
Chapter 43.The sneering and the cries of the gulls

Chapter 43.The sneering and the cries of the?gulls

Since Charlotte had given Riku the imperial command, it has been one week.

Along with two thousand soldiers, she arrived at Fert city.

From that city located in front of the sea, Riku and her subordinates would be boarding ships and heading to Shirr island. The breeze of the sea loudly filled the whole city. Smelling the smell of salt in the air, Riku associated the city with Perikka city, which was also a port city. However, there were points in which it was very different from Perikka city. That was, the scale of the harbors, and also, the gorgeousness of the city. But there was something more notable than either of those.

“As expected of the front lines. …It has feeling of tension different from Perikka.”

The city of Fert was filled with a feeling of tension that wound sting the skin.

All the demons walking at the streets would have a weapon at hands and would be walking rigidly. Rather than merchants, the number of soldiers was much greater. Among the establishments lined up one next to another at the main street, the ones to stand out weren′t restaurants or stores that sold sea products, but instead, the stores selling rough weapons and establishments with women to heal men from the fatigue of war.

“We have no time to be playing around. Do it after we come back.”

Riku rebuked Vrusto, who had lecherous face. In his sight, there was a girl inviting him with her hand while showing a lustful smile. Being pointed out by Riku, Vrusto clicked his tongue in displeasure.

“Stupid, I already know we are going to be departing soon.”

“If you know that, then keep your feelings in check.”

Riku snorted.

And then, while keeping her eyes forward, she kept walking. She was more or less putting strength on her steps. Riku was trying to keep herself calm. However, even without talking to anyone, her irritation was welling up. Her feelings she couldn′t complain of about her unwillingly being dispatched to the Shirr island were growing violent.

“…Ojou-chan, you should calm down a bit, you know?”

“Calm down? I am calm. Calm enough.”

Responding to that question mixed with a sigh, Riku answered as if she was repressing something. Being showered by an anger that felt she could draw her halberd at any moment, Vrusto slightly stepped back. Without knowing about how Vrusto was feeling right now, Riku showered her complaints at him.

“Really, what is that girl thinking? Without sufficient investigations… It might even be a trap.”

“Yes, ojou-chan. You really need to calm down.”

“Like I said before, I am calm enough…?”

Riku was speaking while being carried by her anger. However, she noticed a group of people, which suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, interrupting her. In a line, the men that were wearing the uniform of the Demon Lord army stood at her way. Stopping her feet, the demon that was at the center approached Riku. It was a middle-aged demon that had sharp horns and had strong muscles that were possible to notice even through his clothes. He was giving off a aura that felt as if he wanted to squish her. Riku gave a glance to the demon.

“…Do you have any business with me?”

“…Aren′t you that jumped-up one everyone had been talking about?”

Filled with scorn, the strong demon answered her back with a question. Riku narrowed her eyes at his way of speaking that felt as if he was looking at people from above. She was often times scorned by demons, but now a demon that felt even more irritating than those appeared.

Being given those words of scorn didn′t matter anymore. Rather, Riku wanted her to rise in position even faster. Compared to a demon, she was a human, which had a short life span. Before she knew of Shibira′s predictions, she believed she would only be able to fight in her finest conditions only until her thirties. Her remaining time was of only about twenty years. It was impossible for her to spend many years raising her rank like it was for the demons. For her to be able to fight together with Leivein sooner and for a longer time, even if by a little bit, she needed and be promoted as fast as possible.

Yes, that was fine. Riku wasn′t concerned about that.

But she didn′t like the demon in front of her eyes. She didn′t like his eyes that held disdain for her being a human. This didn′t change ever since the time she lived at the Barusak up to this moment… She didn′t like gazes that looked down on her.

“I have nothing to say about me being jumped-up. I am lieutenant commander Riku Barusak. By Charlotte-sama′s imperial command, from this port, I will be departing to Sherr island.”

Swallowing up her irritation, she pretended to be calm.

In case it was Vrusto or Asty, she would openly vent her anger. However, she didn′t know the name, nor the rank of the demon that was in front of her eyes. If she was to flare up at a demon she was uncertain of the identity, it was possible she might end up having Leivein′s name covered in dirt. Only Leivein had accepted her since the beginning without having any disdain. That′s why she couldn′t betray his expectations. The reason she had to endure right now was also for Leivein′s sake. While telling that to herself, Riku endured the look of disdain.

“I see, you were that human.”

The demon silently crossed his arms. And then, giving her a glance that was as if he was looking at some disgusting thing, he snorted.

“Don′t start getting conceited just because you′ve done well in one or two wars.”

Saying only that, along with the demons that had been blocking her way, he left. Passing by her, he didn′t forget to mock her, saying “You lowly pet dog of the black dragon”.

For a moment, she didn′t understand who he was talking about when he had said “black dragon”. But the moment the image of Leivein′s two gallant black wings surfaced at her mind, blood went up to her head. Riku′s hand moved to the sword that was at her waist. But she didn′t draw the silver sword. Stopping Riku, Vrusto was grasping her hand. She tried to forcefully shake him off and draw the sword, but Vrusto put his body weight to restrain Riku at all costs. While still holding her to prevent her from drawing her sword, he bent his body to reach next to Riku′s ears.

“Ojou-chan, endure. That guy is the lieutenant general Zerrik, who governs this city.”

“…Lieutenant general?”

“That′s right. That′s why you need to endure.”

Lieutenant general was Leivein′s same rank. Riku mustn′t cut a demon that was so much more higher ranked than her no matter what. She didn′t care if she was to receive punishment herself. However, Leivein′s reputation will definitely be affected. Riku clenched her teeth.

Until Zerrik disappeared from Riku′s sight, Vrusto kept holding her hand. And then, once he went away, he released her hand. By that time, Riku′s anger had more or less calmed down. While shaking her hand because of the strength used on it, she spoke in an indifferent tone.

“…There is no way I would have seriously cut him down.”

“They were serious, you know? Your eyes.”

“By no means.”

Saying only that, once again, Riku started walking.

Completely forgetting about Zerrik, she started to think about her next battle. However, she didn′t really get any new ideas. It seems her head was still boiling hot in the end. He showed contempt to not only her, but also to her beloved Leivein. Some day, she was definitely going to have Zerrik suffer for it. Rather, the way she was feeling right now was to the point that it would have been fine if she was to go directly punish him right now.

…But there wouldn′t be any meaning to doing that, and it would only cover Leivein′s honor in dirt.

Shaking her head, Riku shook off those idle thoughts. And right at that moment, coming from behind, the figure of a boy with rabbit ears entered at her sight. Suddenly, she remembered about something she had forgot to ask him.

“By the way… Sergeant major Roppu, were you able to prepare our ship?”

“Ha, yes. I′ve already finished with it.”

Roppu hurriedly gave her document papers. Spreading the document without caring, she briefly looked over it. The information about the cladding and the armaments of the four ships that had been prepared were written in an organized manner. Checking things like the positions of the cannons, the capacity of the ships and the highest speed a, a sense of satisfaction. Riku slowly moved her mouth.

“Five hundred people should fit on each ship… They are merchant ships, right?”

“Ye-yes. We have purchased the merchant ships from Perikka city. They had already been delivered to the port of Fert.”

“I see. Thank you. You′ve done well.”

“You′ve done well… Ojou-chan!! What are you thinking? For us to be attacking them with merchant ships and not warships!”

Vrusto was at lost for words. As if wanting Riku to reconsider, he grasped her shoulders.

“Listen! The temple located at Sherr island is a place where spiritualists train at. There is no way a place like this is easy to attack, and they are definitely prepared for water combat. There is no way we can win with a merchant ship that doesn′t have any heavy weaponry!”

“Yes, I agree with you.”

Riku had a completely calm face against Vrusto′s opposition.

Her irritation from a few moments ago had considerably lessened. While feeling she was coming back to her usual self bit by bit, Riku said.

“I believe they probably had been training themselves for naval battles enough for them to be able to deal with attacks from demon warships.”

“That′s why we need the best warship we can find!”

“But the current of the water is fast; we can′t send in ships like that.”

And besides, not only Riku, but her subordinates didn′t have experience in naval battles. If one was to look for people that had it at the Demon Lord army, they could be found, but the majority were still only used to the land. Unfortunately, Riku hadn′t found demons experienced with naval battles.

Against a enemy who had intensively trained for naval battles, if them, who were amateurs at naval battles, were to face them, it would be impossible to win. It would be too late for her to start learning about strategies for naval battles now, and if she was to use numbers to attack, the majority of the soldiers would die. To begin with, risking your life for a dream-like object that isn′t even known whether it really exists is stupid. But even so, she needed to achieve victory. It was such a stupid situation. Snorting, Riku spoke.

“We should just turn over the board game they are used to and create a situation of our own advantage.”

Riku wanted to end this stupid mission once for all.

The gulls flying at the sky were hysterically raising screams nonchalantly. While listening to those stupid cries, Riku set her resolve.

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