
Chapter 77 - A Yandere Wife Wants To Use Her Feet In Not So Appropriate Way!

"Thank you for joining up our party, Xiaoxiao."

Kyoya spoke with Xaya being next to him. He was sincere and slightly sad upon this farewell, but Xiaoxiao had already said that she wants to join the bigger party and keep advancing in strength.

The same goes for Kyoya, but there is no way he can join others. Also, focusing solely on strength is no good. Not only because Kyoya wants to look at the new world and lands with his curious eyes, but Xaya\'s wishes are also going to bother him as well. Those wishes can help Kyoya as he gets EXP, but what about others?

They would think he is a weirdo and kick him on the spot! Before that, Kyoya also would wrangle over with jealousy of others and disgust of his wife.

Not everyone is as nice and patient as Xiaoxiao.

"I also would like to thank you, both. I had the pleasure to see a new kind of person and it was a fruitful adventure with various emotions going on. It was funny and exciting! Thank you!"

Xiaoxiao and Kyoya bowed at the same time which was looking weird on the outside. They nearly hit each other with their heads, but Xaya was here to stroke her husband! Her hand helped Kyoya to avoid any damage, then the two friends looked into each other.

The violet and orange jewels met then!



There was something different when it came to getting Xaya\'s approval. It was as if someone from a different world altogether had approved her! Knowing Kyoya\'s struggles as well, Xiaoxiao knew that she contributed a little to their relationship, so she nodded with contentment.

"Good luck, you two. I am going!"

"Good luck!"


While Kyoya waved his hand until Xiaoxiao disappeared, Xaya just waved it a few times then hugged her husband back, getting a seat that only belongs to her. She sniffed his fragrance without scruples, thus, it became audible. Her heavy breathing also could be felt thanks to her ample bosom being just outstanding.

The two were all lovey-dovey then, discussing their first mission from the adventurer guild with kisses going on.

Not being aware that someone else was looking at them from afar.


"How cute. I wonder where he found her."

"Oh, did you finally find a lady worthy of your body? Haha~~"

There were two individuals outside the village. Their bodies rested on the highest tree branches so that their eyes could spot everything going on within the village. No one truly could peek into the village from such distance, but thanks to their bodies being filled with strong belief, raw strength, and sharpened muscles, the duo could achieve insightful eyesight without any eye skills.

During the battle with the boss, Kyoya and his party needed some time to properly deal with it. It was also a lesson for the husband, so more time than enough was spent here. In such vast worlds filled with adventurers as people fight to survive, it wouldn\'t be strange if someone stumbled upon the battle.

Thus, it was not the blessing of the goddess of luck or any other god as Kyoya thought, but simply the other two adventurers had their eyes on them.

"I am not a man who aims for the taken women!"

"You are a virgin anyway."

Their eyes had seen the unique house and the attitude of Kyoya who was their main target of protection. Ordered by the top adventurer, Marcia, these two were killing adventurers that could pose the threat for Kyoya!

When he fought against the three-colored bear, their weapons had sunk into the necks of at least thirty adventurers.

"I wonder what he will become."

The lady said, her eyes following the couple who was done with kisses. From their destination, she could tell they are going to speak with the village head for the last time before changing their destination.

She closed her eyes, then leaned more onto the tree.

This is when the voice of her companion slipped into her ears.

"I thought you would find it boring, but you are strangely enjoying it, Rosa."

"The way I have been taught is to enjoy the killing no matter whether my target is low born or the noble."

"Oh, as for me, it was just to stay alive."

"Why wouldn\'t I enjoy it though? This is a man who could trigger the tablet from the god himself. I am interested in him and… we aren\'t the only ones eyeing him."

"Yeah, I saw."

"So this is it. One by one, the stronger pieces will come to us."

Rosa was already on the move when she spoke that. Her body clad itself in the lightning that broke the realm of the speed. In silent steps, she passed through the village without notifying anyone, then on the other side of it, the adventurers were already brandishing up their weapons.

Her weapon of choice was a sword.

The blue sword that was so thin at the end it looked fragile and ready to shatter at any moment. Furthermore, Rosa fought with her sword as if truly treasuring it. She never closed up the distance thoroughly with others, but using her sword tip alone, she thrust forth with a rumble of thunder to topple down her enemies. If she failed to do so, then her lightning would envelop her body allowing her form to disappear and reappear at the other side.

Luckily or not, Rosa didn\'t have to relish the feeling of failure.

Repeating that movement, Rosa revealed her dance that struck down all the enemies from the different adventurer guild.

"They were clearly aiming at Kyoya."

"Are you sure?"

"Their strength was around the tenth floor. No point for Aria\'s adventurer guild to send these people here."

"Oh, so that\'s why you didn\'t fail once at killing those. And the Aria Kingdom… A lot of bad rumors are going on lately around their name, I guess they are truly aiming for the potential adventurers."

Plutos was the name of the other individual. He blinked his eyes while looking at the fallen adventurers, then asked the question that suddenly appeared within his mind. The confusion grew stronger in his mind as well.

"How do you know they are from the Aria Kingdom? I don\'t see any rumored marks on their bodies."

"Just a feeling."

"Hey, hey~~ That\'s not nice! Tell me, please! Teach this low born gently, please? Okay? Rosa~~ Miss Rosa!"

[White Repair Bondage!]

Ignoring her partner for this mission, Rosa took out the big bandages that moved on its own. The white material went like a snake for the fallen bodies, wrapping them around to hide all the features and blood. As it passed through the ground, the signs of the battle also disappeared.

The steps on the soil got filled with earth, the cuts on the trees also somehow got mended! No one could tell that there was a battle, or more like the torture for the Aria Kingdom\'s adventurer guild adventurers.

"Take them back to the Grooma Kingdom. I will keep an eye on Kyoya. If that\'s the quality of the adventurers, then I, alone, am enough."

"Okay, okay. I will be back soon then!"

Plutos gathered all the fallen bodies in one place, then using the ropes, he stitched them into one. Soon enough, a white backpack appeared on his back that was three times bigger than his form.

He laughed cheerfully, then disappeared thanks to the power of the world pillar…

Once he disappeared, Rosa\'s blonde hair fluttered as she turned back to take one of the seats up above. She came back to her job, her ears twitching as she tried to listen to the talk between the couple.

"Husband! It is so soft! So soft!"

"Yeah, it feels good… Damn! I might sleep on this carpet tonight!"

"Why sleeping? Let\'s fuck until the morning! You promised me, husband!"

\'Yeah, you promised so do your job, husband. All the way through the night and morning.\'

Listening to the conversation between the lovely couple, Rosa took out her stuff from nowhere! There was no sight of a backpack or any storage item on her body, thus, it truly looked like that.

As for Rosa herself, she wore the clothes that could be called \'Noble Adventurer\' clothes. Her feet stepped safely on the ground thanks to the over knee black boots. Similarly to that, she wore a black, short skirt revealing a little of her skin in between these two high-quality items.

It was enticing already.

Then on the top, Rosa was endowed in the black-blue jacket that surely had something to do with her blue lightning. Her deep blue eyes shifted to the side where not so noble stuff was spread.

It was a metal pot, small bags similar to teabags, then middle-sized leaves. The lady first turned her attention to the metal pot which lacked water. Her whole form disappeared leaving small lightning snakes in her place.

Then, a minute later, she reappeared with a metal pot in her hands. There was already water inside. It was water from the river, so it lacked healthy glitter. Regardless of that, Rosa was not perturbed by that.

Her index finger pressed softly on the side of the metal pot.

Yet again, the lightning erupted and spread across the metal pot. The water began getting cleansed, then boiling, Rosa began preparing the tea. So it was the tea!

In the meantime…

"Husband! What kind of item did you get from the boss?"

\'You have finally asked him. I was getting curious as well.\'

A tea bag has already sunk in the hot water by then. It circulated around the metal pot\'s insides by the lightning that had nothing better to do here.

"It was a box!"



The two ladies asked, albeit the only one was heard… The husband then took out the box while Rosa\'s pale hand reached out for the leaf she had prepared beforehand. Her lightning spread like cracks around the leaf\'s form, splitting it up into several pieces.

Those pieces fell straight to the metal pot with a teabag.

"Open it, husband!"

\'Yes, open it, husband.\'

Kyoya wanted to open it already but to no avail. He told it to Xaya who narrowed her eyes dangerously to these words. Unlike her, Rosa just shook her head knowing that the item has to be precious then.

She also wanted to know how the husband had gotten rid of the dungeon forest before killing the boss. Regardless of that, she knew that Kyoya struck the gold, so…

\'That is fate. Coming here with that woman was also a fate… Nice going, husband.\'

"Give me that filthy box, husband! I will break this shit to the pieces and get the item!"

\'Husband, you should restrain your wife a little instead. Even I don\'t curse that much.\'

"Stop cursing! We are on the fluffy carpet, let\'s enjoy it first!"

\'Nice one.\'

Kyoya and Xaya rolled on the fluffy carpet then. It was pleasant and delightful, but the latter only applied to the feat. If one could peak into the house of the husband, then one would see Xaya\'s feet just digging into that fluffy carpet as she began awakening something.

Her skin was also as if glazed by the item coming from the goddess of beauty.

"Ah… Ahhhh… Husband… It feels so good…. T-touch me here!"

"Aren\'t you exaggerating? Let me see."


"What the fuck?! Did your feet just turn into an erogenous zone or what?! It can\'t be!"

In the meantime, Rosa spat out all the tea that she had sipped in. Her eyes also went wide when she heard the husband\'s words.

There are a lot of fetishes in the vast world, so people getting off on the feet was plausible…

\'Husband, are you such a person? With such a woman, maybe you can get off on every part of her body… I wonder if you had such thoughts in your mind.\'

"Husband! Rub me harder! Ah! Ah! Ah! I want more! I want your cock!"

\'Hey, I am drinking tea here…Use mild terms, okay?\'

"I am not into that! Go sleep!"

\'Thank you, husband.\'

"Just once! Just once, husband! You might take a liking to it! Your wife\'s body is the treasure, every part should be felt-"

"Go sleep!"

"Husband! Husband! Husband!"


"Just once!"

Who is going to surrender first? It was the question Rosa mused as she drank her lightning tea. During her mission to protect Kyoya, she decided to kill her time to listen to him and to get to know him.

It turned out to be enjoyable and amusing to the point where Rosa wouldn\'t rebuke Kyoya for shouting as she drinks her tea. If it was Plutos for example, then once he shouted, his head would get smashed a few times by the sword\'s hilt!

The couple had argued for a long time before the unexpected event had stopped them. It was the opening of the small box that revealed the dice. This dice had piqued the interest of the husband, but there was no way for Kyoya to stand up from the carpet. His wife\'s claws had grasped his waist.

"Husband! I will be docile for a week if you let me try it!"

"Docile as if really docile? I wanted to go to the city on the second floor for sightseeing."

"Yes, I will be docile!"

They say that life is short, one should try out as much as possible…

But Kyoya\'s lifespan had already gotten prolonged…

So should he let her play with his manhood by using the feet… or not?

Should he follow the wise words?

\'Ah, that is the question…\'

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