
Chapter 70 - Two Battles In One Day

"Maybe the village still holds a place in his heart, after all, he grew up there…." Uncle Min added;

"I think we should tag along just in case-"

"-That wouldn\'t be needed, we would just become an extra burden if we do that…" Uncle Min begged to differ;

"Moreover, he was able to kill their head which I believe is the strongest expert in the village, so I don\'t think there is anyone in that village who can possibly defeat him…"

"Alright, we should clean up this area before the beasts around here get drawn by the blood…"

Uncle Min added as he began to repair the damages done to their defenses, including the fence, its entrance whilst replacing the spikes…


Back at the Village of Sang, the Obun\'s were already running rampant all over the place…

They brought a long wooden structure which they fell over pit of flames and used to cross into the village of sang…

Many homes were already up in flames, and the corpse of men, women and children were already littering the entire area…


The Leader rallied all of them as they began to barge into every settlement searching for something, until they eventually found what they were looking for, but when the Obun who saw it presented it to the three elders he was instantly beheaded;

"H- Ho- Howl!"

One of the Obun elders cried into the sky in extremely agony like it had just lost its closest kin;


It roared and pointed to the deeper parts of the village which is where the main settlements were located, and instantly, all the Obuns rushed towards the area, slaughtering everything that has breath on their path…

The village was weak, and the residents of the village were simply no match for them, not even in a 3 to 1 battle…

Parents had crawled under their tables and furniture with their children in a futile bid to hide from the Obuns, but it was no good as they all began to hear their neighbor\'s screams and the sound of something munching aggressively and humans choking in what appeared to be most likely their own blood…


Dara had just exited the jungle when he noticed that the village defenses had already been breached, but before he could even blink, the expert that came with him ran across the wooden structure the Obuns brought;

But unluckily, it had been scorched by the fire pit and as a result, the moment the expert crossed to the other side, the wooden structure finally couldn\'t endure any longer and broke, falling into the pit of flames…

Dara looked at the expert with a furious frown;

"I obviously can\'t head over to the jungle now to start hacking trees and start building a bridge to cross this fire pit…" He spat through gritted teeth…

But then he looked at the bridge the village guards usually lowered whenever they wanted to go in and out of the village, and saw that it was broken into three separate parts…

But whilst the fire pit was about 20 meters wide, Dara could only jump about 10 meters at the longest…


Dara heard the screams of the village residents;

"No… not my baby… Please spa-"

A woman who was obviously begging for her baby\'s life didn\'t even get to finish her statement before an Obun plunged its fangs into her neck, ripping out the veins there and chomping over and over again on the open wound as the woman choked to her death…

Then Dara\'s keen eyesight was able to make out an Obun taking the new born baby over to one of their elders who was already licking its lips with an evil grin…

"Shit, I need to do something fast!"

"I need to take their attention away from these helpless village-"

"That\'s right… Distraction!" Dara\'s eyes widened as he came to an abrupt solution...

He whipped up one of his blood coated arrows and aimed, whilst the expert that came with him kept looking at him like he was wasting his time, but despite all that, he couldn\'t continue on into the village by himself, and thus he had to wait for Dara to come to his aid once again…

Dara himself was feeling a bit skeptical about this shot; the Obun elder he was trying to target was over 100 meters away from him, and whilst he had once helped Aunt Lin shoot down a bird about 60 meters away back home, 100 meters did pose a little bit of a challenge to him…

Dara aimed and calmed himself as everything around him slowed to a crawl;

All sounds were drowned and every other image in his eyes went pitch black with the Obun elder he was targeting appearing in a reddish color;

He had pulled the bow more than possible and it was already at its elastic limit; He had one shot to do this, and time was running out since the Obun carrying the baby was almost at the elder\'s position;


The bow instantly straightened itself with more than three times the amount of power Dara pulled it with, catapulting the blood coated arrow with almost 5 times the power of his pull…

The arrow passed through the pit of fire and came out of the other side with its tip burning with blue flames;


It was chaotic within the village and there was noise coming from every direction camouflaging the sound of the arrow as it traveled faster than a humming bird… 

The Obun Elder abruptly looked towards the direction of the incoming arrow, but it was already too late to do evade as it placed its arm in front of its face but the arrow simply went through its arm and lodged itself into its throat;


The Elder was actually sent flying more than ten meters across the ground capturing the attention of every Obuns in the area, and when it finally came to a halt, the flames at the tip of the arrow reacted with its blood and then; Kaboom! The Obun Elder\'s head popped off his neck and flew into the sky before exploding about 15 meters over the neck it just popped off…

Instantly, al the Obun\'s looked towards the entrance of the village and saw two figures standing there; one on their side of the fire pit, and the other at the opposite side of it, holding a massive bow that was almost a third of his height;


The second Obun Elder; the one which howled in pain earlier, howled once again before pointing towards Dara and the expert as over 90 percent of them began to bolt towards the expert and Dara like a school of sardines rushing toward a single bait thrown off a fishing boat…

The expert blanched in utter fear as he now began to wish he had never crossed the bridge in the first place…

The Obuns came bustling over, but just as they almost reached the spot where the expert was, a massive axe abruptly flew past Dara\'s head from behind, only about some inches away from his head as it hurtled towards the expert who ducked and slammed into the forehead of the fastest Obun bolting over;


A war cry rang out from behind Min Hong as he saw the rest of the experts from the village who left them behind earlier run out of the jungle towards the pit of fire, but when they noticed there was no bridge to cross the pit of fire, they ground to an abrupt halt…

The slower burly men coming from behind having seen the situation up ahead branched for three separate trees;

Then as if being coordinated by some mysterious forces, the first burly man slammed the axe in his grip into the base of the tree, sinking its blade a third through the tree, before another burly man with a massive hammer popped his muscles and slammed the hammer straight into the base of the tree where the axe had landed earlier blasting it completely off its lower trunk…

Crack! Craka!

The tree shifted off its lower trunk and planted itself to the ground whilst standing before falling towards the wrong direction, and it was at this point that a third burly man rammed his body directly into the tree;


The falling tree was abruptly jolted towards the pit of fire, falling across it and creating a bridge which these experts ran across onto the other side to meet their fellow comrade who had followed Dara over…

At this point, the Obuns had reached a position of about five meters from their position, and then the second battle began…

Dara stood behind the entire battle and supported these expert with the remaining 30 or so blood coated arrows in his quiver, which at the end of his last shot had fallen 30 Obuns, never to rise again…

Then he whipped out his twin daggers and bolted through the  battle itself, tearing across it like hot knife through butter, and everywhere he moved through left not only a trail of black blood behind, but also choking Obuns who were still grabbing their throats or veins in a bid to stop their spraying blood…

Dara was by no means concerned about the battle ongoing at the entrance of the village as he killed his way from the front of the battle to thee back and continued on to the center of the village, his attention not leaving the Obun leader who had finally received the baby from its subject…

His muscles contracted and his bones condensed as he exploded with insane speed;


Dara dashed past an Obun without actually attacking it;


The scared Obun who had seen this little 10 year old boy lay waste to his comrades on the way to him appeared stunned as to why Dara didn\'t even pay him any attention;

But just as he returned its attention towards the battle at the entrance, its vision floated into the air, rotated 360 degrees before abruptly coming to a halt, and now, the Obun was seeing things sideways, and the ground was also pretty close…

But just as it tried to comprehend what had happened, it saw its own headless body fall just in front of its face, and that was the moment it hit him; he had just been beheaded, but by who?

Dara behind him and found the expert he came with following directly behind his with a massive sword that was now coated in black Obun blood, he then gave a slight smirk before speeding up.

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