
Chapter 24

Evangeline was shocked that Alex couldn’t remember her, its not that she was being arrogant but she knew that she was a true beauty . So she was truly shocked that Alex didn’t even have an impression of her .

Rachel noticing the weird reaction of Evangeline went close to Alex and held his arm and bowed toward Evangeline . "Sorry Student Council President Evangeline, this guy just doesn’t know how to interact with people properly . Sorry if he offended you . "

Evangeline couldn’t concentrate on what Rachel was saying since she was fully focused on Rachel hugging Alex’s arm .

’What the hell? Why are you holding his arm like its normal!?’ Evangeline was grinding her teeth while still maintaining her smile . Evangeline then got between Rachel and Alex to separate the two .

"It’s alright I understand his eccentric behavior since we met before . " The tension suddenly rose, and Oliver gulped . Rachel and Evangeline stared at each other without blinking, still maintaining their smiles .

’So I was right Evangeline knows Alex, and she actually likes him . . . Too bad for you Alex already chose me . ’ Rachel was smiling smugly sure of her victory .

’What is the relationship between Alex and Rachel . . . Alex doesn’t even seem to mind Rachel hugging her!’ Evangeline the top beauty of the school was panicking inwardly as she looked at Rachel .

Oliver seeing this situation could only wryly smile, after hearing Evangeline say that she and Alex met before he could somehow understand what was happening . ’Oh my dear comrade are you actually a romcom protagonist . Why does all this youthful situations happen to you? Well that is the path of youth you wish to tread, very well as your comrade I will support you no matter what . ’

Alex on the other hand was still thinking of preventive measures against attacks from the outside .

"How about we all sit down . " The four of them sat on a chair at the table . Rachel sat on the right side of Alex, Evangeline sat on the left side of Alex, while Oliver sat at the other side of the table .

"Ms President?"

"What is it Ms . Rachel?"

"How come you’re sitting here beside us while one of our members is the one on the other side of the table?"

"Oh my, I’m sorry I didn’t notice . How about we just sit were we feel most comfortable . "

None of them moved, seeing no one changed their sits Evangeline nodded her head in approval of the current sitting arrangement .

"So to start off, Alex why don’t you tell me your relationship with Ms . Rachel?" Evangeline tried to say those words without making her tone tremble .

"Ms . President how is that a relevant question to the situation at hand? We are here to make a circle not to have a social talk . " Evangeline happily glared at Rachel, you could practically see the sparks fly between the two .

"Well as the student council president it is my duty to make sure that there are no students having inappropriate relationships while on campus . "

"Then why don’t you ask what’s my relationship with Oliver as well?" Rachel started hugging Alex’s arm again which made Evangeline’s always smiling face darken a little . Evangeline then had a brilliant idea and hugged Alex’s other arm .

Alex seeing the Student Council President hug his other arm didn’t respond to it . Alex thought since Rachel was doing it as well, this might be something most girls do . Also since Evangeline wasn’t really a threat he decided to let this action slide .

"What do you think your doing Ms . President?" Rachel was getting a bit angry at the blatant actions of Evangeline .

Evangeline only responded with a more splendid smile, since she was able to hug of the guy she was thinking about for the past two years . She didn’t mind Rachel’s irritation of her .

"Well since I saw Ms . Rachel enjoying hugging his arm, I thought I might as well enjoy it too . "

"Whatever, can we please get back to the topic of allowing the creation of our circle?" Rachel said so in an ice cold tone .

"I will allow its creation, after I learn the relationship between you and Alex . "

"Fine then, Alex tell our President what am I to you . " Rachel already knew what Alex would answer so she wasn’t really bothered by the question, just a bit irritated at how Evangeline was acting .

"Affirmative . . . Rachel to me is someone I must protect at all cost . She is someone very important to me . " Rachel who already expected the first part of Alex’s statement was still alright but hearing the unexpected second part of that statement Rachel was once again turning red from ear to ear .

Evangeline on the other hand was looking at Alex’s emotionless eyes staring only at Rachel . ’So you already have someone you want to protect at all cost . . . It seems I was too late . . . I guess I’ll have to give up now . . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

’No! Why should I give up it’s not like he said they were dating! No even if they are dating as long as they aren’t husband and wife yet, I still have a chance . I don’t lose out in terms of beauty, and my intelligence is actually above her’s, I also have the backing of the Kain family . Not to mention my chest is more abundant than her’s . ’

"Okay then I approve of the creation of your circle . " Hearing this and seeing Evangeline not asking anymore questions about Alex, Rachel thought that Evangeline gave up .

Evangeline took the student council stamp and stamped on the application form . "From this day forth the Mercenary Circle has been created . So to celebrate, how about we have some cake . " Evangeline was about to get some cake, when somebody burst into the room . It was a second year girl wearing glasses who entered .

"There you are President . I have been looking all over for you . You should be at the meeting with the tennis club, in regards to their increase in budget since they won the last tournament . " The glasses wearing girl took hold of the president without even bothering with Alex and his group .

"Wait! I still need to have some time with ALEX!!!" Those were the last screams of the Student Council President as she was dragged away from the room .

When Oliver saw this he couldn’t help but feel disillusioned by the image he had of the President . Rachel hearing Evangeline’s scream, once again renewed her view of the president as someone problematic .

’So she still hasn’t given up on Alex . I wasn’t expecting any competition for this weirdo . ’ Rachel looked at Alex’s emotionless face and sighed . ’Is this guy really worth fighting over? Still I don’t like losing so noway am I giving up now . ’

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