
Chapter 300 - Awakening

Chapter 300: Awakening

Ling PingAn turned on the computer and made himself a cup of tea.

He sat at the counter, drinking tea while waiting for the computer to turn on.

His computer was very old. It was an old model from seven or eight years ago.

It was getting very slow every time it turned on.

The computer box was buzzing non-stop.

However, its quality was excellent. After using it for so long, there had never been any problems.

It was just that the processor was too old to carry most of the game software on the market, so it could only be used for office work or writing.

However, now it was the era of the mobile internet.

It didn’t matter if the computer was rubbish, as long as the phone was useful.

Therefore, Ling PingAn didn’t change it.

After two minutes, there was finally a view appeared on the screen, and all the software icons began to appear one by another.

Some automated software also began to boot up.

Ling PingAn turned off those anti-virus software and applications.

Then, he opened the web page and logged into the author’s backstage to have a look.


In other words, it had increased by five today?

He nodded. This result was not bad!

Thus, he opened the document and began to write.

The sound of keyboard clacking could be heard in the bookstore.

The Kitten, Bastet, was lying gently next to the computer on the counter.

Its claws gently pulled the bronze taotie that was placed on the counter.

Cats always liked to play.

Obviously, this little taotie was now its cat toy.

Ling PingAn was immersed in his world.


Alucard opened his eyes weakly.

He couldn’t count how many times he had woken up.

“Alucard…” The mistress’s figure was reflected in front of his eyes again. “How are you?”

“My little mistress…” Alucard answered weakly, “I’m fine…”

“What’s wrong with you?” Ingula asked with concern.

It had been several days since the Blood River Overlord had been in such a weak state.

He was unconscious for several days.

It was even the first time that he revealed his true form in front of Ingula. The Blood River Overlord, who was lying on the ground, had a pale face and his entire body was emaciated.

This terrifying powerhouse, who made the entire land of Qin tremble, now was so weak that he could be killed by an ordinary person with a sharp blade in his hand!

Moreover, he would no longer be able to revive from the Blood River.

Because his strength had weakened to the point that he could not even connect to the blood river!

“I went to a place and participated in a terrifying trial…”

Alucard’s eyes flickered, and his memories began to rewind.

The sky was like a tumour, and the rain of flames that filled the sky keep on raining down.

Countless terrifying monsters were surging on the vast land.

They were engaged in an eternal and endless war.

Twisted flesh and huge bones covered the land.

Countless souls were destroyed on the battlefield.

The existence at the level of Alucard was only qualified to be a high-level infantryman on that battlefield.

Even terrifying monsters who had the power as gods couldn’t escape the fate of dying once they stepped onto that battlefield.

Every day, thousands of strong people would die there.

Every day, thousands of monsters would join the battlefield from the outside world.

The battlefield of the Abyss and Hell.

The Eternal Battlefield of blood.

And he was thrown into the centre, of that terrifying battlefield.

Even a god would be distorted by the deformed killing intent there and become a monster that only knew how to kill.

Alucard had the privilege of being awake for a certain amount of time.

This greatly increased his chances of survival.

Even so, Alucard recalled several near-death experiences in his memories.

One time, he was almost torn apart by the aftermath of the fight between two terrifying monsters.

Alucard’s hands and feet were trembling when he thought about it

That was indeed the most terrifying experience he had ever experienced in his life.

“Trial?” Ingula did not understand. “What trial could make you be injured like this?”

“I can’t tell you…” Alucard lowered his head and said.

That was indeed something that could not be told.

“Little mistress…” Alucard suddenly said, “Please report to the Queen…”

“We should reconsider our relationship with this country…”

“We need to establish a closer partnership…”

After this trial, Alucard had one feeling: there was always someone better than him.

He finally knew what kind of monster he was dealing with.

So, he immediately understood.

His role and position.

It was the same for Britannia!

As long as the owner of the bookstore was still here, there was no need for him to express his position. He could make this country invincible with his presence.

Only an idiot would see the iron board and still crash into it.

As for smart people, they would always judge the situation.

Just like in the Hundred Year War back then, when the Battle of the new Qinling Mountains was lost, Britannia abandoned his allies immediately. First, he announced that he would accept the four suggestions regarding the world from the Great Xia emperor and started their peace talks.

Fran Ji, Faran, Lianshi, and Shenluo were all in tears.

It was until when the Faran people brought the King to the scaffold, then the various countries woke up and understood.

“A closer partnership?” Ingula did not understand.

Alucard smiled, “Just go and make the report… The Queen will understand…”

After saying that, he closed his eyes slowly.

Ingula was still young, so of course, she would not understand the hidden lines under such diplomatic language.

But the Queen would know.



The sound of the keyboard echoed in the silent bookstore.

The notes were recalled under the wallpaper.

Occasionally, some notes would pierce through the wallpaper and flow into the empty starry sky of the universe. On the other side of the galaxy, there were thunderous echoes.

Griffin No. 5 casting world.

The mechanical bishop, Almunia, prostrated himself in front of the gears of steel, praying sincerely.

“The path of steel is materialistic because machinery is the truth!”

“You are the steam and rivets!”

“You are the Bodhisattva Gatling of Nanwu !”

“You are the Holy Father, the Holy Mother, and the Holy Spirit!”

“The billions of turrets are your glory, and the roaring engines are your sermons!”

“I shall walk on your path, just as machines walk on the Earth, engines roar, and steel is forged!”

“Flesh and blood are weak… steel is eternal… Amen…”

He finished his prayers and stood up.

He felt the joy coming from the soul of machines.

The soul of machines was still cheering for his piety today.

The will of the soul of machines would be faintly seen in the steel gears.

That will was grand, divine, and merciful.

In front of this will, Amunia felt humble and insignificant, and he understood his ignorance and stupidity.

This made him feel ashamed.

“The soul of machines…” he said, “Your devout believers are working for your immortal divine will…”


“How hard-working and brave they are!”

He opened his arms, and the huge mechanical platform rose slowly.

The casting world beneath the surface of the earth was in front of his eyes.

Countless pipes were crisscrossed.

Countless mechanical servants stood one after another, and electronic tubes extended out from the back of their heads.

Under the effect of their brainpower, all the data of the world of the casting world was being calculated.

More and more machine servants operating one heavy machine after another and they began to cast the components.

Red molten iron flowed out, and huge hammers hammered.

A new battleship was being created.

This was a battleship created under the command of the Soul of machines.

It removed all the dirty and blasphemous aircraft.

All soul of machines space torpedo tubes were also removed.

The remaining space would be filled with large and thick turrets.

When it was created and ascended to the starport, the new battleship would spew out a lot of steam.

It would be having twelve main turrets and an array of sixteen secondary cannons!

Enemies of the soul of machines would be torn to shreds in an instant!

They would be crushed to pieces in the fury of steel and machinery!

But Amunia closed his eyes.

He felt the holy sounds coming from the steel and machinery.

Crackling …Crackling…

The great oracle of the soul of machines echoed in the steel and machinery.

Amunia felt and savoured it.

This was a sacred command!

It was also a guide to the devout!

He opened his eyes, but he did not realize someone else who also felt the will of the soul of machines.

The mechanical bishop was ecstatic.

“Great soul of machines…” tears streamed down his face. “Your compassion and tolerance for me make me ashamed!”

“I will be more devout and firmly believe in You!” He swore.

His soul became even colder because of this.

This meant that he was one step closer to the path of steel!

Therefore, Amunia knelt devoutly and kissed the steel under his feet.

Because that was the Holy Land of the Soul of machines!

In the steel, the echoes of the machines became clearer.



The soul of machines was conveying the holy gospel to its devout believers.

Only the most devout people could feel the holy decree.

Amunia felt it, and his electronic cigarette started to be confused. “What does the soul of machines want to tell me?”

The soul of machines’ will was contained in this sacred command.

Therefore, he closed his eyes, put down all his defences, and let go of all his protection, so that his soul and will could get closer to the soul of machines.

There was a sacred steel warship that … appeared in his soul.

It was so holy!

Amunia knew from the first moment he saw it that this was a steel warship, a holy artefact of machines, a true multi-steam riveting battleship!

Those sacred turrets, those pious armours, and the loyal engine.

This was a true, great battleship that only machines and steel could create!

“Praise the soul of machines!” Amunia once again prostrated in admiration.

In his brain, he had stored all the blueprints related to this great battleship.

This was the will of the soul of machines!

It was also the holy item that he was going to create!

Thus, the mechanical bishop stood up and pressed a button.

In the casting world, all the workshops and projects started ringing.

Then, the mechanical bishop’s voice started to appear in the electronic cochlea of every mechanical priest and mechanical servant.

“The soul of machines, please give me an oracle!”

“We will create a true holy artefact of machines!”

The soul of machines gave him the blueprint of the Holy Battleship, which was printed on the screens of all the workshops directly through the mechanical circuits.

All the mechanical priests were impressed by this battleship the moment they saw its appearance.

This was a true battleship!

This was a holy artefact made of steel and machinery!


There were so many sacred turrets.


The pious barrel was so thick!


The loyal engine was so charming!

Everyone could feel their blood vessels expanding and their souls trembling.

This was the battleship they should make!

All the design and manufacture of the fake emperors in the past could be thrown into the trash can!

And above these workshops and factories, the world on the surface, the ecological template that had just been activated was operating.

The poisonous gas in the atmosphere was being sucked out by huge airbags.

Huge starships dragged comets and lined up outside the planet.

The huge mechanical arms smashed these comets into pieces.

Countless pieces of solid ice fell.

The huge pieces of ice cut through the atmosphere and fell on the barren land.

They were quickly melted under the high temperature.

Water flowed on the surface of the Earth again.

Countless machine servants drove trucks in this vast and barren world, removing the toxic substances that had been entangled with the surface of the earth for countless years.

Suddenly the machine servants sensed something.

They raised their heads, and countless electric currents flashed in their electronic eye sockets. Having their frontal lobes removed long ago, they seemed to know and understand something.

“Who… Am… I…” some of the machine servants could even say some simple words.

“I… am… machine… servant…”

“The soul of machines’ servant…”


Ling PingAn stopped typing.

He stretched and leaned against the back of the chair.

Then, he looked at the number of words on the document.


It was two thousand words.

So, he whistled and looked up at the time. It was already 6:30 pm!

“Let’s order food delivery. ” Ling PingAn said.

So, he took out his phone and ordered a meal with a beef rice bowl.

At the same time, he switched on his phone.

Because he found that he seemed to have a lot of unread messages on the phone.

He tapped in and found that they were all from his sister-in-law.

They were all photos. The boarding sign that she took on her holiday in Ryukyu.

The Sun, the sand, the ocean…

And beautiful young women one after another.

Ling PingAn pursed his lips, shook his head, and then he left a message for his aunt: “Aunt, your photography skills have improved a lot!”

Does she want him to go on vacation?

No way!

Then, he threw his phone on the counter and began to wait for the delivery in a leisurely way.

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