
Chapter 78: You have to come

Chapter 78: You have to come


Valencia, who was having a conversation with a female professor, turned her head around in surprise. A slight fluctuation of blood-qi could be felt from the southern side of the central hall.

“Is someone having a breakthrough?” Valencia focused her senses on the source of the fluctuation.

“It seems like two viscount auras are clashing against each other. They are still at the early stages of viscount.” The female professor said while sipping blood from her glass.

“Thank you, Miss. Ester, I have to go there and see who dared to fight near the central hall. I will catch up with you later.” Valencia hurriedly placed her glass on the table.

“Mhmmm… It seems like you will be busy. I pity those boys who ruined your evening.” Professor Ester mumbled with a sad tone.

With an angered expression Valencia called the vice president over and left the central hall with him. The banquet carried on like before and everyone seemed to be unaware of the things taking place outside.

At the southern courtyard, two figures were clashing against each other with such ferocity, the entire place was shaking. Their aura was not inferior to the other, but somehow the young vampire standing in front of Keith was having trouble maintaining his stance.


The two figures split and crashed into the ground several meters apart.  Keith didn’t seem to receive any injuries as he stood inside the crater with a calm face. On the other hand, the young vampire was struggling to maintain his aura and his body was filled with scratches.

“What kind of a monster are you?” The vampire shouted at Keith.

‘I can’t keep the artifact activated for long, my blood-qi reserve is depleting. I need to find a way to finish the fight soon.’ He racked his brain to find a weakness of the seemingly invincible vampire before him.

“The kind of monster, who will show you some respect that you deserve. Thank you for sparring with me, senior.” Keith licked his lips and shot forward with a fiery gaze.

‘He still hasn’t run out of stamina. How can he sustain his artifact for so long?’ He questioned his judgment about the opponent’s strength as Keith was shattering his every preconceived notion. It felt like he was fighting against a count stage vampire despite the opponent being just a baron.

Swish! Swish! Wham!

Swinging his arms and legs imbued with terrifying blood-qi, Keith didn’t let the vampire catch his breath. He attacked him furiously from all sides and with each attack the defense of the opponent dwindled.

“Do you even know who you’re offending?” The young vampire let out a desperate cry.

“If you amount to this much after using such a high-grade artifact, I have nothing to fear while I’m here,” Keith said with a sneer.

At this moment, a figure appeared between them and stopped Keith’s attacks.

“How dare you two fight here? Are you not aware of what is happening inside the central hall?”  The vice president said with an angry voice, glaring at the two.

“Senior, you came at the right time. This brat started this all. He refused to follow my orders and clashed with my underlings. You can see how he injured them.” 

Pointing his fingers to the unconscious vampires lying on the ground he shot a hateful glare at Keith.

“Is that true?” The vice president looked at Keith with a frown.

“Hah! I expected better from a member of the student council, but it looks like it’s filled with garbage.” Keith said with disgust.

“Hey! Answer my question? Did you do it or not? If you dare lie, I will send you to the dungeons.” 

Keith looked at the vice president and snorted.

“Do you think I am going around offending everyone I see? They were the ones who brought me here. I was just defending myself.” 

“You dare lie in front of the vice president. Senior, he won’t tell the truth how much you ask him. It’s better to put him in the dungeon for his violations of the academy rules.”  The young vampire said.

“This will all be cleared soon enough.” A feminine voice said from behind.


The young vampire lowered his head in fear once he heard her voice. Sweat was dripping from his forehead.

“Tell me why are you two fighting at such an hour? What would the professors think about me, if I can’t handle viscounts on the orientation day? If I don’t get a proper answer, I will put you both in the dungeon for a month.” Valencia glared at them with such ferocity that the temperature dropped several degrees.

“Uhmmm… I…” The young vampire struggled to open his mouth and fumbled continuously.  He knew he messed up when the president of the student council showed up. She was ruthless and cold to everyone who broke rules, regardless of their origin. She didn’t even forgive the council members in this regard, so he already lost all hope of getting out of here.

“He joined the student council last year and has been doing quite well for a baron. I hoped to get him a position at the disciplinary committee after he broke through the viscount stage, but now I’m not so sure.” The vice president looked at the injured vampires and shook his head in disappointment.

“But I didn’t do anything. It’s him. He ambushed us here and forced us to fight. If not for my artifact, I would’ve been seriously injured by now.” The young vampire said with a pleading voice.

“Shut up! You can’t even handle a single baron. How can you expect me to defend you?” The vice president snapped.

The young vampire lowered his head while gnashing his teeth. He shot a hateful glare at Keith from the corner of his eyes.

Valencia, who was watching the drama unfold, lost her patience and looked at Keith with a frown.

“Tell me, why are you here instead of the banquet? Do you like fighting so much? I thought you wanted to be lowkey, but your actions say otherwise.” She squinted her eyes and took a closer look at his aura and scanned his body.

“I was going to my room and they showed up out of nowhere and asked me to follow them here. I met him before at the blood warrior’s training facility with another baron who seems to be acquainted with him.” Keith looked at the young vampire beside him.

“And? What happened between you guys that you resorted to this?” Valencia pointed her hand to the mess of a courtyard that was ruined by the fight.

“I was having a normal conversation with him, but the other baron suddenly attacked me for ignoring him. If not for my strength, he would’ve seriously injured me by that surprise attack.” Keith said, looking at the young vampire and Jerim.

“Hmm… is it true? What he’s saying? Is it TRUE?” Valencia’s tone turned cold and she glared at Jerim and the young vampire.

“I…  I haven’t seen him before. He’s clearly lying. Why is the president taking his word seriously.” Jerim who was silent throughout this time said with a stuttering voice.

Valencia’s figure flashed and she appeared in front of Jerim, grabbing his neck and lifting him from the ground.

“Then why are you stuttering? I can sense your heartbeat fluctuation madly. You can fool him, but not me.” 

She tightened her grip around his neck and the vampire’s pale face turned beet red.

“I..uhh… I cuhnphess… I… Cough! Cough!” 

Valencia let her hands go and he dropped on the floor with a thud.

“I made a mistake. I was jealous of his strength and talent. I was just pissed and wanted to vent it out. I..”

“Take him to the dungeon. And him too. I want them to stay there for a year. And under no circumstances they are allowed to leave.”  Valencia said to the vice president while pointing two fingers towards Jerim and the young vampire.

“President! I didn’t do anything. I was just making sure, Nobody gets hurt. I was here to stop the fight.” The young vampire pleaded.

“Well, you did a great job stopping the fight. Now, shut your mouth before I rip your tongue out.”  Valencia glared at the young vampire with murderous intent.

“Let’s go.” The vice president grabbed the two vampires and looked at Keith with interest.

“Are you going to let him go?” The vice president asked carefully.

“Leave him to me. I will handle the punishment.”  Valencia flicked her hand, gesturing to him to leave.

The vice president nodded slightly and left the courtyard with the two vampires.

After their figure vanished from the courtyard, Valencia looked curiously towards Keith.

“You took care of all these vampires?” She pointed her hand towards the unconscious vampires.

“I was nothing much. They were pretty weak. Only that guy over there had some fight in him.” Keith looked at Lais who was still silently watching all this.

“You are good. I thought you only had the aura, but you know how to fight as well. Even though you didn’t instigate the fight, you were involved in it. I won’t let you go so easily. Given that I know your potential, I am willing to let it slide, but you have to come to my residence when you are free. Or I have to report it to the professors.” Valencia looked curiously at Keith.

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