he remembered something from the past. “The late emperor was also like this…”

He thought for a moment and could not help but say, “Tsundere!”

Situ he almost laughed when he heard that.

“Don’t laugh!” Li Shouyi said seriously, “This is a very clever trick!”

“The emperors always have some things that are inconvenient for them to do on their own, and it’s even more inconvenient for them to do it directly…”

“So, you have to deliberately pretend to be ignorant…”

“You have to deliberately take something away from yourself!”

Li Shouyi looked at Situ He and asked, “Situ He, you have heard that the royal family of Fusang has a tradition of crane sound, right?”

Situ He nodded, he naturally knew.

The Kings of Fusang would often say something inexplicable.

They would let others guess, Guess, and then carry it out.

“The logic is almost the same!” Li Shouyi said, “However, the owner of the bookstore is not an emperor after all…”

“He doesn’t need to hide it like the emperors…”

“So, he just made it clear!”

“His meaning is actually very simple!”

“You have been doing well recently…” Li Shouyi pursed his lips. “So, I will give these people to you as gifts!”

“But… how can I let you guess what I mean?”

“So…” Li Shouyi asked, “If this isn’t Tsundere, then what is?”

“Even ordinary people know that those people are monsters and strong people…”

“But he just had to tell us that these are poor people…”

“And he asked us to take them in…”

“In this way, he himself avoided the possibility of being rewarded casually, and on the other hand, he also saved our face…”

“But in fact, this is a reward!”

“It’s obvious!” Li Shouyi looked at the other contents of the report and said resolutely, “You see, he captured Duke Evie of Hell in front of others by some incredible means. This is the best proof!”

“This is also the best performance of Tsundere!”

“He’s afraid that we can’t understand his intentions!”

At this point, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of Li Shouyi’s mouth.


Tsundere was the last thing the Federal Empire was afraid of.

Because the empire had rich experience!

A long history of two thousand years of feudalism!

A hundred years before the founding of the Federal Empire, three kings with different personalities but equally tsundere could provide a large amount of first-hand information and data.

At this moment, the figure of the owner of the bookstore appeared on the screen.

The drone that had been hovering in the sky clearly captured the figure of him walking out of the door with his pet and coming to the roof.

In a small stove, the fire was burning.

Beside him, the twisted and deformed figure of the Duke of hell was struggling in the cup.

“We will witness the complete fall of a Duke of hell!” Li Shouyi said seriously. He thought for a moment and added, “In the hands of a proud and mysterious unknown existence!”

“This is also another proof of his arrogance!”

“He, knowing that we know that he has captured a Duke of hell!”

“Knowing that our drone is watching!”

“He has come out. He wants us to see how he will deal with and destroy a Duke of hell!”

Li Shouyi gently leaned against the back of his chair.

Ever since the owner of the bookstore appeared, his long-tensed nerves could finally be relaxed.


Dealing with tsundere, dealing with tsundere, the experience of the Federal Empire was unparalleled in the world!

“After returning to the imperial capital, I have to look through the notes of the previous ministers!”

The founding ancestor of the Federal Empire had abolished the eunuch system.

The system of female officials and palace ministers had been introduced.

When they arrived at Taizong’s time, the eunuchs left behind by the previous dynasty were old, old, and dead. The profession of eunuchs disappeared in the long river of history.

And the palace ministers became the new favorites.

These people were all civil officials. In terms of scheming, there were more than the previous dynasty’s director of ceremonies!

Thinking of this, Li Shouyi focused all his attention on the screen.

Because on the screen, the owner of the bookstore had already started to take care of the Duke of Hell.

… … … ..

Ling Pingan watched the fire slowly rise.

He held the grasshopper in his hand. Its plump body looked a little tempting.

He licked his lips and threw the grasshopper onto the grill.

The Flames immediately rose.

The grasshopper hopped on the grill.

But soon, it was swallowed by the flames and stopped struggling!

Ling Pingan sighed and said to it, “Sorry, I forgot to give you a humanitarian death…”


“I remember that insects have very few nerves…”

“And the pain is not very severe…”

“So…” he shrugged.

… … … … ..

Li Shouyi and Situ He looked at the screen.

The owner of the bookstore easily pinched the Duke of hell out of the cup.

It was like he was squeezing an ant.

The Duke of Hell in his hand, the once invincible and terrifying devil, was like an ant, without any room to struggle.

He gently threw the Duke onto the grill in front of him.

The flames rose.

The high-definition camera of the drone accurately captured this scene!

The flames were pure blue!

They burned wantonly, as dazzling as the solar flare!

In the flames, the Duke of Hell rolled and roared in pain.

His soul and body were being burnt together.

His strength, his spirituality, his flesh and blood melted together!

The filth in his body and the blasphemous energy in his soul were directly vaporized and burned in the flames, eventually turning into pale golden lines that lingered in his flesh and blood.

The Duke of devils, in the flames, was roasted into a crystal clear thing that looked like a grasshopper in less than a few seconds.

Just as he said: Roast a bug and eat it!

And Li Shouyi and Situ He clearly felt that in the roasting of the flames.

All the bad and corrosive things in the soul and flesh of the Duke of Devils from hell had been transformed into a special substance.

These substances mixed with the spirituality and flesh of the Duke of devils.

They turned it into a divine object that even Li Shouyi and Situ He couldn’t help but drool over!

They could even smell the fragrance through the screen!

“If I can eat this grasshopper…”bLi Shouyi swallowed his saliva. “I will definitely be able to immediately break the shackles of the present and step into a brand new world in one go!”

This was certain!

That was a divine object that the owner of the bookstore had personally refined through the accumulation of the essence of a Duke Devil for countless years in some kind of terrifying magical flame!

In itself, it was probably an existence capable of completely reviving a god!

Coupled with the owner of the bookstore personally making a move, its quality suddenly rose!

Even if Situ He ate it, he would probably be able to ascend immediately!


In the next second, Li Shouyi and Situ He both saw that the owner of the bookstore threw the grasshopper that had been roasted on the grill, which was flowing with five-colored light and contained boundless spirit power, at the kitten at his feet.

His pet, the Cat Goddess Bastet!

Li Shouyi swallowed his saliva.

“Humans are inferior to cats!” He sighed.

Situ He swallowed his saliva and sighed, “Humans are inferior to cats!”

… … … ..

The Kitten Bastet opened its mouth to catch the grasshopper that Ling Pingan threw at it.

It bit it!

Tears gushed out from the corner of its mouth.

It was about to swallow the whole thing in one gulp.

It suddenly remembered something.

So, it picked up the grasshopper and ran into the house.

Ling Pingan watched and knew that the kitten was probably used to eating behind its back in the corner.

So, he didn’t bother with it. Instead, he stood up and began to prepare the mushrooms.

… ..

The little black cat held the grasshopper in its mouth, which was so fragrant that it made its mouth water.

It jumped into the storeroom.

A small flame appeared beside it.

The faint blue flame and plasma drool could not help but rush out.

The little black cat endured the pain and bit the grasshopper in its mouth open, giving it a little more than one-third of the weight.

Then, it threw about 20% of the meat into a plastic basin.

Kacha Kacha!

Only then did it lie down and wolfed down the meat.

Kacha Kacha, the sound of chewing also came from the plastic basin.

Slurp! Slurp!

The little flame licked the meat in his hand.

It was extremely precious and valued it very much.

Because, this was a treasure personally roasted by the great ruler!

So, even though the raw material was only a low-level secondary devil.


This had countless benefits for him!

The little flame even felt that if he could completely digest this piece of meat…


His status could be further improved!

Perhaps, in the future, he could become the Pope of the living flames!

He could become the leader of all the other high-level priests!

He could even have a star of his own.

From there, he would have the possibility of becoming an outer god!

From the old ruler to an outer god, not only did he need strength and knowledge, he also needed approval!

That was because the old ruler was just a powerful old God.

But the outer god controlled the rules and was even an existence that was the incarnation of the rules!

Therefore, all the authority and strength of the Outer God came from him.

The great ruler, the origin and foundation of Everything!

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