
Chapter 30

Xiaonian looked at the nurse waiting for her to follow her .

“Mr . Gong, I’m afraid I can’t come right now . I’m here at the gynecology department getting a check up done . This will definitely prove to you that I had never been pregnant in my whole life!”

Xiaonian hurriedly told him .

Of all the things, Gong Ouyang was one person she definitely did not want to offend . For her meager life, she cannot afford to let this misunderstanding continue .

“What did you say!?” Gong Ouyand did not sound happy and his question was immediately followed by rustling sounds and some jumbled voices from the other side .


“Mr . Gong?”

She could;t keep the nurse waiting any longer and she wanted to get this test done as soon as possible for her own peace of mind .

“Mr . Gong, I have to go now,” she talked into the phone even knowing that there probably is no one on the other side .

Xiaonian hung up and followed the nurse .

Sitting in the gynecologist’s office, Xiaonian squirmed uncomfortably in her chair . Coming for normal check up was one thing, but what she was planning to ask made her embarrassed . Was there any way the question could be framed without eliciting strange looks?

What a ridiculous thing to prove .

As Xiaonian was mulling over things, the doctor came in and pulling herself together, she greeted the doctor and asked, “I want to go through a test that can prove if I had ever been pregnant in my life . ”

The doctor was female, around forty to fifty years of age . She had almost two decades of experience in her field and yet she couldn’t help but be surprised at the request .

Assuming she misheard the patient, she asked again .

“I’m sorry, what did you say you want?”

Xiaonian clutched her purse tighter and slowly repeated her request firmly looking away from the eyes of the doctor .

“I want a test that can prove that I had never been pregnant before . ”

The doctor looked at her in strange sympathy, “well, ah, you young people these days, you keep surprising me . ”


Please consider reading this on the translator\'s website: amatertranslations . blogspot . com


“Okay . I’ve been in the profession for a long time and I can tell with just a look . Now, why don’t you follow me inside for a check young lady” she said painting to a closed door behind her .

The room was relatively empty with the exception the elevated chair and some equipments .

“Please take off your pants and undergarments, cover yourself with the sheet over there and wait in the chair . I’ll come back when you are done . ”

“Um . . is there any other way?” Xiaonian couldn’t help but ask . She hoped that there would some x-ray or scan that she can conclusively show to Gong Ouyang .

“This is the quickest . I’ll be back in 2 minutes . ”

Xiaonian, left alone in the room couldn’t help but hesitate . But, the quickest is the best right now in her situation .

She covered herself with the sheet and waited for the doctor to come back .

The door to the room opened in less than two minutes but the person coming in was not the doctor, instead, it was Gong Ouyang!

Gong Ouyang stared at her furiously . He was wearing a white shirt and dark gray trousers and looked as if he worn them in a hurry and his hair was ruffled . But nothing detracted from his handsomeness .

Xiaonian was surprised to see him appear here in the room and she couldn’t help but clutch the sheet around her as she became unbearably conscious about the state of her undress .

“Excuse me, this is my . . ” the voice of the doctor came from behind his tall figure but before she could complete her sentence Gong Ouyang said, “Zi Chen!” and immediately a guard came and ushered the doctor away .

Gong Ouyang still stared straight at Xiaonian and there was fury simmering in his eyes .

His eyes slowly slid down her and fixed on the blue sheet around her slender legs .

Xiaonian tightened her hold on the sheet pulling it closer . Seeing her response, Gong Ouyang slowly walked to her .

He bent slightly and picked up her jeans lying on the table and threw them on her . Xiaonian stayed silent in shock not knowing what to do .

Seeing her not moving, Gong Ouyang moved to remove the sheet away . Xiaonian immediately clutched it tighter and pulled it, “what are you doing?!”

His hands grasped her hands and pulled the sheet away from them . Xiaonian quickly became alert and tried to pull her hands away from his causing him to further tighten his grip . Xiaonian couldn’t help but flinch in pain .

“You . . you are hurting me . . ” she whimpered softly .

But Gong Ouyang did not gentle his hold, instead he leaned in to her, eyes burning with strange intensity . One of his hand slipped under the sheet and pressed down on her abdomen in warning .

“What do you think you are doing?” he asked, his voice unnaturally calm .

Xiaonian was unable to keep her voice calm, the hand pressing down on her abdomen was making her want to shrink into the chair as much as possible, away from his touch .

“To get the evidence . . that,I was never pregnant . . ”

The hand on her abdomen slowly slid side ways and now gripped her slender waist .

“And how will you get this evidence? By letting someone else touch you?!” Gong Ouyang growled in her face with anger .

He was seething inside with an unknown and unnamed anger inside him . His woman! She was letting some stranger touch her in a way that only he was allowed to! The very thought of anyone near her was making him unbearably irritated right now . He hated it!

“It hurts…” Xiaonian whimpered again as the hand around her wrists and waist strengthened .

He acted as if he hadn’t heard her and stared at her for few more seconds . Suddenly, he took his hands away and gripped her jaw in his hand and told her firmly, “there will be no second time! Got it?”

“But . . ”


“the evidence…” Xiaonian could only slowly plead with him . She had put all hopes on this test and now seeing it not turning out the way she expected it to was making her unbearably anxious .

“I don’t care! If you let other people touch you, watch what I’ll do!”

Xiaonian could only calmly bite her lips and shrink back .

“Now, put you clothes on, or I’ll put them on for you!”

Xiaonian immediately picked up her jeans and clumsily tried to push them on with the sheet still on her . As soon as she was done buttoning the jeans, she pulled roughly off the table and dragged out of the room .

On the way out of the office, Xiaonian kept her head low in humiliation but Gong Ouyang stopped right before the doctor .

The guard Xi Chen seemed to have explained to her some things and now the doctor seemed more respectful and fearful of Gong Ouyang .

“There won’t be a next time with her, understand?” his voice was filled with authority and the doctor could only nod and give her assurance .

Xiaonian could only silently stand by him, and after hearing him, her face was pale .

She was dragged once again out of the department and into the nearest elevator . No one talked and Xiaonian still kept her head down .

She was still reeling from what just happened . She just couldn’t believe that he did that . Once the implications of his actions became clear, she became jittery with anxiety .

If she can’t take theist, how can she prove that she was never pregnant? How can she get away from this?


“Mr . Gong, you have to let me take the test! How can I prove that I wasn’t pregnant, if I can’t take the test?” she asked beseechingly .

She was desperate .

He wanted her to handover a baby that did not even exist, what can she do now??

“Shut up!” Gong Ouyang barked at her . His thin lips were pursed in displeasure and his body emanated his anger .

His displeasure was not because of her arguments, but because she looked so lost and pale, clutching her shirt and tears kept rolling down her cheeks .

His chest squeezed like it was hit by something . The confusing feeling were increasing his irritation . He couldn’t help but feel that she was deliberately doing this, seducing him, making him so attracted to her that he couldn’t bear people near her, looking so sad that his heart clenched in pain!

Was she doing that to manipulate him? Was all the softness and sweetness of her body he felt underneath him designed to pull him into a trap?

He was one of the richest in the world, controlling multiple assets and millions in market . It wouldn’t be the first time to have people around him try to manipulate him through women . But, it was a first that he felt so gripped with one . He just couldn’t seem to shake her out of his head .

And the though that this was all orchestrated, made him almost lose control, made him feel vicious .

When the elevator doors opened into his ward, he grabbed her arm tightly and dragged her to his room .

“Out!” he ordered and everyone one took one look at their master and scampered away as soon as possible out of the room .

Xiaonian felt things getting out of hand and quickly tried to back away and struggled to get her hand free from his grip .

As soon as the door closed behind him, Gong Ouyang threw Xiaonian on the bed . She immediately tried to escape but was caught in his long arms and pushed down on the bed .

Soon she felt his hands wandering over her and all her objections were swallowed up in his fierce kiss . When she tried to wriggle her mouth away , he bit her lips in retaliation until she settled down .

Gong Ouyang moved his hand down to her jeans and started unbuttoning it, Xiaonian was once again shocked wide eyed and tried to push him again once again, but Gong Ouyang was much quicker this time and he easily flipped her over and pulled her hands back and locked them in his hand efficiently stopping her movements .


Please consider reading this on the translator\'s website: amatertranslations . blogspot . com


Xiaonian kept trying and failing to free herself and when she couldn’t she broke down and sobbed softly .

Gong Ouyang retained his hold over her hands and bent over her, sliding his free hand up inside her blouse .

“Umph . . ” Xiaonian tried to struggle against him after she felt his reaction against her hips . She shuddered thinking that he wanted to wanted to do this like this . How is this different from animals having sex?

Gong Ouyang subdued pressed himself against her back, his eyes darkened considerably and along with desire, there was a hint of viciousness and hysteria in them .

“Xiaonian,” he stared a her with heavy eyes, “I want you,” he bit her ear, “Now!”

Kisses rained on the back of her neck as he swept away her long hair aside, almost suffocating her with his body weight . With that she couldn’t even struggle . His hands roamed freely across her body and did as they pleased .

Xiaonian used her now free hands to push away his hand that was painfully squeezing her breast . But as soon as Gong Ouyang felt her soft hand pressing against him, he lost his last thread of reasoning .

He turned her over, on her back and pushing her hand against his chest he kissed her madly, reveling in the soft touch of hers against his body .

Her blouse was torn and her jeans were pulled off amidst struggles . When he looked at her soft body on his bed, he remembered how she let that woman almost see her!

Any part of her, was only for his eyes!

How could she let some random person to check her most intimate part!! Only he can experience the touch or sight of her!

Fueled by fury, he quickly pushed himself into her, trying to reclaim every part of her without any ounce of gentleness .

Xiaonian’s struggles were muted and after a while even her voice faded away under his continued onslaught . She could only close her eyes shut and wish it to be over .

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