
Chapter 877 - Stomp Stomp Stomp

Chapter 877: Stomp Stomp Stomp

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Although Li Yi was not the most upright man, he never went too far with his jokes. Of course, he would never lay his hand on Sister Windcloud Nine. The earlier scene was all in Sister Nine’s mind.

The real situation was Li Yi hurling Sister Windcloud Nine to the ground and drawing his Orange Quality Bow back to fire a shot.

That sly Cactus King reappeared!

Li Yi frightened Cactus King away with several arrows before carrying Sister Windcloud Nine over his back and continued their journey.

This time, Sister Windcloud Nine behaved herself. She was too embarrassed to speak due to her multiple illusions of Li Yi assaulting her.

Sister Nine started to have wild imaginations after Brother Nine’s car accident. She always carried high hopes that Brother Nine would one day suddenly wake up and when she was alone, she would become incredibly insecure. This was also the reason why she wanted to tag along with Li Yi regardless.

After traveling for over ten minutes, Li Yi and Sister Windcloud Nine were blessed to find a desert inn.

Inside the desert inn, Li Yi and Sister Windcloud Nine gained sufficient rest. With that, the paralysis poison dispersed rather quickly, enabling Sister Nine’s body to recover.

They were able to determine North, South, East, West and entry to the next floor was in the East. By exiting the desert inn and walking straight ahead, both of them would be able to clear the stage shortly, if they did not meet with any incident.

After their rest, Li Yi and Sister Windcloud Nine went on their way, carefully keeping a beeline and checking the direction.

As they closed in on the entrance, that annoying Cactus King came running out again.

While on the way, this thing has been trying to get into the duo’s way but Li Yi’s attacks were too strong, causing it to retreat every single time.

“Clang clang clang!”

Sister Windcloud Nine reacted quickly this time, summoning Tuhr Sacred Sword to slice Cactus King.

Szh szh szh szh...

Cactus King shot a cluster of Thousand Needle Pricks. On the other side, Li Yi released Territory to slow down these needles while at the same time pushed Sister Windcloud Nine out of the needle prick range.

“True Overlord Arrow!”

“Squeak squeak...”

Li Yi fired a round of True Overlord Arrow and summoned Dolly.

Against bosses, Sister Windcloud Nine’s main role was to unleash the Sacred Sword. Apart from this, she was a great use in putting curses to lower opponent’s attributes.

Let’s not forget that Sister nine changed her class to a Curse Priestess to seek revenge and kill Li Yi.

“Tst —”

“Water Clone!”

“Territory — Chrono Stinger Arrow!”

Retrieving Territory Barrier into his body, Li Yi activated his most powerful move.

He never heard of Cactus King dropping any item so it never crossed his mind to kill it. He only tried to chase it away.

Pft! Pft!

With two arrows a direct hit, Cactus King’s HP shrunk by 700 million.

“Stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp —”

A bolt from the blue, Cactus King did not flee away. Instead, it furiously made a mad dash towards Li Yi with its hilariously short limbs, stomping a trail behind it.

This was Cactus King’s other ultimate move, Stomp You to Death.

Li Yi utilized Teleport to transfer to a safe zone ahead of time.

When he used to initiate Chrono Stinger Arrow, his Territory Power would use up in a one go. However, this was not the case any longer. As his Territory Power grew, he could now unleash the same move but still keep the energy to Teleport three times.

“Bp! Bp!”

“Silh silh!”

Dolly and Tuhr Sacred Sword were still at it. These pet-sword combo seemed to be in a battle to keep up with one another in damage.

Dolly’s shoot at point-blank dealt 500-600 thousand damage while Tuhr Sacred Sword only took off 200-300 damage but it triumphed in numbers with its frequency higher than Dolly. Dolly’s two arrows was it slicing four or five times. The damage both parties dealt was equal.

“Squeak squeak!”

Angered, Dolly accelerated drawing her tiny bow and it was then Li Yi realized that both Dolly and Tuhr Sacred Sword were within Cactus King’s Stomp You to Death range. However, neither of them were hurt.

Stomp You to Death was effective on the ground and as Dolly and Tuhr Sacred Swords were flying above the ground, Cactus King could not harm them.

Sister Windcloud Nine threw curses out before running fifty meters away towards Li Yi to hide behind him.

She was well aware that she was not of much help so she moved out of the way to help speed the battle up.

Cactus King was stomping for a while before lowering its head to unleash Thousand Needle Pricks at Tuhr Sacred Sword.

Tuhr Sacred Sword has HP too but due to the nature of Thousand Needle Pricks, Cactus King could not kill it.

“Powered-up Arrow!”

Tch tch tch tch tst —

Even with his Territory Power exhausted Li Yi kept busy. He initiated Powered-up Arrow and Stinger Arrow attacks while on the run.

Cactus King completely ignored Li Yi and at the end of Thousand Needle Prick, it ran towards Tuhr Sacred Sword to demonstrate Stomp You to Death.

“Stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp —”

Sands were spluttering but Tuhr Sacred Sword remained unharmed...

It unleashed Thousand Needle Pricks, then stomped Tuhr Sacred Sword, unleashed Thousand Needle Pricks again, then stomped Tuhr Sacred Sword again...

Cactus King kept going following the same pattern in an endless cycle.

There was no need for Li Yi to be in motion so he stood there and blasted his skills.

The ever-sly Cactus King seemed to hit a roadblock. Its HP was going down steadily yet it completely ignored it and have no intention to flee. All it did was repeated its attack on Tuhr Sacred Sword.


Even Dolly covered her mouth laughing. She could tell that this huge monster was a little dumb...

“Extermination Arrow!”

When Cactus King’s HP was reduced to one third, Li Yi fired up Extermination Arrow to eliminate its remaining HP in a whole.

Extermination Arrow has fatal effect and appropriate usage could deem this move equal to Chrono Stinger Arrow.

More importantly, this move was not a Territory Skill so even if he was out of Territory Power, he could use the skill freely.

“Woah, the era of Cactus King has come to a tragic end!”

Cactus King let out a bellow and its huge body collapsed.


Two purple radiance flew out and landed on the ground.

“Equipment dropped? No way?”

Li Yi was stunned at this scene. Monsters in the Tower of Remorse rarely dropped equipment. Items from the tower were more likely to be gained from opening treasure chests.

Sister Windcloud Nine sprinted forward to grab the two equipment on the ground.

“Wow, wow, we’re rich.”

“What were dropped?”

Sister Windcloud Nine traded two Purple Quality rings to Li Yi.

The two equipment were rings and they were a set.

[Cactus King’s Left Ring of Prestige (Purple Quality, Epic Level)]

[Equipment Requirement: 500 INT]

[-3000 M-ATK]

[-3000 P-ATK]

[ATK SPD delayed by 1 second]

[Cure (Special effect): When attacked, there’s a certain percentage to recover 30% – 50% of own HP.]

[Cactus Army Summon (Special skill): Summon 1000 Level 200 tiny cactuses to battle.]

[Cactus King Summon (Hidden special skill that requires both Cactus King’s Left Ring and Cactus King’s Right. Ring to activate.)

[Note: I am Cactus King, Cactus King, Cactus King, Cactus King, Cactus King...]


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