
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Under the lights of the colorful chandelier, the sparkling golden hair was like honey dripping down.

Then a voice began to flow from the lips of a handsome man as beautiful as a sculpture. As I stared blankly at the scene, my face hardened.

I know what will be said later.

‘To all of you who are here today…’

I took a deep breath.

I don’t know how many times I’ve recalled this scene.

“I would like to express my sincere thanks to all of you who are here today.”

My heart dropped at the sight of the man spitting out the familiar lines.

The soft smile and eyes that had never been directed at me swept through the audience.

It was a glance that could be passed without meaning, but he never looked at me.

Did I really not know?

Didn’t I feel a little sorry for myself for being so nervous and hardened in front of him like an idiot?

Was I just an extra to him until the end?

“I’d like to take this opportunity to make a confession today.”

I knew this moment would come one day.

But what a foolish one-sided love I have.

I knew the man’s fate, but I couldn’t let go of my foolishness.

It’s finally time to let go of the string that I barely held in my heart.

“I will propose to the young miss of the Hillingtons.”

Oh my.

I felt a rock hit my heart.

The eyes of the people in the banquet hall split in half at once.

Half was for me, who is standing still like a pillar, and the other half for the girl who had a lovely and sweet smile no matter where she was.

Between me, who was so stiff that I couldn’t even breathe properly, and the girl who was smiling happily with a peach-like blush on her cheeks, who does it seem like the person to receive the proposal?

Soon, everyone’s eyes turned to the beautiful girl, my lovely sister.

That’s it.

I couldn’t endure it anymore.

‘Let’s stop.’

I grabbed the hem of my dress and turned around.

There was a moment of commotion behind me, but I closed my eyes tightly.

‘I can’t look back.’

Digging into the crowd, I left the banquet hall.

In the romance fantasy novel “The Young Miss is Sweet”, I ran away from the climax part where the male lead proposed to the female lead.

Even if it was a highlight in the original, if you’re a poor extra like me, it’s okay to run away.

Yes. The man I loved didn’t love me, but my sister.

My little sister was the beloved heroine of the world in this novel, and he was the male lead destined to bring the very glass slipper to her.

There was no place for me in that glorious place.

‘I can let it go now. Put it all away… Let’s disappear.’

It was me who had excessive greed.

So, the extra should be gone.

* * *

I was pretty lucky.

My flower shop was doing pretty well a month after I opened the store, and I even met friendly villagers along with a novice boss.

I mean, it was to the extent that the story of my shop was told by the aristocrats of the Mielian Empire who were not usually interested in the lives of ordinary people.

Otherwise, that man wouldn’t have come to see me.

“…How have you been?”

It was me who spoke first.

I ran away because I didn’t have the courage to see it happen, but I can’t help it now that I have to face him.

He was my sister’s husband, so he was like family to me.

But I was not confident enough to call him my brother-in-law with my eyes open…

By the way…

“Do you think I’ve been well?”


What is this atmosphere?

‘Wait, what?’

I accidentally dropped the wooden tray I was holding from the power of the man who strode toward me.

The trey fell to the floor with a clang and spined until it stopped.

I stared at it with my eyes blinking, and then I looked up at him whose eyes were burning.

A man with a much bigger head than me was staring down close to me.

‘Hey, hey!’

It’s only been about a month since I left the Empire, but I wonder why people have changed so much.

Is it an illusion?

“Did you hate me that much?”

I don’t know whose voice just trembled.

Oh, did I drink during the day?

Is this a dream

Is it fantasy?


“Is this where you trampled on from my proposal and ran away?”

I almost pinched the man’s pale cheeks.

What are you talking about so vividly on what feels like a fantasy?

My heart is beating once again at the unrequited love that I threw away.

I smiled faintly, but that seemed to have touched the man’s pride.

“How can you smile?”

His bright purple eyes fluttered, and they were getting more and more moist…

‘What? Moist?’

What I saw in his blood-drenched eyes looked like tears no matter how hard I looked.

Why is he crying?

Was it such a shock that his wife’s sister disappeared?

And what did he mean by trampling the proposal and running away?

Did my sister run away?

“Wait. Proposal? What are you talking about now…”

“It’s no use running away again. Follow me wherever you go…”

Those burning eyes were unfamiliar.

Before I knew it, my back was against a cold wall that blocked me from stepping back.

He came closer to me.

Now I’m out of breath from the distance where he could almost reach my breath.

“I’m the only one who’ll see it.”

What did he just say?

“I’ll make it where you breathe without me.”

I didn’t know what to say.

I just know one thing.

He’s crazy.

Why are you crazy?

“That… Are you talking to me?”

I tried to find a reason.

He wouldn’t go crazy just because I’m in front of him.

But it couldn’t have worked with a madman.

“That day. You didn’t answer.”

At this point, it didn’t seem like a dream.

However, there is no way that a man who visibly hated me and regarded me coldly would turn around and propose to me.

He seemed to have a serious misunderstanding while looking at me as if he were looking at my younger sister.

A bitter smile hung over me.

I thought I finally got out of it, but now I’m involved.

‘What a terrible relationship.’

It has been that way since childhood.

When I opened my eyes, he was always there.

I sighed and thought.

I don’t know why, but I think my sister got a divorce.

Isn’t this the common cliché of a regretful man?

The male lead and the female lead have a misunderstanding about each other, and the male lead runs away. In the end, the male lead loses his temper and sees me as my younger sister.

But then, the man who hated me told me…

“Let’s get married.”

You can’t come and propose like this, can you?

I closed my eyes tightly and swallowed the rising anger.

Right, it’s all bad luck.

‘Why was I born as the female protagonist’s older sister?’

It all had to start over 20 years ago when I was born as a supporting actor in this damn fictional world.

* * *

I opened my eyes at the intense and strange feeling.

The first thing I felt was the intense hunger and gurgling that shook my skin, and not the patient’s cry from the next room or the beep of a medical machine making a ‘beep beep’ sound.

‘I’m hungry!’


I didn’t want to believe the thundering sound was coming from my stomach.

I opened my eyes wide and blinked hard.

‘Am I dead?’

Everything didn’t make sense.

I still couldn’t forget the eerie feeling when my breath stopped and everything else around me stopped.

Nonsense. Could it be that I crossed the Jordan River and managed to come back alive?

I tried to get up by moving my limbs, but it was uncomfortable as if my whole body was tied.


That was then.

“I’m going to die from the noise! Feed it something!”

My thoughts were cut off.

It was because the harsh voice of someone who spoke very cheaply pierced my ears.

‘A baby?’

What the hell is this?

My heart was pounding and I was nervous. I don’t know what the situation was.

I opened my eyes and licked my mouth and sucked something hard while making a loud noise… What?

“This is funny. Why are you making me do it? What do you know about me? You’re the one who planned it in the first place!”

It was a different voice than before.

‘Plan? Was I kidnapped? Is this the day I die? Why? What are you aiming for?’

Once again, I violently sucked what was in my mouth, and it was only then that I realized that my condition was definitely strange.

Confused, I fumbled toward my mouth and stretched out my hand. Something caught my finger.

What was that?

And why…is my head this heavy?

“If you get caught, we will both die. And you know that we won’t be the only ones. That crazy bastard would find the root and eradicate everyone involved!”

“Shut up, you were the one who told me to kidnap a child from the temple and get some money. You were the one who asked me to bring this kid!”

“Hey! Be careful. You are also an accomplice!”

“It was you who brought the kid! I only drove the wagon!”

I rolled my eyes and focused on their conversation.

Kidnap. Carriage. Accomplice?

Aside from that, there were a few odd things.

It seems like they are foreigners.

My state of being able to understand the language I am hearing for the first time is amazing.

And the most shocking thing is that I forgot all about it…

‘Ugh. What kind of sausage is this?’

It was a tiny, plump finger that passed in front of my eyes!

The fat rose at every joint and it was plump like a child’s finger…

Flickering and clasping my hand, that startled finger moved as well.

‘Is this my finger? Is it swollen?’

It was then I became shocked by the appearance of what looked like four plump sausages next to it.

The sound of something being smashed rang out like a roar.

The screams of the men who were chatting happily next to each other could then be heard.

‘What else is going on?!’

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