
Chapter 16 - Star - The Alpha Visits Again




I sat there in the room, sitting on the couch with the noise coming from the TV. I may have watched it absently from time to time. It was some show with kids in college and it was pretty funny, I don\'t really know what it was really about but it helped to pass the time.

I was used to sitting in place in the cellar all day with nothing to do but plot my escape so this wasn\'t that bad of a trade off. At least when I had to use the bathroom I was able to get up and go in there when I wanted to. That was the height of luxury for me all things considered. It was a massive step up from a bucket in the corner.

Plus sitting there in a clean room in clean clothes was like heaven. I didn\'t want to be a slave or a prisoner to anyone, but at least this place would be a step up until I managed to escape from it.

As I was thinking thoughts like this there was a knock on the door.

"Hello Star, can I come in?" I heard the Alpha\'s voice from the otherside. I didn\'t move, or say anything, I wouldn\'t be able to tell him no anyway. After a few moments the door opened like I knew it would.

I was sitting on the couch when he had knocked, and before he opened the door I pulled my legs up onto the soft cushions, drawing my knees into my chest and clutching them tightly.

I hated being so scared of him. I hated feeling so helpless and weak. But there was nothing I could do to fight the Alpha, and there was nothing that could save me but getting out of here. That was my only option.

When the Alpha came in he was carrying a tray in his hands. He didn\'t look at me or stop at the door. He just went straight to the table near the window and set the tray down. It wasn\'t until the tray was set down that he turned and looked at me.

"I thought you might be hungry so I brought you some dinner." He smiled at me but I didn\'t know how he wanted me to respond to him. He looked upset, he was probably still frustrated with me for trying to run away. After a sigh he came over to sit down on the couch with me, taking the same place Chay had sat in earlier.

"Listen, I was hoping we could talk a little. Try to clear up some misunderstandings." He was looking at me with pleading eyes. Why would a guy as handsome as him need to force someone to be his wife? "I know you\'re not speaking to us yet, but you\'re still talking in a way, will you talk to me?" He asked as he looked at the pad of paper that was sitting on the small table nearby. I leaned forward and picked it up along with the pen.

[Alright] I wrote the one word and showed it to him, I didn\'t think it would make him smile as much as it did.

"That\'s great." It seemed like he wasn\'t as mad as he was before. I guess that was good at least. I could \'talk\' to him to make him less angry with me. Maybe he wouldn\'t beat me like Uncle Howard had.

I watched as he turned his body to face me, an expectant look in his eyes. I just hoped he didn\'t expect much from me. I wasn\'t going to trust him, ever. He was an Alpha and one strong enough to kill a man with his bare hands.

"I want you to know that you\'re not a prisoner here." My eyes went wide. What was he saying to me?

[Then why was I brought here?] I wrote the question quickly, making it a little messy.

"Well, you were unconscious. I wouldn\'t have left you out there."

[Why did you attack the others?]

"To save you." His answer was quick and to the point.

[How did you know about me?]

"You ran into my Beta, Kent, the other night. He said you seemed to be in danger."

[How did you find me? Do you know who my family is?]

"I have been doing research on them, but there isn\'t that much that we know about them yet. Apparently, they like to keep to themselves."

[They\'re powerful] He grinned at that note.

"So am I." The glint in his eyes wasn\'t exactly friendly and it sent a shiver down my spine. It didn\'t scare me really, but it wasn\'t a happy feeling either.

The Alpha seemed to have noticed the shiver and his face fell. I thought for sure that he was going to get angry at me. That he was going to yell or lash out like Uncle Howard would have done.

"I\'m sorry. I scared you again, didn\'t I?" He looked sad and repentant, like he was at fault. I shook my head no, because he hadn\'t scared me, not really. "You\'re being nice to me about it." I shook my head again.

[Not scared] was all I wrote.

"Really?" He looked hopeful and smiled at me as I nodded. "I\'m glad I didn\'t frighten you this time. I\'m sorry about earlier." He looked ashamed now. "I didn\'t know your story, I didn\'t even know your name and I told you something like that. It was wrong of me."

[Why do you want me as your wife]

"Not wife, mate." He corrected me.

[Is there a difference?]

"There is, and one you would know about if those assholes who called themselves your family had explained our culture to you."

[I don\'t understand why it matters]

"A wife is just someone you choose to be with. A mate is someone fate chooses for you."

[So you have no choice or say in the matter?]

"It\'s not like that. It\'s like fate tells you who is the right person."

[So you have no choice or say in the matter?] I pointed to the question again, emphasizing my point.

"No, not really. It\'s a bond that is forged between two people at birth. It\'s meant to be wonderful, to make you feel happy."

[If I have no say in it like I had no say in marrying Uncle Howard, what difference is it from my previous life?] His face seemed to fall at that question. I thought this would be the moment when he got mad and lashed out.

"I\'m sorry I said what I did. I shouldn\'t have said it at all. Will you please forgive me?"

[Will it make a difference?]

"Probably not, but I would like it if we could move past it."

[Fine, I forgive you] I gave him what he wanted before I continued. [But you still intend to marry me don\'t you?]

"Not until you agree to it. I will never force it on you. If you never agree then it will never happen." He seemed firm and I didn\'t think he was lying to me, but then again I had seen how easily my family was able to look innocent while they hurt me.

[What is going to happen to me now?]

"What do you mean?" He looked confused as he looked at me.

[Where am I going to go now? I\'m not staying here am I? Where will I be put?]

"I would love it if you stayed here. But if you\'re not comfortable we can find another room for you."

[I figured you would put me in a room with no windows, or bars on the windows]

"You\'re not a prisoner Star, you can come and go as you please. But I do ask that you take someone with you when you go. I don\'t want to chance your family getting a hold of you again. I don\'t think you want them taking you back either."

[I\'m not a prisoner, but I can\'t leave alone? How is that freedom?]

"I\'m just trying to keep you safe. Please understand that. I will do anything to save you, Star. Anything to protect you. Please, you have to trust me." He had a look of desperation in his eyes, like he thought I was going to run away right this minute and he was determined to stop me.

[I won\'t run. If I did you would bring me back here anyway so don\'t worry]

"Please don\'t think like that. I want you to feel safe, secure, and happy. That\'s what I want for you the most."

[Why] I just didn\'t understand him.

"Because I want to take care of you." He smiled at me gently. "But even if all I can ever do is watch over and protect you, then I will be happy."

[Why do you want me? Why protect me? I just don\'t understand.]

"Because I don\'t care about wolf power or status."

[You\'re an Alpha?]

"What does that matter? We\'re all just people."

[You confuse me] I rubbed my head like it hurt. [This is not what I have been taught]

"Not everyone is like them." He told me, leaning forward. "Not everyone is cruel and evil. And it\'s about time someone told you what it means to be a wolf."

[I can\'t process that right now] I rubbed my head again.

"Are you alright?" He looked worried as he stared at me. I was so lost, so confused, so in awe of what I had heard. It all went against what I knew and it was making my head hurt.

I swayed, just for a minute. I was dizzy and unsteady as I sat there.

"You must be hungry, it\'s been a while since you ate." He sounded worried as he reached out to steady me.

[I go days on one small meal] I wrote the words sloppily.

"Not anymore you don\'t." He sounded firm and stern. "You will be eating three meals a day, plus desserts and snacks." His words sounded playful but his tone firm.

[Desserts? Snacks?] I wrote the words and tilted my head.

"You\'ve never had them have you? At least not since you were two. Well you\'ll love them. And we need to figure out your preferences." He was smiling now. He seemed to know everything I had talked to the others about. Did they all tell him everything? Was anything I told them going to be private? I doubted it.

After that, he led me over to the table and showed me the food.

"Here, some fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob, and some pudding for dessert. I brought you some lemonade to drink, is that alright?"

[I\'ve never had any of this stuff before] I informed him and the look in his eyes was sad.

"Well, you get lots of food now." He grinned. "Want me to stay while you eat?" I shook my head no, I was tired and needed to think. "Alright. I will be back later." He didn\'t touch me, but he did look at my eyes for a few minutes before he left.

I was glad to have some peace now, I needed to think.

The food he brought was delicious. All of it. I ate everything there was and felt a little sick afterwards. But I had never had food like it before. It was more delicious than the foods Chay had brought me earlier.

By the time I was done eating I was tired. I crawled back into the bed I had woken up in this morning and thought about everything I had heard today. Were they telling me the truth? Was I not a prisoner here? I guess only time would tell.

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