
Chapter 23 - Star - Exploring The Pack House Part 1




Dinner with the Alpha, no Artem I must call him Artem, dinner with Artem and the others was not what I thought it would be. I was expecting it to be tense and nerve wracking, but the food so delicious that it just relaxed me instantly. That was, until I found out that Artem had made the food.

That had really surprised me. I didn\'t suspect that someone like Artem, an Alpha, would be cooking food for weak wolves like me and those boys. Why would he do something so beneath him?

For that matter, I was still shocked and perplexed by the fact that Artem was doing so much for us all. He was cooking for us. He was giving us a safe place to stay. And he had bought all that stuff for me. I\'m sure he had bought things for the others as well since they needed clothes and other personal items too.

That told me that the Alpha, Artem, has a lot of money. If he could afford to buy so much for so many people then he was a wealthy and generous man.

Then there was the conversation we had had. What did he mean when he had said that he loved me? I had only ever been loved by my cousins. What was love like with a man like Artem?

What did he want from me? I didn\'t think he wanted me for the same reasons that Uncle Howard did. I wasn\'t even really sure what it was that Uncle Howard wanted from me. I just knew that the way he looked at me, the way I felt around him, it creeped me out. Uncle Howard always had, and always would, make my skin crawl. But I had never once felt like that when Artem looked at me. That was a plus wasn\'t it.

I didn\'t totally hate being in this house either. I felt safe.I felt comfortable. And best of all, I didn\'t have to worry about my family. I liked being here, even if I was still a little afraid of them all.

I wanted to start trying new things. I wanted to start moving around the house more to get to know everything and everyone. I didn\'t want to isolate myself and turn myself into a prisoner now that I was free.

So, the next morning, I got up, showered and dressed in the new clothes that I had been given. After I was clean and dressed I left my room and went down to breakfast. I remembered the way to the dining hall that I had been to the night before and I was glad to be independent for once.

Once there I noticed that I was the only one in the room. Apparently, I had slept later than the others and they had all eaten already. I was embarrassed by that at first, until Artem came out of the kitchen carrying my plate of food.

"What\'s the matter?" He asked me with a look of concern in his eyes.

[I feel embarrassed]

"Why?" He sat next to me as he set the plate on the table.

[I\'m still so different from everyone]

"You\'ve spent more time locked up than any of the others, and none of the rest of us have ever been through what you\'ve been through. You\'re bound to behave differently than the rest of us here, but that\'s no reason to be upset. We\'ve all had to adjust to different things in life. There\'s nothing wrong with the way you\'re doing things." He was smiling at me encouragingly. "Not to mention, you were injured when we brought you here, your body needs time to heal, that\'s probably why you\'ve been sleeping so much. You\'re safe, for the first time in so long, so it\'s natural to let your guard down and sleep more soundly. I\'m actually happy that you\'re comfortable enough to sleep so much."

[Really?] I was still embarrassed, but now I wasn\'t certain if it was the same reason as it was before.

"Yes, so just be yourself, whoever that may end up being. Use this time to figure who it is you truly are, who you want to be, and what it is you want to do in life. I will be here to support you the whole way." His grin looked so similar to the sun I had seen rising as it woke me up the other day. So bright, so full of life and potential, so beautiful. Could a man like him be considered beautiful?

[I\'ll try and thank you again Artem] I returned his smile when I showed him those words. To think that I could learn to be myself, whoever I may end up truly being.

"You enjoy your breakfast, alright. I made bacon, sausage, fried biscuits, sweet rice, and poached eggs. There\'s some jam for you to put on the biscuits too. It\'s a lot, I know, but hey, I like a variety. Eat whatever you can, and don\'t be afraid to tell me what you like and don\'t like. I don\'t want you to have to eat foods you don\'t like."

[I\'ve liked it all so far] I told him, another smile on my face.

"Anything you liked more than the others?" He tilted his head and grinned at me, an expectant look on his face.

[The pancakes were nice, and so was the fried chicken]

"I\'ll make them for you again soon." He seemed happy. "Would you like to learn how to cook too? I can show you."

[Really?] I was excited to hear his offer, learning to cook would give me a skill, something I never knew how to do and never thought I would ever be capable of doing.

"Yeah, it\'ll be fun. Just let me know when you want to." I nodded my head, agreeing to his terms. "Well, I have a conference call starting soon, I will let you eat in peace. I will see you later, Star." He left with a smile on his face and a wave of his hand to tell me goodbye. This was the most comfortable I had felt around him so far. I hoped this would never end.

The food was delicious. The eggs that he made me were better than the ones I had the other day. And I really liked bacon. The sausage was good, but not as good as the bacon. The biscuits were good, especially after I had put the jam on them. I actually had put the jam on them and then wrapped the biscuit around the piece of sausage, that had turned out really good. The rice had seemed odd at first, with a little scoop of butter and some brown seasoning on top, but after I mixed it all together it was really, really good.

I was happy that I had come down to breakfast and eaten somewhere else than my room. Getting out, seeing the rest of the house, that was something I needed to do. Not to mention it had gotten me some more insight into the Alpha. Ugh, why do I have so much trouble calling him by his name? I was able to get a better idea of what Artem was like.

I wanted to walk around the house, to learn about it and where things were. I was on the first floor, where the dining room was, when I started to explore. Though soon after leaving the room I ran into Morgan, the man who had guarded my door, and Toby, the other Gamma who had helped with my room.

"Hey Star, how are you?" Morgan asked me.

"Good morning, Luna." Toby smiled at me.

[Good morning to you as well Toby, and you Morgan] I smiled at them before I added another line. [What\'s a Luna?]

"Oh, I\'m sorry, I should have realized that you didn\'t know what that was." Toby smacked himself on his head, his warm, brown eyes closing in frustration.

"The Luna is the head female of the pack." Morgan filled me in.

[I can\'t be the head female] I protested as I took a step back and shook my head.

"More accurately it means that you\'re who fate has chosen to lead alongside the Alpha. Don\'t worry. You don\'t need to be the Luna if you don\'t want to." Morgan explained further.

[I can\'t! I\'m too weak]

"That\'s fine. I\'m sorry to worry you." Toby seemed sad, like he was upset by what I had said or how I had acted. "What brings you down here today?"

[I wanted to get to know the house]

"Really?" Toby looked excited to read those words.

[Is that alright?] I thought I should ask permission before continuing.

"Oh, most definitely." Morgan answered for me.

[Is there anywhere I am not allowed to go?]

"Not really, it might be a little impolite to go into bedrooms that aren\'t yours, but they\'re all labeled with who lives in them. Just look for the nameplates on the doors and you will be good." Toby was smiling as he explained this part to me.

[Thank you for letting me know]

"Anytime. Do you want one of us to go with you?" Morgan offered their services.

[I want to try to be independent, but thank you]

"No problem. We will be down here on the first floor if you need anything come and get one of us." I nodded my head, an apprehensive smile on my face, was there something that could happen while I explored the house?

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