
Chapter 39

Translator and Editor: Lea


Chapter 39

To prepare for the night, the servants of the annex became busy with lighting the rooms, heating the interior, and preparing dinner. Ian and April waited in the living room before they entered the warm bedroom.

“I wish we had more time to spend together, but it’s hard to say.”“That’s okay. I’m following you because I’m worried about you and I want us to stay in the same space. You’ll be busy tomorrow, won’t you?”“Yes, until evening. But, we will be together all night.”

With that, he slumped down on the fluffy mattress. April followed him and buried her head on his chest. She felt the heat radiating from his body. His labored breaths simmered down somewhat as she patted his back.

“Has it started? Are you okay?”

He nodded when she whispered to him. Unlike earlier – when he was unable to control himself – it seemed he could endure it much better now. It’s just his eyes that looked dreamy because of the heat.

“The scent of the perfume is still there.”“Yes. Luckily, I had it with me when I needed it.”

He turned and gently stroked his fingers down her hair. As if he was feeling the texture of her hair.

“I didn’t want to let Carl see me falling apart.”“Ah…… he did mock your illness once.”“That’s not necessarily the only reason.”

April gazed up at him half-heartedly, but he didn’t say anything.

Because he couldn’t do it. He had his pride. He wanted to press Carl down completely without showing any agitation, who tried to capture April for himself.


As it was known, the subsequent days turned out to be frighteningly cold in the land of winter. April put down the book she had been reading all day and stepped out of the study. Because it was time for the sun to set.

“The sun is setting.”

April walked to the end of the hallway and opened the window to peer outside. She had been doing this since she came here. Sometimes, she even spotted Ian walking back across the garden after his work.

‘Oh? He came back early today.’

Every day, Ian left to attend his duties and returned around sunset. During the days he came back late, April was determined to stay awake until he went to bed. When he happened to have a day off, the pair spent all day together, but such days were rare.


Like every single day, April rushed to hug him.

Ian hugged her back, squeezing as hard as he could. April shivered in the chill lingering in his clothes.

“Welcome back. You’re early today?”“It’s in the final stage, so I didn’t have to do anything. But, Yuri will be busy.”

Ian said as he reached out his hand to the second floor. He was pointing toward the office, not the bedroom. The couple turned around and walked in the direction.

“How was your day, April?”“The same as usual. I’ve been in the lab all day, and reading botanical books in the study.”“Found something amusing?”“There was something called silver peony that grows in the East. It’s similar to a regular peony, but it was named so because the petals seemed to shine silver. It seems mass cultivation is still difficult in this environment.”

Ian gazed down and listened to her as she answered quietly.

When she praised the petals as being silver, his eyes turned to her smooth and glossy hair. He happened to think that the name April suited her very well.

{TL/N: April comes from the Latin word ‘Aprilis’, which means “to open” —which could be a reference to the opening or blossoming of flowers and trees.}

“April, have you thought about Lady Lianna’s wedding?”“Honestly, I want to go. I’m a little worried that a lot of nobles are coming, but I can just go in the name of her assistant.”“If you want, we can go together as a prospective couple.”

April blushed as he joked. It seemed that the word ‘couple’ sounded particularly powerful.

The marriage contract they agreed on was based on their feelings, not solely on the deal.

“I think it’ll be better for me to look like someone unrelated to you at first. It won’t be good if a rumor spreads among the nobles.”“Why? Won’t it be good for us?”“I’m afraid not. If the best known Marquis is seen with a woman unknown to most of the society.”

Ian knew how it would burden her, so he couldn’t refute what she muttered.

In addition, he didn’t want people to gossip about her.

“Fair enough, April. Let’s attend separately.”“Thank you for understanding.”“Don’t mention it. Ah, why don’t we implement the marriage contract right away when we return to the Capital?”“What should I do first? Register my marriage first?”“Let me show you.”

He picked up a pen and wrote down the contract details. Meanwhile, she moved to sit beside him before reading the contents of the paper.

[Ian Reykis provides April Witzer with everything she needs for the ‘trial’ under the name of the Reykis family.Normalize the marriage between two aristocrats.Legalize the relationship.Thoroughly guarantee the confidentiality of April Witzer’s status.]

He finished, faltering for a moment. Leaving a line, he continued to write the rest. April’s gaze moved along with the tip of the pen.

“April, you said that you didn’t want it to end even after the end of this contract.”“Yes, Ian.”“Here’s my question.”

April read the last line again and again. Ink appeared to be clumped up in regions where he stopped or pressed the tip of the pen, marking the weight of the words.

[ After the end of the contract marriage, April Witzer responds to the formal proposal of Ian Reykis. ]

Ian stared at her as if waiting for an answer, not caring to put his pen down. He was nervous, but he didn’t flinch. However, his gulp was loud enough for her to hear.

Without a second thought, April nodded.

“I’d like that, Ian.”

Her voice trembled. The current contract he made led her to feel relieved.


On the last day in the Eastern region, Ian could spend time with April if it weren’t for the documents left to process.

Yuri sat still in front of Ian, who had his nose buried in the papers he needed to finish faster to get to April. Until Ian raised his head to call him.

“Yuri. You’ve seen how he is, but it’s less likely that you know where Carl Liszt will be titled. Do you know what it means to have a person like him in charge of a firearms unit?”“I’ll be careful.”“I believe you. It’s good that he hasn’t caused any accidents yet. He was a bit chaotic in the beginning.”“I’ll make sure to keep an eye on his firearms unit.”

Yuri never made jokes, and that’s why he was very reliable. Ian nodded at his words.

“I’ve processed all the documents that need my signature. You may take them away.”“Yes, Marquis. Allow me to take my departure.”

After Yuri left the room with a polite bow, Ian leaned his back against the chair and closed his eyes. However, completing his duties didn’t mean he had no work left to be completed.

‘I better take my pledge as soon as possible. But after the ceremony of His Highness and Lady Lianna……..’

Ian reminded himself.

After the marriage of the Princess of Debussy. The sooner the preparations were made, the better. He took out a pen and paper to scribble something down.

[We decided to hold a simple ceremony for taking our pledge, so please prepare what is needed. First, prepare the necessary documents and contact the jewelry store we’ve always traded with. I’ll take care of the rest. I’ll go to the designer myself, so don’t be worried. ]

After finishing, he rang the bell kept on his table to call Rudy. Minutes after, Rudy entered the office.

“You called me, My Lord?”“It’s a letter for Klaus. Can you send it right now?”“Yes, My Lord. Shall I send it as an urgent letter?”“Yes, please.”

Ian checked the time. Klause would take care of it quickly if it was sent now.

“I hope Klaus doesn’t get so surprised to receive this.”

All that was left was letting the Duke of Debussy know. He was very shocked to know that Ian had feelings for April. Ian wondered how he would react to this news.

“What is April doing?”“She appears to have taken an armful of books toward the bedroom in the morning, so I suppose she would still be there. I brought her a warm cup of tea when I thought it was getting a bit chilly.”“Thank you for looking out for her.”

Spending half of the day in his office, he got out and immediately rushed towards the other side of the hall. However, his pace slowed down as he approached the portrait of the previous marquis couple.

He stopped to see a young couple smiling brightly at him.


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