
Chapter 552 - It Can't Be Helped

"Did something happen?" Ryan asked. "I find it hard to believe that you guys came up with a plan so quickly."

"Yeah, about that… we are losing too much mana and coins thanks to the continuous attacks of the Hydras," Gustavo replied. "At any moment, we might end up losing our final line of defense. Everything is ready for evacuation if that is to happen, but we can\'t let things reached that point."

"You didn\'t tell me what your plan is yet," Ryan said.

"There is no plan involved. We will fight the Hydras in their terrain," Gustavo said. "Winning this fight is probably impossible since they had the chance to level up and grow in numbers for seven months, but we need to at least decrease their strength before the next dungeon break. The plan is simple, we will fight underwater in our draconic forms together."

"You weren\'t joking when you said there is no plan involved…" Ryan frowned. "Are you guys seriously that desperate?"

"Yeah, like I said, we even prepared a total evacuation, but then Alissa mentioned that you can use Teleport, so I decided to take this chance and at least try something," Gustavo replied.

                Ryan sighed. Alissa and her big mouth… while he couldn\'t see much sense in hiding that skill from people like Gustavo, Ryan still wanted to keep certain skills as hidden as possible from monsters and dungeon masters. Draconic Transformation was at the top of that list, but if Ryan uses that to fight the Hydras, then his plan will fall apart.

                Despite the seriousness of the situation, Ryan wasn\'t that interested in participating in that mission. A trump card like Draconic Transformation wasn\'t something that comes around that often. Then again, what would be the use of a trump card if he never uses it? As Gustavo said, winning that fight before the next dungeon break is probably impossible, but delaying Poseidon\'s plans was absolutely necessary.

"I suppose it can\'t be helped. Count me in," Ryan said.

"Great, having you around will definitely decrease our chances of failure," Gustavo said. "Our objective is to let you focus on using Teleport if things get dicey and save our asses, but you can attack as you see fit."

"What about Lucas and Alissa?" Ryan asked. 

"Lucas is too busy with the arrival of some new dungeons in his country," Gustavo said. "As for Alissa, we understand that she is the strongest of us, and she isn\'t the type who holds back, but we decided to let her out of this in order to keep her true power hidden. We have six days before the next dungeon break, so when are you planning to come?"

"I will probably arrive before sunrise tomorrow," Ryan said while he was watching the sunset.

"Great, we will be waiting for you," Gustavo said.

                                Ryan sighed when the call ended. Although fighting with the other five that could use Draconic Transformation was better than fighting alone, he still felt like sighing.

"It looks like I will have to stay on guard duty," Femradiel said.

"Yeah… your three forms aren\'t suited for underwater combat," Ryan nodded. "If only you had created a Tyrant body instead of an Ice Phoenix…"

"It wouldn\'t change anything. Such a body would probably sink and would be too slow for close-ranged combat," Femradiel said. "Well, despite that, someone will have to keep an eye on things while you are away."

                Ryan nodded. That was unavoidable. He couldn\'t leave his domain defenseless while he will stay several days away. Even if he rushes, Ryan couldn\'t just go back and from Brazil in just a couple of minutes, and that was enough time for any dungeon master to cause beyond repair damage.

"Look on the bright side, while using Draconic Transformation, you will have the chance to level your classes faster," Femradiel said. "With some luck, you might obtain two or perhaps even more special classes."

                Femradiel wasn\'t that optimistic, so Ryan couldn\'t help but frown. Regardless, before departing, Ryan bought several potions and then began to summon thousands of golems that Femradiel will use in case something happens. Guarding ten dungeons wasn\'t something easy, after all.

                          In the end, Ryan even let some of his potions that could temporarily boost the status and gave them to Femradiel to use in came of emergency. Despite everything, she was a prideful dragon, so there was a chance that she wouldn\'t use it. Still, she would do everything necessary not to let Ryan down, so she would be forced to use it if she doesn\'t have any other choice.

"I don\'t think anything troublesome will happen while I am away, not even I can be that unlucky, but you should contact me if anything out of the ordinary happens," Ryan said.

"Why are you so sure about that?" Femradiel asked.

"Because the dungeon break is happening, and all dungeon masters probably are saving some coins to have enough in case they succeed," Ryan replied. "Anyway, I am going. Don\'t do anything I wouldn\'t do."

                          To make sure no one would follow him by using Clairvoyance or anything else, Ryan waited until the sky got clouded at midnight. After using Teleport, he reappeared dozens of kilometers above ground level and kept using Teleport at that altitude. Even dungeon masters probably will have a hard time feeling his presence there. 

                          For the first time in a good while, Ryan felt nervous before a hunt. The enemies this time were several levels beyond anything else he had faced thus far. Despite that, Ryan was quite excited. To the point where he was questioning his sanity since the chances of him dying were pretty high.

"Although this feeling is quite worrisome, everything will be fine as long as I don\'t get carried away," Ryan muttered to himself. "Just to make sure, I also need to capture some of the Hydras and make some equipment that might be used in our draconic forms. It will be a pain to make them, but it will be useful during the mission."

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