
Chapter 123 - The Clinic

"Oh no worries, I\'ve found something similar to what I shared with Elder Lin in her…"

Elder Min responded as he looked into his room where a lady rested almost stark naked if not for the sheets covering some parts of her body;

"I\'m really happy for you…" Dara revealed;

"I am too, for you that is…" Elder Min replied;

"To think my first work today would be to sort all these piles and heaps of gifts…" Dara sighed;

"You don\'t need to worry about that, you both can leave it to your ladies…" Elder Lin spoke as she stepped out of Dara\'s residence;

"Elder Min…"

"Elder Lin…" The duo greeted one another as Elder Min looked to Dara;

"Give me a few minutes and we will head over to the smithy together; Elder Wang and Elder Smith said they both needed to see you for something really important…" Elder Min reported;

"Oh… alright then…"

Dara replied as Elder Min returned into his residence whilst Elder Lin walked up to Dara the way a wife would to her husband;

"These are one of the perks of being the tribe leader; you get to receive loads of gifts whenever you are celebrating anything…"

She said as she moved closer to Dara, adjusting his outfits perfectly, before a fully leather clad Elder Min stepped out;

"Alright, be careful, and enjoy your time with the boys…"

Elder Lin ended her statement with a deep kiss despite being in the presence of Elder Min which made Dara feel slightly awkward whilst she smiled in response…

The duo left and the lady within Elder Min\'s residence stepped out, wrapped in Elder Min\'s robes, one which brought back some memories to Elder Lin who made it in the first place;

But after a few seconds of reminiscing, Elder Lin looked to the lady and nodded whilst the lady also reciprocated the gesture with a bow;

After all, despite being an Elder\'s woman, she herself isn\'t an Elder, compared to Elder Lin who was not just an Elder, but also the Tribe Leader\'s woman;

Thus there was a significant gap in hierarchy between them, and it has to be respected and upheld which was why she had to greet Elder Lin with a bow…

The duo watched their men leave home from behind in deep thought, each thinking different things which made them happy from the grins on their faces;

"Tribe mistress, do you need some help with all these?" The Lady asked;

"Sure… Thanks…" Elder Lin replied as the lady moved over and the duo began to sort out all the gifts into several categories and tiers…

As Dara walked through the tribe on his way to the smithy, several tribesmen who passed by would pause and bow to him before moving along after he nodded back at them with his best smile…

There were also some girls in the tribe who were all in tight fitting outfits and some revealing ones to who will show more than they needed whenever they bowed to him, but Dara had tasted a mature lady, and that had really taken a huge chunk out of his interest in girls within his age bracket…

Though, he still found them attractive, but there is just thing that they always lacked that Elder Lin had too much of, and that was the reason why he didn\'t think too much about them, whenever they came around;

Thus, he would simply look straight at their faces, smile convincingly, and nod whilst these girls would blush furiously;

Some in embarrassment of their intentions, others because they failed, and the rest was simply because they were in such close proximity with someone within their age bracket, but was out of their leagues…

Dara kept waving and pausing to actually talk to some of the Elderlies, especially when he saw the new tribe clinic and decided to branch and see the way the place was setup, which was one of the few places he had never been to since it had been built about three months ago…

The clinic was a massive three story structure, with the ground floor being the reception area where all the sick are waited until there is an available healer to attend to them, whilst the second floor was the treatment area and the sick bay…

The top floor however was a restricted area with a steel door that had a unique locking system which only Elder Ting had the keys to; except for the mater key with Dara which had been engineered to open all the locks within the tribe…

This floor was their research area, and where Elder Ting and her two assistants [the two girls who helped treat Ji Long on their way to the tribe] did some research on how to help the Obuns recover back some of their humane qualities and attributes…

But currently Dara walked into the reception area and saw Elder Ting who was just performing a final check up on Elder Long\'s injuries;

"It sure took you too long to recover from your injuries…"

Dara said when he entered as the rest of the ladies working within the clinic stopped whatever they were doing and bowed respectfully to Dara;

"Tribe Leader!"

They chorused as Dara nodded in satisfaction, these were the first set of ladies he would see since he left the plateau that were decently dressed…

He nodded towards all of them as they went on with their work whilst Elder Long covered his scarred chest with his robes before bowing slightly to Dara;

"Tribe Leader…" He said respectfully, same as Elder Ting as Dara nodded back at them;

"I never thought it would take you so long to recover from that injury…" Dara resumed his previous statement;

"Oh, I needed to do that so I can remain in the Qi Sea Stage…"

"Oh?" Elder Min was shocked whilst Elder Ting jabbed his shoulders lightly;

"So, you made me go through all these trouble because you want to stay in the QI Sea Stage?" She complained slightly;

"I\'m truly sorry Elder Ting, I know I had taken out of your research time, but I did it for a valid reason…"

"~Hu~ It\'s fine… It\'s something that comes with the job, and I was at fault for complaining…"

Elder Ting also apologized as Dara looked around to observe everyone working within the clinic, and he realized that; hidden beneath their care and hardwork was total and absolute exhaustion, thus, he looked to Elder Ting and asked;

"Why are your workers so few?"

"They were the only ones we could find that knew a thing or two about healing…" Elder Ting replied with a sigh…

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