
Chapter 13 - Ola & Michael

"Furthermore, despite all their shenanigans, they were also scared of Mr. Corvinus Snr. due to his level of influence and moreover, he had all the entire works of my father saved in a single flash drive he always protected with his life..."

"Thus, the DOD was also scared of forcing him to sell or give that drive to their enemy nation…"

"But now, Mr. Corvinus has put me in charge of my Dad\'s work and since the injury you guys sustained were life threatening, he instructed James to leave the military and come down here to assist me…"

"James has the genes of a business man coursing through his veins, and he stands by his beliefs and is also very kind hearted and caring…"

Roy stared into the distance where James and Tulip where playing hide and seek and continued;

"It would be perfect if he can inherit all the knowledge from Mr. Corvinus and with his military past, he would grow to be just like his grandfather, unafraid of the government…"

"But if that is how it is, then why am I here?" Sam sensed a gap in Roy\'s explanation and asked…

"Secondarily to take control and improve our security details, and primarily to assist him… But the main reason why you are here is because of her…"

Roy said as he became melancholic and his eyes began to redden…

"I might not be around anymore…"

"I can feel it anytime I shut my eyes to sleep, the malicious and deadly gaze of the government and their spies..."

"That is why I couldn\'t recruit anyone else from the military other than the best and most trusted friend of the grandson of our co-founder…" Roy spoke with a very sad and slightly scared tone…

"Are you scared?" Sam asked…

"Nah, I\'m not… it is my kitty tulip that I\'m worried about…"

Roy answered with a deep sigh as he raised his mug only to realize it was empty…

"Alright, let\'s go join them, and it is about time you meet the people you will be working with from now henceforth…"

Roy picked up the mug-plate as he and Sam approached the center of the floor where an adorable giggle was echoing from…


A little girl pounced out from behind a shrub as Roy caught her dropping the mug and the plate, and all of a sudden it was like as if time slowed as Sam watched the \'mug and plate\' fall slowly to the ground, and then;


The sound of marble grating another marble rang out as everyone looked to Sam and saw the mug plate in his hands with the mug sitting upside down atop it…

Third smiled at Roy who smiled at his wife who was just descending the staircase;

"Daisy, Tulip, meet Sam; our new Chief of Security…"

Roy introduced as his wife finally descended and walked up to Roy picking up Tulip from his hands…

Then Daisy shook Sam\'s hand with her left hand whilst she carried her daughter on her other arm;

"We will be looking up to you for our safety…" Sam shook her hand and simply nodded with his best smile…

"Alright, let\'s get to work!"

Third followed Sam and Roy as Tulip\'s face turned sad, then he turned and made a clown face at her as she giggled once again before blowing her a kiss;

"I\'m going to be very much around, okay?"

He winked at the little girl who fluttered her eyelashes in return thinking that was how to blink…


"Morning Dad!" Tulips A.I responded the moment Roy, Sam and James stepped in;

"25th floor, please…" Roy spoke to his daughter\'s projection with a smile;

"Enjoy the joyride!"

She responded as James looked to Sam and spoke;

"Hang on to your pants!"

Then the elevator clamp released the coach which began to descend gradually, obviously the magnetic field from the coil still having its effect on it, but just in three seconds;


The elevator free fell and Sam actually found himself floating on the floor until her was completely upside down, then he turned around and saw Roy and James simply floating slightly off the ground with their body still upright having fun at the sight of Sam who was all over the place, and after a few seconds of laughter, James finally extended his arm out…

Sam swam his way towards James and grabbed his arm before he was finally settles down, and three seconds later, they had already gotten to the 30th floor as the metal coil that made up the roof and floor of the elevator surged out with a magnetic field that started out strong but slowly began to strengthen itself as the elevator slowed its descent till it finally ground to a halt at the 25th floor exactly…

The moment the door opened, the trio were greeted by two men in all black; Black shirt, black trouser black belt, black suit, black shoes and even black ties…

Everything they were wearing were black, and from their appearance and bob-cut hair, Sam knew they had intense military training but were not soldiers…

Soldiers don\'t wear suit and ties, no matter what the most casual thing they wear are either shorts or sweat shirt and joggers with sneakers, and the most cooperate thing they wear outside their military outfit, is to dress like SWAT…

"Ah ha, they are here… Allow me to introduce you to my head of personal security; Olaoluwa Olukunle from Nigeria and our ambassador to the Department Of Defense of the federal government; Mr. Michael Atom…"

"Very nice to meet you Mr. Sam Daniels…"

"The feeling is mutual Mr. Ola…"

Sam smiled as he shook his hands and then offered his hand to Michael who shook it with a smile also…

"After your independent third assessment of our security details is complete, we will make the necessary changes and then work begins…"

Roy smiled at the rest before adding whilst returning into the elevator;

"I will give you guys some time to sort out everything and get along… You know where to find me if you need anything else…"


"Penthouse, please…"

The four middle aged men watched the elevator ascend as they finally turned to face each other, smiles all faded, it is time to work and be blunt, thus there is no room for humor or fooling around…

"So shall we begin?"

"We shall…"

Ola responded to Sam before taking him to the inner conference room on the floor…

"The security details will be be discussed in three major sections with two minor sections each…"

"First is the security and safety of Roy and his family, which you will walk us through Mr. Ola, and then I would see if there is any need to make some changes or not…"

"Secondly, is the security and safety measures of the structure which I would need to discuss with the tech guys when we are done here…"

"Finally, is the security and safety of all staffs which I would discuss with every squad captains and commanders working in here…"

Sam defined summarized what their meeting today would consist of, before continuing;

"The Plan A\'s of these individual details would be discussed as well as their individual Plan B\'s…"

"Each Plan B will consists of two parts; the first part is to ensure that the Plan B by all means necessary ensures that our Plan A works out as planned…"

"The second part of the Plan B would be a fail-safe should in case Plan A and its contingencies fail…"

Sam briefed before urging Ola to explain the current Plan A\'s and B\'s they usually employ whenever the need arises, and as a result, the meeting began…

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