
Chapter 779 - How is This Possible?

Chapter 779: How is This Possible?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Li Yi nodded, and The Cat that Sings was about to reach out her hand to undo it, but then she gave it some thought, shook her head, and put her hand down.

“What the f*cking hell... Forget it, sigh...”

“What’s the matter?”

“Who cares if I look good? No one likes me anyway.” The Cat that Sings sighed and held up her breasts with her hands, wiggling them at Li Yi. “See this? My sistas here aren’t too shabby either, natural 32Ds, but what good are big tits? Sigh, in the end, the only one gets off of them is myself.”

Li Yi was speechless. “...”

The Cat that Sings was agitated, so Li Yi did not say a single word after that. He had asked her to help with the dungeon because he wanted to ask her about her relationship with The Mountain, and if they were close, he could ask her to help bring The Mountain over for a shot at Tomb of Kings.

Although they were still a long way from attempting Tomb of Kings, they had to try it eventually. To be honest, Li Yi had absolutely no confidence that he could beat that ridiculous dungeon.

If he could just find someone to help him through it, how could he pass it? Did he have to find a god-tiered Summoning Scroll just like Ghostly Walker did? The problem was... just how would he go about getting a god-tiered Summoning Scroll?

“I’m pretty as a flower and my skin is white as snow. My tits are big and my figure’s great, so why does that b*stard look at me like he’s seen a ghost? He runs away in the blink of an eye. Dafuq, he works fast when I ask him to do things, but he just doesn’t dare to see me.

“Hey, punk, where do you think I’m lacking?”

Li Yi said exasperatedly, “Well, I’ve never even seen your face, so how can I say?”

The Cat that Sings was slightly taken aback, but then she nodded. “Alright, I’ll show you a glimpse. Then you’ll know the extent of my beauty.”

The Cat that Sings held up a corner of her mask, revealing a pointy chin and a delicate little mouth.

Her skin was white and smooth, her chin sharp and shaped. Her lips were thin and slightly ajar, so he could see a row of little white teeth inside. Her adorable little tongue stuck out a little, too, moving mischievously and seductively.

That little mouth alone qualified The Cat that Sings as a rare beauty.

Li Yi stared for three seconds and then abruptly stood up with a whoosh, aiming his bow at The Cat that Sings’ sexy little mouth.

‘F*cking hell, that’s Sister Cat? But it’s clearly Bai Xiaoya!’

Although Li Yi had never seen Bai Xiaoya’s real face, he remembered her mouth vividly, and he had never forgotten it for a second after he saw it.

The person who claimed to be The Cat that Sings had the exact same mouth as Bai Xiaoya! The two were completely identical!

The Cat that Sings put down her mask and barked at Li Yi, “What the heck are you trying to do?”

The mouths were identical, but the voices were not. Bai Xiaoya spoke gently and softly, whereas The Cat that Sings had a rather shrill and very sharp voice.

Li Yi asked suspiciously, “Are you Bai Xiaoya?”

“F*ck, of course not! Look at my name~!”

The name ‘The Cat that Sings’ lit up above her head.

“Your mouth... is just so similar to Bai Xiaoya’s, so I even thought you were her,” Li Yi explained, lowering his bow.

Just then, The Cat that Sings said something to blow Li Yi away again.

“That’s cuz she’s my younger sister, and I’m her older sister. Is it any wonder we’re similar?”

“You... She...” Li Yi was getting confused.

Never in his wildest dreams would he have guessed that The Cat that Sings and Bai Xiaoya were sisters...

“That’s impossible, Bai Xiaoya and Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut are practically joined at the hip. If you’re her sister, then why would she... You...”

“F*ck, how the f*ck would I know? My lil sis isn’t helping me, and instead, she’s siding with an outsider. Gah, this is such a pain!” The Cat that Sings swung her dagger in the air, stabbing viciously at nothing in particular.

She had quite the fearsome temper. Li Yi was starting to underhand why The Mountain gave her such a wide berth.

Her looks aside, just her temper alone was not something your Average Joe could deal with.

‘Wait, but she and Bai Xiaoya are actually sisters?’

Li Yi was still in shock.

The Cat that Sings could say just about anything when her temper started flaring, whereas Bai Xiaoya sarcastically roasted her opponents to ashes. Both sisters used their words as weapons, but one attacked boldly while the other killed stealthily...

Urk, if you put it that way, they were pretty similar, huh.

“My own sister won’t side with me, helping her friend instead of her family. The guy I like is a motherf*cking b*stard too. Sigh, they say beauty is a poison, so why won’t anyone let me poison them?”

Li Yi wiped the sweat off his brow. He had no more words for this overly vivacious cat.

“Cough, the way I see it, if you could just learn to control your swearing a little, maybe there’ll be a ton of people willing to take your poison.”

“My swearing?” The Cat that Sings paused and mused over it for a while before she finally slapped her thigh. “If only I’d f*cking known you sooner.”

“Why’d you say so?”

“If I’d known you sooner, maybe I’d have fixed this swearing habit of mine ages ago. Sigh, once this f*cking swearing thing becomes a habit, I just spit it whenever I open my mouth. Did you think I wanna be... like this? Sigh, I can’t f*cking change it even if I wanted to...”

Li Yi went, “....”

“How about this, kid? Why don’t you teach me how to control this tongue of mine? I don’t wanna be like this either, sigh. Just thinking about it makes my ovaries hurt again.”

Li Yi was still, “....”


He talked with Sister Cat for a while, but soon Li Yi felt like he was on the brink of breaking down. The Cat that Sings was famous for her foul language, and the rumors were not exaggerating in the slightest. Every sentence that left her mouth must have a curse word in it.

After the conversation, however, Li Yi finally understood that The Cat that Sings could get The Mountain to help with just a few words.

Alleria’s skills finished cooling down, so Li Yi and The Cat that Sings began to take action once more.

The giant monsterlings in the Strength and Glory Dungeon were very powerful. If they pulled three at once, Alleria could just manage to tank them, but if they attracted more than five at once, she would be in over her head. It did not matter what skills she used, she would be dead in an instant.

When they engaged the second group of giant monsterlings, Li Yi tried to experiment by pulling five giant monsterlings at once. As a result... Alleria died immediately, while he and The Cat that Sings followed soon after.

Li Yi ran out of the dungeon and found a temple to revive Alleria at. Upon returning to the dungeon, they began to move more carefully, only ever pulling three monsters at once, and no more. It was all so that they did not get wiped out again.

The Cat that Sings was very skilled, and she fought as she swore her head off. Although she did not deal as much damage as Li Yi did, she was still well within the top ten Thieves of the same level.

Not long before this, The Cat that Sings had learned a Territory too, but she had not had it for long, and her Territory Level was too low, so she could not do too much with it yet.

It just so happened that The Cat that Sings was playing in the same class as Li Yi had in the past life, the Cyclone Thief. The Territory Skill she had was identical to Li Yi’s previous one as well.

It was Cyclone Formation!

The caster could perform high-speed combo kills within a certain area.

The Cyclone Formation was very powerful, but its weakness was that once it was cast, the Territory’s range could not be simply moved in the middle of the extermination.

When they were clearing the giant monsterlings, Sister Cat used Cyclone Formation. A large black circle appeared on the ground, trapping the three giant monsterlings inside. After that, Sister Cat vanished, and gleams of steel began to flash within the circle as the three giant monsterlings rapidly took damage.

Watching that scene brought up quite a few memories for Li Yi.

“Sister Cat, if you want to use the Formation to its fullest potential, you should attack the monsters’ back as much as possible. Don’t stab them straight from the front.”

Li Yi gave The Cat that Sings some tips.

“F*ck ’em in the *sshole, is it? Good sh*t!”

Li Yi was lost for words. “...”

The Strength and Glory Dungeon had many giant monsterlings, and since Alleria had to rest after tanking each round of monsters, they ended progressing very slowly through the dungeon. It took more than seven hours for the two of them to see the dungeon’s first boss.

It was a giantess, more than ten meters tall. It sat next to a bonfire, chewing on some bloody flesh. There was a gigantic boulder behind it, spotted with blood. That was its weapon.

“Mimisme? What a f*cking stupid name. F*ck, it’s such a tongue twister.”

The Cat that Sings swore at it and asked, “Is this big b*tch the first boss?”

Li Yi nodded.

The giantess Mimisme was the Strength and Glory Dungeon’s first boss.

“Go straight at ’em?”

Li Yi glared at her. “You can go straighten out your... Ptooey, staying too long with makes me swear too.”

Li Yi pointed behind Mimisme. “See that gigantic boulder behind it?”

“I see it.”

Li Yi said, “...”

How was this a woman?

Li Yi let out a long breath and began to explain carefully. “When the battle begins later, Mimisme will get mad. When it does, it’ll pick up the boulder to attack us, but we have to lure it into smashing itself with it.”

“What do you mean? How could it smash itself with the boulder?”

“It’ll choose one of us and use that boulder as a weapon to attack us. When that happens, we must dodge its attacks, because getting hit means instant death. While we’re dodging, we have to try our best to make it trip. That way, the boulder it’s holding will crash down on itself. That’s the only time we can hurt it.”

“F*ck, that’s a mess.”

“You’ll get it once you try it. Go, Sister Cat!”

Li Yi gave The Cat that Sings a strong shove, pushing her toward the giantess, Mimisme.

The Cat that Sings turned back to swear at him, “Motherf*cker, how dare you push me into this!”

“No one can steal my meat!”

The giantess Mimisme held the bloody flesh in its mouth as it stood up from the ground, roaring.

The battle began, and a powerful buff appeared above the giantess Mimisme’s head. It was called Evil Form, and it made the giantess immune to all debuffs and damage.

In other words, it was invincible!

Mimisme grabbed the boulder behind it and lifted the boulder high above its head, smashing it down toward The Cat that Sings...

The Cat that Sings rolled onto the floor and the boulder smashed into the ground, making the earth tremble.

Just then, Alleria used Charge, becoming a white blur and stood as a shield in Mimisme’s way.


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