
Chapter 467: Words Like Knives

Chapter 467: Words Like Knives

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The air was on fire, burning up every nerve in everyone’s body, making them excited to the point of shaking. Then, in that restless, fanatical atmosphere, the great hall became abnormally quiet.

After a long time, the shocked and excited look on Rong Ming’s face gradually faded, and he once again resumed his former calm determination.

“I am very grateful for your kindness. But, by my own reckoning, I don’t have the strength to accept such a fine gift.” His low voice was a bit hoarse. What he said was tantamount to tossing out a huge bombshell in the great hall, which seemed so calm on the surface but was actually so hot that it seemed to be on fire. Countless gazes focused in unison on the host in the room.

Has he gone nuts? That’s a six-star card... The same thought popped into everyone’s minds at the same time, and they looked at Rong Ming as though they were looking at a monster.

Once Chen Mu’s mind cleared, he couldn’t help but let out a long breath. As he looked again at Rong Ming, his gaze was full of respect. For him to still be able to maintain a clear head at such a time with only that little bit of determination, he didn’t know how much stronger that made Rong Ming than himself. It was clear how determined Rong Ming was; it was so hard for external things to move him.

By that time, some people were starting to awaken, and big wigs like Tai-shu Yong had come back to their senses. Their gazes once again deepened. What Rong Ming had said was right. If there really was a six-star card in there, that gift was too much!

There was no free lunch under Heaven, and Rong Ming was quite clear about that six-star card’s value. What kind of organization was Faya? It was a vicious and merciless organization that killed people for property as though it were eating lunch. For such an organization to bring out such a gift, what they were looking for in return would be so much more! Moreover, Rong Ming looked at things thoroughly; unless it were someone as top-notch as Tang Hanpei, the appearance of that card that day would be a token of doom no matter whose hands it fell into. No ordinary person sinned until he coveted something precious.

He believed the news of any six-star card that was also an illusion card would be spread throughout the federation by the next day. When the time came, countless card artisans would be flocking there like sharks smelling blood. What was that woman trying to do?

After restoring his calm, Chen Mu also realized the crux of the issue. What was Butchie trying to do? Was it for Qiu Shanyu? Chen Mu felt an ominous premonition.

Butchie’s gaze was showing some appreciation. “Master Rong is extraordinary, after all, and I humbly admire that. Still, this Eternal Night is naturally not given in vain. I have one small condition.” There was something of a metallic quality to Butchie’s echoes throughout the quiet hall.

“I believe Master Rong must still remember the matter of the sneak attack on Faya’s encampment.” Butchie’s beautiful eyes held power as she said in a low voice, “I would never have thought such a place as Dongrui—known for its tight security—could actually have such a malignant event. That is really regrettable.”

Tai-shu Yong stepped out from the crowd and said with an icy tone, “The young lady must be kidding. Ah, isn’t that your fine organization’s modus operandi, then?” He was wily and had already guessed most of what Butchie had been planning. He was on the same boat as Chen Mu by then and figured he might as well be the first to bring up the difficult issues.

Everyone then nodded. With the three scions of the Tai-shu family nearly having been kidnapped, of course Tai-shu Yong had the standing to say what he had. Faya’s methods had already touched the bottom lines of those big families.

“Right. Your fine organization’s methods are too vicious to the general harmony. Although we powers in Dongrui might not amount to much, so long as we are still here on any given day, we won’t let you mess around!” The head of the Luo family spoke in a deep voice as the greatest power in Dongrui. His position immediately brought echoes from the other powers.

Butchie’s expression didn’t change as she bowed toward Tai-shu Yong. “I express my regrets for our previous behavior and can assure you that no such thing will ever happen again.”

What she said made those big shots, who were already a little angry, gradually calm down. No one wanted to have a direct confrontation with such a large organization as Faya.

Tai-shu Yong had never thought Faya would actually retreat so quickly, and he couldn’t help but remain silent. He took a look at Chen Mu, and a feeling of concern arose from his heart.

“I’ve come this time to bring friendship and good will from Faya and to seek help from each of you. We have already investigated and have learned that the instigator of the sneak attack on our station was clearly the card artisan Qiao Yuan and several of his comrades. During the affair, a woman from our organization was taken captive, and we are extremely concerned about her fate. Qiao Yuan is unscrupulous and might do absolutely anything. Therefore, I took advantage of Miss Rong’s birthday to ask especially for help from each of you. If someone could rescue this woman, we would like to make a reward of this Eternal Night!”

Butchie opened the wooden box. There was a black card lying in the middle, on which the mark of six stars was rather striking.

The entire hall was submerged by a wave of noise. Qiao Yuan peeling off Faya’s face had long since caused an uproar in Dongrui. Everyone knew about it. It was just that nobody had imagined Faya would actually use such a method to launch an attack on Qiao Yuan!

Chen Mu’s scalp had gone numb; he was going to be in a lot of trouble! By the next day—no, maybe that very evening—the entire city of Dongrui would be looking for him. He felt unusually shocked. He had previously thought Qiu Shanyu was certainly an important person to Faya, but it now looked like he had somewhat underestimated. Faya actually wanted to pay such a high price just to rescue Qiu Shanyu!

Tai-shu Yong’s face was as always, though the look of concern deep in his gaze became heavier. Faya’s sudden reward could put Qiao Yuan into immediate danger. Where were there any airtight walls in the world? If the entire city was looking, it wasn’t like paper could wrap up the flame.

A six-star card was indeed precious beyond compare, but it wasn’t something the Tai-shu family had the ability to use. As far as what Qiao Yuan then meant to the Tai-shu household, that was related to whether they could get the rights to that one consultative vote. If something were to happen to Qiao Yuan, the investment they had made would be wasted. There was a glint in Tai-shu Yong’s eyes, showing how hard he was struggling.

The waves of voices didn’t calm for a long time, as everyone was in heated discussion. Some of the guests straight-out activated their communication cards and excitedly passed along the news.

The stone in Butchie’s heart finally fell to the ground. So far, things hadn’t gone too differently from what she’d expected. Faya’s power in the Heavenly Drum Village District was utterly limited, on top of which was the previous period of attacks from Moon Frost Island, which had seriously cut down their manpower. They had no way to send over any large numbers of personnel since it would draw alarm from Moon Frost Island. More importantly, it would take too long.

She couldn’t wait. With each passing day, the Madam was in another day of danger. Ever since Qiao Yuan had bitten the Madam’s lips so hard in public, it was clear he hated her to the bone. For her to fall into his hands, who knew what might happen to her? No matter how, she had to rescue the Madam! There was a flash of determination in her eyes. Although she didn’t have such good feelings toward the Madam, she still knew how important she was to Faya.

She had originally been ordered to give the Eternal Night to Mr. Fang, but she had never thought Mr. Fang would be injured! When she had first heard that news, she had been utterly stunned. Although Mr. Fang wasn’t known to many in the federation, he was like a god at Faya. Among the card artisans at Faya, outstandingly talented ones, such as herself and Hugo, had mostly accepted Mr. Fang’s advice. Among the only three contests the famous card artisan Jiao Si hadn’t won, one had been with Mr. Fang.

How could someone so godlike as Mr. Fang have been wounded? How could the wise and calculating Madam have been taken away? That news made the upper echelons of Faya extremely nervous, and nearly their entire power in the Heavenly Drum Village District was converging on Dongrui.

The power Butchie had in her hands was rather limited, and hers was the only way she could think of. With her mind somewhat calmed down, Butchie then started to size up the crowd in the hall. If she wanted to find the Madam, she would have to depend on those local tyrants. She smiled coldly to herself as she looked for any hint of excitement or thoughtfulness on anyone’s face.

Suddenly, her gaze fell onto the person wearing the white mask. He really stood out among the crowd and was the only one wearing a mask in the entire hall. What caught her attention most was the sense that she knew him...

The more a person was an ace, the more shocking their intuition was. There was nothing esoteric about that; it was just that an ace would have insight and would be more sensitive to information.

The more Butchie looked at those eyes and that physique, the more she felt he was familiar. She suddenly remembered that when she had just entered the hall, something hadn’t been quite right about someone’s gaze, and it had been that guy wearing the mask. She hadn’t had time to think carefully about it then!

By then, the waves of noise in the hall were gradually lowering.

Butchie stared hard into Chen Mu’s eyes and spat out, “And, you are?”

“You may call me the White Commander.” Chen Mu hardened himself and tried to make his voice sound steady.

“Have we met before? I wonder if your eminence might take off his mask for a look. I believe you look familiar to me.” Butchie’s voice had turned gradually cold. She had a kind of feeling that she had definitely seen that person and that she knew his voice. No one else she knew could be in the Heavenly Drum Village District.

Chen Mu shook his head. “I’m very sorry, but I can’t.”

Everyone in the hall heard the repartee between the two of them clearly. The White Commander was quite in the limelight in Dongrui, though he had always been mysterious. No matter where he went, he would never remove the mask from his face. No one knew where he had come from.

Some people couldn’t help but stir. Could it be...

Butchie’s suspicions deepened on their own. She took half a step forward with her left foot, saying in a deep voice, “For your eminence to pull in your head and tail like this, could it be that you have something that can’t bear the light of day?” She paused and then said in a raised voice, “Or, could you be Qiao Yuan?”

The name Qiao Yuan made the card artisans who had been growing restless still harder to hold back. Among the crowd, some came up with a few choice words on neither side of the issue.

“Sure! I’ll just take it off for you to have a look. There’s no lack of meat there!”

“Ha ha! For him to wear a mask all day, I’ve long since known how hard he would be on the eyes.”

Rong Ming suddenly became enraged, his eyes wide open and his imposing manner abruptly coming forth. “The impudence! Let’s go! Bring out the one who just spoke! That’s some boldness for you to dare to slander an invited guest of Ring Ming’s.”

The hall became awed in silence. The card artisans he had on hand then came back to life, and they rushed like hungry tigers to pull the ones who had just spoken out from the crowd.

The 63rd card artisan on the Heavenly Drum Rolls emitted his perception with all of his strength, its imposing power practically covering the heavens and earth. The card artisans who had just been so hot-headed finally responded, feeling suddenly remorseful. Under Rong Ming’s oppressive bearing, they obediently left the hall.

Butchie didn’t make the least concession but walked another step forward instead. Her words like knives, she said, “So, could you be harboring a suspect, Master Rong?”

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