
Chapter 236 - Angel of Rfgedemption

Chapter 236: Angel of Rfgedemption

Ling Pingan waited until twelve o’clock, but there wasn’t a single customer.

Ling Pingan could only close the shop door in disappointment.

“Good Night!” He said to the kitten sleeping on the towel.


The kitten meowed softly. Its amber cat eyes reflected the people who were anxious to start paying tribute in the fog outside the door.

Today was the last day.

After this village, who knew when this shop would appear.

All the tributaries were extremely anxious.

It slowly lowered its head and closed its eyes. It was like a normal kitten, not paying attention to the outside world.

Creak creak..

The owner stepped on the stairs and made a terrifying yet complicated sound.

With this sound, Bastet fell into a deep sleep.

At this moment, one terrifying creature after another squeezed in through the glass door.

They were all disappointed when they saw the kitten sleeping on the towel!

How they hoped that the cat would stand up and ask for benefits from them!


The good times were always short!

… … … ..

Ran Bing walked alone in the desolate land where the sandstorm was raging.

She kept walking, and walking.


She saw the sunlight!

So, she immediately ran forward.

She walked out of the world covered by the sandstorm and into the sunlight.

This was still a desolate world.

The land had completely turned into a desert. The only good news was that the sandstorm here had temporarily stopped.

She looked up and saw a huge floating city floating in the sky under the Sun.

Ran Bing was not surprised.

Because all the floating cities must be chasing the sun and migrating around the world.

After all, anything could happen in the sandstorm.

This was also why the exploration teams had to risk going to the ground to search for supplies.

Energy and spare parts were the key to the survival of the floating city.

If the energy was insufficient, they would not be able to chase after the Sun.

No matter how powerful the floating city was, it would still be struck down from the sky by the Sandstorm.

“It’ the A4 floating city!” Ran Bing said as she looked at the huge floating city hanging above her head.

All the floating cities were very easy to identify.

This was because every floating city would carve its own symbol on the steel walls on its surface.

The unique feature of the A4 floating city was that there was an angel spreading its wings on the steel walls.

This was also the image of the Angel of Redemption that they worshipped in the church of redemption.

Looking at the huge angel, Ran Bing was the same as in the past. A trace of contempt appeared on the corner of her mouth. However, what was different from the past was that she now knew that there might be a shadow of an umbrella behind many of the floating city’s religions.

“Is the A4 Angel of Redemption supported by an umbrella?” Ran Bing thought.

“Try it and you’ll know!”

She pulled out the revolver from her waist and walked towards the floating city under the sunlight.

Ran Bing knew that the floating city must have also discovered her.


Tywin looked at the figure that appeared on the screen.

It was a human, and moreover, it was a woman. She was walking on the desert land under the sunlight.

Tywin swallowed hard. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would never have thought that twenty years after the collapse, he could still see traces of a human on the ground from the monitor!

A living human!

A human walking on the ground alone!

He turned around and looked at the others, asking, “What do you think?”

“Kill her!” A feminine male voice answered without hesitation. “The Angel of Redemption said that because humans are sinful, I sank the continent and destroyed the city, making them unable to walk on the ground. Everyone who walks on the ground is sinful…”

Tywin looked at this person with a hint of annoyance in his eyes, but he could only endure it.

He had no choice. He was the Pope of the church of redemption, Lannister.

Even if Tywin was the city lord, he had no choice but to be wary of this person.

Not only because this person controlled and influenced countless believers, but also because Tywin knew that he could not do without this person’s help.

Without him, he probably would not know where to replenish the spare parts for many important facilities in the floating city.

Especially the spare parts for the central engine!

“Killed?” A one-eyed brawny man shook his head. “Why don’t we ask her?”

“We don’t know much about her…”

“Maybe she can provide us with some useful information!”

Tywin laughed. “That’s right… It’s always good to ask her!”

Lanni Site raised his head. “Castellan! Are you going against the oracle of the Angel of Redemption?”

“Lanni Site!” Tywin smiled. “How would I dare to go against the Great Angel of Redemption?”

He lowered his eyebrows. “I just think that there is no harm in asking… After asking, wouldn’t it be the same for you to deal with it?”

The face of the Lanni Site instantly darkened. “City Lord, I want to remind you that letting sinners ascend the holy city without permission will make the Great Angel of Redemption angry!”

“If the god’s punishment comes…”

Faced with the threat of the Lanni Site, Tywin stood up calmly. “If the God’s punishment really comes, I am willing to kneel before the Angel of Redemption and repent!”

If the Angel of Redemption really exists, then he will show himself!

… … … ..

Ran Bing stood on the hill and looked at the elevator that was slowly descending from the floating city.

The armed soldiers looked at her nervously.

Ran Bing smiled.

She looked at the one-eyed man who led the team down.

Han Xu, the captain of the A4 floating city exploration team.

“Captain Han…” Ran Bing lifted her hair. “Long time no see!”

The exploration team of the floating city would sometimes meet on the ground and begin to cooperate. Everyone knew the importance of cooperation!

After all, 1 + 1 was always greater than 2.

Ran Bing’s exploration team had once worked together with the A4 floating city’s exploration team.

That was half a year ago!

“Ran Bing?” Han Xu looked at the woman holding a revolver in disbelief.

“What happened to you?”

“There was an accident…” Ran Bing said casually. “I got separated from my team…”

Han Xu listened. He naturally understood what “separated” meant.

This happened in every expedition team. When the team was in danger, someone had to stand out to attract fire and win a way out for everyone.


The person who did this had no record of surviving!

Not to mention, Ran Bing walked out of the sand on foot.

Everyone knew that unless there was a floating city, no organization had the ability to pass through the sand!

“How did you do it?” Han Xu asked.

“Rely on it!” Ran Bing’s revolver began to revolve agilely.

“It? !” Han Xu did not quite understand.

It was just an ancient revolver!

This kind of gun would probably not even be used by the lower-class citizens!

It would not even be able to kill parasites!

“Captain Han…” Ran Bing did not continue to answer. She raised her head and looked at the huge steel city above her. “Your City Lord, why did he ask you to come down?”

“The City Lord asked us to bring you up…” Han Xu calmly held the electromagnetic gun by his waist. Although he had some friendship with the woman in front of him, the interests of the floating city were paramount!

“The City Lord wants to ask about Captain Ran’s experience on the ground…”

Ran Bing laughed when she heard this.

She took the initiative to walk up the lift. “Then bring me to your city Lord!”

The people behind Han Xu immediately took their weapons and walked over, pointing at Ran Bing.

A woman wearing a surveillance camera and half of her face covered by protective gear looked at Ran Bing. “Sinner, kneel down and raise your hands for inspection!”

The black muzzles of guns pointed at ran bing.

As long as she dared to say no, she would immediately open fire.

What was worse was that the reinforced glass of the platform was closed at this time.

And the elevator was moving upwards at high speed.

Ran Bing could no longer escape!


Ran Bing looked at the muzzle of the gun pointed at her and laughed.

It was only then that Han Xu and the woman wearing the monitor finally remembered something.

“Your face…” The woman asked seriously, “Why is it so white?”

It was not just the skin on her face.

The woman in front of her, the woman who walked out of the sandstorm.

Her skin was as white as suet jade, and her clothes were intact. There was not a single grain of sand on her hair.

This was not the appearance of a normal human who walked out of the Sandstorm!

“Why?” Ran Bing said with a smile, “Of course it’s because I’m eating…”

She raised her head. “The Scarlet Beast!”

Her eyes suddenly revealed an extremely fierce expression. “The bastard who protected the umbrella!”

She looked at the woman wearing the surveillance device. “Am I right?”

The woman opposite immediately screamed, “Fire! Immediately!”

The armed soldier subconsciously pulled the trigger.

Da Da Da..

Bullets rained down.

But they all hit a thin layer of light screen, only causing ripples.

Ran Bing faced the rain of bullets and walked forward.

The soldiers screamed in fear.

The woman wearing the monitor immediately took out an electromagnetic gun from her body. She aimed at Ran Bing and calmly pulled the trigger.


The muzzle of the electromagnetic gun shot out steel bullets.

However, it only hit the light screen.

“It’s useless!” Ran Bing walked up to her. “The creation of the umbrella, your weapons can’t hurt me!”

She reached out and grabbed the woman, easily turning her head off.

There was no blood spurting out.

Only countless sparks and milky-white liquid flowed out from her neck.

Everyone was stunned.

They looked at Ran Bing.

“What’s going on?” Han Xu asked in disbelief.

Ran Bing raised the head in her hand, and countless wires hung down from her neck.

“It’s just a simple robot…” She took a nameplate from the back of the head and threw it at Han Xu. “It’s a product of Umbrella Corporation!”

Han Xu took the nameplate and lowered his head. He saw the words on the nameplate: Intelligent Surveillance Robot, serial number A40102, Umbrella Corporation’s Andros Base, second workshop..

He gulped.

“What’s going on?”

Ran Bing smiled. “You’ll find out soon enough!”

At this time, the elevator had already reached the entrance deck of the floating city.

The glass cabin door opened.

Ran Bing held the Machine Head in her hand and walked towards the deck.

One by one, people poked their heads out from the layers of balconies of the floating city and looked at Ran Bing.

Men and women, young and old.

Then, they saw the head in Ran Bing’s hand.

The head that they were extremely familiar with!

The head of the Church of Redemption’s trial nun Alfie!

“Oh my God!”

“That outsider killed sister Alfie!”

“Avenge the nun!”

Countless people shouted. These people who were devout believers of the church of redemption screamed crazily.

“Blasphemy! Blasphemy!”

“The Angel of Redemption will not let you off!”

Ran Bing ignored them. She only carried the head and passed through the space on the deck under the watchful eyes of the Warriors and soldiers.

She raised her head and looked at the frenzied crowd.

She threw the head in her hand over. “Look carefully, this is your nun!”

The mechanical head rolled on the deck. The wires and components under the neck were clearly visible!

The crowd instantly stopped.

In the face of reality, their faith began to waver.

The nun of the Angel of Redemption was a robot?

What about the Angel of Redemption?

What about the Pope?

They had to think about this question.

“She is the Devil’s Messenger!”

“She used evil magic to beguile you!” The pope’s voice came from the loudspeakers on the walls on both sides of the deck.

“Believers of the angel of redemption, kill her for the sake of the Angel!”

“Kill her, and the disaster on earth will be quelled!”

“The world will return to the past!”

Under the Pope’s voice, the believers raised their heads and looked at the woman in front of them.

Under the strength of their faith, they began to hesitate.

At this moment, Han Xu’s voice came from behind.

“Everyone…” He dragged a woman whose neck was full of wires and electronic components and threw her at everyone. “Ran Bing is not lying!”

“Our sister redemption is a robot!”

Han Xu’s prestige was extremely high in the entire floating city.

After all, the exploration team provided and protected the strength of the entire floating city.

Even the people who had believed in the Angel of Redemption for twenty years began to waver.

At this moment, the familiar voice of city Lord Tywin came through the loudspeaker again. “I am Tywin. To all the people of the floating city…”

“As the castellan, I hereby summon the Pope of the Church of the Angel of Redemption, Lanni Site, to the city hall. I demand an explanation from him regarding the identity of sister Afie!”

Hearing the Castellan’s voice, the people finally began to make way.

Of course, there were still a few stubborn people who attempted to put up a stubborn resistance and even incite others.


The soldiers of the expedition team loyal to Tywin immediately went forward and captured these people.

Ran Bing suddenly frowned.

“Don’t let him escape!” She immediately rushed up an elevator and pressed the button.


It was already too late.

A light flying shuttle took off from the top floor of the floating-space city.

The Pope of the Angel of Redemption sat in the flying shuttle and flew into the sky.

His voice echoed throughout the floating-space city.

“Foolish mortals!”

“How dare you betray the Great Angel of Redemption!”

“You’re Dead!”

“When the Angel of Redemption wakes up, his anger will devour all of you!”

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