
Chapter 82 - Let The Challenge Begin

But Dara was already motivated enough since he had an unorthodox but godly cultivation technique, and the only thing that might affect him was someone to fix his mood swings whenever they come...

So, to have someone with the sexiness, beauty and maturity of Aunt Lin do that for him was an opportunity too good for him to miss out on; and he clearly would not let such opportunity go... Thus, Aunt Lin suddenly smiled and replied;

"You want me so bad unh?"

"You should have thought about that before giving me such level of pleasure…"

"Alright, let\'s make a deal…"

Aunt Lin spoke and Dara walked back to the tub and sat beside her head with his flaccid cock, gaining more girth with every single moment he spent with this seductress in front of him;

"If you possess enough strength to defeat our entire population, then I will be do whatever you want me to and at whatever moment you want it done, and whatever place you desire, and however you want it done…"

As she was busy saying this, Dara\'s cock [Not so flaccid anymore] was beginning to erect itself just based on the sheer imagination of what he was thinking of doing to her at this point, and the moment she realized that, she even sweetened the deal;

"I will give you total submission and let you dominate and use me however you want…"

"But all that would only be on the basis that you have enough power to protect me against the rest of the tribe; make me feel safe despite whatever difficulty I might face…"

Then she saw Dara frown and knew that he was somewhat doubting if he could achieve such power, because not only will these people\'s power also be growing, he will also have to stay a step stronger than all of them combined at this rate…

Even at the moment, he would have to possess at least a 5 Star Qi Sea stage before he can boast to be able to do so, and he had not even completely unlocked all his meridians yet…

Though his 104 Meridians already makes him as strong as a Peak Qi Creation stage expert which is the power equivalent of the First Obun Leader alone, due to the purity of the meridian opening technique he used and also the purity and abundance of Qi available to him…

Dara was also sure that should he finish opening his meridians, he might as well be as strong as a Peak Qi Sea Stage expert before he even begins to use Qi itself...

Then by the time he actually cultivates to the Peak of Qi Sea stage which would be a long time form now, he would obviously have the ability to crush the entire population of their current tribe even if they keep improving their abilities because;

One, their cultivation techniques are Leagues apart;

Two, the amount and purity of Qi available to both of them are also worlds apart…

Thus with all this in mind, Dara looked to Aunt Lin and spoke;

"Give me five years…" He spoke with a spot on and confidence that shocked Aunt Lin…

Because what Dara was trying to imply is that he could possess at least a Peak Dan Formation battle prowess in five years; none of the Imperials are capable of such cultivation speed, and as a matter of fact, there is no one in the Kingdom of Shangri La capable of doing so...

Though, whilst they have never been to the Kingdom of Jok [The natives of this planet], Aunt Lin knew that even such probability would be less than three at maximum…

Thus, if Dara could actually achieve such an aim, then it would even be better than what she had predicted;

"Alright, but during this period, I will only come to your chambers whenever you breakthrough; thus, the amount of time you spend with me would determine on how bad you really want me…"

"Just don\'t back out of your deal…" Dara responded leisurely;

"Why don\'t you allow me show you if I am truly going to back out or not…"

As she was speaking, Aunt Lin was already stroking what seemed to be Dara\'s brand new raging cock, as she stepped out of the water, placed her hands on his shoulders, before sitting on his rod, impaling herself till her wombs were thrusted through…

They took another half an hour of blatant hardcore sex, before Dara finally bathe and left; but Aunt Lin left the plateau itself before him as she found Uncle Min within the Farm and without even stopping to speak to him, she announced to him;

"He said he\'s going to obtain a Peak Dan Formation battle prowess in five years… Your challenge has begun…"

Aunt Lin walked by Uncle Min as she left; She was now a trophy which meant before anyone of them cold even think of touching getting too close to her [not to talk of even touching her] then they must both best one another…

Uncle Min stood there with wide eyes and mouth agape in shock; he was the one who had proposed the challenge, telling his wife that he loved the competition, and now that the target is set, he had only two choices;

One, cower away from it and lose his wife, as well as his face and pride altogether;

Two, face the challenge and have a chance of not only getting his wife back, but also cementing his position as the true leader of this new mini tribe of theirs…

"Tch, this kid is a monster…" Uncle Min blurted to himself with a fanatical grin;

"Though, I have come up with a way to cultivate using the Qi within these lands, but I don\'t have a good cultivation technique; after all, mine only stops at the Peak of Qi Sea stage, whilst I am sure his is better…"

"I knew the Qi within these lands were cultivatable, but I didn\'t want to be the test subject, and now that I am sure it is usable and adaptable, and he doesn\'t know that there is more to the information I gave him, then I can as well trade more of these information for his cultivation technique and that would give me a fighting chance, he he…"

Uncle Min laughed cunningly as he looked to the plateau to find a Dara standing there atop the plateau, overlooking the entire lands that was now at his disposal and his current control, then their eyes met, and for a moment there, a competitive spirit was sparked up within the duo…

To Uncle Min, it was more like the feeling of having a monstrously talented rival, but to Dara on the other hand, Uncle Min was going to be his first stepping stone into the person he looks himself to be...

But whilst it wasn\'t a big challenge in the sense that Dara could achieve this goal almost effortlessly and even almost lazily, he decided within himself that he was going to personally make this challenge much more difficult for himself so as to test his limits…

He planned on giving Uncle Min the previous chapter to the chapter of the cultivation technique he was currently using, which meant that, should he unlock the second chapter of \'Asura Volume\' of his cultivation technique;

[The Numen of Ancient Scholars], he would give the first volume to Uncle Min which though was a Tier lower, but would still be much better than any other cultivation technique on their current planet…

But all that would only happen till he obtains his Peak Dan Formation battle prowess, and it would also ensure that Uncle Min was always hot on his heels in their cultivation progress…

Thus, he simply smiled at Uncle Min and nodded whilst the latter also responded likewise…

The duo seemed to have their own specific pattern and tactics to best each other, and thus, the prospect of beginning the challenge was exciting and had battle intent coursing through their veins…

But the advantage they refuse to discover was that, this rapid surge in their power would not only ensure that they left the likes of Ji Wang and Ji Chen behind when it came to power scuffle, but a certain point would come when the Obun Elders would have to bow to them and serve them completely, unlike now where their relationship look more like a codependent factor…

The Obuns had the manpower to do all the work and also serve as protection for their group, whilst Ji Wang and Ji Chen possessed the intelligence on how to set up the necessary factors that could help a tribe run smoothly after spending years under the dead village chief and his elders, whilst Dara and the Uncle Min duo were simply owners of the land…

Thus, this makes the Ji duo and the Obun Elders have a level of say in the major matters, but once uncle Min and Dara obtains such a level of power, no one would dare give an opinion in their presence except when explicitly asked…

Thus the future of their new mini tribe was going to be a bright one regardless of however their challenge pans out, and of course they would have a little bit of trials and tribulations along the line, but it would be interesting to find out how they both adapt and inject some dynamism into the tribe to enable it overcome these trials and tribulations...

But for now, it was still at a very early stage, and so was the competitive duo…

Aunt Lin on the other hand, moved over to the farm and took inventory of the variety they have and which would be needed and in what specific quantity to help improve the well-being of their mini tribe…

There were also poisonous plants to grow to improve their military might, and of-course the aphrodisiac also which she classified as a poisonous plant, just in case the mini tribe decides that it was time to increase its size to that of a normal tribe;

Obviously she didn\'t plan on being useless either whilst her men competed for who has her custody…

Dara looked towards the wall of the tribe which stood about 7 hectares from his current position, which was approximately 265 meters in length; he wasn\'t present throughout the building process as he was busied with other matters, and thus, he felt it was time to check them out…

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