
Chapter 889: The Discovery

Chapter 889: The Discovery

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

Zhou Bao inhaled lightly, and focused his willpower. He was at the absolute pinnacle of his Earthly Immortal cultivation and had cultivated his Primordial Spirits of Three Separations. He was a Tribulation Taker, had great luck and on top of that, also had the Treasure-snatching Rock’s origin. All of these were advantages others did not have and so he believed that he could escape from the clutches of Celestial Immortals like Jade Emperor Sage or even snatch food from the jaws of the tiger and gain something from the situation.

“Maybe after I get through this, I will reach the peak of my luck!” He exclaimed to himself. Ghost Child had warned him that recently his luck had been plentiful and adding oil to fire would be disadvantageous. This was not a good sign and it made him extra cautious.

Zhou Bao keenly understood that even though he was a Tribulation Taker, his luck would not last forever. Having been around Heaven Realm World for so many years with his everlasting luck, he had endless advantages. He was truly self-cultivated. He had cultivated himself to the Earthly Immortal Karmic Rank and even had the chance to obtain the legendary Celestial Immortal status, which was considered the status of the special entity of the Omnipotent Sage.

All of this was like a dream.

But all dreams must come to an end and soon it will be time to wake up.

His luck was essential, but heaven’s endless blessings would eventually end one day.

Luck was not limitless.

Otherwise, Celestial Immortals would not die.

Zhou Bao knew he was a Tribulation Taker with amazing luck. But he also knew that with the arrival of the Dharma Ending Tribulation, his great luck would soon come to an end.

Breaking into the Earthly Immortal realm, he had been able to sense the mysterious luck of the spirit world. He could sense his own luck burning by its own will, as if he had suddenly added a pile of fuel to his bonfire. The more it burned the more it prospered. Now, he was quickly reaching its peak.

Adding oil to fire to make it burn brightly.

But what will happen after the raging fire had burnt up all his luck?

Zhou Bao did not want to think about it. He just wanted to find the Celestial Immortal remains before his luck burnt out completely. In other words, he wanted to find Jade Emperor Sage while his luck was still blazing, no matter what would come of it. With this amazing luck, he knew that he could emerge from an encounter with Jade Emperor Sage unscathed. He understood deep down that this was his only way to escape from his subordinates in one piece.

This was a rare and precious opportunity and it was the only opportunity.

The interior of the Treasure-snatching Rock was like a shrunken universe. It was difficult even for an Earthly Immortal Emperor to find anything they wanted inside.

Zhou Bao listened to what the Treasure-snatching Rock device spirit had to say. While he was extending his spiritual mind as best as he could, he tried to pick up the Treasure-snatching Rock’s telepathic spirit, while also looking out for the Celestial Immortal remains’ spirit.

The master of the Treasure-snatching Rock did not know which mighty power had sealed the Celestial Immortal remains into it. Through several eras, the remains had become an integral part of the rock.

You could even say the Treasure-snatching Rock was king of Heavenly Fairy Weapons, because the remains provided it with a continuous supply of energy, meaning this fairy weapon had the eternal spirit of a Celestial Immortal as well.

Yes, eternity!

A Celestial Immortal was relative to what was innate in a living creature, the prime characteristic of everything material and spiritual—eternity!

The Treasure-snatching Rock’s device spirit had to break through the binds of its own immortal characteristics and attain the Celestial Immortal’s Way. However, Zhou Bao was the opposite. He needed to find the Celestial Immortal Remains and gain insight into its eternal spirit and even absorb it to attain the Celestial Immortal’s Way.

In a certain sense, this was a shortcut, like the one Jade Emperor Sage took to complete his Celestial Immortal’s Way. But Zhou Bao had an advantage Jade Emperor Sage did not, because his essence was the soul produced by the Treasure-snatching Rock. From its birth, it had been influenced by the Celestial Immortal remains, which was unimaginable for normal people. Even though this really enabled him to understand the concept of the Celestial Immortal’s immortality, it was similar to those Celestial Immortals that died.

For them, it was a shortcut.

And he too, was seeking this shortcut!

The divine thoughts rippled, pervading the whole space quicker than Zhou Bao had expected.

And in a moment, his divine thoughts vaguely filled the space inside the Treasure-snatching Rock. The shape of the space inside the rock could be felt inside his spirit.

It was egg-shaped!

At first, these words appeared in his mind.

Then, in a moment, he sensed an excellent place within the egg-shaped space.

Countless Earthly Immortals were still looking for this elusive place. Around it, unintelligible divine thoughts were fluctuating.

“Not good!”

Zhou Bao’s divine thoughts had just come into contact with the fluctuating divine thoughts and he cried out. It had exposed the remains’ long-concealed true form.

They’re over there! The Celestial Immortal remains are over there!” he shouted, pointing in their direction. A strange strength came shooting out from his fingers, breaking open the space directly.

Zhou Bao startled almost all the people in the space.

“Zhou Bao! Good guy! You dare to show yourself!”

Emperor An cried out when he saw Zhou Bao. He spread out his right hand, grabbing fiercely for Zhou Bao.

“Yu An, don’t take yourself so seriously!” Seeing Yu An reaching for him, Zhou Bao just laughed. Before reaching the Earthly Immortal level, he feared this Yu An. But now, having gone through the Earthly Immortal Tribulation, he and Yu An were now on equal levels. How could he still fear him?

He punched Yu An’s outstretched hand.


Their hands collided. Yu An was totally astonished and he quickly withdrew.

Zhou Bao stood still. People were very surprised that he had gained the upper hand.

They did not know that not long ago, Zhou Bao had been almost wiped out by Emperor An. But the emperor had run amok in the universe for more than a million years. Where else would he have run into this type of situation, except under the hands of a Celestial Immortal? Where else would he have endured such hardship?

Yu An’s expression darkened totally. This had surprised other people, but it was an absolute shock for him.

It was only recently that this guy had fled from him in total defeat. But in such a short time he had become so powerful!

Even if he did cross the Earthly Immortal Tribulation to become an Earthly Immortal, there was no way he could have such a strong combat capability!

But the truth presented itself right before his eyes. Zhou Bao’s combat capability had grown to an inconceivable level.

It defied all logic!

Zhou Bao was not inclined to talk logic with him, because he had just sensed his own luck burning fiercely as if there was something on fire inside his body.


He roared fiercely and his body started to undergo a huge change. In a moment, he had become the Primordial Demonic Ape Zhuyan.

“Go and die, Yu An!” he bellowed. His mountain-like fist shrouded the entire space surrounding Yu An.

An all-destroying force tangled with an incredibly frigid cold spirit, tearing apart everything else.

The space emitted a terrifying hissing sound, as it had been frozen completely by the Icy Divine Light and pounded into dust by Zhou Bao’s fist.

The space originally had an extremely strong self-regenerating capability. But Zhou Bao had punched a huge cavity into it and destroyed that capability.

A complete vacuum was left in the space of the Treasure-snatching Rock and the Earthly Immortal Emperors on the scene did not know where this vacuum led to. Their hearts were heavy.

Under the force of Zhou Bao’s blow, Yu An was beaten until his body was curled up like a prawn.

“You...!” After the punishing attack, a black light flickered intermittently around Yu An. He was not done yet.

That’s right. Zhou Bao’s fist had the power capable of breaking space into dust and suppressing its regenerating force, but he had not inflicted any serious damages on Yu An. He had a stunned expression on his face.

Zhou Bao narrowed his eyes. From that strike, Yu An did not feel right; his body felt quite strange.

“Boy, you think you can kill me with your Real Body of Zhuyan? Well, you can’t kill me, but I’ll kill you!”

Yu An should by now have been seriously injured, but he started grinning. “The Primordial Demonic Ape Zhuyan is very fierce!”

Zhou Bao did not reply; he did not have the inclination to do so. He still had not managed to retract his fist from Yu An’s body. After he hit him, it was as if his body had turned into a huge black hole, steadily sucking in Zhou Bao’s fist.

“You—! Have you gone crazy?” Seeming to realize something, Zhou Bao screamed and used all his power with the hope of getting back his fist. But he could not.

Zhou Bao looked very somber now. He did not know what Yu An was up to, but he knew that he was in trouble.

In deep trouble.

Yu An’s body started to disintegrate and turned into a fine mist. Within the mist appeared a boundless suction force, which sucked in Zhou Bao’s entire Dharma power.

The worst thing that could happen in this world was that all sorts of strange actions and methods could be used to absorb somebody’s Dharma power and even use it for their own Way. Zhou Bao had a very unique Dharma power. The Mysterious Divine Light was infused with his physical body to create an exceptional Way. Furthermore, it had been absorbed with so much difficulty that the two blended together would form the most toxic poison on par with that in the Chaotic Poisonous Sea.

Zhou Bao had never thought that anyone would have the guts to try to absorb his Dharma power.

But now he had run into someone who did. This guy was valiant and really did have the guts.

He felt his Dharma power flow away from him as if he was a breached dam.

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