
Chapter 9 - High Tech Elevator*

Mr. Kent said with a genuine smile before handing over a new set of bracelets to Sam and Third…

This bracelet was much more technologically advanced than the one with Third, because this bracelet seemed to have a mind of its own as it automatically adjusted itself to Sam\'s wrist size…

"Superb, right!?" Mr. Kent asked;

"Well that is what we do in the tech division and these are scraps compared to the actual stuffs we create down in the tech lab…"

"Jim and Tim would explain the perks of this bracelet to you when you meet with them…"

"I have got to go back to creating blueprints for new inventions, so I will be leaving first…"

Mr. Kent grinned smugly as he stood up and left the room…

Then after about five further minutes of doing basically what Mr. Kent just did, which was to initially flatter Sam with what they do in their divisions, Dr. Tony and Professor Bruce finally left the conference room…

Third took Sam to the other end of the room where there were two luxuriously sculpted statues of two mythical beasts placed on either side of a wall painting which looked like a masterpiece from Da Vinci himself…

"He loves vintage stuffs…" Third said when he noticed Sam\'s curiosity…

Touching the forehead of one of these two statues which were guarding this painting, the sound of something scanning something echoed softly as the painting actually split in equal half giving Sam a very dramatic feeling, because the part of the painting that parted was the area where a massive sea was drawn, making it something nostalgic to religious minds…

"How can the owner of a firm that is so advanced in technology actually be in love with vintage stuffs…?"

"Isn\'t that pretty contrasting...?"

"Perhaps, it is the contrasting part of this that he loves the most…"

Third answered Sam\'s quick fire questions as the painting parted completely, and it only then that Sam realized that the painting had been made at this specific location in the room to hide this secret door…

Behind the secret door was a hidden elevator, and when they entered it, Tulip\'s voice sounded once again;

"How do you like your coffee?"

"I hate coffee!"

Third replied nonchalantly as the A.I responded;

Nonchalant tone detected…

Password accepted…

"Welcome Mr. Corvinus…"

The A.I responded as the elevator doors closed before Third actually spoke to the elevator;

"Penthouse. Please…"

The moment his words landed, the elevator moved and ascended with insane speed…

"So, you hate coffee?" Sam asked with a slightly surprised tone;

"What are you saying?"

"Of course, I love coffee…"

"But the password to this elevator can only be imputed through the emotions in one\'s voice…"


"Sick, right?"

"A password that is actually not your speech or retinal scan or palm prints, but one that actually reads the emotions in one\'s tone…"

"I still can\'t wrap my head around this, even after all these while…" Third said with a smile…

"Isn\'t this elevator a little too fast?" Sam noticed that they were already at the 80th floor after only about the quarter of a minute had passed...

"Oh, this elevator is powered by magnetism, so there is no cables that can snap or anything, so we are safe…"

"Tim, do you mind explaining how this elevator works again?"

Third spoke into his bracelet when he realized that it seemed Sam had not understood the logic behind the elevator speed…


"This is my best work ever, so I live to tell people how it works…"

Tim\'s voice floated out of the blinking bracelet…

"Enough of the chit chat, let\'s know how it works…" Third interrupted with a roll of his eyes…

"Alright… You guys know how two opposite poles of a magnet attract each other right, and how the same poles repels each other?"

Without waiting to know if they truly knew about it or not, Tim continued;

"So, at the top of this building is a giant metal coil we got from a secret facility, and any information about the material is also top secret…"

"Alright, top secret metal coil…"

Sam interrupted this time when he noticed Tim was about to begin rambling things he knows nothing about or isn\'t interest in knowing about…

"Alright, so what we do is that we pass enough electric current into the coil to give increase its magnetic properties a million fold…"

"So if the coil is the south pole of a magnet, the roof of the elevator you are currently in is made out of the north pole of a magnet…" Tim explained…

"So, the more electricity we channel into the metal coil at the roof, the faster it attracts the elevator as you go up, which leads to higher speed…"

"And it is the same for going back down…" Sam completed Tim\'s statement;

"Actually, no…" Tim replied;

"What do you mean?"

"Actually, going back down is a free fall, but once you start approaching the ground floor, the magnets at the base of this elevator shaft is charged with electric currents to have the same polarity with the metal used to make the elevator floor you are standing on…"

"Thus, the closer you approach the ground floor, the more the repelling effect of the magnet acts and slows your descent, and when your speed of descent is weak enough to ignore the free fall effect of gravity, we simply control your speed of descent by altering the amount of current we pass into the magnetic coil in the ground floor…" Tim explained…

"But if all these things are done by magnetism, what happens to anyone who walks around the ground floor with metal objects on their body like jewelries and stuffs like that?" Sam asked;

"*Gasps* I told you he would be perfect as our security head, he even cares about the safety of everyone on the ground floor…"

Tim whispered to his partner but didn\'t know that he left the com link open…

"Er, will you please continue?" Sam asked bringing Tim\'s attention back to his question…

"Well, the magnets are not always working which means, it is just a harmless metal coil when unused…"

"But, the elevator you\'re currently within as well as the entire shaft from ground to top floor are all made out of carbon fiber and military grade fiber glass, and magnets, can affect metals if there is a barrier made of carbon fiber in between itself and the metal on the other side…"

"Oh, so even if it\'s working at full capacity, it cannot attract any metal object outside the elevator shaft…" Sam finally got the general idea of what Tim was explaining;

"You are a genius, Super Sam!" Tim said as the com link finally closed…

[Authors Thoughts: - I told you guys in the synopsis, that there would be several tips that would be shared within this novel… We don\'t do clichés here, and neither do we cap… Thanks…]

"Fantastic!" Sam blurted when he began to apprehend Tim, Jim and Kiki\'s level of ingenuity…

"Haha ha, wait till you see what those kids are truly capable of… You haven\'t seen anything yet…" Third added from the side with a proud grin…

"Really… you seem more stoked about this than I am…" Sam sneered jokingly at Third;

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